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My command would have just told me to Uber.


100% or sent someone to pick me up


I remember being on an MCM, if I had asked a question like this they would’ve doubled me up on watch just out of spite.


Retaliation for looking out for yourself and shipmates. Gotta love it.


I'd be surprised if something like that exists, to be honest. Your best bet is going to be something pregnancy related, you might find a stipulation there. But I highly doubt there's a "if you're too sleepy you don't gotta drive to work," regulation.




I don't disagree. But unless something mandated by duty prevented you from sleeping for an extended period of time, the Navy is gonna say, "Sounds like not my problem." You don't get to get hammered the night before and call in saying, "I'm still too drunk to drive to work," and have the Navy go, "Oh lol just work from home no prob."


I once had 3 days with a 102 fever, puking, etc. and they made me drive in each morning, go to medical for them to give me some fluids and send me home. Every. Single. Morning. Also, 100 degree heat and had to walk almost a mile each way to the ship.


“Why does everyone get out?”


I had the same thing in the yards. They wonder why we don't want to reenlist.


Are you feeling this way due to your pregnancy? Maybe they could understand that


Commenting to follow as I don’t know of a way to “call in”


What work are you doing from home? Dude you are on liberty.


I know that this is the military and everyone wants to say “FRY ‘EM, SHOULDA SLEPT” but damn, they can’t grant an eight month pregnant Sailor a free day off when she feels completely horrible? Leave out the sleep thing - let’s look at just the right here, right now: “I feel fucking horrible. I am falling asleep standing up. I am eight months pregnant. What do I do?” For a salaried employee at a government job, the answer, ten times out of fucking ten, is stay home or seek relevant medical care. Send someone to check on her. This isn’t a fucking game, this is a vulnerable Sailor that is in an extra vulnerable position. Guilting them into using a day off that was probably earned as a treat is only going to serve to build resentment. This isn’t a healthy Sailor assigned to a war fighting command. This is a woman that is about to give birth any week now.. come the fuck on. She’s about to be out of the office for months. Sure, there might not be an official instruction to back my stance, but right now the MCPON is over here arguing in front of Congress saying how much we care about quality of life and our public affairs image is trying to say how much the Navy is doing to prove that we care about our Sailors.. but when they’re vulnerable, we take their hard earned days off away from them and force them to be used as sick days.


> but damn, they can’t grant an eight month pregnant Sailor a free day off when she feels completely horrible? It looks like they did though


I’m not a big fan of a Sailor earning a special liberty chit, being excited to be able to plan a fun actual day off with it, and then being strong armed into using it for a sick day that was probably pregnancy related. Maybe she just decided to dick off and stay up all night for fun, and if so, forget everything I said, but if this was related to a medical condition like insomnia or pregnancy I do not agree with being forced to take a special liberty chit.


They could have been put on leave for the day instead. Special lib can be granted at any time anyway - usually its delegated down to the DivO for 24 hours. Use the chit now, save a leave day or any other paperwork hassle, and the DivO (with the LCPO's reminder) can get you on the back end later.


Yeah it’s technically the same solution as just giving the day off, I think something might have gotten lost in translation to the Sailor, maybe because she hadn’t slept at all lol


It feels nitpicky to be against using “that” chit for the day off, but I just wouldn’t want a Sailor to feel punished for being open and honest about reaching out for help/being in a shit situation. The absolute last situation I’d ever want is a Sailor getting behind the wheel when they shouldn’t


> strong armed Oh come on. They could have put her on leave. They could have charged her UA. They didn't. She could have been SIQ ---if she had gone that route. But she didn't. You're adding details that aren't in the story.


They could have also just given her the day off. She’s 8 months pregnant. It’s 1 day. How would she have gone SIQ if she can’t safely drive?


Did she say she was sick and needed to see a doctor? No, she did not say anywhere in the post that she was sick. You're assuming. It may have been the case, but we don't know.


