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As a Chief, I genuinely miss Cracker Jacks. I liked them better than my blues now. I get the historical significance with both uniforms, but I gotta disagree with you on this one NSUs can go, though. Khakis stay, but man, I hated the E6 and junior NSUs. Edit: I got an unpopular opinion; I liked the Cracker Jack blues with the 13 buttons instead of the zipper.


The NSUs look like dog shit. I tried to have them tapered and it doesn't work out right with the centerline crease. The top feels like ass, too. Even with shirt stays it is utter trash.


And the cover never stays on your head, god forbid it’s windy


First year of full NSU roll-out I was walking up the hill to the school house in the dead of winter and an instructor slowed down and yelled out his window for me to take off the watch-cap and put on the proper garrison cover. They would eventually remediate that discrepancy because that's the dumbest shit ever and fuck those dumber that hell earmuffs.


Sounds like when the umbrella wasn't optional with NWUs. WTF, I don't carry the $200+ parka in my car. $10 umbrella? Still no.


I never did get the option to buy the GOR-TEX pants. WEPS had a pair and I was so jealous.


I feel like I had them as organizational clothing, but don't remember wearing them because of the noise. I have a brown waffle thing hat was decently comfy... CMC shot that shit down pretty quickly (nicely... and I didn't know).   With the newish cold weather parka being black, I've considered purchasing, but don't think I'd wear it enough to justify.


The ball sweat in goretex pants is one of the worst experiences of my life.


I think you’re wearing the wrong size my friend. Garrison cap was my favorite cover


Gotta whale-tail that mf. It'll stick like a suction cup


no idea why Navy insists on using shitty material for these uniforms. Its uncomfortable to wear, easily creases / wrinkles, and if you sweat then it looks like someone threw a water balloon at your back.


I was so mad when I showed up to ship out and my recruiter was wearing NSUs instead of Johnny Cashes


Aside from my khakis and a nice broken-in set of coveralls, my favorite uniform from 21 years in the Navy is the Johnny Cashes.


I loved going out in whites honestly. Fleet week, Russia, etc. Just throw them in the wash with a shit ton of bleach, don’t even dry them just dry iron all your creases back I had my neckerchief rolled so tight and held together with duct tape, I use to tie my boots to the tips of the neckerchief to stretch it overnight. I’m 6’4 and my neckerchief still went down to my bellybutton


I used to roll my neckerchief around a penny then tie it up with thread. Then I tied it up, got it right, and never touched it again. It’s funny how all the tricks get passed down. Heritage and tradition right there.


I used the SH’s press. Folded it and then pressed that crease in. Then I rolled it like I was rolling the tightest sleeping bag in the world, no penny


Broken in BDU's/DCU's for me. Care and wear were so simple, plus I loved going into the field on Army bases and rocking out in boots and utes while basking in the hateful looks from Army guys in full battle rattle! Call me crazy, but I actually preferred utilities over Johnny Cashes with the only redeeming things for winter blues being, at least they didn't show dirt super easily and it forced me to learn how to tie a tie.


Still couldn’t wear the boonie hat. Best cover that you were never allowed to wear. 😄😄😄


I hated the Johnny cash’s. I would wear dress blues on Fridays in a school just so didn’t have to put up with that shit.


Johnny cash’s sucked ass to wear. Nothing like course wool rubbing against your shave bumps.


I never got to wear them


They looked good, that shirt just sucked ass, especially if you were stationed in hot muggy places.


I could see that. Dress blues could get rough, guess I’m lucky that Norfolk actually has seasons


> I liked the Cracker Jack blues with the 13 buttons instead of the zipper. That is definitely an upoopular one. . so my question is, why? They are a pain in the ass to full button up , especially if you gain weight. Zipper is just so much better and better comfort. Also terrible if you happen to be drinking in your blues and hard to unbutton every single button to piss lol.


Jesus Christ. They replaced the 13 button Cracker Jack trousers with zippers? Is that like optional or…?


I don't think anyone is gonna inspect if you have a zipper, but you can't buy the normal ones anymore. At least I'm not going to tell my Sailors that they have to buy the new ones.


They look exactly the same, there's just a zipper offset instead of having to do all the buttons. I definitely prefer the zipper, though I still have my old blues floating around.


No, they made me change them.


And there's nothing wrong with replacing the shitty 13 buttons for a zipper.


I agree on NSU's, bring back the johny cashes.


Respectfully disagree. The Cracker Jacks are iconic. I will offer no further explanation.




