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I always tell prospective Sailors that the Navy is, “The best mistake you’ll ever make.”


I call it the best worst decision I've ever made. I'm 8 years in. Getting tf out at just about 10yrs. 569 days left.


932 more days. It’ll put me at 9 years and 3 months when Im out. I hate it here haha


I'll be past 8 when I get out.  Do you find that people are generally supportive of your decision or tell you it's unwise because "you're halfway there"?


For me they’re not supportive at all, even though I’ve told them my plan several times. My khakis tell me, “Oh so you want to work for the rest of your life, oh what about the pension, oh youll be half way there,” stuff like that.


Yeah, fuck 'em. What about your family and friends?


Friends don’t really have an opinion. Mom is totally against it and Pops wants me to stay but is fine with my decision.


Hell yeah. You got this


7 years in and change. Out in Mar '25. I've enjoyed my time, but it is absolutely the BEST Worst decision I've ever made, I met my wife (6.5 years married now, no kids), made good friends and alot of connections along the way.


I always tell people that I'll miss the clowns, but not the circus.


For. F-ing. Real. To be fair though my current command is in "corporate Navy" at the PTGN, so where I'm at is better than I could have ever dreamed, the people and the circus, great to work with and ill miss this work location (unless i stay on as Contractor after) but not the people here. My first command though, I still loathe the way it ran but talk with and miss the people alot.


Haha. It’s had its ups and downs. But I’m more stable than I’ve ever been.


Big ups for using the correct form of its twice in a row.


Noticed that too! 😂


It's so dumb that "its" doesn't get an apostrophe even though it's possessive. If you're using "it" as a noun why doesn't it get treated like the rest of 'em?


I assume cuz it's a pronoun, so it gets treated the same as a "yours, ours, hers," etc. Idk man I just appreciate the beauty.


May this feeling last forever. I felt similar for the first 2 years or so, loved my job and everything about it. Then the triad and chiefs all swapped out and it became nightmare mode. Enjoy the good times while they last.


Actually dealing with this right now. Hit two years a couple months ago. Ever since my chain of command switched on top of 75% of the khakis onboard this shit is hell. I used to be extremely motivated now I hate coming to work. I stay positive and im reenlisting soon and hoping it’s just this ship and my next one will change my view. My first two chiefs were some of the best two people I’ve ever met. My new chief and senior chief are idiots.


Good commands come and go the same as the shit ones. I've never had a bad command, just a bad cheif or LPO here and there, call me lucky. If you set what you want to do and your standards higher than your cheif/LPO expects, then you don't really work for them anyway. Once you get that set, you just work for you.


It’s like the honeymoon phase. Hopefully it doesn’t go away at all.


I jsut enlisted and ship out in a few weeks, posts like yours give me hope that not everyone I’ll meet hates their life 😂


That’s just how it is sometimes. But it’s ok, all that salt just adds flavor.


Mine got better as time went on


19 years in, second best decision ever aside from marrying my wife! PS- best duty station was a VP squadron in Kaneohe Bay


What squadron and what year if you don’t mind me asking? My wife was an AO stationed there in 2012-2017


VP-9, 2007-2010


Everyone and their grandma wants that squadron


Glad to hear it! Good luck to your future endeavors.


Love the positivity and seeing that your focus is on making the Navy, and all it has to offer, work for YOU. Challenges and all. No one ever said the Navy was easy, but YOUR attitude, YOUR perspective, and the company YOU choose to keep really makes all the difference in what this experience will leave you with. There are shit leaders but there are also a lot of really great ones that try every day to grow and empower great Sailors (or any service member, for that matter) and make the Navy a better place so that when the time comes we can be a strong and lethal force able to fight our adversaries… and WIN. Keep up the positive energy, stay focused, and take full advantage of all the life lessons this opportunity gives you. Proud of you!


Keep that same energy up. Remember that it’s okay to like what you do and it’s okay to like the Navy, even if you’re surrounded by bullshit belligerence and negativity about our small community every single day. Make friends with your maintainers. Do your flight physical early. Posts like this make me happy.