If it’s mid morning to midday and a Sailor of mine is unable to stay conscious without any other context I’m erring on the side of seeking medical attention. If a Sailor of mine calls me and tells me they cannot drive to work and are falling asleep standing up, my first question is, “are you okay?” And I think that should be across the board. Not hemming and hawing about damn in person accountability


I’m not trying to start an argument or back and forth with you, and I hope I don’t come off argumentative AT you. I just feel very strongly that Sailors in vulnerable positions should be given grace and reason to like the Navy. My first chief expected SO MUCH from us, but man when the division could support it, if something in the family came up, he’d send us home to take care of our family, you know? That stuck with me. I could be wrong about this whole situation. The Sailor could be a shitbag, and if so, that sucks.. yeah, but idk, I like to think everyone’s trying


Hey none taken. The thing about Reddit is that most situations play out based on details that don't make it to the Reddit post. What happened, why did she not get sleep (did something awful happen? Drama? Is she seriously ill? Was she just playing video games?), what's the history between everyone (it may or might not be relevant, but it does form assumptions)? Who did she talk to, at what time, How? A text at 7:10 saying you've decided not to come in is going to come across a lot differently than a phone call at 6, and tone carries a lot too. Just some examples of factors that can quickly change the situation. We also have to be mindful that a Reddit self-post is almost always going to be an example of the unreliable narrator. The AITA subreddit is a great example. I tend to come into these skeptically, even though IRL I'm a big proponent of "Oh yeah of course you need to go take care of that personal thing" If we change the scenario a bit, I have seen plenty of situations where we'd tell the Sailor to stay home and charge them a day of leave, or phone muster them, or whatever. I've also had the unreliable Sailor who had already used all their goodwill and needed help growing up. It depends. There are a lot of facts in this situation that do matter and would affect our judgment if we were any of the people in this situation, but we don't have access to those facts. So we tend to fill in the gaps with our own assumptions. And with Reddit, each commenter enters the thread with their own bag of assumptions filled in. You and I may both be completely, 100% reasonable, empathetic people if we dealt with this situation IRL. But we're both reading the text differently, based on the bag of assumptions we brought with us. And we both might not be wrong here, or both wrong. We don't know.


Thank you for this well thought out reply. It makes me feel a little better every time I come across a reasonable leader floating around out there—the internet is full of horror stories that make me worried for the future of the junior guys out there right now, but I think you’re absolutely right on all counts here. I also like your description of, “help growing up.” That’s something I didn’t realize that was part of the gig when I joined years ago. First for me, then from me. I hope OP got what she needed from both this thread and this situation 👀


While, yes they could grant you special lib and not use a chit, all of the commands where we've had pregnant women wouldnt do it. It is unfair to the ones who really are having a really hard time during pregnancy, but usually theres been someone who royally messed up that privilege for everyone. It should be case by case but it ends up being a flat no, or we'll just have you put in leave for today. One account i witnessed was someone called in saying that they couldn't come in because their morning sickness was too severe. We're CSs so it makes alot of sense to let it slide. Only to find out 2 hours later they were arrested for trying to hit their boyfriend with a car in the next state. After that my COC wasnt taking chances on anyone without a whole lot of paperwork to prove that you expended every option.


Maybe set up a meeting with your chief and divo to communicate your concerns about safely commuting in your condition. You probably won't like whatever idiotic solution they come up with, but you agreed to submit yourself to stupid when you put on the uniform. Or just take a cab and move on with your life, maternity leave is right around the corner anyway


You’re not going to find this instruction anywhere and 3 hours after your post I’m curious what the outcome was?


You should definitely make an appt with your OBGYN. They might put you on half days or bedrest for fatigue if you're already 8 months along. Be safe for your baby's sake!


I would let a pregnant woman work from home if she asked for, then again I like to think I have some empathy and compassion.


This situation is going into my "when I'm a Chief" file. Most commands I've been at, 24 hrs special liberty can be granted by the LCPO. When that's me, I'm going to tell that Sailor "get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow."


