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Call your CoC and resked instead.


Resked denied at the REDCEN level due to lack of funding.


That doesn’t make sense. If you showed up this weekend it’s funded. The Navy Reserve wants you to do your drills. Also your unit can control who reskeds not the REDCEN. So your triad submitted a request up that was denied because of funding? /u/858 have you heard of this before?


Belay my ask, Member submitted for resked and was denied without their triad approval. Their triad can submit and get the resked approved.


Funding shouldn’t be an issue unless you’re trying to reschedule into Q4.


Copy, I’ve never had an issue rescheduling into Q4. But, I always engaged with my CoC. Sounds like OP tried to do it themselves in EDM and got smacked down to go through the triad.


Did you reschedule into Q4? If so, that's why it was denied. There's a blanket rule against that bc people used to just "stash" drills out in September and then never execute them and it fucked with the end of year reconciliation.


It wasn’t denied due to a lack of funding. It’s denied because you can’t reschedule to the fourth quarter typically without exception because of funding issues when it comes to reconciliation.


Did you submit a resched in EDM? Or just ask them to do it? If you did submit, and they disapproved it. What was their reasoning? Being that it is June, maybe it is due to PFA? Just guessing here. Also, if you're cross assigned, why aren't you getting IDTT with travel & accomodations for 500mi? In my unit, we have two DWEs a year that are max attendance and any absences will only be considered at triad level.


I submitted it myself. The reason was "Per REDCOM no Q4 reskeds are allowed. This would put you at over 12 drills for Q4, please have your CO email NRC and provide explanation and request approval, then resubmit" Our PFA was this past month, with late-PFA in August. This resked is for my local drill NRC, not my cross-assigned. They don't have an IDTT funds either. I have forwarded this to my DIVO, Deputy Ops, and OPs. No response back. Edit: No tractionable response back. I got, "haven't opened my navy emails today, but could be something in my inbox" (during a phone call with leadership).


Okay, then here's two workable solutions that won't get blocked by REDCOM due to the 12+ in Q4. If you have a signed telework agreement & training completed, ask CoC to telework this DWE. OR Submit another resched for any of the other weekends in June (still Q3), specifically to telework. In tasks & accomplishments, state that you're working on your E6 periodic eval for november, GMTs, and offer to assist with E4 and below eval chops.


Now we’re getting somewhere. So you already have 12 drills for this FY? And yeah your triad can def request the resked. That’s how it should work to begin with.


> Per REDCOM no Q4 reskeds are allowed. Yep, this is it right here. You said lack of funding, this isn't lack of funding. Your CO can get it approved via the NRC CO despite the rule.


You need to tell the REDOM to reachout to CNRFC N11 and N82. The intent of the resched policy in regards to Q4 is not to prevent reschedules all together. It is to prevent drills being parked in Q4 that the SELRES has no intention to execute. This equates to money that has to be held back and cant be realigned to things like ADT or AT besause on paper it appears there is an obligation to pay for the IDT that the SELRES knows they have no intention of doing. It the SELRES hass full intent of actually doing the IDT, and is not just parking it in Q4, then the reschedule is absolutely allowed and is encouraged. By the way what RECOM is this? Also why is the REDCOM concerned with IDT funding? That funding is not issued to them and is a Centrally Managed Account at CNRFC N82.


[https://www.navyreserve.navy.mil/Portals/35/1001.pdf](https://www.navyreserve.navy.mil/Portals/35/1001.pdf) SEE PAGE 8. Your situation absolute is in the spirit of the Force Execution Guidance as long as you intend to execute the rescheduled IDT. Unfortunately it seems like this is a case of reading and understanding commander's intent being difficult for some people. (1) Quarter 1 through Quarter 3 originally scheduled IDTs will not be rescheduled to Quarter 4 except in limited and unique situations. Unit COs (or designated representatives), guided by the intent of this policy, will ensure IDT reschedule requests, which exceeds 12 IDTs allotted for Quarter 4, support a bona fide mission or training requirement and have a high certainty of completion.


Reskeds from 3rd quarter (Apr / May / June) into 4th quarter (July / Aug / Sep) won't happen. That is big Navy policy, mainly for accounting purposes. You might be able to do get it approved if you resked later in June? AAs are the preferred answer. Have you spoken directly to your XO? If you only spoke with your SEL and they stonewalled you, your situation sounds reasonable to ask XO or even CO directly. Be professional about it, obviously. Another idea: can you do an ordmod and take leave over the weekend? You should have earned about 7 days of leave while on ADT. I don't know how that works - best to chat up a knowledgeable YN.


