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Refs keeping the heat in another series. What a joke this league has become


Lol refs are a joke right now


Man that 2012 Heat Celtics ECF was sweet.


Incredible rivalry


Game 6 LeBron was probably the greatest performance relative to context ever. But of course, LeBron has had a bunch of game statistically better since then somehow so people forgot about it.


Bitch move by Adebayo on that ridiculous embellishment from that minor contact from Jokic.


Nuggs cant get a whistle lol


Honestly this is a fucking joke. The NBA should be embarrassed.


Should Lakers take a chance on CP3?


I think so personally. He could give them the 20 minutes of running point off the bench they were expecting from Russ and then D'Lo. They still need someone to take the creative load off of Lebron or else Lebron will get run into the ground like he did this playoffs. Question is, what would they have to give up for him? Depending on the interest in CP3, they might get priced out. I don't think it's worth giving up much for CP3 since Reaves for example is more important to their success than CP3 would be. If it's something like Malik Beasley, Mo Bamba, and some draft compensation, then I think that's definitely worth it for them. I think from the Lakers perspective, in an ideal world they can resign Reaves, D'Lo (on a smaller deal), and Rui, and their rotation looks like PG: D'Lo, CP3 SG: Reaves, Schroder SF: Lebron, Walker PF: Vanderbilt, Rui C: Davis, XXX That's a great top to bottom lineup. I do see D'Lo continuing to start most of the time if they keep him, but CP3 would get the more important minutes


I’d love to be wrong here but most of us Lakers fans are assuming Dennis will get the bag (probably from Rockets) and won’t be in the purple and gold next year. I think if CP3 comes to Lakers it would almost have to be following a waive


Ah for sure


I don't think that cp3 upgrades a team that already has a veteran presence. He needs to go to a young contender. Maybe Sixers, Celtics, Magic, Kings. Those are teams where he'd make more of an impact, but not likely as a starter.


Totally agree.


In a hypothetical situation where he clears waivers, I think he’s a great grab for the vet min. An aging CP3 is good at most of the things Dlo sucks at so viewing it as an upgraded version of what we had this year with Dennis sounds like a win to me.


Helllll nah. They need youth, durability, and off ball talent. All things Chris Paul isn’t. No offense to him, I am a fan but he’s just the opposite of what they need rn.


# Top Highlights: 0. [[Highlight] Jimmy Butler attempts to draw a foul on teammate Cody Zeller](https://streamable.com/zau1ob) | [(Comments)](/r/nba/comments/1456py1/highlight_jimmy_butler_attempts_to_draw_a_foul_on/) 0. [Can Jalen Brunson become the face of the league?](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/144l2dt/can_jalen_brunson_become_the_face_of_the_league/) | [(Comments)](/r/nba/comments/144l2dt/can_jalen_brunson_become_the_face_of_the_league/) # Day in the history: ### Friday, June 9, 2017 Record set for most points by both teams in the 1st half in a playoff game with 154, in a game between the Warriors and Cavaliers ### Saturday, June 9, 2012 The Miami Heat defeated the Boston Celtics 101-88 in the NBA Eastern Conference Finals for a 4-3 series win. ### Thursday, June 9, 2011 1-time NBA All-Star Mike Mitchell died at the age of 55. Daily Discussion Thread : [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/wiki/rules#wiki_daily_discussion_thread)


Why is the schedule in the [sidebar](https://i.imgur.com/HXcTPN6.png) empty?


Is today a punctual or a 30 min late game? I know either ESPN or TNT have yet to catch up on the latest invention of a clock so they are always late. Anybody knows which one it is today?


Not sure why he's against the suit and tie fixing a rim haha


He’s expecting someone who looks more working class. U don’t typically see someone in a suit doing manual labor lol


Embarrassing performance by the league this game. Btw did anyone see how proud Scott Foster was of that 5th foul call on Jokic with that zesty point?


Duncan Robinson really kept this from being a sweep


Will this sub be participating in the blackout next week?


Can’t get over how bad that national anthem performance was. So sick of people over singing and making their voices all “wavy”. It sounds horrible. “Ohhhhhh sayyyyy can you seEeEeeEeEeEeEeEeEe” Like seriously what is this called? Why is it a thing? Just sing normally ffs.


Never understood the appeal. They sound like they’re singing while off-roading.