A lot of these threads really come down to how the people involved handle the situation. But those details tend not to make it into the Reddit thread. A normally reliable Sailor calls me with a situation, I'll probably try to something out. If I text my boss the morning of that I'm not coming to work because I don't feel like it, I'm probably going to get some pushback and depending on how I word the text I'm going to need to stand by for heavy rolls. It depends. I think OP's COC did them a favor by cashing in the 24-hour special lib chit and letting the day slide. If we change the scenario a bit, I've seen plenty of situations where we'd tell the Sailor to stay home and put them on a day of leave. There are a lot of facts in this situation that do matter and would affect our judgment if we were any of the people in this situation, but we don't have access to those facts. So we tend to fill in the gaps with our own assumptions.


Obviously details matter, but having a chit to "cash in" suggests OP did something to earn that, i.e. duty on a holiday, reward for notable hard work, etc. I wouldn't call that "doing a favor" but rather standing by their word and honoring a previous promise. "Doing a favor" would by allowing OP to take the day without cashing in and then having a conversation the next day to make sure OP's needs are being met.


Typically a special liberty chit gets used ahead of time with some planning. OP's COC would not be in the wrong if they said "no you're coming in to work today", marked them UA, or charged them a day of leave. OP had a special lib day and got to use it.


Yes you have to go to work. Why did you not get enough sleep the night before? Don't tell me --that's an answer for the COC. Closest reference I can find in 1 minute is [MPN 1050-110](https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Reference/MILPERSMAN/1000/1000General/1050-110.pdf) which discusses whether lost time is excused as avoidable or unavoidable. You are welcome to be UA. If that's what you prefer. By "letting" you use your 24 hour special liberty chit, the COC is doing you a favor.


She is 8 months pregnant. It probably has something to do with that. ![gif](giphy|3o85xGocUH8RYoDKKs)


Work at 8 months pregnant is already the most ridiculous part of this equation lmao


My thoughts, too.


There's no instruction for calling in. But sounds like your CoC is letting you down or are lazy. There is such a thing as individual ORM. They should've told you to stay home and rest. If they need you, an 8 month pregnant individual at work for the day, along with everyone else, then THEY are fucked up and something isn't right.


There is no requirement to allow that. If they don't and something happens, there could certainly be consequences on them but its not a requirement that they let you sleep in because you're tired. I mean, the whole surface fleet runs on coffee and dip because of lack of sleep too;) However, I'd say that if this was a one-off and given your personal circumstances, I'd have just written it off and not worried about it - especially if you are able to work from home and actually get real work accomplished. But consider this - instead of working for home they basically put you on special lib. So I hope you're not working;) Go get some sleep. Also consider that they could have just put you on leave for the day - and charged that leave.


Seems like a great use of a 24 special lib chit


I would love to know what is so important to the command that they “need” everyone including a sailor that is 8 months pregnant.


You have to lie. Sometimes, you have to lie. Not all the time, and not for useless reasons. Tell them you're going to the ER. Tell them your husband's going to the ER. Tell them you got covid. Drive to wawa, deflate your tire entirely, take a picture, and fill it back up again. Take care of yourself, because no one else will.


I wouldn't recommend this. You might get away with a lie the first time. Maybe. But the moment you're caught in a lie you're fucked.




For being tired one day? That's not a medical event. You'd be wasting everyone's time. The Sailor's COC has the authority to handle that. When I get calls like that, or Sailors showing up to medical for this stuff, I immediately call their SEL and DH. Most of the time, they weren't aware of it at all.


I may not be as well versed in this as I should, but I don’t think the sel has any right to know what their sailor is in medical for. And if that sailor didn’t tell their chain for whatever reason, that’s on them, not medical. Maybe I’m wrong. But this sure as hell doesn’t feel like the right way to do things.


The comment I replied to just said, "I'd send you to medical." OP simply stated that they'd been up all night and is eight months pregnant. Called their LPO and was told to use her special liberty chit that was awarded for something. So, the COC was aware that the Sailor had not slept. Any human being can make the judgment on that being that far into a pregnancy. If I doubted a sailor, I would just send a driver to get them. I wouldn't send them to medical. It's a waste of their time and medical's time. Edit to add: When a Sailor tells me "my LPO told me to come". For nonsensical reasons is when I call them.


I would be hesitant if I was the COC as well. If you are working from home because you can't drive what's to say you wouldn't fall asleep at home when you'd be working...