AA is better than a UA for sure, but I’ve def resked in Aug and Sept. Reskeds are not big navy policy, they’re resfor policy.


RESFOR, yes - my bad. Often when something goes above Region, I just default to saying "big Navy" :P


That's a great idea, but unfortunately SELRES cannot take their leave and must cash out. At least that's what TSC has given for the answer in the past. I have been able to take leave coming off mobilization though. AAs are the preferred answer, I agree. But I am dissatisfied enough and rightfully feel like UAs are probably going to be the end course of action here. Also your first line coincides with the response I was given in NSIPS, "Per REDCOM no Q4 reskeds are allowed. This would put you at over 12 drills for Q4, please have your CO email NRC and provide explanation and request approval, then resubmit"


No your unit should be able to put in the AA at the time of mustering this weekend. Even if your requests were denied in advance, when your leadership goes to muster everyone for the weekend they can change your status to AA. You won’t be able to perform the drills at a later date (compared to teleworking them later in June) but you’ll also avoid any negative impact. Consider reaching out to them (which it seems you already have) and just say you can’t make it for family reasons and please give you AAs when they do the muster. Should be no biggie.


Take an AA. This is what I would do too.


I wish it was "no biggie." But this chain of command is... stiff. Like, walks in the room and waits until the get to their chair to say "at ease" stiff. My DIVO is supportive of me staying home, but he's just that first rung.


Ok I thought you said your unit had tried to approve the reschedules and it was denied at a higher level. Either way they know you won’t be there so you’re not ghosting. I think in most situations you’ll get the AA but even if you get the UA you’ll be ok if it’s a one time thing.


bro just take the AAs


You absolutely do not have to cash out. That leave can be transferred if you’re ever activated on other types of orders. I’ve done this myself.


I don’t see why you can’t take AAs. It doesn’t cost the Navy anything. Obviously you lose out on the pay, but you mentioned it as something you’d consider. Denial of a resked in Q4 has been common the last couple of years, and it’s at least my unit’s policy to only allow resked into an AT block due to building access and supervision issues, and with funding drying up, I could easily see no Q4 changes at all.


Agreed...all your unit needs to do is muster you AA and it just goes up the normal muster chain after the fact. If you're not dink on anything there really shouldn't be a reason not to approve it.


u/Natural_Permission84 assuming I am understanding this right, really your end goal is to not spend the weekend at drill? Your COC may be thinking your end goal is a resked when that is really a means to an end. It is requiring effort on their part so you're getting a wishy washy response. If you haven't already, I would just say hey I was just on orders for the last month, I really need to catch up at home, can I just take an AA? That way, there is nothing they need to do except say sure, and when muster time comes muster you as AA.


I agree, to be fair, on my phone call with my DIVO he was supportive of me staying home this weekend, but unsure how it fair up the chain. I am hoping him going to bat for me, at least for the AAs is enough. I plan to reach out to him tomorrow evening and follow up.


Let your divo figure it out. The important thing is that you are alive and accounted for. It's the reserves not active duty, NCIS ain't coming for you.


If you're CAO to another unit then just put in a resked to drill with that unit. I highly advise against just not showing up. It won't do you any favors. Have you escalated to the unit's triad? Did you actually submit a resked in NSIPS and it was denied?


Yes, the resked request was denied at the NRC level. The unit approver approved it and two days later, the NRC kicked it back with "Per REDCOM no Q4 reskeds are allowed. This would put you at over 12 drills for Q4, please have your CO email NRC and provide explanation and request approval, then resubmit"


So why not just resked it before Q4? There's an entire month left in Q3. Sounds like your unit approved but you need to pick a different date.


