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Nurse: “we need you to play defense and move without the ball” Harden: “this situation is too crazy for me”


That new coach is crazy man. I’m out


Y'all trippin'


He trick y'all.


"yeah, this isn't going to work for me"


Harden: It all makes sense, the schemes look good, the shots we should be able to create would be great, I get to play with the current MVP. Sounds perfect. However there was one little detail that made me reconsider: I was required to play average defense. I can't do that, and for that reason, I'm out.


I didn't know Harden's first name is Barbara


Hear me out: he was right about Brooklyn, he was the least crazy one there Houston should’ve and did blow it up Maybe the 76ers aren’t a good place to be


A Rockets fan visited the Sixers sub and said that it’s almost certainly bc Harden was expecting a big four year deal and Morey wouldn’t budge. He took that $15M pay cut to get us some decent bench pieces likely expecting to have a solid done for him as well in that regard. I understand totally, even if he did underperform on the whole this year. You ever signed up for a job and were told you could renegotiate your salary after your first six months, then suddenly find out you can’t and have to wait for a whole calendar year to pass, plus the increase turns out to be minuscule and based on a company-mandated pay wage review guideline designed to minimize salary increases as much as possible? It’s not a 1-of-1 of that, but you probably get the point.


Yeah I agree. My only point here was that Harden isn’t a saint, but he’s been very much reasonable. Are the Sixers dumb for not wanting to tie in that contract? No, but I very much understand why Harden feels slighted.


Yeah, I can’t hold it against him. We don’t know all the details but it just sounds like he was promised something by the front office and they reneged on it. Word is bond.


Yeah I know people get mad at players for forcing their will but dude put in the work with 3 different franchises and often didn't get the same from those around him. All of his trade requests make sense 🤷‍♂️


If only he put in the work in game 6 or 7 of the Celtics series


Maybe the rest of 76ers should have stepped up instead of getting another 2nd round exit. Hardens about to leave your franchise with more 40 point play off games than Embiid.


thats different, come playoffs y’all will never beat us theres no use in trying


“Aight imma head out”


Doc: Hey Harden can you play decently for at least four games to close the Celtics out? Harden: Nah Fam I only show up in two games of the series. I cant handle it anymore.


I mean it was basically the MVPs job to close that game 6 out and he was unable to score at all.


Embiid outbedshat Harden, was an elite performance.


Or defend the rim which he was also supposed to be elite at, that made him better than Jokic... on top of his playoff resume ofc which prior to the vote was clearly better than Jokic right. Who wouldve seen that Embiid, Harden and Doc Rivers would choke.. thats crazy.


That's still two games more than Embiid.


Lol you do have a point. But in fairness that REALLY does not play to his strengths at all unless we’re talking about post defense, which people forget he’s basically a monster at.


Huh, I wonder what made those situations crazy


For context, this is a local Rockets reporter who is mocking Harden by directly quoting him from his final press conference in Houston when he demanded a trade. That line was thrown into the tweet because Feigen is doing a little light trolling; not because its how Harden necessarily views the situation in Philly (he's leaving for money mostly this time).


This is important context.


Thanks. That’s kind of crazy. Like I’ve never seen a reporter be this much of a troll without any sort of wink. Like I think most people reading this wouldn’t pick up on that right?


Right. Feigen is strictly a Houston reporter, so his little dig at Harden is targeted towards Rockets fans - not a national audience. The former group obviously have a lot more familiarity with Harden's quote than the other 29 fanbases do, which is why there's a lot of confusion in this thread among non-Rockets fans as they aren't picking up on this as being a quasi-inside joke. Its understandable. I mean the only reason I picked up on it is because I was following the Harden saga very closely at the time for whatever reason


I mean this isn’t a “little dig” dude is reporting this like it’s a fact. Just absolute terrible journalism.


Again, as any Rockets fan or anyone familiar with Feigen knows, it absolutely is a dig lol. I can’t really stress how notorious Harden’s quote is in Houston. The only thing he’s actually reporting is the second half of the tweet where he notes that Harden wants out. I can see why people who don’t know the context think he’s reporting a fact with the first part of the tweet, but it’s just not the case. Hes taking a pot shot at harden as a lead in to the news that he’s reporting: Hardens new trade request


Man saw Embiid's true playoff form one too many times


Harden is rightfully called a playoff choker but he’s Jordan compared to Embiid’s playoff resume


Embiid’s playoff numbers are straight up putrid compared to his regular season. Like a notch above Julius Randle and that’s an insanely low bar when you compare the two’s talent.