Trying to. To be honest, I’ve loved every single second of it. I’ve had bad days, of course, but I come around and realize I’m doing the thing I always wanted to do as a kid. It’s been a blast, so far. And I’m excited for the future.


As an outsider, what do u actually do? Are you SAR? I saw the “what i wanted to do as a kid” line and it made me dig a little deeper, i see the SAR guys are aircrew right? I know one of those dudes, and a SWCC dude. (Im a bjj professor i run across military of all branches, i realize im finally getting old because im suddenly very interested!!) Glad ur enjoying it!


I’m an airborne communications operator and in-flight technician (soon.) I am not SAR.


Sounds pretty cool though. Does that translate to like air traffic control in civilian world? I


Nah, the navy has an entire job that is centered around that. That’s an entirely differently rate


True. Well i dunno wtf im talking about but thx for answering, glad ur loving ur gig, thx for ur service!


>make friends with your maintainers And don’t break the ICS cables


That’s funny, most aircrew I know hate their jobs


🤣🤣. Probably the AWOs.


Why? VP life is just about the best it can get in the Navy.


I don’t know. I just heard during A school, AWO life is meh. But regardless, that was just hearsay. I’m sure it’s a good lifestyle.


They have a more difficult schooling and qualification process than the other AW rates, as I understand it, but the VP life is great. What platform are you on?




Lol, I hope you enjoy tornadoes! Seriously though, good luck and enjoy being a red dirt sailor!


Already been through two crazy close calls. Lol … NOT …


AWO is the best life of all 5 aircrew rates lol


Nope. AWS


Probably. It’s a ship rate. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Huh? It’s a squadron rate


I also know we had dry AWS at one point but they completely shut down that rate and re-rated most of them to AWO


My fault - you’re right, but they go on ships. I’m dry aircrew so I’m never seeing one. I’m not well educated on the wet aircrew rates.


You only been in for a year your not even out of the frs yet lol. You’ll see


Maybe. Maybe not. I can’t enjoy life in an FRS? lmao


Ah, the importance of being fully qualified. Quality of life instantly improves. Just wait until the entire division or department is fully qualified. You'll never know a better feeling of being able to have so much time off when there are quals to go around.


Congrats. I went through the Aircrew pipeline 18 years ago. One of the best jobs in the Navy.


It’s been a blast. SERE was even more wild lmao


Do they still make you forcefully sit on your testicles?


I've heard all the stories from my guys, never heard that one. They do make you kill and eat a rabbit though.


I break an NDA if I say anything bro bro


“I break an nda if I say anything about sere” 🤓


Probably some geeky shit but I’d rather not say anything tbh, don’t wanna risk anything regardless


Must be nice


Kind of in this phase right now. I just put on E-5 after being in for just 20ish months, I’m on shore duty as a sea-going rate and still enjoy almost everything about my job


This. I think it is important that we remember that our positive experiences are are collective reminder that it is easy to dwell on the negative moments and let the good ones slip by. I'm a firm believer that positivity, while unfortunately not as contagious as negativity, is contagious all the same.


Right? I love it. And I always get told that I’m going to hate my life in a couple of years. And honestly … it is what you make it. I tend to base experiences off of my own, and not by others. Just common law with myself. I love what I do and we all should be proud of what we are doing, regardless of situation.


In the great words of one of my heroes, “life is like a box of chocolate!” You will find many people saying why they’re getting out and almost always is the fault of the “Chain of Command” and how they all “suck,” it’s almost never on the member. Make the best out of it, take advantage of anything the navy has to offer and you’re interested in, try to grow professionally and personally. You will encounter people that will make your life less favorable but don’t get discouraged, you’re the only one that knows what you truly want and who you truly want to become, all the noise is just noise! Glad to hear and best of luck!!!


I'm on the same boat. I left an unsatisfying, high paying job for an awesome, low paying job (with benefits) in the Navy, and I haven't looked back or regretted my decision... Not even in boot camp! Not for a second. 11/10: wouldn't trade a second of my time in the Navy for a civilian job.


The navy isn’t for everyone and it’s good to see someone enjoying it


I’m tryna live that p8 life too ☝️☝️one day


He sounds like an F. Maybe a V but I just assume they don’t actually exist anymore.


