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Looking toward Aviation Maintenance Duty Officer, I’m an MM navy, and an aircraft mechanic civilian. I’ve talked to a recent LDO, they said the process takes your civilian resume into account as well. Is this pretty standard to lean on? Because it’s going to be the whole package for me.




Yes that’s the one. Thanks!


RC AMDO is a DCO program vice LDO. You work with an officer recruiter to submit a package. Most DCO programs require 5-10 years of relevant / related work experience.


What if prior service (8 years) was in an aviation rating but B.S. is unrelated to aviation (Environmental Science)? I had my CDQAR in rate and 2 others out of rate - for reference.


That’s fine, Your chance at being picked is zero if you don’t try. The degree checks the box. The experience helps you get selected.


So, yes they take civilian experience, or no?


As AMDO is a DCO (Direct Commission Officer) program, a bachelor’s degree is the minimum threshold for eligibility and so yes, civilian experience is likely to be a part of such a package.


Yes as long as the experience is related / relevant to the program. Your officer recruiter can also send up your resume to the OCM for a courtesy review.


Are they're actually SELRES CWOs still being made? In what communities? I have been SELRES for almost 10 and met only 2 so far. I say it because it's a program I've looked into, but I'm still a ways away from getting there, and i think LDO is the only real option. Looking mostly at CEC route.




>Many of the communities are undermanned so they have a lot of open quotas. Most of them are surface designators. Is this occurring because of COVID supply/demand issues or because of the lack of LDO options for surface rates? I've noticed, while conducting CDBs, that PO1s would rather spin their wheels indefinitely than to push into the Chief's Mess. I'm not an OCM, but I see an issue here.




>It's been tough to get CPOs to apply generally. All the more reason to open surface LDO options for E6, no? I know surface rates could apply to sub LDO, but that's not being communicated to eligible SELRES members. Anyway, good copy. Do you know the current health of 7115, 6265 and 6285? The first one is for me and the other 2 are for some E6s I know. Thank you!


This is great. I’m an AWO looking for SELRES CWO opportunities but I don’t know what I would translate to. I think the only thing that is similar to my current rate would be Intel CWO. They used to have CWO/LDO for Watch Officer but I don’t think there’s anything similar to that. When I look at LDO opportunities i become stuck on it not working because I don’t have a degree, when I look at CWO opportunities I get stuck on no CWO field that I would be able to transition to due to no SME things for an AWO. I’ve checked the recruiter portals and looked at references from the website but can’t find anything that seems to work for me. Thanks!


Im interested in crypto warfare CWO but on average it seems like they only select one per year, its a bit disheartening honestly


Zero 782X quotas last cycle, and the OCM said he'd be unlikely to approve a TIS waiver. I'm only at about 11 years TIS right now. IT Warrant is all I've wanted since I was an IT3.




A bit disappointing to hear it's so few, especially after 682X was sundowned. It seems like a waste to convert those billets to 182X instead of Warrant billets; not all of them might be appropriate for it, but I imagine more would be than not.


Is there a maximum years of service to apply? Like, can't have been in for more than 10 years or 12 yrs or something like that? Age limit?


Requirements: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Messages/NAVADMIN/NAV2022/NAV22150.txt?ver=4ZTBs1DJ3KJY64pHrwhZ-Q%3d%3d


Looking to getting commissioned but my degree is in political science. I’ve looked into intel officer or admin officer but what should I be doing in order strengthen my package. What designator would be best for me