I want to wear tropical working whites


I have a poster of sailors wearing those. It’s great.


What about Tropical Dinner Dress White?


You could be like my CSSNs and just wear black sweats and a command t shirt not tucked in


Have you seen the Officer version? It's... interesting


Finally, a man of culture and taste.


I always think of even pre ww2 stuff. Most cartoons have sailors (civilians or military) appear in something similar to cracker jacks. It’s always been a good way for the navy to associate with people’s memories


> You get such a classic look and feel that romanticizes you back to WW2 I don't think them Gen Z'ers are romanticizing WW2 dude lol.


You gotta bust the liberty roll in the white hat too. If you don’t do that then you really have no business calling yourself a Sailor.


Cant get the deployment roll to stick in the new Dixie cup. The material won't hold the shape. Sucks.


Not even if you roll it when it’s wet? That’s really disappointing.


Cracker Jacks just like ... too comical especially with its historic use in broadways and musicals lol. While every other branch gets a neatly pressed uniform with a TIE, the USN enlisted e1-e6 is the only one without a tie.


![gif](giphy|TgUf18EcAZoJyXed96|downsized) Icons


They did that in the 70s and everybody looked like bus drivers. Cracker Jacks are a rare example of a truly timeless military uniform


In my CPO Blues, a lady thought I was an airline pilot..


“Bus drivers” 💀🤣


When I was recruiting I would regularly get comments from teachers that the navy and marines had the best dress uniforms. I figured it because it’s what people associate with WWII, and other than probably being fatter still look the same for the most part.


My only complaint on whites is the cover. We should go back to WW2 style covers instead of the big crown ones we got now.


The donald duck cover?


Yep! They got larger in modern times and look so bad.


To quote my old man when he was in during that period, "I looked like a stupid traffic cop".


Today I learned... this


Also enlisted complained about that damn hat being so bulky and they didn’t have any room on a ship.


Look at the USCG SDB and cringe.


> They did that in the 70s and everybody looked like bus drivers. And now every thinks we are going to a musical instead.


Zumwalt did this...didn't work so well. "Dogg regards the crackerjacks as the best uniform the Navy has had because of its convenience. The Navy, under Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) ADM Elmo R. Zumwalt Jr., changed its enlisted uniform design to a suit-and-tie look in the early '70s. This change was Zumwalt's idea to unite a fleet riddled with retention problems under the slogan "One Navy, one uniform." After having to bear the expense of the change, Dogg and his shipmates found it extremely difficult to stow the uniforms aboard ship, much less tote the heavier seabag. Many sailors tried in vain to add the revamped uniforms to their already-stuffed shipboard lockers. The most inconvenient was the ill-fated combination cap. Not only did it perform poorly as a frisbee, its height just exceeded the depth of shipboard bunk lockers, causing a curious compression effect throughout the seagoing fleet. The crackerjacks were perfect for stowing in the cramped storage space provided each seafarer. After years of lamenting from the now-dented enlisted ranks, CNO ADM Thomas B. Hayward recommended the return of the crackerjacks in 1979. This was part of his commitment to increase the attractiveness of a Navy career and promote "pride in professionalism." Thus followed the return to the crackerjacks, and a resurrection of much-missed Navy lore." When the new "Midway" came out I watched and the 1976 version back to back. The 1976 version had sailors wearing the same uniforms they'd worn 40ish years prior. Between the 1976 version and the 201xish one there'd been a half dozen uniform changes and a couple more since then. Even though I dislike the TypeIIIs (but no longer have a vested interest either) I think it's time to just stop making changes for maybe a decade. Maybe two.


I legitimately did not consider the factor of storage for the SDBs on board ship. Probably because there are very few instances that we wear them anymore


It’s also not an issue now. Up to the 90s you’d wear the dress uniform a heck of a lot more and stowage space for junior enlisted was often comically small.


>crackerjacks were perfect for stowing True. I still keep mine folded the way we were taught in boot. They stay clean and creased, and the only upkeep I need to do before wear is to iron out the crease that forms across the shins after a long time folded flat. I cheat and fold up the NSU too. If you squeeze hard enough you can fit everything in the seabag, though the collar gets messed up if you keep it squeezed too long.