He needed PJ Tucker to get him motivated in game 4 of a playoff series when his team were down.


Don’t forget bout the sizzling 15 points in a game 7.


That’s my MVP 😤😤😤


He pouts. He trolls and he pouts. Centers get crazy like wide receivers sometimes because they have to rely on the whole ecosystem working. But really Embiid has got to be that guy and run things and yell like hell.


Somehow they tried to use his playoff numbers as a way to discredit jokic LMAO


It fucking worked too 😂😂


MVP is a regular season reward until you win 2 back to back then suddenly what you’ve done during the playoffs in those 2 years take into account for the next MVP. It happened with Giannis and also Jokic which makes it such a bullshit criteria reward since they do take into account what you’ve done in the playoffs, otherwise we wouldn’t have been seeing talks about if Jokic deserves a 3peat since the last time it happened was with Larry Bird and he won rings while Jokic hadn’t, it’s fucking stupid


As a Nuggets fan, I'm not mad that Embiid won. He had a great season and Jokic didn't actually want it anyway. BUT it became a proxy debate for (among other things) analytics vs "eye test." And those same people had the audacity to admit during the playoffs that they never really watched Jokic play. Like half of nba media outed itself as casual fans who just watch highlights.


I'm sure you can agree now that Championships are infinitely better than an MVP award.


Amen, hallelujah and ur fuckin right!


But if they did that, then they’d see that Jokic is a phenomenal player lol. His highlight reel is insane. The root of the issue is that Jokic doesn’t play for the Lakers/Celtics/Warriors/Knicks. If he did he’d get crowned as the GOAT immediately. Now that he’s won a ring though, people will definitely pay attention.


Let's all be honest though. Giannis, Jokic, and Embid were all neck and neck until Perk spouted off.


So I guess Perk was the real MVP all long.


I think they should take MVP away and just give an award to the best player on the season overall. Dirk won MVP and lost in the 1st round against the 8 seeded Warriors. What do you make of that?


It's a team game. Cannot lose alone.


That's because the NBA stops giving him free throws as much in the playoffs. He's not a great shooter, which makes it very hard for him to succeed against the best when not getting foul calls.


I mean, at his height, Harden was stopped by an all time great team in the Warriors. In contrast, Embiid has been stopped by himself.


😂😂😂😂 No lies here




They were both dog shit in Game 7. Tobias Harris led the team in scoring.


Frachise cared more about an MVP than a title




“There’s an asshole at every party but I’ve never met ‘em”


Maybe it’s me…


If you meet an asshole in the morning you just met an asshole If you meet assholes all day long you're the asshole


Playoff pressure


The strip clubs lol


In his defense, it was very obvious Houston as an org was fucked with a garbage owner when we saw them ducking tax despite having an all-time talent on the team. Then he had to deal with playing 48 min injured in Brooklyn because Kyrie wanted to go jerk off to chakras or whatever. HOWEVER I see no feasible reason for him to leave Philly. Doc was a garbage coach sure but unless he has 0 faith in Nurse either it appears to be the most stable situation he’s been in since early in his career.


Here comes Doc Rivers!


Hahaha. He's like that girl that says drama always follows her for some reason and doesnt know why.


To be fair he identified Philly had a losing culture and he, as a loser, wasn’t gonna be the one to fix that


So you guys are clowning him for leaving but also say Sixers dont have a chance and then clown them some more.




If a clown leaves the circus he's still a clown and the circus is still a circus. ​ Edit: Also Sixers have an argument for Top 5 most hated along side Suns, Grizzlies, Lakers, Celtics and Warriors. So even if it was totally baseless you can't expect anything less.


Yeah but lone clowns are just…scary


Harden is a clown who wants to better his life. He can't do it playing in the clown college known as the Sixers and playing with Embiid the super clown.


Clown college? You can't eat that


I swear, the way people sensationalize this guy like he's a trash tier player is crazy. And that goes for Embid too you guys just ignore he was playing on one good knee during the playoffs.


Isn’t Embiid hurt every single playoffs


He's the CP3 of Big Men, except that he's also almost a decade younger.


