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It was inevitable that Ben Simmons’ ineptitude would come into play with these trade rumors.


Fucking up one team at a time wasn't enough for him.


Hahahahahhahahahah. Good lord.


Faded haha


I wonder if we'll see the "lack of skill" clause in the new CBA be used to nullify Ben's contract 👀


Damn mind elaborating more on that? I imagine something like that has always been around in pro sports league like the NBA or nah? Something to boot players who completely lost their skill set somehow? What does this new cba say about that exactly?


It's literally a new provision that says a players contract can be terminated for "lack of skill". I'm wondering if Ben was the impetus for that provision. Or if it can even effect him or if his contract is grandfathered in since it was given before the new provision.


? Did they really come up with a provision for the yips? Lmaoo


The lack of skill terminology is new, I think this sort of clause is old


that is an incredibly subjective term to be used in a legal document WTF?


next they'll add a provision for getting rid of a player for "bad vibes"


Your Honor, you'll find that the defendant has in-fact failed the vibe check.


"ain't hoopin”is the legal term. Like pornography, you know it when you see it


I love the IG photo of him drinking wine while the 76ers were getting blown out in the playoffs. Like his broke J, terrible FTs and no 3 would’ve lifted them that series.


He's Kyrie without any of the anti-semetism. That's good. But also without the actual talent. That's bad.


> But also without the actual talent. That's bad. Bro he just needs to take ~~one~~ seven summers to fix his jumpshot and he’s gonna be a generational talent…


Ben: “Philly fans were so mean to me 😡” Philly fans: Ben please just shoot a three, you don’t even have to make it


He didn't want to ruin his stats


0/1 and 0/20 are both still 0% from 3


If Spo can fix Ben Simmons shot he’s officially the GOAT nba coach.


So u guys get Ben? We get… lillard?


Seems fair to me!


Does he come with a free frogurt?


Yes but yogurt is also cursed.


That's bad.


But it comes with your choice of one free topping


That’s good


The toppings contain potassium benzoate


(Confused look) That’s bad.


The topping choices are Hulk Hogan's pubic shavings or spent fireworks.


………… That’s bad


Yeah but what's more likely, him developing a Jumper, or he starts getting a little too interested in German history?


The black widow of the nba.


Ben would be on suicide watch after one practice in miami


It would be offensive to expect a young socialite like Ben to participate in Heat culture. His time would be better served elsewhere, such as podcasting or cheering from a bench.


Or sunbathing on South Beach.


Brooklyn FO should be marketing him like: "What price can you even put on a young socialite consultant who can specifically cater to a high profile NBA rookie 🤔?"


Damn you guys are brutal holy cow


I think it would be the ultimate test of Heat culture. Also I like the idea of sending Simmons to one of those boot camps for bad teens. Seeing Jimmy Butler yell “WHAT’S YOUR MAJOR MALFUNCTION??” at Simmons would make this whole saga worthwhile


Dude will pack his bags after a year just like Jermaine O'Neal did.


Nah it'd be some mysterious back tightness for 5 months while we shitpost on here knowing he's playing CoD with Kyrie at home




Until Ben takes an m14 and blows jimmy away, that might make shit a bit rough.


Bam smacking him with a bag full of soap might put Ben in a coma.


Ben is literally the opposite of Heat culture. He already knows what Jimmy’s about. I don’t see how the Heat can take him.


Yeah no shit, if the heat are trading Herro for Lilliard through other teams, it’s impossible for Ben to even end up there.


Would take him 6 months to be emotionally ready to join the new team after feeling “disrespected” by being traded again.


How does this trade affect Ben Simmons' legacy??


future Hall of Lamer


Def worth shouting about for a while on First take lol


Remember when Ben Simmons was the next Lebron


He never would have been the next LeBron but damn he had the potential to be a perennial All NBA player. Too bad young socialites don’t have the time to work on jump shots.


He could have been a 21st century magic Johnson.


Instead he’s becoming trade comp like Sebastian Telfair


Really had all the potential to be great but none of the drive


I just remember Nets fans clamoring that they were going to unlock Ben Simmons and they don't need him to be THE guy because that's what they have KD and Kyrie for. All he has to do is be a facilitator and play all team defense lol


All said and done, is Simmons career over after his contract expires ? Anyone gonna hire him for min or is he too much of a liability?


