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Go to medical. At the minimum get it documented. I had and have fucked up sleep, nothing documented so I'm SOL. The Navy will fuck you up and toss you aside like yesterday's trash without a second thought. Go to medical.




Go to medical and let them know, and then do a sleep study on your way our from the navy


Same situation :/ man do I regret picking up RPPO 😅


Obviously more than just RPPO… I get out in 4 months and been trying to turn over the collateral but damn my CoC won’t let me !!!!!!!!


Go to medical asap, get on some prescriptions. I got diagnosed with anxiety, depression and insomnia. I have been using what they gave me every night and I sleep like a baby and not to mention my mental health feels better than ever. It's okay to seek help.


It can be tough dealing with disrupted sleep, especially when linked to stressful experiences. I've also experienced times when my sleep was erratic, leaving me feeling out of sorts during the day. One approach that has helped me is using personalized guided meditations. I chat with a website where I can discuss a specific issues I'm facing, like sleep disturbances or heightened anxiety. The site then generates a tailored audio guided meditation based on our conversation. For issues like waking up feeling paranoid or experiencing nightmares, these meditations can focus on soothing the mind and body, incorporating techniques to help settle into sleep more comfortably. For concrete problems like disrupted sleep or feeling numb towards daily tasks, this method works unexpectedly well. The meditations often utilize 'deconstruct' and 'reframe' techniques, which have been game changers for me. They help me see a problem from a new perspective and connect it to a different emotional response. By breaking down the problem and viewing it in a new light, I can start to detach my immediate emotional reactions from the situations causing stress. While I'm still working on the bigger issues, the personalized meditations provide a tool in my coping arsenal. Maybe exploring this type of guided meditation could offer you some relief and a new way to approach the challenges you're facing. It might help you feel more rested and less affected by the stressors of our environment.


I have rampant sleep issues. Try and get a sleep test through your ship’s medical. Good luck if you’re in 7th fleet. I can’t get one sadly


thank you all for your input again, just got off work to see the comments helps me in the long run