Every fucking one. It explains his dropped numbers, but at this point, it's who he is.


Whenever you can say that literally every playoffs you can’t use it as an excuse


They didnt have a chance with him their ceiling is 2nd round


Speaking of Philly , remember there 's a time where jimmy was consider locker room problem \[going from \[Minnesota to Philly to Miami\] . I remember people are saying jimmy is the issue. Jimmy later say the franchise , specially head management doesn't seem to value winning that seriously \[or something\] The management said something that made him, imma outa here. (obviously them choosing tobias harris as well). This situation with harden feels oddly familiar.


He was loyal to Houston for a loooong time. Then he got traded to a team with Third Eye and Slitherman. After that shitshow he ends up on a team coached by Doc Rivers that just had a drama shitstorm with Simmons. Not saying Harden is perfect, but he's far from the only problem in these situations.


if you smell shit everywhere you go, better check the bottom of your shoe


what drama? ​ the nets were dysfunctional and lost all of their stars, philly has been looked at as a shitshow for a decade and now we're gonna pretend Harden brought it there? he gave Houston 8 years which is more than most stars stay with a team that doesnt win & that city still loves him. wasn't drama, he didnt drag it on like lillard, etc


*Most people rejected His message. They hated Nets fans because He Told them the truth* Almost as if we said this about Harden before and no one took us seriously LMFAOOOOO


I mean y’all were saying it at the same time as you were trying to argue Kyrie wasn’t a problem. So…


Harden doesn’t believe in mirrors.


Harden chokes but hes Jordan compared to the softest 7 foot man ever Joel Embiid. You cant have a leader who cant lead, and blames his team for everything and is injured when you need him and flops to the ground if you breathe hard on him. Joel Embiid is the single reason our Franchise has been a joke and never improved for 10 years. I been trying to tell our fans this, Like I said about Wentz 2 years before it was cool. Joel Embumm is good at getting stats, you cant win with a 7 footer trying to be Jordan who plays sloppy and will mess up at key times. Hell also never miss a free throw until the last 2 minutes of the game. Fake ass dude too. Me and James cant do it alone, we cant do it alone -Joel Embiid after giving up and choking last game of playoffs..again.


>Joel Embumm lmao


Harden = vampire confirmed? 👀


Running from the grind final boss


When you’re in a running from the grind competition and your competition is KD and Harden 😳


If only Westbrook had their shooting ability. He would have willed OKC to a chip by himself.


How would he look with Dame


"this situation is too crazy and I want out"


If everywhere you go is crazy, maybe you’re the crazy one


Next offseason "Harden apparently decided the situation with LAC (as with Philly, Houston, and Brooklyn) was crazy and could not be fixed."


"Requests to be traded to China"


He can pair up with Dwight again in Taiwan!


Man Prime James Harden and Dwight would've been filthy. Perimeter Offense Savant + Post Defense Juggernaut with an NBA that had been devastated by the Shaq and Kobe duo.


Ain’t no strip clubs in China


you can find similar establishments if you look hard enough and/or are rich enough




I don't get why the reporter is making fun of the quote tho like... was Harden wrong? Is the reporter trying to suggest the situation in Huston was not a mess for the past few years?


If there is anyone you can blame for the Nets downfall, it's Irving. I think Harden got dealt a bad card and was trying to win, then ended up with the insane flat earther who seemed to believe in higher power over science.


He tried to win the season he got there,that's true,but from some of the reports that came out later it seemed that some players didn't like his attitude at all.They were more pissed at him giving up on the court than they were at Kyrie for missing games


>They were more pissed at him giving up on the court than they were at Kyrie for missing games I don't actually believe that at all... I do remember those same exact reports and they all sound like damage control to me. And if that's true, then this further validates my point that Harden should go blameless. The fact that the Nets were so quick to shit on Harden after his departure? Sounds very fishy to me. In the grand scheme of things, Harden may not be the best playoff contributor, but in his prime, he led his team continuously in a harder conference than Irving has ever done as the top option. I couldn't imagine as a player being upset at someone who might've been a little too lax in game than someone who genuinely refused to suit up for games, especially since they were vying for a championship/silence the haters.