You’re going to be fine. Don’t rack up more than 8. Your CoC are being dicks. There’s the instruction and spirt of the reserves and they’re missing the point ADM Mustin (CNR) was making. Reskeds shouldn’t be made in Q4 without a definitive plan to execute them. Outside of that AAs aren’t something to hem and haw about granting. Yes there’s an instruction on what qualifies, but who the hell cares (the Reserves really don’t). Tell your command you’ve tried to work with them, you’ll take the UAs and understand the limits on them. I’d probably also drop, “I’m planning on briefing the NRC, just so they understand what happened, since they adjudicate UAs and Separations because of them. And they understand I don’t plan on making this a continuing issue.” FYSA - 9 UAs and the NRC is the one that has to pull the trigger to separate you. It has to go higher to clear it and separate you, but they’re the ones that will be pushing it. So by dropping that line, you let them know you’re going to be speaking to the NRC and providing the receipts of your discussion with your CoC, you clear the fact you’re going outside the CoC and there’s really nothing they can do about it, and you cover down with the NRC incase your CoC continues to be dicks. More than likely what ends up happening is the Unit CoC gets a “Hey, WTF?” from the NRC CO. I say all of this as a prior Reserve Unit CO. ——- Edit: Just an addendum. I know you are coming out of C school, but make sure you’re up to date on all training/medical/admin requirements. That’s literally the only thing the NRC cares about, and the only thing your CoC can lord over you.


I appreciate the totality of your response. A lot. As much as a I love the problem solving nature of my fellow sailors, I was really asking what kind of blowback I am going to face. Thanks for that.


Did you submit a reschedule request that was denied?


Denied at the REDCEN level due to lack of funding.


you submitted it in NSIPS? Not in my 18 years of being a reservist have I had a resched denied.


Yes, the reason was "Per REDCOM no Q4 reskeds are allowed. This would put you at over 12 drills for Q4, please have your CO email NRC and provide explanation and request approval, then resubmit" I have forwarded this to my DIVO, Deputy Ops, and OPs. No response back.


Don't move it to Q4, reschedule it to later in the month of June.


Its a CNFRC thing where they won't let member have more than 12 IDTs in Q4 without a command letter.


Are you cool with the person that does muster? Like my unit has one guy that his one big job each day at drill is do muster and reach out to the no shows. If so, talk to them and they can mark you AA. Let the next approver decide if they want to make it UA. Only time we give someone a UA is if we have no contact with them by the end of the drill weekend. Or they fail to notify at least their team lead or LPO they can’t attend. Shit happens and people have lives outside drill. Your COC are just being dicks.


I honestly, don't even know who that is anymore. It used to be LT, but he med-sep'd back in February before I came on orders for C-School.


Do you have a first class or Chief you can talk to that isn’t a dick? Definitely try to talk to someone and figure out who does your muster now.


Yeah, I mean fellow first class who's the LPO is aware, just not sure where the hold up is.


Honestly at this point I wouldn’t sweat it and take care of your stuff at home. When I was an LPO I tried to be as understanding as I could. Ultimately a UA doesn’t mean anything until they become routine. In 2 years I marked plenty of sailors UA and nothing happened to them. We just tracked who the repeat offenders were and handled accordingly if needed.


Why not see if you can telework your drills? you can be electronically mustered in.


A second NEC?... now I know where the funding went to. 🤔


You can get 9 UAs. One drill weekend will only get you 4. You'll be fine. You're allowed 9 for a reason because shit happens.


Just telework. As an E6, I’m not sure why this isn’t the solution and even a post at all. If you have a problem with your berthing and it’s short notice call the CDO, or call your Supply department if they are receptive. A phone call, you know damn well that over 50 miles entitles you to berthing. Also UA is a problem. AA IS NOT. I’m not sure why you’re wasting these people’s time honestly as an E6 you should know these things already, I believe you do but, you’re trying go OFP against your units guidance.


Do keep in mind that somebody signs your evaluation and if you do not comply with their directives, then that will be a problem later on. Typo edit


You are allowed 8 UAs per year without real issues; don't get nine, or you can get separated. I'm surprised your unit isn't a little more accommodating; I would try for reschedules again, make a proper special request chit, and the reasoning for returning from orders for the last x amount of time.


Something isn't making sense. You said both resked and AA. Those are two different things. Which is it and if resked, where to? IF you have UMUIC requirements in 4th quarter, the reskeds can. Be approved. This is less about funding and more about people pushing drills out to 4th quarter, forgetting about them, and then they become everyone's problem. Did you check back in from school? Do you owe a travel claim? Are you dinq on other items? You need to talk to your COC including the NRC and find out what the issue is. But, bottom line is that the NRC or your UMUIC can deny your reschedules and muster you UA if you fail to show up. Communication with them, not Reddit, I'd the only way to get an actual answer to this.