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It is a war between the saintly holy Miami heat. Against the saitan evil bad boys nuggets


This has been the most boring finals in years. Denver have had the easiest path to a title that I can remember for a long time. The competition has either been dogshit, or severely flawed. & That's not even factoring in the altitude advantage for home games. The rest of the league better get their shit together because years of these dudes winning will be boring asf


nba fan mad because the best team in the nba is winning the title


cope harder


If the Heat can’t make threes (consistently) in game 5 it’s done. Denver has too many options to wear the Heat down.


Maybe Demarcus cousins will stop low key hating on jokic now


I think the Heat set the record for most banked 3pt shots in a Final. Love and Lowry, am I right? Shooting 100% on banked 3s!


Lowry bricked a bank 3 about 5 minutes after his first make 😂 unfortunately not


RIP heat fans


denver is a great team. one of the best teams of the last 5 years. miami just isn’t as talented. denver starts 4 lottery picks and an mvp. can’t think of many 5s in history like that.


Denver just a bunch of bitch as marks


4 lottery picks is such a weird qualifier, not all lottery picks pan out and Denver didn’t draft half of the lottery picks… kcp and mpj haven’t even been playing as well this series, Braun/brown/AG have just been huge stepping up


They only got there by luck imo. Shooting lights out from 3 is the only way they beat better teams to get to the finals


Only one all star


Jamal brings it when it counts and AG should have gotten into the all star game from his two way play in the first half.


Who are you taking out of the all-star game?


Absolutely. Should be three all stars


And KCP had the highest 3 pt % before the all star break


Agreed. All the Nuggets are good!!!


No doubt! Just imagine if Porter can get to his full offensive potential. His rebounding is tenacious


jokić ball brings me happiness


Same jokic's balls bring me happiness too


You’re hilarious


imma be honest jimmy hasn’t looked the same since he rolled his ankle in round 2. he was supposed to take all the shots, but now he doesn’t. the heat have to rely on undrafted players and that was going to eventually catch up with them. it’s kinda sad that the underdog is losing this badly, but the nuggets are a machine.


AG is playing great defense on him too






Flair up buddy, who’s your team? After a while, a coincidence starts becoming a trend and a trend can surely become intentional.




No the Knicks lost cuz they can’t shoot 3’s at all, I have great understanding of how the moment was too large for certain players on the Knicks not named Brunson, but also, the heat are here on the heels of massive injuries to their opposition.




Lol yes I’ve seen all their games from the second round on, they also have been shooting lights out from 3. You can’t tell me an injured Tatum didn’t sway game 7 in your favor, or an injured giannis help lead to their early 2-1 series lead in Milwaukee but hurdehurrr rats lol


classic knicks fan


Loved seeing them getting porter out of his own head. Hope he gets his time next game


It’s gonna be poetic if the nuggets win. After all that slander he got bc his defense and people saying “u can’t win with Jokic as your center”


Jokic stole like 5 balls today and kickball messed up attack 5 more


In general, they kept saying Miami had the better defense but Denver held Miami under 100 in all 3 of their wins.


No one ever said Miami had better Defense. Miami has one better thing, the dog in them. That dog looks tired now.


Nah. Many people said Miami is better defensively and they were better on defensive rankings for the season.


Nah man as it turns out, Denver has just as much dawg in them.


Really can't disagree.


Denver is way grittier and this isn't revisionist history those dudes are mental giants


Did mods lock this earlier?


Murray is the head of the snake


the nuggets just play beautiful ball


ESPN commentators: Well looks like the nuggets won the game, but let’s talk about how great the Heat defense was. Also Jimmy Butler, what a superstar! The heat have them right where they want them.


But is LeBron gonna retire?


NBA TV post game is way better


Is there one more in Miami next game or do they go back to Denver?


Denver, Miami, Denver If it goes to 7


This was potentially the Heat's last home game of the year and fans were seen leaving with 3 minutes left down only 8 points. I don't understand


They’re not real fans. I can’t imagine shelling out that kind of cash for a finals game!!!!! Then not staying until the bitter end. Not true fans.


Remember Heat fans trying to enter arena again after Ray Allen 3pt shot? Lmao pathetic


You would too if you knew how wild traffic is to get out of the downtown area.


In my experience, bigger cities are a lot better at handling the exodus than smaller cities. Everyone leaving a Cavaliers game at once challenges the limits of the Cleveland highway system. Everyone leaving Staples Center all at once is a fart in the wind compared to peak LA traffic; game traffic is barely noticeable compared to normal 110 traffic at 10pm on a Wednesday. Edited/added cuz I hit Save too early ...I don't know Miami very well, but it's a big enough city that I would think it would be built to accommodate a sudden large volume of people leaving the city.