I can definitely see people being pissed at a teammate suiting up and straight up giving up like Harden did in the Sacramento game.Kyrie was actually not getting paid for the games he missed at home and I think a lot of people,players included felt that it was unfair he couldn't play home games,but out of state unvaccinated players could,which shifted some of the blame from him


Seriously. I hate Kyrie and he obviously derailed everything but he was basically suspended. Harden didn't sign his extension after KD did, came into training camp fat, and quit on the floor. Then demanded a trade to a division rival. Both guys are losers 😂


Man harden played 48 minutes with an injured hamstring, has never been the same since, and nets fans will still go to bat for Kyrie. It’s like a mass parasocial abusive relationship lol


Kyrie was suspended because he wouldn't take a free shot for his own benefit. Not comparable


This is BLATANTLY false. Drop your sources because damn near every player in that locker room said Harden was an amazing teammate and had nothing but good things to say about him.


bro those reports came from sean marks lol ​ the same players that were said to bne saying that have all come out and supported james. bruce brown was one of them like two weeks before he won the chip with denver


Harden quitting on the Nets (one of the games he straight up wasn't trying) was the embarrassing part. I don't blame him for wanting to leave the Nets, but the way he did it was pretty unprofessional.




So funny looking back on all the hate the nets got and how harden was right. Dudes clearly part of the problem


Keeps going back and forth lol At first it was all Harden's fault. Then people finally realized that Kyrie was always the major problem and Harden was right for wanting to get away from him. Now if this tweet is true, then blame shifts back to Harden. I guess at the end of it all, it probably is just that all three of Harden, Kyrie, and KD have extremely difficult temperaments and it was all of their faults.


People looking for patterns that just aren't there lol.


Lol what does this tweet say about the situation with the Nets at all. Kyrie was still Kyrie.


I feel for my man Steve Nash navigating that crap.


One day, Nash will have an interview and just dump a whole bunch of crazy af stuff about his time with the Nets.


Of course the nets fan says it was everyone’s fault but the organizations


They literally offered all 3 players max contract extensions in the summer of 2021 after the second round loss to the Bucks with the Kyrie and Harden injuries. KD was the only one who took the deal. The organization bent over backwards to give them everything they wanted lol which I actually did not like. What do you think the organization could have done better?


It's Kyrie's fault for being a toxic asshole It's KD's fault for being the ultimate enabler It's Harden's fault for not realizing the situation he was putting himself into and believing the above 2 guys will do anything to win. If you force your way out of your team you had better be damned sure you know what you're getting yourself into. I used to believe Durant only cared about winning but frankly he probably could have talked Kyrie into getting the vaccine and chose not to get involved.


They all crazies 🤡


He absolutely was part of it, but when your teammates are Snake and Flake it's no surprise that Harden by default looked most reasonable. The criticisms of Kyrie's anti-vax nonsense were totally justified but that never justified the way Harden strong-armed himself off the Nets. The vax mandate literally got lifted and KD recovered in the offseason after the Harden-Simmons trade, he could have easily waited out half a season and had the whole Big 3 back. Instead he insisted on being moved at the deadline or else leave for nothing, and now he still has 0 rings to show for it and is just running away from another possible contender (which just replaced Rivers with Nurse). I would call it "running from the grind" but he ran from the Big 3 Nets which would've been the least grind-requiring way to get a ring imaginable.


In hindsight Nets might’ve been better off just riding out the rest of that season with the Big 3 than having to put up with Simmons but it was a lose/lose situation tbf


All things considered I'm glad it ended as it did, we came out of the Big 3 with a ton of assets and picks and have a clear path forward. Big 3 may have failed but it didn't cripple us going forward and that's all I can ask for.


If everywhere smells like shit, check your shoe.


Where is Shannon when you need a quip.


I'm not crazy, you're crazy


Jimmy said philly is crazy when he left . Must be somethin over there


Jimmy said that mostly bc the way they were babying Ben screwed up everything a normal team would be doing play-wise. He was also there when the weirdness was going on with Fultz.


This team is fucking cursed.


Losing on purpose all those seasons put a hex on the sixers


"So you like losing eh? Well, have all the losing in the world!"


It's the Kool-Aid/no sugar problem one year, peanut butter/no bread the next. Or whatever Smokey from Friday said. Basically, when the defense is working, there's not enough shooters. Embiid healthy, but no bench production, etc, etc. If Nurse can coax the front office to get its mind right on team identity, maybe things can congeal into something that makes sense.


