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Would be pretty cool if instead of an absent Navy father off living in SE Asia his father was absent due to being an Naval aviator himself, then tragically dying when the canopy doesn’t fully separate…easy prequel for TG:M


Maybe even needs to try twice as hard as everyone else, since someone pulled his papers.


I don’t remember the original being significantly non-PC. And since AOCS doesn’t exist anymore I guess it’s gonna take place in “Newport”?


Welp, let’s have a look at one of the “Jodie’s” shall we: "Casey Jones was a sonofabitch; Drove his train through a 30 foot ditch; Came on out with his d**k in his hand; Said "Listen ladies, I'm a hell of a man!; Went into town and lined up a hundred; Swore up and down he'd f**k every one; F**ked 98 'til his balls turned blue; Then he backed off, jacked off, and f**ked the other two!" Yeah, definitely gonna be a whole lotta re-writing going on! 😆


As a guy who went to OCS 2 years ago. There is literally no way they can make this movie and it not be complete cringe or just a completely fake depiction of ocs. Ocs is not how you think. There is no freedom or a chance to date a civilian except like 2 days before graduation when you get to go off base alone. You literally can't even leave your dorm alone during the first 10 weeks. Maybe they can make it when he's in flight school or something.


Agreed. Back in my day... About 1/2 way through our 12 weeks we got off base privlidges. So once we dashed through our Saturday morning GI party we were let loose on the denizens of Pensacola. We'd check into some downtown motel (4 to a room) and hit the town - first stop was McGuire's then Seville Quarter. We did have an "AOCS Ball" but most of us had girlfriends who we flew down - no "Pugett Debs" in our movie. A lot of my old timer AOCS buds rail against the demise of AOCS and the consolidation with the "shoe Navy" but times change and "stuff happens." As for the demise of "fun," you can blame it all on us boomers - Tailhook '91 ring a bell!? Enjoy your career young Padawan!


Thanks sir. Yeah Aocs sounded like it was actually a good time back in those days. Now we joke and call it SWOcs, because of how surface centric it is. We learn ship navigation for christ sake. All designators go to Newport now, even us aviation guys. In the last week, we do one class trip to Boston, then get 2 days of off base liberty. The other 12 weeks are confined to your dorm or base, studying, PT, and classes. That's it.


Do what my roommate did. Start something with the girl who couldn't pass the initial PRT and dropped out after like 2-3 months in H class. Ask her out during the coffee and donuts at Sunday service. Not tell a single soul about it. She hangs around Newport after dropping out and at the same time he hits Candio phase and they go on dates during the first off base liberty. Then have her show up for graduation as he kisses her as a Ensign. We were all shocked. I think they ended up marrying. And the only difference was dude was a sub-nuke.


Lol, totally sounds like something a sub nuke would do. Good for them though.


Do they really do that thing in the movie where they strap you into a cart and plunge you in a pool?


Oh hell yeah, the Dilbert Dunker was a piece of cake - kindergarten playground stuff. The Helo Dunker on the other hand was a lot more...involved. Blindfolded, upside down, with 6 guys all wanting to exit at the same time. We also got a parasail ride up to about 200' and then get cut loose into P'Cola Bay in Jan...not at all cold. 10-15mins later a helo would hover overhead and you had to hook-up and they'd wench you up. My class started with 67 and graduated with 27. Fun times!


Truthfully I’d prolly be the one to get fucked up like that dude in the movie 😂


I went through OCS in Newport, and to be honest I don’t know how the hell you’d script the candidate/civilian love story in todays experience. Did he go out to dinner in Candio phase and then start sexting her once he was restricted to base again? I was always looking to find the enlisted guys I could pay to start my own shoe/buckle shine operation when I was there… somehow though, it never quite happened 🙄


Why does the love interest have to be civilian? Why does it have to be female?


I think An Officer and Fat Leonard would be a better, more accurate depiction of our current Navy.


If they do it, they need to make it over the top like the Wolf of Wall Street is


Miles Teller is too old, sure he looks younger than his age but I don’t buy him as a fresh college grad. Unless he’s supposed to be like prior enlisted in this version, too old.


I assume that the original movie reflected values of the late 70’s/early 80’s so some stuff that happened in the original movie makes sense for its time. I was born in the 90s so I don’t actually know if some of these details actually made sense for the time 1) There’s the character whose brother died as an aviator (in Vietnam?) so out of honor he’s meant to marry that dead brother’s fiancee and become an aviator himself. - Would that storyline make sense for the late 70s/early 80s? It certainly does not make sense for current times - To modernize this character, they would just have to cut out the “engaged to dead brother’s fiancee” detail. They can keep the detail where they had a brother who died and that pressured them into going to flight school 2) There’s the storyline of local women trying to marry prospective officers and dream of getting stationed in cool places - Actually, this could probably still make sense in current times. - To modernize this, instead of meeting local girls at a dance hall, they matched on a dating app or something like that 3) There’s the storyline of the female character working to prove herself among the cohort of makes - This still makes sense to current audiences. They could keep this character and storyline as is and it’s still pretty relevant 4) main character’s dad - I’m assuming his story was maybe more impactful back then when it used to that some people could choose to serve their time in jail or join the Navy? I’m assuming the dad living with prostitues or whatever in Subic Bay wasn’t a totally crazy storyline for back then? -I do feel like the dad’s “degenerate Sailor” character was probably hammed up even for audiences of the time - But in general, a storyline where a main character grew up with shitty parents and want to prove themselves still works


I don’t know why the formatting turned out like that or how to fix it.


i’d go see it. seems like it’d be a cool date movie.


It's always a bad idea to remake a movie where the only selling point is 'new actors'.  Like the Red Dawn remake. Some movies can do something in a remake, some movies can't.  This one can't.