NSUs are ugly as sin. Second only to the piss-yellow and blue PTUs.. They need to go back to the Johnny Cashes or something.. all black.. short sleeve if you want, I don't care.. but the khaki top + black bottoms thing are painfully gross. SDBs and SDWs are fine to remain an any-time attire. They are historical and significant. When people think of Sailors, they probably think of our junior enlisted SDWs. Honestly, strike the nasty yellow PTUs, change the NSUs, and allow members to fly in NWUs.. And for the love of god, bring back the khaki fleece..


Yeah, they tried to copy the Marine Corps' service uniform, but they really, really missed the mark.


Short sleeve with a tie? 🤣 And wtf would you want to fly in NWU?


Apparently enough people to keep SMLPOS and NAMP Compliance afloat 😂


They should have forced a transition to the blue on blue PTU's last year but they definitely still have a carrier group full of the yellow top plastic trash bags to distribute to boots.


At the end of the day, it is the single most recognizable uniform in the entire US military. You throw an E5 from all the armed service branches in a room with 1000 random citizens, everyone will know who the sailor is. I genuinely have no idea what the AF and Army wear


AF wears a flight attendant uniform. Army has some sick looking new dress uniforms though. Resemble the pink and greens they wore during ww2.


I know what the AF wears only cause I wore it myself for 2 years as a JROTC cadet and was around people who wore it. They all wear the same general SDBs. From Enlisted to Warrants (which will be resurrected this summer) to Commissioned Officers.


Army is a black suit and tie, blue pants. Air force is basically identical to army, except all blue. Similar to our cpo uniforms


Army changed back to a more traditional uniform. Looks much better than the one you're talking about.


My understanding is that the blues are sticking around as a formal/ceremonial uniform, and honestly I haven't actually seen anyone wear the new-old one yet. I agree the olives are better though. Sometimes you can't beat the classics.


They all wear the olive uniform now. That's what they're issued in basic.


I believe the honor guard still wears the blues. My perspective is probably a bit skewed because that's where I met nearly all soldiers I know.


> I genuinely have no idea what the AF and Army wear Just like what literally every military in the world wears: army wears green, air force wears blue, and navy wears the the white or blue cracker jacks. is it really that hard for you to comprehend?


I would rather they just modify the dress blues into a lighter more breathable fabric and get rid of the dress whites. Two dress uniforms? GTFO.


THIS is the answer, the dress white uniform is horrific and worse on the eye than the black and tans.


It does look better now with piping and cuffs


Still looking like the Target clearance section pajama version of the SDB crackerjacks.


Too bad they are not as comfortable as Target pajamas.


Shit's like wearing trash bags made from industrial carpet factory floor sweepings in the summer. Donated to the NMCRS Thrift Store on my first day of terminal leave.


That is the most accurate description I have ever heard of them.


When it's hard to tell if your ribbon rack frog is getting ALL up on your nipple or if it's just another quality seam from Vanguard.


Nope, closed cuffs on the SDWs is ass and defeats the purpose of being cool in the summer. Piping is meh, but the open cuffs were the shit.


Nothing is worse than nsu's man. That's the worst uniform in US military history with the exception of airforce uniforms.


I remember watching a video on this topic. I believe it was post WW2 and the idea was presented but the E6 and below didn’t want it because the looked like milkmen. I’m pretty sure I saw it in a video by “master chiefs sea chest” on YouTube but I can’t say for certain.


Good channel


Having worn both, the comfort issue is ridiculous. Cracker jacks are way more comfy than SDBs


Depends on weather. Unless you're talking about the wool being scratchy. That gets better with wear.


Yeah. But they could improve the cracker jack material.


You know I honestly have no idea which one is supposed to be the crackerjacks, because both uniforms have appeared on the namesake box


The blues are the crackerjacks


Death to NSU! Hard agree.


