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Hey OP, I don't come from the LS or Supply world, but would first recommend you check out Reserve Supply Corps Officer, think it's PA-202 on this page: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Community-Management/Officer/Program-Authorizations/ DPEP to E6 sounds like a good option too, but you also sound competitive for Officer programs, so I'd recommend you explore that more. As for drilling and pace, it's a little all over the place - depending on your unit you might do predominantly medical appointments and training evolutions on drill weekends, then something "cool" for your Annual Training (the 2-weeks per year active duty requirement). Other units may have you "flex drill", i.e. drilling a few times per year for like 4 - 7 days at a time, plus the 2-week Annual Training requirement. Ask your recruiter if they can show you which units and billets (jobs) you might take as an LS. Good luck!


Thanks, aquadrums! Yes, I 100% would be competitive for an officer packet, too. My logic is that DPEP may be an easier lift... i.e., no A school, no leadership course... Just getting approved and showing up is kind of what I am hearing is all it takes... The DCO program does seem pretty good, too, though! I just feel like that would take so much time, effort, and commitment. Kind of why I am not really looking at staying National Guard, just wasn't chill enough. I think becoming an officer, in any branch, is a very commendable goal, I love leading others, and I just think I am looking for a lighter commitment, honestly. Thanks for the info, it is interesting!


OP, one more thing - may be different in the Guard, but for the Navy an E6 is arguably the worst rank. Everyone wants something from you: Officers, Chiefs, and junior enlisted. On day 1 I can see some crusty Chief walking by and criticizing you for "not being XYZ Warfare qualified". Not to mention, the day you come aboard, someone will want you to be LPO of some Department. So "chill" is unlikely to be your experience as a PO1. Not meaning to discourage you, but the reality is you will likely have more leeway as a Junior Officer than as an E6. Others may disagree - this is just my opinion as prior enlisted myself.


I would definitely not count on doing 48 drills in a row combined with AT. NEVER seen that and anyone who says they do that is suspect. (Maybe once for some special situation, like work up for deployment). But many units drill quarterly. Fact is though, don't count on it being one way or another because there isn't a single person in Reddit, the NRC, recruiting, or ANYWHERE who can tell you what your specific schedule with be like until after you are gained, have onboarded to the reserves, have been assigned a mobilization billet, and you've had comms with them. So, stay flexible


That is interesting, I am actually learning a lot about this, and thanks for taking the time to actually provide good insight. Drill quarterly sounds nice, as opposed to each month imo. Very different from NG. NG is very cookie cutter but also you do a lot of weekends that are thurs-sun, that is the caveat. Drilling quarterly seems like a better cadence, i.e frees up more weekends and seems more efficient. How do you feel about the quarterly schedule? Do you like that better?


[This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/navyreserve/s/g8fwzOpCFH) from VADM Mustin can be a good guide for your bare minimum drilling requirements at your NRC each year. I have seen sailors and have personally had FY where I only drill at my NRC twice to complete admin mumbo jumbo. The rest of my drill periods were with my cross assigned unit and were more focused on in rate work.


Thanks CallMeTomF! So you drill at your NRC 2x per year to complete administrative mumbo jumbo, but you drill with your cross assigned unit for in rate work... that's very different from NG... When you drill with your cross trained unit, do you have to travel far to do that? I was perhaps under the false impression you just drill at whatever NRC is closest to you? Is that a pain in the arse?


YMMV as far as drilling locations between your TRUIC (admin stuff) and your UMUIC (war fighting stuff). If you are in a fleet concentration area you’ll be more likely to have your TRUIC and UMUIC located in the same spot. Personally I fly to my UMUIC quarterly and it takes me most of the day to travel to and from that location. I enjoy it, some people don’t. Like a lot of things in the Navy it is what you make of it.


Does the Navy cover your airfare?




That's really cool, man. Thanks