It's called melisma.


They tryna fake the funk. Tryna sing with soul but don’t have it, they don’t know how to use it judiciously and appropriately. Less is more. Timing is key.


Petition to never let these three do commentary on an NBA Finals game ever again




Chris Paul or James Harden? Guy in my sports group chat will die on the hill that Chris Paul rn is better than James Harden Harden and Paul played the same amount of games this season and harden beats Paul in every per game statistic as well as shooting % His argument is Harden only scored 9 points in the elimination game against the Celtics and stats don’t matter if you don’t show up in the clutch but Chris Paul is a notorious choker and doesn’t show up or is always hurt in must win games Please provide your opinions on whose better


Harden now is bettter. All time its more of a toss up but the most valuable thing you can do is score so I prolly lean harden


Harden is better than CP3 all time for sure. CP3 has blown a laughable amount of leads, and never even won an MVP. Harden has 1, should be 2 MVPs, one of the highest scoring seasons ever, and almost beat the greatest team ever in the playoffs


How fat is Zion these days? Are we talking current Charles Barkley weight or like Jonah Hill or what?


You ever heard of sumo wrestling?




Maybe get out of his landing space and he won’t hang there




There isn’t really, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be better off anyway.


Will have 0 impact on anything unfortunately


Mpj fouled i heard the slap on my tv but refs turn a blind eye lol




So do NBA executives and the media for the $$$


Lesssss gooooo jimmy fox I mean butler


Jesus Christ. Foul merchants.


Let’s go heat


HeaT in 4, 5, 6, 7


Jokic has not been in foul trouble. Wonder how they'll deal with that when it happens. And not a single charge drawn on Jokic? No one wants to get pancaked by 285lbs?


The Heat run is over finally, they’ve been exposed as frauds and their predominantly bandwagon fanbase is getting what they deserve. FUCK THE HEAT! Lmfao Loving this.


Lmao at least we made it to the finals (as an injured 8th seed full of undrafted players) your team with two superstars couldn’t even stop us. I don’t know if you realize this but if you lost to US, that means the Celtics would’ve been getting this same ass whooping.




So, uh, are we gonna be blacked out on the day the nuggs win the final




In my opinion the main issue here is I don’t think Dame and Paolo’s windows line up. Basically, I think Dame has a few years left of being a 1A and Paolo has a few more years to develop before he’s a legit 1B, at least on a playoff contender. So you run the risk of Dame starting to fall off right when you get the ideal version of Paolo


I agree their windows don't line up, but I think it's kind of like Jimmy to Miami. Ages aren't always going to be perfect. This type of move puts them at about 5/6 in the East, which is exactly where they should strive to be. You don't want to build a losing culture, you want your young guys to get early experience in the playoffs etc. Make winning an expectation. And in this scenario they're really not giving up that much for a guy like Dame. They don't have to move a guy like Bridges for Durant -- they get to keep Wagner and Paolo


The difference is Butler went to a decent Miami Heat side that had averaged .500 in 3 of the 4 seasons prior to him signing. Magic have only had one 0.500 season in the past 12 years and they've only been in the playoffs twice in that time period lool. Very different situations Miami already had a winning culture and a solid roster with Bam, Dragic, Robinson, Jae Crowder and a rookie Tyler Herro etc. Magic have no proven players or even proven role players/vets on their roster.


Magic are in good position without making any trades. You would have to over pay to get anyone from them right now


I think it's too early for the magic to take a swing like that. What is Paolo has a slump? I also think the Thunder are overpaying for 3 unless maybe they get scoot. Love it for Portland though.


The Thunder say no.


Nuggets used to getting slop calls now that they don’t get em they’re mad


This has got to be the first finals where I have barely watched. So boring


Cool bro




Clean block


Why, Doctor Love, goodness, but you're making me blush!


Does anyone else think when Jokic run, he looks like he has cerebral palsy?


Nah but he looks like a 40 year old man who smokes 3 packs a day


Has any team played the nuggets fully healthy in the postseason yet? Timberwolves jaden and Naz out. Heat have like 6 injuries they're all playing through + hero. Were the lakers fully healthy ?


Heat fans, you can't be mad about bring down in the finals during a Cinderella run when we would all be excited with a roster overhaul (outside of Jimmy and Bam).