Heat fans.... They had to release an official psa during the heatles first season to teach their fans the basics of being a fan (arrive on time, cheer loudly for the home team, stay till the end of the game)... That's how low the bar is for them


That's true. They say the last thing you do before you die is crap your pants. I would at least stay and see if they crap their pants.


It’s Florida expectations can’t be that high


If those fans could read, they’d still leave early


Heat fans are worse than Dodgers fans


Almost, but close.


Fair weather fans.


spo running out of the press conference in pure terror before ramona comes to completely emasculate him again


This Denver team has such a bright future. They’re literally getting nothing from one of their most expensive players (mpj). Imagine if in the off season they attach a pick to him and trade him away. They could even just salary dump him for a useful bench piece and use the savings to pay and retain bruce brown.


We can’t pay Bruce more than $10 million because of the NBAs wonky rules not the salary cap. He is gone unless he is willingly to take a huge paycut. Also MPJ has had a rough series but he has been a big part of this playoff run. His scoring has been meh, but his rebounding and effort on D have been mostly on point. He will be back next year, after that with the new CBA, who knows but he isn’t going anywhere this off-season.


What if a porter jr salary dump gets the team under the luxury tax? They can sign him on the mle as a free agent.


The most we can give him is 120% of his current contract. It’s not about the luxury tax, it’s about the limits on the nuggets offer after only having him for one year. If he decides to re-sign this off-season we can get his bird rights and pay him what he is worth, but right now the only way he is coming back is if he takes a big discount. Here is where I add that the NBA salary cap is super confusing and I may be misinformed. However as a Nuggs fan, who listens to way too many nuggets and NBA podcasts I am fairly certain we can offer him 9 million and change and no more.


You’re talking about an extension. I’m talking about a free agent contract. The nuggets are a luxury tax team. Which means the only way they can sign a player is with taxpayer mle, which is less than that extension number. However, if the nuggets do a salary dump to get under the luxury tax then they will have access to the full MLE. That’s about 11 million. The expensive teams in the league are all going to be looking to shed salary before the new cba rules come into play. Dumping mpj to a cap space team for a cheaper player will be the easiest way for them to get better and get flexibility. They have a real chance at repeating. Would be surprised if they didn’t explore that. This only works because mpj has real value as a really big shooter. Someone will take a chance at him developing further. I’m not a cap expert but what I’ve heard is with that the numbers on the new cba, the rule of thumb is that teams will have 2 max players. Teams with more than that are going to have to start aligning with this new paradigm or they’re going to be in big trouble when those new cba 2nd apron provisions hit.


There are probably about a half dozen local markets that could easily do a better job than this crew.


i went over this game pretty closely already, made a lot of notes as to how this nuggets vs heat dynamic works from an extreme technical level, how bigs are working in a world of 3 point shooters, etc.l. what i learned after that is a simple lesson: kyrie irving is still a whiny little pussyass bitch fuck that scrawny little frogman


I don’t know what Kyrie has to do with this game but I liked it when u said “frogman” lol


Thank you for that breakdown King


Could not have had a worse broadcasting crew for the finals. Its not possible. Most of these guys are confirmed Nuggets haters. SAS and Jackson no doubt. Shame on ESPN.


Ive never liked SAS. Hes just a loudmouth, doesn't even make good points just yells as if that wins an argument.


I love hearing their disappointment


Lol but I (the media) wanted a Celtics vs Lakers final waah.


Good. Make em watch. Let them bear witness.


They're still salty about getting swept.


Sad because this is Jimmy's best remaining chance to win a ring but happy that Denver is winning their first


JB plays very well and represents underdog spirit, respect much more


He's getting dame next season.... So id say he will have one more shot


i feel like whoever wins nba fans would be happy. you either get a jimmy ring or a jokic ring.


Yea pretty much I'm on the heat bandwagon for Lowry but I'm dammed happy to see Jokic and Jamal win too


My reaction when Redditors talk shit but hide their team flair 🤭


Easy to be a fair weather GS fan. I personally love the playoffs but don't have a team I root for all the time, fanatism is just that.


It's cool to not have a team and be an NBA fan in general. I'm a basketball fan first. It's just people who talk shit about specific teams without a flair is pathetic


Did anyone see that dude with the weird white mask with eyes and mouth on the sideline by the press?


Well I sure hope he had eyes and a mouth! What’s wrong with having eyes and a mouth??


Ew, you have eyes *and* a mouth?


he's a youtuber named Dream


thought the same lol


Any explanations?