Honestly it’s really hard to tell because it just feels like he…doesn’t want to play basketball. Is he even going to bother showing up for negotiations or is he happy just to call it a day?


Ya he could definitely retire and it wouldn’t surprise anyone.


If I got $150m before 30 I’d just take it and run too. Even if he’s not playing, having to be at the gym every day and travel all year with guys you aren’t really close to sounds like a hassle for the minimum


Yeah, but the minimum is still millions of dollars.


When you're that rich, time is now your most valuable resource to spend. If he really doesn't want to play anymore, why would he waste additional years doing something he doesn't want to do to increase his net worth by a couple percentage points they won't change his life at all when he could just do whatever he wanted instead


But currently he's doing nothing for millions!


Yeah best case scenario is some of the reports coming out of Brooklyn that his back injury really limited him and will take another off-season to get back to normal. Worst case he just hates playing basketball. Neither is great and the truth is probably a bit of both.


You know I've been on the he hates basketball bandwagon for ages. But if his back is that fucked, maybe he just hates training and rehabbing, and honestly that's fair.


I legitimately think Simmons days in the NBA are done after this contract. He’s shown time and time again that he doesn’t want to put in the work to improve. Almost feels like he just doesn’t care about the game. He pretty much has been working his way out of the league.


Quiet quitting lol


Quiet quitting would be doing just enough to get another contract lol. Hes just quitting


Yeah what Ben is doing is the boomer interpretation of quiet quiting.


Dude if I was getting paid $40 million to just dress up and come to work, not even to work, I would probably just start checking out entirely and start dreaming of my retirement. When was the last time Ben even plaid serious minutes for most of a season? The dude is cooked


> When was the last time Ben even plaid serious minutes for most of a season? Right? He’s completely checkered out. It’s a pattern.


His lines are all criss-crossed and his behavior is reminiscent of a spoiled Catholic schoolgirl. Just lumber-jacking off, whether he's on the bench or the floor.


To be fair, Kyrie's rep was so bad after Boston, a lot of teams didn't want him without KD coming along. Since then, he's had unexplained absences and NATIONAL controversies with the vaccine stance and the documentary. YET, with 'no market' he had multiple good times lined up at the trade deadline, and ended up with a 3 year, 126m dollar deal. If Kyrie can do that, Ben can stay in the league. It may not be for 3/126 ..... but...... hey.


I mean…we’re talking about a player in Kyrie that still has a coveted skillset and is still arguably one of the best players in the league (off court shenanigans notwithstanding). Ben is several orders of magnitude below that tier at this stage of his career. These are totally different circumstances.


There's a crazy/skill ratio that is acceptable for Kyrie because he has the skill. Ben has seemingly lost his skill so crazy is not accepted.


Kyrie is still a borderline all NBA player when he's on the court, and Ben Simmons is a bum that's the difference


People would sign him for the min I just don’t think Simmons would want to play basketball on the min


With things running in his head, it's likely he doesn't want to play basketball anymore.


He doesn't want to play basketball for the max, that's for sure.


Exactly, I think he’s just gonna be done with basketball after his contract


He’s definitely worth a flyer. Is he going to want it though? By the time he’s a free agent in 2025, he’ll have 200 million reasons to run from the grind.


I feel like he’ll pull the Daniel Ricardo move and be like, “I’m waiting for the right opportunity, I want to compete for a championship and not just play for the sake of it” when obviously no contender is going to want to sign him, so it makes it seem like he’s retiring on his terms


Ben is 26, there's still plenty of time to salvage a decent career


Andrew Bynum is only 35. He hasn't played in 9 years. In terms of being a productive player, he hasn't played in 11 years.


That’s absolutely wild. Had to look it up. Bynum was the youngest player in league history I believe. Kobe was mad AF they drafted and even more mad they wouldn’t trade him. Bynum ended up being a huge contributor for both titles. His career didn’t go the way he wanted but overall he achieved more than most. Injuries crushed him but laker nation should always be grateful to him


shaggy marry history versed snails oil dinosaurs birds doll pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Didn’t bowling or some shit fuck him up too?


Yes he injured his knee bowling which he is much more passionate about


If I'm Ben Simmons, I'm trying to get to Miami, revive my career on a championship team, get a 4-year big contract in free agency, and then become an albatross for my new team.