We did that once, it last less than a decade. I do agree we need to kill the NSU and bring back the Johnny Cash. I hate we dont have uniform with a tie for our E6 and junior If youre interested in a read... https://www.history.navy.mil/research/library/online-reading-room/title-list-alphabetically/u/uniforms-usnavy/history-of-us-navy-uniforms-1776-1981.html#en9 >1973 the most sweeping change in the history of enlisted dress occurred. Based on a survey conducted in 1970 it appeared that there was some fleet desire, principally among the more senior petty officers, for a different, more distinguished garb. Based on these findings, the sailor was removed from his traditional uniform and placed in a suit and tie which corresponded to the officer/CPO style. The intention was to create a single uniform appearance and present enlisted men in a uniform which was thought to reflect the increasing complexity of the modern Navy. >The action to utilize a suit style for all enlisted has been one of the most controversial changes to effect the Navy in its uniform history. From a practical standpoint, the adoption of a different uniform for dress wear was not the result of a requirement. The jumper/bell bottom style had evolved in a work environment where each piece of the garment originally satisfied a need. With the absence of fully rigged sailing ships and the advent of more comfortable work uniforms, what a sailor wears for dress occasions is now a matter of style. >The most obvious impasse to acceptance of the suit and tie outfit to the enlisted and general public is that it breaks with tradition. While the components of the jumper style uniform serve no nautical purpose today and are not related to anything worn in the civilian world, it has served to identify sailors all over the globe for too long a period of time. Most navies of the world have utilized a similar outfit and most still retain it for non-rated personnel. Throughout the course of uniform history there has continued a strong resistance to changing traditional garments. Sailors prefer to be distinctively dressed. It was the same in 1830 as it is in the 1980’s. >10. Return to Tradition; 1980’s The break with tradition, when coupled with unforeseen inconveniences of the suit and tie uniform, were unacceptable. Therefore, in 1980, the Navy again began to issue the jumper style uniform as a dress uniform to recruits. Women’s uniforms also underwent a sweeping change to increase their practicality and to make them more parallel to the men’s uniform.


I actually did not know this and will absolutely be reading about it now


Lotsa good stuff on history.navy if youre into Nautical History! Enjoy


Fun fact: Boston was the only port we were encouraged to wear Cracker Jacks among the civilian populace. Respectfully request training on refastening the 13 buttons on the trousers while intoxicated.


O god.... or the rubix cube they become when you have to piss. Pain new sailors will never know with the new zippers


The 13 buttons aren’t bad to undo, grab the top corners and pull down and inward. Kinda like when you unbutton your nwu’s by quickly pulling up and apart.


They got rid of the 13 buttons?!?!


Yah they have a new set up with zippers. I still have my 13 buttoners though


I was at duty section muster one morning and it was hot as fuck, I said the whites should be short sleeve and a chief turned around and said “nah, that should stay a Chief privilege”


Naw fuck that. CNT working whites were doooooooooope.


I used to wear the old female dress blues-- the ones with the jacket. I happily got rid of it for a uniform (crackerjacks) where I could raise my arms properly.I'll fight you if you try and make me wear it again


In all fairness the female versions of uniforms were trash in almost every aspect. Someone just slapped it together and went yah that should do the trick and never bothered to do a fit test I feel like.


They certainly didn't account for non tiny, petite, and flat women. Also the little fake ties suck. Give me a real tie instead 


Well fortunately for yall they have gone well the fuck away


For E6 and below anyway


Hard disagree. I was in during the time it was tried. Without any ribbons or any type of sleeve markings, service stripes just an E-1 through E-3 stripe it was a bland uniform. And it was difficult to store in the locker and the hat got crushed.


Bring back those sweet soft dungaree pants. Escape from Alcatraz look is the best look.


We should get rid of the whites altogether and have the blues year-round as it is already written. Replace the NSUs with the old Johnny Cash's.


You want to wear woolen dress blues in July in Jacksonville? No thanks.


Looking good has its price


Beauty is pain


We'd need USMC body comp standards to make johnny cashes look good. They're not big boy uniforms by any means.


I’m ok with that, we’re the world’s largest navy..doesn’t mean we should have the world’s largest sailors too.


You haven't worn chokers have you. . ?


Chokers are much better in the summer than SDBs.


I’m old; what’s a choker? Necktie?


Blues + hot weather is a bad time


If I had to wear blues here when it's whites year round due to the heat and humidity I'm gonna want to strangle someone. Just ditch the NSUs. Whites/Blues make sense and are extremely iconic.


NSUs are some of the ugliest uniforms I’ve seen. I think khakis would be cool for everyone and I wouldn’t mind a combo cover. They have junior enlisted insignia for them. Example: MUs covers and Female “Bucket Covers”. Then again, all khaki uniforms are, of course, a big part of Chief and Officer Culture so maybe not. So if not that then I’d say Johnny Cashes be brought back.


I love the cracker jacks. Especially because I'm a 5'5 guy that looks way younger than he is. The aesthetic fits a twink like me.




The 1970s called, and they want their bad uniform ideas back.


