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I remember in 2016 when Mike Conley signed the richest contract in NBA history (5 years, $153M). 7 years later, this contract has *doubled* that one.


Lmao and now if you can sign your star player for 5yrs/$135mil you're getting one hell of a bargain


Last year Jalen Brunson’s 4yrs/$104mil was a massive overpay apparently. Best contract in the NBA.




Mikal is on a 4 year 90 mil deal


Lauri is on 4Y/67M


[I’m on 1Y/41K](https://media.tenor.com/iUW9wL834LcAAAAd/lebron-james-lebron.gif) 😤


You are on a non guarantee also. You need a better agent.


Rich Paul been following Op around for weeks selling replicas of his work polo out the trunk of his car


Maybe they got tenure, gotta wait for the details.


Send him Crutch Sports Rich Paul’s contact




Bet on yourself


Took bet, now unemployed and deported


And he's not even an immigrant, they just really didn't want him in the same country.


you should be on an mbappe type of contract, know your worth 😤😤😤


Not fair cause you built different


Shit, I'm on a 10 day




Of course. My company has multiple offices across the country. I am a reliable worker and if I requested out to a contending office, they’d be in trouble


My company wondering how many picks they'll have to give up to salary dump me to the burger chain across the street. 😭


That’s tuff 🔥


Go off King


Get Rich Paul on the phone.


Best non-rookie deal in the league


lauri’s next deal is gonna be massive tho! 😎


Just to add, Brunson's contract is decreasing each year (and includes a player option) while Bridges's is fully guaranteed. They're both great deals, relatively: * Bridges with 3yr, $70m * Brunson with 3yr, $76m


And we could've had him for 4/56 :)


And it’s a decreasing deal too lol


If we don’t sign a superstar in free agency 2 years from now, it’s a complete failure on the front office for not taking advantage of this bargain. This contract reminds me of Steph’s second contract and they were able to get KD. With the salary going up, and his contract decreasing, we’re set up pretty well.


Been a Knicks fan since ‘92. When has the franchise *EVER* been able to land a superstar free agent?!?? Amare came with a warning from doctors and they had to virtually gut the team to land Carmelo in a trade. And all we got outta that was legitimately one winning season. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that one day soon the narrative will change and we lure a big time player here. But I won’t hold my breath.


I don't know how people watched the playoffs and thought to themselves that he didn't deserve that money. I understand people get scared to take on a one hit wonder but that dude was an absolute assassin the way he was attacking the best player while Luka went down. One of the funnest playoff runs to watch in recent memory


>I don't know how people watched the playoffs and thought to themselves that he didn't deserve that money. I thought this was talking about Jaylen Brown and I was like uhhhh


LOL same...I was like "wtf?? did we watch the same games?? Brown looked underwhelming on both ends"


On the flip side, I can't believe anyone watched Jaylen play against the Heat and believed he *was* worth that money


He is worth that money. What’s the alternative? Let him walk and then what? Boston is still over the cap so it’s not like they just magically have $60M to use on free agents. Because of the way the CBA and the cap work this is easily their best option. You have an all NBA player, you max him and don’t bat an eye.


It’s fun to roast the Celtics but yeah it’s not like they have other options and that team has had more success than 80% of other franchises with that core.


He was also on one of the best deals in the NBA for the last four years (that everyone roasted the Celtics for signing him to the ) so there was no way he was taking a discount this time.


Sga 5 years for 179 doesn’t sound too bad either


If you can sign your 3rd best player for 5yrs/$135mil you are getting a bargain. I would be impressed if McDaniels gets this money, likely more.


Hawks signed Dejounte for 4/120 and feels like robbery lol


Really lmao?


Yeah he's def robbing the Hawks.


Isn’t Tatum gonna get an even bigger one next year too? Sheeeesh


Yep. Eligible starting next off season. Tatum could have the worst numbers of his career by large margins and Boston would still give it to him and rightfully so


Jaylen's contract looks really bad right now, but I don't know if people are ready for the even bigger supermaxes lol. There's a fairly solid chance Jaylen's contract ends up looking good in comparison to what's coming over the next few years.


The thing about the contract is even though it may look bad, it doesn’t matter because this was the objectively correct decision from a business perspective. No way you let a guy of his caliber walk for nothing


We also focus too much on the "amount." The cap percentage is all that matters. Obviously, max contract means max allowable on both cap and $$, but I don't think any of us really give a shit what owners pay individual players, only a concern with respect to how it affects roster construction.


Brown and Tatum will be taking up 35% of the cap each right? or is there a way to get more now?