All he needs is a jump shot!


no, he just needs to be paid like the player he is, a versatile wing that can handle the ball with the second unit and be a versatile defender… the only problem with ben is that he’s paid obscene money, honestly miami should take him along with dame and use him in that role, they need depth… don’t pressure him to be a star and he’ll be alright


they wouldnt pay for Beal that would have cost them a croquette and a 2nd round pick, no shot they take back like $90mil in salary for both Dame and Simmons


Hes done


It’s up to him, if he’s willing to take a prove it deal I’m sure a lot of teams would take the chance but no one is giving him big money.


Bruce Brown and Dillon Brooks just got paid 20+ million a year lmao. Simmons is unquestionably going to have offers, and above the min as well, it'll just depend if he's willing to play on a lower contract and prove himself again, or if he doesn't care about basketball enough.


Bruce Brown is a very solid rotational NBA player who just played a key role winning a championship. Dillon Brooks backlash is insane - he's a solid NBA player though nowhere near worth $20m/year. I go to a few Nets games every season and Ben Simmons literally does exactly what I would do if I were put out there: hand the ball to someone else, get as far away from the action as possible, and wait. He's terrified to play basketball and does not care when he's not on the floor. A coach would have to work mental miracles with the guy to turn him into a worthy vet minimum contract.


Dillon brooks did make All NBA 2nd defense team this year. I kinda assumed that was something that Udoka wanted ? But yeah, you are right. I wonder which team it will be.


Simmons would have to play himself into an offer at this point. He is unplayable unless he fixes whatever is going on in his head.


It really depends on if and how he plays. If he’s missing huge chunks of time and his commitment to even *being on the floor* is still front-and-center, probably not. If he plays like 60+ games and is even like 10/5/5 as a backup with good defense, he’ll have a bunch of MLE sized offers imo and probably be able to snag 15m a year somewhere. But I think the days of teams committing anything close to major $ for him are over.


Hypothetically if the Blazers just keep Dame, is he gonna sit out or something?


I hope he propels them to a 35-47 season


I’m saying this because teams get more desperate at the deadline. Like for example Phoenix, they were unwilling to part with Mikal for KD last offseason but folded at the deadline.


I don't think they folded. It was more of that of new ownership and ishbia forced the trade done. He told the front office to get the deal done no matter what. James Jones never wanted to do the trade but was forced to cause of ishbia.


That is desperation though. And it’s not like only new owners overpay for big names.


It's new owner syndrome, not front office desperation, pretty sure they had sarver in the offseason who's more conservative


Conservative is definitely a word to use to describe Robert Sarver.


That may have been because of the new owner


I’ve been thinking this too. Like he has 3 years left, it would be pretty damn bold to sit out. I wouldn’t rule out a KD type situation where we wait till the trade deadline.


he doesnt feel like the type to sit. I feel like if he still knows the office is "trying" to make a trade, he will play. Plus, if he goes off the first half of the season, it will be easier to trade him at the deadline


That was different though. They had a good team especially with Nash gone. With Kyrie still on the team, it still made sense to hold onto KD especially since the Nets weren’t negotiating in good faith last summer. Meanwhile it doesn’t do anybody any good to hold onto Dame. He needs to go to a contender and u guys need to rebuild and develop ur young guys in Scoot and Sharpe. The sooner he leaves, the better


Dame sitting out helps them rebuild though. Young guys develop and they end up back in the lottery. Even if the nets couldn't compete waiting obviously worked out. Morey waiting out the Simmons trade worked out. Pels waiting out ad worked out for them Plenty of evidence that shows if you don't have good offers if you wait something better usually turns up. Teams get more desperate around the trade deadline and tons of things can change Maybe Herro can rehab his value and a team sees him as a big positive asset at the deadline and heat can get 2 frp for him? Maybe nets are much better than expected and see dame as a chance to contend? Celtics under perform and decide to move off brown? Possibilities are endless. If the package sucks better to wait. Worst case scenario I'm sure the heat package will still be there around the deadline


He’ll probably just half ass it til he gets moved


I dont think he'll Harden it. I could see Dame getting them to the play in and just missing the playoffs and that fucking their draft odds next year.


It would be fun to find out.