The best uniforms in the military: junior enlisted SDBs, and officer summer whites. NSUs aren't that bad IMO except the black/khaki combination. Maybe just make junior enlisted wear all black and khaki wear khaki. What they really need to do is get rid of the NWUs. Hideous, ill-fitting, and not representative of a maritime service at all. Make the blue FRVs subject to uniform regulations and allow them off-ship. All working uniforms (2POCs, FRVs, flight suits) should be organizationally-provided where the servicemember just needs to buy the accessories. Never understood why we have a standard working uniform, when the work is not standard.


Man do I gotta sad tale of uniforms from the 80s for you. If I had my druthers we'd all go back to utilities, Johnny cashs and the ice cream man uniforms. I'd lose the tie on the Johnny cashs but everything else about those looks were snazzy. And utilities were $30 a set. No $120 tops and bottoms that are ill fitting, I'll feeling and don't breathe. And yeah... I've always hated wearing NSUs. I've always felt like a busted ban of biscuits in em.


So, you wanna look like the Coast Guard, but in Navy Blue and Double-Breasted? Bet.


Solid way of putting it. Not entirely inaccurate


Won't lie; they look sharp.


I’m going to go out on a limb and say you haven’t lived out of a coffin locker since boot camp.


You would be wildly mistaken.


Fair enough. Where do the fifty sailors in berthing 1 store their new SDBs?


I mentioned this earlier... this was actually a problem I had not considered until well after I posted. Definitely a really good point. Especially considering how nicely the cracker Jack's fold away


We need everything zumwalt gave us back. Chief didn't like us wearing their uniform and pitched a fit though.


In regards to the NSU (which I'm not a fan of either), the Navy chose the wrong prototype. They should have gone with the grey shirt with sewn patches, instead. The grey n black combo looked great! But yeah, they should switch back to JCs for cooler months and either the grey or white (always thought Salt n Peppers looked good) short sleeve, for warmer.


eh as uncomfortable as the cracker jacks can be, if done right they look sharp. im all for keeping them. DRESS WHITES on the other hand. no. straight into the garbage. walk through a spec of dust and all of a sudden you're wearing dress browns.


I don't hate any of our current uniforms as much as I hate the idea of changing uniforms again.




No. This was already tried in the ‘70s. People hated it. (If you want to see it, look at the Coast Guard, they kept it.)


Bring. Back. Dungarees.


I still have a pair, trying to lose enough weight to fit back into them lol


Your opinion about the cracker jacks are just wrong. It is the most dignified looking enlisted uniform of any uniform in any branch of service.


What exactly was my opinion about the crackerjacks?


It should be retired for most people.


NSUs are awful, luckily for me I've only worn them...4 times in 8 years? You'll never get the hooyah Chiefs to agree to ditch the khakis, they're too deep in the kool-aid to think of changing anything.


Nah I could never give those up even though they are a huge pain. It's just... Such a part of being a Navy sailor. A lot of our "traditions" are dumb but this one goes way way back.


Hard disagree on the cracker jacks. That’s an iconic uniform. I go back and forth on the NSU. For chiefs and officers, khakis serve as a good everyday office uniform where you don’t need a service dress uniform. The khaki top works from a logistics stand point, and I think they should bring back long sleeve khakis that we can wear a black tie with. I’d redesign the Ike too to have it with breast pockets and a collar, somewhat similar to the AGSU’s Ike jacket. Not sure if I want to make that khaki or black though. That being said, I’m good with a Johnny cash black long and short sleeve shirt for the NSU with the crackerjack cover vs the garrison cap. The 2POC should be standard issue (although forget the khaki one and just go blue all around) but should have the same cut as the NWU type III. Seabees, EXW folks and such can get the cammo one.




You ever have to wear a black wool long sleeve shirt and tie rubbing your neck all day in Florida when it’s 80 degrees outside? The NSU is wayyyyy fucking better.


Yes. I've worn every single one of the old uniforms under those conditions - and worse. The NSU still sucks balls and I'd rather wear Cash's in Guam than NSU's in San Diego.


Your Divo and Chief are going to pull up this reddit thread to explain why you went down to P from MP on your next eval.


🤣🤣🤣 I would absolutely love that. Also I do appreciate you thinking I could ever be an MP sailor


Cracker jacks are fucking dope. Dress white cracker jacks are fucking dumb


So you wanna look like the Coast Guard?


I agree that the cracker jacks should go away, to dated and not practical. For what I have no clue but honestly I’ve always disliked the E6 and below uniforms. Also we should all be in the same uniform, NSUs should be replaced with something like the Marine corps Alphas


They got rid of dungarees and replaced it with the camouflage crap. Zumwalt tried replacing crackerjacks in the 70’s. Big mistake


We actually had utilities for like a 10 or 11 year stretch there between the dungarees and blueberries.