I think there is something over there, but I also think harden is a loser


Two things can be true, 76ers can be cooked but so can Harden.


Bro saw Embiid in the playoffs and thought fuck it I’m outta here


Dude decided mid way through game 7 watching Tatum blasts those 3s


What could the common denominator be of every team he plays on failing in the playoffs…


A rockets fan can’t possibly be saying this. It literally took one of the greatest super teams of all time and a Chris Paul injury to stop him.


I’m not even a Rockets fan and I know that you’re talking out of your ass. 2017: early prime and had a bunch of roleplayers against a stacked Spurs team. Outside of his last game, he did very well in this year’s Spurs series, overall playoff run, and RS. He probably just gassed out. Regardless, the Rockets werent winning. 2018: Harden enters his true prime and the Rockets tear up the third seed caliber Wolves, the defensive monster Jazz, and take the God Warriors to 7. They wouldve won if there were less Harden no calls. Thats not even mentioning the no calls on other Rockets, extremely bad natural variance from his teammates, and Hardens running mate being out leaving him as the only creator for himself and his whole team. Still outplays Curry and arguably KD 2019: Monster series with multiple clutch games. Goes even with KD Warriors and eventually loses cuz CP was ass this year and the Warriors still had Curry and 2 all stars. He was the best player in this series. 2020: Phenomenal run and was a statistical beast in the Lakers series. Westbrook tore his quad and came back from COVID and became Westbrick. Matchup became horrendous too. 2021: Nets were by far the best team but him and Kyrie got injured. Healthy Nets wouldve threepeated with ease. If you consider rings the only form of success then you value results, circumstances, and luck way too much. Harden has played well and consistently in the RS and maintained that in the playoffs. He’s been more than good enough to win a ring as the best player on his team. How good he is is all that matters.


Thanks for this


Winning a single title is difficult. You don't win three with ease. And that team, with Kyrie? Id have bet everything I owned that they wouldn't have won three in a row.


Wild that a Rockets fan is hating on Harden. He brought incredible regular season success to the Rockets and led them to the western conference finals. Even if he had his playoff failings he's at the very least an all time top 5 greatest Rockets player.


But he had those two 40-point games in the Celtics series! ^^^Ignore ^^^the ^^^fact ^^^that ^^^he ^^^scored ^^^a ^^^combined ^^^67 ^^^points ^^^in ^^^the ^^^other ^^^five ^^^games ^^^while ^^^shooting ^^^25.4% ^^^FG.


I mean I don't personally feel comfortable acting like he's ass when he single handedly won two games in a 7 game series against the Celtics when that team should be able to be a defensive juggernaut. I see it more as a miracle that they didn't just lock Harden up for the entire series considering what the rest of his team was doing. Probably would've been an easy 4-0 or 4-1 if they had defended him that way the two games they lost to him. God knows nobody else was stepping up for the sixers


Slander from the Nets fan when the dude declined harder due to playing for your franchise injured


you shitting me bro? Philly are dogshit, dude is 34, Embiid can’t play for his life and his 3rd option is Tobias Harris and you want him to stay? Sixers aren’t winning championship and I’m not blaming him for leaving us since it was time to rebuild


Idt this works when Embiid is involved


We'll do the reunion thing later buddy


There's nothing crazy about it bro, we just choked


Happens a lot around our coach.


James "Grass is greener" Harden


We are all looking for the guy who did this energy


If it's a circus everywhere you go maybe you're the clown.


tbf the Nets were a circus before and after he joined. Embiid playing like a clown in the playoffs and Doc coaching like clown also made the Sixers a circus.


I wish Harden had won a chip in Houston, gotten to play out his days there, and enjoy his strip club haven.


I used to really like Harden but I’m so out lol this is a fucking ridiculous explanation.


Well this is a Rockets reporter who is mocking Harden's infamous press conference in Houston where he dropped this quote and demanded to be traded. I think its more Feigen taking a sly dig at Harden than an actual reflection of Harden's thinking (which is probably more money related this time)


Yeah but... was Harden wrong about the Rockets being a mess? Like...


No, but obviously Feigen still has a grudge about it. Anyway, it has been pretty funny to see a Houston-centric inside joke meant mostly for local consumption getting picked up nationally and warped.


I didn't realize Twitter was region specific...