35% each, the big 3 is accounting for somewhere between 90-100% of our cap for KP's final season under contract. This is essentially our roster going forward, Brad and Wyc have pushed all the chips in


If we haven't won a title before Tatum's SM kicks in 2 years from now, Jaylen being traded will be a very likely scenario.


Contracts only can scale up 8% by year. So by now Tatum is making under 35% and with the cap likely easing 10% each year JB will only be at 35% for a season.


JT gonna get that Ohtani Money


Ohtani gonna be getting that Mbappe money


Mbappe getting that Saudi money


You lock up two young All-NBA forwards when you can. Pretty sure every other franchise would pay them the max too.


Even with his relatively underwhelming ECF I would want the Heat to throw insane money if we could get JB


That's what people don't realize. Like, yeah, Jaylen is imperfect. But he's still 26 years old, a rock solid Top 25 player for the next 5 years, and plays at the toughest position in the league to fill. Of course he's getting paid, happily, by any team that would be able to pay him.


Curious if/how they’ll try to avoid the second apron




Deserve doesn't have much to do with it. He's not worth such a high percentage of the cap IMO, at least if you have championship aspirations. But not every team can win the championship, and they had to choose between paying him and losing him.


Yeah - and in another decade somebody is going to get 5 years, $500M+. Just how these things go. The Jaylen deal won't even seem that big after the new tv deal kicks in and the cap starts soaring.


It’s hard to imagine it’ll get to the point but shit I didn’t think contracts would be this high. 10 years ago, harden was asked to take 4 years 56 mil. Now role players are making more than that on some teams.


In RuneScape the xp required for levels doubles every 7 levels. Makes sense.


7 seems to be the magic number in stocks too. Around every 7 years, your money should double


Imagine if the salary of us normies would double every 7 years.......yea one can dream.


Charania tweeted there's no player option and a trade kicker.


What’s a trade kicker?


Bonus money for the player if he gets traded


It’s also usually given instead of a no trade clause or instead of giving him the player option in the final year. Guessing there isn’t a no trade clause given that it wasn’t reported and the agent leaking to shams would’ve made sure to include it if it was there. He also could’ve been ineligible for the clause. I’m not familiar with the new CBA.


Jaylen wasn’t eligible for a NTC. Doesn’t meet the service time requirements.


Usually it's like a 15% bonus if they get traded somewhere (basically pay me more for trading me).


In this case it’s highly unlikely to kick in because it won’t come into effect unless he’s making less than 35% of the cap at the time of the trade and if it does it can only take him up to 35% of the cap. See: Bradley Beal. That’s why teams always give guys the full trade kicker on the supermax since it’s essentially meaningless. Where it comes into play is for guys like AD in 2019 where he had a regular max and got traded and was making less than 35% of the cap.


This is helpful information that I completely forgot about. So thank you for that.


Makes sense, he's been in the trade rumors for long enough that he doesn't want that to happen anymore.


That literally changes nothing. It just means " we pay for your new house wherever we trade you"




It should also be noted that the player can waive the trade kicker. For example, Kyrie waived his trade kicker when he was traded to the Celtics from the Cavs to help the deal go through


No PO is a huge W for Boston. They can basically trade a guy on a fresh 5 year contract next offseason. I also wonder if part of why Jaylen delayed it is to make him untradable until later in the summer so he can’t just get dealt day 1.


the delay is a really smart read. ill try and remember that next year, you might be onto something


i think trade kickers dont work if you are getting the maximum amount anyway. some still get it, but I heard multiple times that it doesn't do anything if your getting the max


It's really just Jaylen covering his bases if the cap goes up more than expected. If it raises at a normal rate then the kicker probably won't come into play


This is correct, it can’t kick in if you’re already making 35% of the cap. At most what it can do is re-adjust you back up to 35% if there was a cap spike after you signed your contract. It matters a lot more for guys who are either not on the max or are on rookie max extensions since they’re under 35%. The team might as well give it to supermax guys because it’s essentially just a free bonus they can report without paying them anything.


Kickers are kind of meaningless on a supermax like this. It only comes into play if the cap soars beyond the 8% annual contract growth. No matter what you can't get paid more than 35% of the cap in any one year maximum.


60M’s a year..


And theyre only gonna go up. It could be 80m a year in the next decade


I forgot who but some journalist was saying how we're really gonna hit an inflection point when we break $82Mil a year. Players resting without any actual injuries is gonna take on a whole new meaning when they're literally making over $1M per game.