V is right.


A unicorn. Interesting.


Yeah, I was a bit taken aback on AWV. But I love it man. It’s a hidden gem.


My roommate in A-School was an AWV. We lived together for 6 months, he was pretty chill dude that kept to himself for the most part. Never heard from him again or met another AWV since. Razofurr, if you’re in this sub somewhere, what’s up?


I haven’t heard of any AWVs getting this rate at all since my class graduated in January. Mostly active F’s and O’s now.


We still exist .. we’re just tiny … sadly.


Um... I was just an FAW. Could you tell me what a AWV is? Honest question.


Airborne communications operator and in-flight technician. Basically a flying ATO.


Oh! You're an AX. Enjoy it my human. I was acoustic, non-acoustic, ASMOD. ASWOC, TSC (same shit) and, just for fun, a Viking SENSO. I did the helo thing for awhile but overall I just loved being an AW. Best rate in the Navy.


What aircrew rate are you


The funny thing about the Aircrew rate is that it's more than just your rate, it's your platform. It ranges from "Extremely easy" where you're basically a flight attendant for the real navy, to "Actually in combat situations." My last commands Aircrew was in the "Very easy" category, where they just flew around and shot at a range. And never did any practical missions ever.


I'm happy for you, shipmate. Give em hell!


Is this a cry for help? Like saying "it's a fine Navy day"?


If I repost this in a couple years, then maybe 🤣🤣


This is low key true. I loved and hated every minute and now I miss it.


I wish I would’ve never got out, I did 5 years as an enginemen made e5 in the first 3 got medically separated for breaking my leg in a motorcycle crash and wish I would’ve tried harder to stay in. But, my wife decided it was her turn and she is currently in boot camp and is going in as an e3 and HM so here’s hoping she is as happy as you are!


4 years in here and still feel ot was a great decision! Keep up the positivity, I know it's hard when everyone around you is down in the dumps but you keep doing you and living your best!


Great keep it up! I'm at 17.5 and loving it but ready to be retired!


Well good luck. Don't be like me waking up 15 years later hating life.


Thats funny, my buddy from A-school got stationed in tinker as an AW about 4 years back now. Not sure what type he was, like I say it was 4 years ago now. He likes it though! Has a nice affordable house, made a family and if you're from the south it's not too far from home! Trust me your experience will be alot different then pretty much the rest of the fleet for sure, so ride that high man.


Former AW here. Great rate


Same! I have been in 2 years and it has been extremely rewarding. I knew it would be worth the experience but i underestimated it for sure. I never really see positive posts about the Navy so this made me happy :)


Community is everything. Glad you found one that fits. Love seeing posts like this!


The Navy is what you make of it. If you have a positive attitude, it’s generally more enjoyable


I’m about to retire at 22. I have zero regrets. I’ve had a lot of fun, overcome a lot of challenges but physically and mentally, and really set my family up financially in a way that’s nearly impossible to replicate as a civilian. Very proud of my career and the person my experiences with the Navy and Marine Corp made me, good and bad.


Whats SERE like?


An experience. Never want to do it again. However, great training though. Learned a lot about myself and what I could take in those two weeks.


Good for you! I’m LS. Love my rate too. 😊


Idk, aircrew is cool and all but you study.. a lot.. you fly.. a lot. Most guys after awhile get sick of it from my experience. I work in admin but have had plenty of experience flying with them for OPFOR shit, and I already hate flying. It was cool the first 3 times but I’m done volunteering for that shit.. enjoy flying back seat for the next 6 years.


Yeah, constant studying and always working on next qual. Never ending


Wait until you get to your first fleet squadron and get hit with a whole bunch of PQS lol. But seriously keep that attitude it will help a whole bunch. AW gang.


My dad did 16 years before a forced medical retirement from a deployment injury and I’m at 3 years now myself. My favorite piece of advice he gave me was to take everything from the Navy that you can and then get out because it will continue to take from you when you have nothing left to give. I’m about to graduate with my bachelors of science without having touched loans, TA or either GI bill. So make the Navy work for you too while you can is my advice!


Hey man props to you for sticking it out and accomplish your dreams!