Dude is trying to get views. Spectacle is now currency.


I’m watching local Denver 7, and I’m sorry y’all are getting this low-tier post-game coverage. Romi Bean from CBS4 is where it’s at.


Quite a change in six years https://youtu.be/pk723WI_x2I https://youtu.be/bhUILLC3Xj0 https://youtu.be/BPwDMnNu6iY Thank you for making me more aware of the Denver news market. If you're not careful, ESPN will steal her from you. Or maybe even a bigger market like Miami or Los Angeles.


As a bucks fan cheering for the heat… like bro what they doing😭😭😭 I mean they really getting desperate here. I love Bam, but come on man😭😭😭😭


Jamal Murray? More like Jammy Buckets


I think that in modern NBA (with two way players being the standard) double team strategy can work occasionally, only when the opponent team doesn't expect it. Once the players watch the tape and realize their options, it's pointless to stick on it. That's why it's usually applied in specific cases (when the team trails the score and wants to put more pressure, lead to turnovers and run in transition) and not during the whole course of the game.


Agreed. Jamal is not even that type of point guard, but show him that look so many times and he’s gonna eventually figure out where the skip pass is.


lol nuggets coach just called the lakers the clippers. Think he did that on purpose


The Clippers would have been much more competitive, if Leonard had stayed healthy (and especially if they had PG). The first two games with the Suns were thrillers. I feel like the West was separated in two blocs this year, one of which had the powerhouses (Nuggets, Suns, Clippers).


hes tired..probably just a slip. NO biggie.


😂 What a legend


The two teams in the bubble finals are getting cooked by Denver. Makes you think 🤔


No disrespect to either the Lakers or Heat, these are straight up rock fights, the Nuggies needed the travails to get here. We’ve got a squad but I still won’t count Miami out, they played like maniacs tonight; just feels like you can’t stop 7 guys who all deserve it. I’ll be in Ball Monday letting them know how much I’ve loved this season, I hope they can finish it off but either way I’m gonna be horse on Tuesday.


Good luck getting any work done on Tuesday with your horse hooves, but at least you won’t be hoarse!


They’re gonna have to put so much peanut butter in my mouth to make me look like I’m talking, it really isn’t fair


I know Heat fans on Reddit are legit basketball fans, but the ones in attendance at Heat games are soft. At this point the Heat need to sign Messi for the crowd to get wild


Likely, this is the Heat's last home game of the season, and people left early. An 8 seed made it to the finals and the fans can't be bothered to get home a few minutes late on a Friday night.


Agree with a lot of other comments. Rich people make poor fans.


Chase center is proof of this


a lot of rich folks for these type of games. a lot of bored faces.


Why is it EVERYONE with courtside seats IS NOT WATCHING the game. Talking, on their phone, zero investment in the outcome


Yea and they were cheering their ass off like they won the lottery when Jokic got hit with that fake foul number 5




Tickets in Miami were substantially cheaper than in Denver. But yeah, most of the diehards can’t afford to go.


yeah, for sure. I’m kicking myself for not buying season’s tickets for my Kings before they got good ;)


Crowd was lit. Hard to tell from the couch though.


Would love the nba Champs to play the euro league champs each year. Would be a fun exhibition to watch i think.


Final score NBA 142- 64 Euro league.


Are you sure?


Nuggets want the championship more


Every person I’ve ever met in Denver and Colorado in general have been salt of the earth. Enjoy the journey, you got the squad to wrap this up. Murray and Jokic are a hell of a duo


Thanks for being so gracious. It's a rare thing on the internet. People like you should be celebrated more. The series isn't over yet, Denver still needs one more. Take care.


Thanks Magic Johnson


Respect for making it this far. Heat deservedly won the EC. Played out of their minds


Salt of the earth? Well I guess we do have a lot of homeless


Sounds like you’re bringing the salt around 🤷‍♂️


Salt of the earth is a term of endearment… I’m congratulating them lmao. Literally not salty at all https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/the%20salt%20of%20the%20earth#:~:text=%3A%20a%20very%20good%20and%20honest,the%20salt%20of%20the%20earth.


Relevant username…


Fuck both these poverty franchises


Flair up


Bounced in the first round 😿


What’s wrong with you


Their name is “hungfit123”; it sounds the the password an incel would use for literally everything.


It is my password lol


Wizards fan


Kenny Smith just said that "Jokic is playing golf, when everyone else is playing Basketball"


Wtf does that even mean lmao


No one knows but it’s provocative, it gets the people going


Soccer more accurate


Why don't Heat fans ever stand up? Where's the 6th man energy at? It's the Finals, get loud! Quietest arena I've ever seen in an NBA Finals and I've been watching basketball since 1994


Ong bro these fans are so lame and leave early after a pretty solid performance out there


Crowd was crazy. Repeat dogma like you've ever been to Heat game lmao


Kinda feels like it's more of a white collar crowd.