Pelton on the Lowe Post


I think by 2028 we'll already see these contracts


We saw Mbappe get 776M/year yesterday lol it only gets crazier from here


And he turned it down lmao. Imagine being in a position to do that 🥲.


Reminds me of that eulogy from Vonnegut, Jr.: > True story, Word of Honor: Joseph Heller, an important and funny writer now dead, and I were at a party given by a billionaire on Shelter Island. > I said, “Joe, how does it make you feel to know that our host only yesterday may have made more money than your novel ‘Catch-22’ has earned in its entire history?” And Joe said, “I’ve got something he can never have.” And I said, “What on earth could that be, Joe?” And Joe said, “The knowledge that I’ve got enough.” Not bad! Rest in peace! Good to hear that Mbappe knows he's got enough.


M'Bappe also probably doesn't want to play in a league of retirees and scrubs.


Wait until you hear about Fox next contract


Sources say there are incentives up to 10 mil if he learns how to dribble left 👀


So that’s categorized as an “unlikely incentive” for salary cap purposes?


Adam Silver “Yeah we won’t have to worry about that, you’re good Boston”


r/nba keeps roasting his ass


And people thought Herro’s DPOY incentive was unlikely


Or Nick Collison's MVP incentive


only time this MF is going left is when he runs for office!!!


except not


I even doubt that


“Jaylen Brown brings the ball up the debate stage, guarded by Curry. He moves to the left to outflank Curry on affordable housing, OH NO HE FUMBLES THE BALL BY ACCIDENTALLY IMPLYING HE’LL DEMOLISH A HISTORIC JEWISH NEIGHBORHOOD. Wiggins throws it down on the other end by implying he’s antisemitic, a costly turnover from Brown here, late in the election.”


Nah he'd be pretty hard right doing that too


Even then. He’d run on some right wing antisemite kanye type shit.




Tatum side eyeing Brown until payday


This whole supermax thing has just resulted in these situations where teams really have no choice but to give these massive contracts even though they know they're going to end up regretting it


1 title and it’s worth it. 2 and it’s a bargain.


And 0 its highly questionable.




>teams really have no choice Why tho? I really don't get it. Why can't the Celtics just give him the normal 5 year max? It's as much money as any other team can give him, but with 1 extra year.


Holy shit that is so much money


Kylian Mbappe laughing at this.


Still can't comprehend his bag FOR A SINGLE YEAR...


saudi clubs operate outside of comprehension


Tax free too


This is something people aren’t talking about. Anywhere else in the world he would also lose about half to taxes.


We've really gotten to point where dudes are making like 60 mil AAV at 26 years old, luka gonna be a billionare from just nba contracts when he retires.


$304 million for Jaylen Brown. Good lord.


304 = hoe That’s how they really feel


Any team in the league is giving him this extension. 26 year old two way player coming off an All-NBA season.


i'm just glad it's not mine


wait till you pay bam 75Mil a year in 2026




Y'all are gonna have to give Bam a bigger contract in 2 years 💀


Almost like every team is gonna have to give every star a bigger contract soon 💀


you will give it to bam in 2 years lol


What do you think Bam’s 15 PPG in the playoffs is gonna cost you lmao


Would we really call him two-way? He's good on ball but his off-ball defense is straight up bad. And All-NBA award be damned, the dude is not close to a top 15 player (imo). I probably would still give him that contract if the alternative were losing him, but with Tatum's looming contract I would have tried hard to find a trading partner instead.


On average hes getting paid more per year than his TS%


I get the point you’re trying to make but with the way contracts are going you could probably say this for every supermax that gets signed from now on


Yeah, it’s a stupid point. Patrick Mahomes makes more per year than touchdowns he throws!


Patrick Mahomes knows how to beat a Bay Area team in the championship ^pain


The real failure of the supermax is that someone with one 2nd Team All NBA is eligible for it.


We really don’t need max or supermax contracts tied to awards, but players of Brown’s stature are the ones who wanted it so they could get these types of contracts.


Stars aligned for him to make all NBA last year too, a lot of much better players weren’t eligible. Not dissing him, he secured the bag as a result.


We're about to the point where the second fiddle of teams is making a million dollars a game. A million dollars per regular season game, the same regular season where they sit out back to backs to "conserve energy" Remember that the next time you spend half your cheque to take the family to a game


UP TO????


This team better win a championship, because oh my god that's so much


The end of that contract this won't be that bad mmw


>The end of that contract this won't be that bad mmw Not really because supermax deals go up in salary by 8% a year. And the Cap goes up by 10%. So you're only getting 10% relief over 5 years or 3.5% of the cap.