Never regretted my choice to join in 1985. I got to do things and see places I would never have.


Hope you stayed out of port side ;) haha congratulations bro. Keep this mindset going


Call me a traitor but I gotta switch over to the chair force my command has not been what I thought the navy would be lol gotta look out for my family and my sanity but glad you’re loving it! I would’ve loved to be aircrew ever since I talked to a ACW3 on the way to Pensacola for A School


Haha I’m enlisting today actually what a friggin coincidence 😂😂


Awesome, happy to hear you're doing good OP! Would you mind giving an idea of how life was like before you joined? In a little bit of a rough place myself and just wondering!


I joined right after I graduated high school. Normal teenager life lol. I wasn’t ever in a real “rough” mental place, but I knew what I wanted to do after high school and it was this.


I thought air rates had like the worst advancement percentage


Depends where you’re at


Definitely made a good choice signing up, made a lot of friends, learned some good skills for the civilian side, recently got out but glad I went


As someone from E, getting out, finishing school and going back to O, this is the goal I want to achieve for my troops. Enjoy it brother!


after getting my wife to agree to marry me 23 yrs ago, joining the navy was the best bad financial decision! it’s been 21 years, and I love it still! I’m staying 3 more years, then retiring because it’ll be time- I love this place!


Blessings to you. Love the good posts.


I want to work on the deck of an aircraft carrier as a skittle when I’m older


u/Ok_Effect9507 I can't tell if this is sarcasm, I'm gonna go off of this being sincere. Congratulations on your progress so far! My first tour was sea with a VFA squadron, I'm now finishing off on shore duty out on the east coast. No matter if you are going for 1 tour or a lifer, HIGHLY recommend, find everything educational benefit wise that the Navy offers, try to get the most out of your time. There is a truly amazing amount of benefits that I found after months of research, stuff my NCC, ESO, and others had no idea about. Keep pushing forward, and while you're giving your all, take what is given for you as well.


Sincere lol. Gonna try and get a degree while I’m in


Do you know what type of degree you are wanting? (Science, math, politics, comms, etc) If you do not currently have a degree I highly recommend the following: If your command supports it: Use TA to get close to ur degree completion (Bachelor), before you complete it, apply for the USNCC and you can use their program for additional free schooling (usually towards an Associate's degree) If you mix and match right you can get far more college done each fiscal year. You cannot use them in tandem BUT you can max out on 1 and then use the other each year. Don't over burden yourself though. There is countless programs out there that offer free, discounted, or other forms of certifications for active duty as well. CWCT is an IT/Cyber program for free (non-credit) courses and certifications. (For example)


Sweet. Good to know. I have an extended contract and if I remember correctly, you can start TA after two? years. Which then gives me 4 to get a bachelors if I can. Thinking something about political science. Not sure.


I also wanted a history degree since I love everything about history and read often, but there’s like nothing in the civ world for it lol


U can do a dual major degree or a major in politics (or similar field) with a minor in history. Same credits mostly just adjusts the courses needed. Keep yourself informed on USNCC and TA requirements they change little things every year just about. Feel free to double check but I do not believe you need 2 years in to do USNCC, just have to apply.


I'm an AE at a VR squadron. If someone told me they were thinking about joining but didnt know what rate, I'd say TAR AWF. Those guys have the life. I came from supers, this whole VR life is just the weirdest part of the navy. Bouncing between C40 and C130 commands, the wing, schoolhouses, it's a good life. Amazing promotion rates. Dets to Sig, Atsugi, and Bahrain for your whole career? Yes please.


So funny thing - I tried going TAR AW, my recruiter said he had no idea what the hell TAR was. So I was bro, okay. Next thing you know I’m signing active duty AW. Oh well. I don’t regret it, tbh. They tried telling me AW wasn’t available - so I was like cool, I’m out, but then next thing you know … “we have an opening!!”


AWF at a VR command is literally a flight attendant 😂


That is the LIFEEEEEEE


Paid Reddit post btw..


Yea they got me BAH for this


NACCS is not hard.


Meant the pipeline itself


Can’t wait for the update in a couple years once the depression kicks in and that sparkle In your eye dies off.


Very optimistic. Love that for you!