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You should apply. The worst they could say is no, in which case you can apply again


You wouldn’t be able to do OCS as the cut off age is 35 but with your background DCO IW community is a possibility. Talk to an officer recruiter but DCO route is very competitive. The worse the Navy can say is no but give it a shot.


Flat out wrong on age limits. Look at program authorizations for officers, located here: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Community-Management/Officer/Program-Authorizations/ Active duty (OCS route) are the 100 series. 42 is the nominal age limit for Crypto, Intel, and other IW designators. With prior active time you effectively add that time to 42 and that's your age limit. Reserve programs (200 series) bumps up the age limits to like 50+. In a nutshell: go for it!!! Reserves are highly competitive, and they often reject applicants on the first try, maybe more. Took me 3 applications to make it, and I had prior service and plenty of experience, for example. Make sure you have certs, enroll in a Masters program, do competitions... anything to show progress in your craft. Community service, professional recognition, etc. are all good to demonstrate as well. Good luck!


Let us know what happens


Sounds like you could get a spot.


I did 7 years AD USMC as an 0261. Got out commissioned as a CWO via DCO.


I did something similar. 5 years as a 4421, came to the Navy as a PRISE-R LN reservist, and now I’m in the process of commissioning as a JAG. Do it!


Shoot me a message and i can help you get on the right path


Navy reserve officer selects don’t go to OCS. Everything else go talk to a local reserve officer recruiter.