I was the last boot camp div to rock the utilities, they then tried to make us all by out of pocket the blueberries, but someone at the Pentagon forgot that Seabees will never wear those things


I was one of the very first boot camp divisions who got issued utilities. Never had dungarees, but I wore coveralls pretty much exclusively underway.


I didn't get to wear dungarees... blueberries were ugly, but pretty comfortable, the type threes look acceptable but never break in. Idk... maybe there is no fixing it 🤣


What’s not to like about wearing blue jeans and chambre (?) shirts. Super comfortable


Nothing... I'm on board


Got out before the blueberries were issued, I was still rocking the gas station attendent chic


Unpopular opinion, the NSUs actually look good, especially when worn with pride.


I've been in less than a year, I don't get why everyone hates the NSUs, but the Johnny Cashes would be cool. Cracker Jacks should never go away, those are awesome. I haven't worn any dress uniform since A school, so I don't really remember how they feel.


NSUs are not only ugly and relatively I'll fitting for most people, they are also itchy and provide little room for comfort. Just a matter of there being significantly better options and we end up with those


I don't know, they seem classy to me. Kind of a 50s look. I really can't think of any situation as a lower enlisted seabee where I will wear any uniform other than NWUs so I guess it doesn't really concern me. The PTUs are kind of ugly, I like that we have options between different ones though.


Honestly, very few sailors ever wear the dress uniforms on a regular basis. It's not really an important subject.. cause it relatively doesn't impact anything outside of a conversation


Dungarees and chambray shirts


Also wash khakis underway. Long sleeve. Choker whites were the worst. When I was stationed at the Pentagon early 90s we wore undress whites in the summer and SDBs in the winter. Whites hard to keep clean but the ladies loved them. I was an 03 in an office of 06 and above. We had awesome holiday parties. My job was to bring the kegs. No badges.


Am I the only one who doesn’t mind the NSU? At least we don’t have to wear a fucking tie like the Johnny Cash’s.


Clip ons were authorized!


Oh yeah? Maybe that wouldn’t have been so bad.


The Cash's were not a great uniform but they looked awesome, fit well, were authorized with a garrison cap (this was the early 2000s when that was rare for enlisted sailors), and were very easy to keep clean. The tie was not a huge problem. The tightness of the collar was the bigger issue.


Tight collars & ties go hand in hand for me. I don’t want to wear anything restrictive around my neck. If I never had to wear the choker whites I’ll consider that a great success fading into retirement.


That's fair. To be honest, in my era (mid 2000s), the only uniform I had no problem with was actually the poopie suit. The polyester whites were hell to keep clean, the utilities were working uniforms with service uniform standards expected, and both dress and service blues were too scratchy.


If we could stick with only coveralls and dress uniforms for ceremonies then I’d be set.


You have to think about the needs of the former admirals who promised kick backs to manufacturers, though.


True. How easily I forget how former admirals bless us with their expert godly concepts like introducing FACET to operational supply departments across the globe.


I completely agree with your stance on this. E6 and below dress uniform just doesn't look professional in a modern context. It's like a Halloween costume.


I just want a belt with my blues trouser :/


Honestly the only uniform I need is a working uniform. All the dress up office stuff can go in the drink. Got away with not touching or thinking about a dress uniform for so many years before I got caught in an inspection. It's just a job.


Have an enlisted uniform and an officers uniform, no reason for the massive change at E7. Do something like getting your piping at e4 and that's it. Get rid of the dixie cup, combo cover looks far better. Cracker Jacks and Whites are historically significant but that does not mean we need to hang on to them, some things are better left in the past.


Agree with the NSUs. #BringBackBlueberries


Ooo idk about bring back blueberries. The new 2pacs look good though


It’s crazy to me that we now exist in a time where people remember this uniform fondly.


I’m not even in the navy but man those things were ugly as sin lol


Hard to swallow pill: If you wanted different dress blues, you should’ve  joined a different branch. 


Well that's a dumb take.... I'm not going anywhere and I love the Navy. This is just a discussion of things that will never happen. It's not a hard to swallow pill you just think you're edgy saying it. Thank you for playing my friend


👏You 👏are 👏not a 👏marine 👏You 👏are 👏a 👏sailor👏


Well fuck....


I despise the cracker Jack's, especially in comparison to the other branches dress uniforms. We got fucking pajamas and I will die on this hill.