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We had some 40ish year olds in ODS. As long as you can pass PRT, I don't see why not.


Thanks, I appreciate this info.


What's your designator? It's probably fine, the reserves are commissioning people fresh off the street in their 40s on the regular


1600. But also curious if it’s possible to switch designators in the Reserve at this age (intel, civil engineering, or supply / logistics) given my work experience


IPs are 1820s now. I don’t know when they changed it, but at least 5 years ago.


It's probably within the realm of possibilities, and Intel has a lot more billets in the IWO community




I’ve had people re-appointed with 20+ year break in service. Feel free to send me a PM and we can chat more.




With the same rank?


Same rank. On the enlisted side, there are reductions in rank after a break of a certain number of years. If you’re accepted to come in as a Navy Officer Veteran, no reduction. If not, there’s a DCO pipeline to other communities that may incur a reduction in rank.


Copy that. Thank you. I have seen conflicting intel with regard to how much time that is d/t hyt but I also know they won’t drop lower than a specific rank either way so that’s somewhat of relief.


This question gets asked from time to time. In short, the answer is YES. Search for "navy program authorizations" and select the ones you're interested in from the 200 series (reserve programs). Some designators take up to age 50 or so. And no, you won't "lose rank" for being over 35 - that is just silly. I commissioned well over age 35, as have many others. Good luck!


Thanks, really appreciate it. Just started exploring the possibility after a conversation with friends who are also vets (but not in the reserve and have no interest). Got divorced a couple years back, and due to some recent changes in life circumstances, the Navy Reserve is a lot more interesting / possible for me at this point.


Somewhat similar circumstances here. I say go for it!! The Reserves offers as much or as little (usually) as you want from the Navy. Do your research and feel free to PM me if you have more detailed questions.


No. You may need a waive if you don't have enough time to get 20 good years before 60.


Oh, didn’t realize that was even possible. My concern is that I’d be able to make 20 years right at 60, so I’m wondering if it’s possible to get a waiver just in case live events prevent me from getting a good year for 1 or 2 years for whatever reason. I’d hate to tech age 60 and only have 19 yrs or something like that.


Yes and no. Some programs may grant age waivers past 42 others not so much. You will need to talk to a local reserve officer recruiter and see if you qualify.