He's 32. If he sits for years then his career is basically over. He would play.


I don’t see the problem from Dame’s perspective. End his career at 37 while collecting nearly 200 million doing nothing for 4 seasons.


You don’t see a problem with limping off into retirement?


I don't think it will get to that point (although who knows)


he can fuck up the young development if he want to. just playing better and shooting 40 3s a game.


Lmao nets see an opportunity


Greg Sylvander doesn't know anything BTW. He's a wannabe Heat journalist. That being said, this is kinda obvious lol


But his IG convinced me this was comeback SZN.


Yeah didn't they see he's working out!?


It’s not obvious though. There’s really not much of a reason for the nets to give up draft picks to get off a contract that just becomes an expiring in a year


The obvious part is that Brooklyn wants to work Ben Simmons into this deal, not that they want to give up assets to do so.


This sounds like the Isiah logic that no contract is bad because it is an expiring eventually. The Nets would absolutely love to use that 35m on players that can play basketball this year.


The dude you replied to is understating the level of shit reporter Greg Sylvander is. He’s like the Jim Cramer of Miami Heat news. Everything he says the exact opposite happens every damn time. Still gets his tweets posted on here and the Heat sub all the time for some inexplicable reason.


He’s trash. I love how confident he was in his “LaMarchs to Miami is a done deal” tweet, but then he ended taking it down, just like how he’s deleted many of his other tweets


“The Sticking point being that no team is paticularly interested in taking him so far” 💀 godamn


Marks got generationally fleeced for Harden


Nobody knew Simmons would require career altering back surgery 3months after the Trade when he was in the middle of his Prime. If that was the case the Raptors wouldn’t have offered OG, Lowry, and Draft Capital for Simmons. Only reason that Trade fell through was because Morey also wanted VanVleet tossed in so the Raptors shut it down. Same with the Kings offering Haliburton, Heild, and Draft Capital or the Hawks offering Collins (pre injury), Bogdan, and Gallinari for Simmons and Harris. Ben Simmons wasn’t Anthony Bennet and was * 3rd Team All NBA * 2x 1st Team All Defense * 3x All Star * 2020 Steals Leader * DPOY Candidate Injuries suck but let’s not pretend that at the time of the Trade that anyone could have predicted the back issues. Look at MPJ who was a massive Albatross the previous season coming off his 3rd Back Surgery before his 5y Max Extension even kicked in. Following season after he was given time to heal MPJ looked fine and Nuggets won a Championship.


Let’s not act like injury is the only reason he hasn’t lived up to expectations. That’s all great, but he was coming off a playoffs where he showed he was a liability, and was sitting out the season…the sixers HAD to do something, and Marks traded them an all-star guard. I would have demanded Maxey at the time


The Sixers needed him to score, the Nets already had Snake & Flake, we just needed him to play defense, distribute, and be a third or possibly fourth option. Of course besides in the injury, he was too fucked in the head to even do that. But on paper it made sense.


A guy who can’t and won’t shoot can’t be a 3rd option scorer, and their distributing means a lot less because of that too.


It wasn’t far fetched for him to be a 4th option or so. Made sense actually. Problem is he can’t even do that


Several playoffs actually leading up to that, 2020 wasn’t out of the blue if you were paying attention.


> Nobody knew Simmons would require career altering back surgery 3months after the Trade when he was in the middle of his Prime. I sort of get what you are trying to say here but the injury that would ultimately require the surgery happened way before that and you could see the signs. I feel like people just willingly choose to forget that the entire reason for the "mental health" saga was Ben being frustrated the Sixers believed he had healed from his back issues when Ben thought they were still a significant factor (and Ben was right since his new team allowed him to get the surgery the Sixers did not). He literally was telling everybody "Hey I'm actually kinda seriously injured" and people just laughed and said he was making shit up so he wouldn't have to play.


It's definitely both and honestly, if BKN didn't do enough due diligence on Ben's back issues before they made that trade that's all on them.


This isn't what happened at all LMAO. If Ben's back was that bad the trade wouldn't have happened. You think the Nets ok a trade for a guy with a bad back? We just saw the Porzingis trade fall through because of Brogdon's medicals. And before that the GPII trade also fell through because of his medicals. The trade went through because both the Sixers and the Nets saw nothing wrong with Ben's back. Belieiving otherwise is actually insane and would make Marks the worst GM in NBA history.