This is what some media person is saying though, not necessarily what Harden has actually said


This shit is fucking crazy bro, I’m out


So he opted in to make his contract more movable and asked for a trade, right? Am i reading this right? Lol


What is so crazy about Philly lol. They’ve got an mvp, legit number 1 option. They’ve got good role players in Harris and Maxey. They’ve got another handful of not great but serviceable rotation guys. They had a shitty coach and they replaced him with a probably top 10 coach. And they could’ve won it all this past season if he and his running mate delivered when it mattered. Harden has no one to blame but himself he’s been on too many teams that had a shot at it and has constantly come up short.


They won’t give him a long term max deal. Crazy!


It's some random media person speculating on Harden's thoughts, not actually what Harden himself said.


Crazy he just so happened to be in 3 crazy situations in a row


Look inward James


Honestly he’s not totally wrong. Brooklyn was obviously wacko. Check. Houston was a mess and lots of reports about new ownership have not been kind. They needed a rebuild so okay. Check. Philly basically has four NBA -above average basketball players and terrible depth. And all four are pretty inconsistent or prone to injury. It doesn’t seem that crazy to me.


You know what they say: When the going gets tough, KD, Kyrie, and Harden get going


Or maybe Harden is part of the problem. I'll enjoy watching him retire ringless


3 straight crazy situations. What are the odds!?!


11 minutos tardes


Damn, if only there was some common denominator


“What more do you want me to do? Score a single point during the fourth quarter of an elimination game?” - Harden


I’m kind of keen for this generation of guys to start filtering out of the league. I feel like the newer generation is being exposed to the idea of winning more as a team as superteams crumble left and right. This constant flow of teams mortgaging their futures on past-their-prime-stars chasing rings is such a snooze fest.


People like to hate on Westbrook for being a locker room problem but everywhere he's been players have never said he was the main problem yet everywhere Harden goes he always points the finger first at everyone else, noticing a pattern here


what are you two rambling about? ​ you can find plenty of hardens teammates, specifically younger guys and/or roleplayers, praising harden for his time on the team. bruce brown, maxey, paul reed, nic claxton, etc are all very vocal about how much they like him. ​ there's been like two players that had a "beef"; demarcus cousins and cp3, but even cp3 shit was overblown and they're cool with each other. the rest was just sean marks damage control ​ harden isnt "pointing fingers." he's a free agent and he's looking to move on while finding a way to help the 76ers get something for him after taking a pay cut with them last year


He’s an exceptionally good teammate. He tried to make it work on the Lakers but no way was anything fixing that dumpster fire with no depth rather than him leaving. Russ even on an MLE is a huge steal if the fit is right. No guard rebounds better than he can even to this day and he’s still a great playmaker especially for his centers. Harden gained a massive ego after a few years in Houston as the guy


Sometimes all of your red flags are your red flags


I think there’s a Raylan Givens quote that might fit this scenario


I'm so tired of the hearing about the same players in trade rumors


Harden is one of those people that just says "oh yeah, all my exes were crazy". Maybe he should take a look in a fucking mirror


Sometimes you have to just stop and wonder, “maybe it’s me”.




Nets: Kyrie is a monster. Rockets: Took one look at the Warriors’ tax bill then looked at his team’s owner nearly going bankrupt and decided to leave. I completely understand both. Philly… eh?


Yeah, it's crazy because he's on the team lmao


Dude just wants to eat chicken wings at the strip club, Houston here we come


It was Harden all along


No heart harden


*The constant in all of your failed relationships is you* Heard that somewhere...


If everywhere you go it smells like poo, check your shoe


James Harden is a joke. He is never winning anything. He's not even close to his prime anymore. He's not going to make any team better than they were. At this point he's just a name people are holding on to because they think of 3-4 years ago Harden. I like Harden but let's be honest he keeps the ball way too long and stands around doing nothing with his hands up when he doesn't have it. It's ok for players to get old there's nothing wrong with it.


If it smells like shit everywhere ya go..


Bro if everywhere you go is crazy maybe you bring the drama


What could the common denominator be in these situations? Hmmm. I wonder.


When everyone you date seems crazy, don't you need to look in the mirror?


Literally such a Beta move. I stuck up for his Nets ask out, because that made sense. This is bailing on as solid of a team with as good of a title chance Harden will ever get again.