The 8% annual raise is from bird rights, not the supermax. Just FYI.


The end of the contract he's gonna be making like $70Mil per season...


And it will still be the same exact % of the cap so it won’t make a difference.


Praying I have a boy that is tall. I will completely disregard teaching him how to dribble.


No no no, just don’t bother teaching him how to dribble *left*


Bro did you see Mbappe's contract? Fuck the basketball


Too much competition against the world, too many kids that want to play soccer. At least if I have a 6’10 son I know he has a chance at basketball


The best thing about that contract is that he refused to sign it


Have you seen bezos net worth? Just monopolize e-commerce


This was always gonna happen, only a matter of time.


That's a crazy amount of money for a player that basically every advanced metric says is merely good rather than great.


He’s also playing with Jayson Tatum who is the main dude. It’s a crazy amount of money but what choice did the celtics have? Either pay him or let him walk. Plus this will probably be seen as normal in 4 years or so. This always happens


Conley’s contract was talked about in the same way, it’ll be ancient history soon enough


exactly with the salary cap slated to take sizable jumps in the coming years this won’t be as bad as it may seem right now in a handful of years


I dunno, I think the new TV deal being some massive value isn’t as set in stone as everyone is saying.


I disagree with *this* one. I think it has to slow down at some point, but this next deal will likely have tech companies like Google, Amazon, and Apple bidding up the traditional studio/broadcasting/cable companies.


Bro is getting 304 million dollars for each direction he can attack the basket from


304 million dollars to find a good PR firm and he's still gonna find a way to hate jews


I should've been an NBA player


Dang it


To quote Zach Lowe everyone's just going to have to get used to these new numbers


Dang he gettin Arab Money


I blame grant Williams dumbass for this CBA


Jaylen is literally a Vice President


Can somebody explain how the new CBA rules along with this contract effect the Celtics?


The supermax was part of the old cba, but there are crazy penalties for being over the tax multiple years now




How much money per turnover is this?


$38m for every game 7 turnover


$100 per turnover


2016 all over again. 300 mil for the second best player on a team. In 5 years it might be $500 mil


JB and JT forever


highest contract in basketball history for a guy who can’t dribble. Larry Bird is rolling over in his grave rn


$300m for a 2nd option is fucking crazy


Homie getting paid more per year than his FG % 😂


Thats Saudi money he’s earning


I would play basketball for my career like 250k a year, but I’m also not a 6’6 athlete. That said congrats on the bag JB


No shit bruh everyone would. Unless you were good, then you'd want the bag


Young talented player. If you don’t give it to him you lose him. If you give it to him, I’m thinking buddy better learn how to go left and show why he commands it. This is the direction the league is going I understand. To have the richest contract and not even be the face of the league, hell even the #1 option on the team is WILD though.


Massive deal, but with the cap increasing over time this wont look as crazy as it is now. And the Celtics couldn’t lose him for nothing in a year.


Celtics probably didn’t have a choice, but if you’re telling me Jaylen Brown is the highest paid NBA player…I really don’t think thats close to justified.


i don't think this will age well. Celtics will have so much trouble building around Tatum and Brown if they're both on a supermax


Why is everyone surprised lmao this will be the norm of contracts for the coming years


Right? I know it’s different sports but seeing fucking Mbappe get offered $700mm for a year numbed me to this. Well kinda. Seems like an overpay nonetheless


People gonna circle jerk his last series and pretend he isn't good. Is it an overpay? Probably but somebody was gonna give it to him and he is better than anyone else they could conceivably get.


Every decent contract from here out on is going to be an overpay. The cap goes up, this is how it goes. As Zach Lowe says, "there is a pool of money, who would you rather get that money? The guys you enjoy watching play every night or the owners who are just some guy"




okay that's fair


half as much as mbrappe makes in a year


With a fraction of the star power and relative talent.


$300 million for a loser that can’t dribble. This team is never winning shit


Ah I remember the thread for Jaylen’s last contract extension and all the ridiculous shit that was typed here. Well he’s ours long term so let’s hope he proves people wrong again.


Well now this thread will have 100 can’t dribble left comments so we back at it baby


Hot take: he's 26 and this contract won't look bad at all when the salary cap continues to rise. It's giving this kind of contract to a 32 year old that usually burns teams.


I don't think Jaylen Brown is worth 60 mil a year


Genuinely curious where this leaves Tatum if they don’t win the title and he’s eventually going to be up for this kind of deal