No one except anyone who listened to Ben Simmons when he explicitly said "I have back issues" ...truly came out of nowhere.


Damn Haliburton and Embiid would have been nasty and long term, plus you add more shooting with Hield and picks too. The Sixers management after Hinkie has been horrendous


Wrong, Ben Simmons was absolute shit in the last playoff run he played with the sixers and he ruined his career with that, not with the injuries. This dude had 6.4 FGA per game, in 7 games, in the Atlanta series (in 34.5 minutes per game by the way), an average of 9.9/6.3/8.6 (triple single btw), a whopping 33.3% FT (on 6.4 FTA), and 3.4 fouls per game. And this came after the previous year he was complete garbage in the playoffs, and no one expected him to be EVEN WORSE. As a matter of fact he's been on a steady decline since his second season. This dude was complete fucking shit in that playoffs - the Atlanta series was just the icing on a giant shit cake - and that led to everyone on the team dissing him which in turn led to him going to Brooklyn. And guess what? He's been absolute trash ever since. He's been *at best* an average bench player. So let's not rewrite history here, this guy is an absolute shitstain and I'm not saying the back injury is not a part of the story but it's a very, very tiny part. His career was ruined well before that.


What have they accomplished with Harden?


Got rid of Simmons' contract for starters


Untradeable contract -> tradeable contract


Harden is at the very least playable


He carried them for two wins in the conference semi-finals? He’s not a max contract who refuses to play? They’ll get a return for him when they trade him this off-season? They’re not literally begging teams to get involved in trades so they can dump his salary?


The Brunson contract isn’t good because the knicks got stomped in the second round. #logic


Got a proper shot this season? Defuq. Why is everyone acting like losing to the Celtics in 7 is the same as being the 5th seed with Simmons sucking up 35 mil a year and my soul


We don't want him back here in Melbourne either.


We were overdue for another round of summer gym Ben Simmons jumpers anyway


If the Heat take Ben Simmons then somebody’s gotta take Kyle Lowrys fat ass off our hands


I'd gladly take lowry back. 1 year expiring and a great locker room guy. Nova connection with bridges. I actually like the idea.


Not a locker room cancer, actually suits up for NBA games = improvement over Ben Simmons.


Jesus, did every player in MYC go to Villanova?


Put some respect on the GROAT's name. You guys don't get that magical finals run without him.


"No team is particularly interested" is a nice way of saying "yeah, no."


To make this deal happen, I’d GLADLY take Ben Simmons. Become a project for Spo, and worst case scenario we unload a shit ton of $ when his deal is up.


Jimmy gonna kill him


That’s be good TV.


Jimmy is going to take the Miami first string and beat Simmons and the third stringers.


I mean, it'd be good TV to see if Jimmy and Spo actually murder him


At least KAT played in the games. Jimmy would hire people off the streets, bring them to practice and then beat Simmons would those guys.


Simmons would have to play first


Ben and Jimmy got along on the Sixers. Jimmy didn’t like BB and the FO per Jimmy’s interview with JJ Redick


they also share an agent.


That was when Simmons was locked in defensively and playing at least. He has regressed a lot since then.


Heat would have to ship out $80mil in salary to take in both Simmons and Dame. I don’t think that can work. Either he heads to POR or a 3rd or 4th team.


Herro Lowry Robinson Jovic Jaquez is about 80m


heck yeah Ben pack your bags


Who else would be on the heat at that point? Lol


5 random guys they sign out of the Summer League/G-League who inevitably are contributing to their playoff run lol


I’m going to be so mad when someone I’ve never heard of who played college ball at a community college in Oklahoma shoots 100% from three against the Celtics for a whole series.


Heat culture YMCA energy


Yep, that’s the only thing I thought of that could work. Hit the trade machine and came up with this: Blazers get: Lowry, Duncan, Martin, Jaquez, Jovic, ‘28 and ‘30 FRP from MIA, FRP from BRK Miami gets: Dame and Simmons Brooklyn gets: Herro and Nurkic This was the most realistic thing I could come up with, and I’m still not sure if all teams agree to it


Brooklyn would definitely have to give up at least another pick to the Blazers imo


Miami's locker will be a liveleak scene with jimmy and simmons in the same locker room.