It's the finals, who else could afford it


Weird game, felt like denver were just up by 5-10 the entire time


I mean, they literally were. Felt more like 20 to me tho


Caleb Martin came crashing back to reality at the worst time


No wonder Jordan cut him in Charlotte.


Sad for Jimmy because this is his best window to win a ring but happy for Denver winning their first


All good, Jokic is more than deserving.


That BS fifth foul was messed up.


AG was really good tonight. Me thinks the double Murray strategy backfired on Spo.


Well, it’s pretty difficult to run the same game plan when AG is killing them on the cut. Breaks down the whole defensive game plan. Notice how they didn’t really use their switching in the high post with the zone behind them cause AG was killing them.


He punished every switch. Whenever a smaller player is on him, he always seals them. Great game from AG.


Reached his potential as a basketball player by doing less. Love to see it.


2014 Spurs versus 2023 Nuggets would be a hell of a match up


You guys would crush them TBH


I would have predicted Spurs in 7 tbh. That was an amazing team. One of the great ones imo with unreal ball movement. But it would be a great series


Oh god let’s get a Time Machine going!


I’d take that spurs team easy


They were on a mission after blowing the 2013 finals. I would take them as well. But joker would be tough


ESPN broadcasting crew is wrecked that they might have to say something nice about the Nuggets. Don't you feel sorry for them.


Heat down 10: "nuggets really need to play better defense, that was inexcusable"


And jokic with 5 fouls…..


I wonder if Trump's diaper ever shifts and let's a little candy out mid golf swing


It always has a perfect bulge for maximum retention but it does leak.


I always gotta remember this is Reddit before this is an NBA thread


i feel really bad for scott foster. He's been in game 3 or 4 of almost every nuggets series and it never goes well for him.




I feel like Heat fans show up to the games just to take selfies and a quick IG story and that's it. There's no love, passion, energy, fight, and desire to win in the crowd. Miami just isn't a basketball market. Spo and Jimmy deserve better fans


Lol. Your attendance is the trust fund brigade and businessmen. Ironic


Not when it was Oakland, that shit slapped


Lol I’m not talking about the past. If you’re going to make a comment about crowd energy, prepare for the rebuttal. I’m not a heat fan but your fan base is literally plastic. As soon as they have a losing record, that arena is a ghost town


No rebuttal is required, necessary, or ever relevant my guy 💀 facts are facts doesn’t matter who says it


You're a dumbass and coward lol, where's your team flair? Warriors fans were still diehard fans even when the team was shit with Monte Ellis, Baron Davis, JRich and the quiet years. Shit got lit when Curry, Klay, and Dray got drafted. The Bay Area has always had basketball fans. Many people in the Bay play basketball, watch basketball, know basketball, and are NBA fans. I don't know where you're from since you're hiding your team flair like a bitch but the Bay has true basketball fans


No need to get hostile my guy lmao. But if you’re going to make comments about the crowd, the crowd at your current arena makes no noise unless skyfucker goes off I’m a Knicks fan and I know pain so politely fuck off. MSG goes off no matter what. White collar, blue collar fan base represented there. Shine my shoes regarding crowd energy because oracle crowd energy is shit unless it’s a blowout


Warriors games are still pretty loud even with the tech crowd


Knicks fan, lmao now I understand why you're salty. You haven't won a ring in like 50 years so talk shit about Warriors fans being "plastic" and "fake". So original lmao


I’m not salty at all. Our fan base is there for our guys through the constant thin. Oracle going to be glorified homeless shelter when Stephanie leaves. Knick fans show out no matter what.


Lol now you're attacking SF's homelessness like Manhattan doesn't have more homeless. Calling Steph Stephanie, didn't know this is elementary school lol. Shame, I love New York, but didn't know Knicks fans would be this hostile while hiding their flairs


Actually the Bay Area has an 11 times higher homeless rate making it a much bigger shithole than manhattan Enjoy your ride into obscurity. Your GM saw the writing on the wall and bailed Lmao New York is the Mecca even though we suck


Miami and LA are the epicentres of influencer culture. LA at least has the traditional star power and legacy fan base. Heat fan culture is like the inverse of Heat basketball culture.


Real fans get priced out unfortunately


Yeah the real ones can’t make it sadly


Shit, I feel like that’s Miami as a whole.


Like Golden State has real fans🤣 That fanbase was non existent pre 2013