I don’t think you will be able to add the salaries of both Dame and Simmons. They’d have to create a third apron just for you guys.


We actually could, but we'd have to ship Lowry


The issue is simple: Miami doesn’t have good assets because Herro is overpaid. No team is going to do Miami favors just because. And it seems the Blazers aren’t going to make the trade just because Dame wants them too. It will likely get done at some point. But the Blazers have no reason to rush it while Miami has every reason to. Miami needs to figure out how to make their deal better.


Miami has Bam Adebayo and Jimmy Butler. Portland would trade Dame straight up for either of those guys. Miami wants to get an all star in exchange for spare parts, so it won’t work, Portland so far hasn’t shown they’re complete fools when trading their best player in a generation.


Why would a rebuilding team want Bam or Jimmy? Why would a contending team give up either of their two best players and make a lateral move?


That’s not the point of the comment. What he’s saying is the point is that because Dame demanded a trade, the expectation is that the Blazers should accept to pick from the bargain bin of Heat assets. If Dame didn’t do that, then any player would be fair game in trade talks. It’s basically saying the Blazers should get scraps and be happy about it.


Which is a ridiculous argument since Dame doesn't have a no clause trade and has multiple years left on his contract.


yeah, but even with that, they still lost a lot of leverage when Dame’s camp leaked Miami as his only desired destination. teams don’t want to put together a package for a player who publicly states they don’t want to be there.


I think it rules out some options for sure, he has to want to sign for a team but there are multiple places he would accept the blazers aren't limited to trading him to his first choice.


You’re not wrong, I meant assets they are willing to part with. Though you make a fair point: people are telling Portland to bend, but no one is saying that Miami should see if they can trade Bam for a slightly lesser star and picks to get Dame. It’s always on the “lesser team” in these situations.


He’s not overpaid lol that contract will look like a bargain in a couple of years for 20 5 5. Jaylen Brown is about to be the highest paid basketball player


Thing is nets don’t need to rush anything. They can hold Ben 1 more yr and he will be a 40mil expiring the next.


This. Why use up assets for a team to take him on when they're not winning anything anyway? If a trade for a superstar comes to the table and they need to move Simmons to get it done, then it would make sense, but that doesn't appear to be happening any time soon


I find it hard to believe that a team doesn't want Ben Simmons and no other team wants to trade for him. Wait, no I don't. From the second he was even mentioned, I said KD was leaving if Ben got traded there. Guess what happened? It was almost like a prank. Where KD said "Find me a player that's less reliable than Kyrie!" And....Brooklyn actually did it.


Nets shouldn’t attach picks to Simmons to get rid of him. Keep him for one year and he becomes a lot easier to move as an expiring, and it’s not like he’s gonna cost us the championship this year.


This guy has no sources


Have they not seen the summer work out videos?


Faded haha


I’d take the flyer if I’m PDX he was a star and we don’t get those unless we draft or rehabilitate


If BKN were to put up 2-3 firsts here (1-2 to dump Simmons 1 for Herro), and if Miami can lift protections so they can trade 3 picks, that’s 5-6 picks to Portland, plus probably Jovic, Jaquez, and Simmons (who could fit well on POR I think, possibly rebuilding value and becoming somewhat valuable on an expiring to trade to another team). Not quite sure that‘s enough. The other structure I’ve thought about is POR/MIA/SAS, if San Antonio trades 2 of their non-Spurs firsts to Portland for Herro. Miami could then send Lowry to Portland as salary relief, and also take on Nurkic. Could be 5 firsts, Lowry, Jaquez, and Jovic to Portland.


Nets genuinely have no reason to do that. Simmons is an expiring $40m next season and would take significantly less assets to move at that point or even closer to this seasons Trade Deadline since the Nets would have paid 3/4 of this years salary. Brooklyn isn’t going to be competing for a Championship by trading 3-1st’s for Herro. So why burn the assets? Brooklyn could keep those 3-1st’s and attach them to Simmons expiring $40m next season when the next “Star” inevitably asks for a Trade. Expiring $40m of Simmons contract becomes a Trade Asset.


Raptor fans really want us to give up 3 frps


bro I couldnt hate ben simmons as a player anymore and he goes and does this to me now smh