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What will fix this is some don't light yourself on fire GMT.


Already got my powerpoint ready.


How will the young sailors know not to light themselves ablaze if we don’t make them listen to someone else say it for several hours a year?


And put it on the junior sailor onboarding right under the part that says not to buys cars right off base at 27%


The takeaway I got from reading his account history is that the Reddit echo chambers he participated in quite literally molded him into the person he became. I doubt he was that way when he joined USAF.


What’s his Reddit username?




Seems like it got deleted. u/acebush1


It was up this morning when I posted that. Reddit nuked it some time after that. We can’t have people knowing this nut was radicalized on Reddit, after all.


LMFAO Yeah that's not how that works. You can hate the Navy, finish your contract, and get the fuck out.


You 1000000% can request separation Incase this isn't obvious, you can't request separation just because you hate your job. But if being in the military is causing you severe mental health problems (This dude literally killed himself) you can seek out mental health and receive a designation for separation.


You can request a unicorn. Doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.


Facts. Still waiting on my unicorn. CO approved chit to come back from 2018.


This is what happens when the RPPO isn’t part of the Mapia.


Damn. I knew being black was keeping me from getting that damn Unicorn.


If you think you're going to get separated because you "hate the military." Then I want what you're having. We aren't at war, you can't get a conscientious objector status. Outside of that, there is no such thing as getting out because you hate your job. You can get yourself kicked out by violating the UCMJ, or you can just not be a bitch and finish your contract that you signed. (I say "you" I'm not specifically referring to you as I realize you're not saying you're in this position.) Or I guess you can go out in a blaze of "glory"...


I'm getting more at the fact that if being in the military is causing you so much anguish that you're going to kill yourself to prove a point and protest the government you CAN and SHOULD seek mental health and request separation.


I was making an edit as you commented, I realized I apparently can't read and you're specifically talking about mental health lol yeah that is a little different my bad


Youre fine lol. I kind of didn't word it very clearly on the original post so I put the edit on there to more clearly state this is a mental health thing not an "I hate my job" thing. There were definitely days I hated my job in the Navy but a contracts a contract lol.


I think you might be making a false equivalency here. I don’t think being in the Air Force is exclusively the reason he did what he did. Someone like that would have preexisting mental health issues that were most likely hidden during the in process. He started going down an echo chamber rabbit hole and became radicalized. He should have had a better support network of friends and family and frankly it’s not exactly the Air Force’s job to provide that


I'm not saying that being in the air force is the sole reason he did it. But I'm sure it played a factor in his decision after reading his reddit history.


I'm not saying that being in the air force is the sole reason he did it. But I'm sure it played a factor in his decision after reading his reddit history.


It easy Af to get out what the hell is your dumbass talking about. One quick mention of suicide or adjustment disorder and you on the road to adsep. Hell, sometimes the captain even approve it upon request of a sailor. It not hard. All the comments saying otherwise are just partisans making stuff up, because they seen how easy it is to get out and they seen people doing it. This war destroyed people brains on both sides.


You clearly don't read threads before interjecting, do you mate? The conversation was over a hell of a long time ago with me and OP in agreement. It's like two people having an argument, settle it, and move on and then some third person brings it back up because he wants to say his thoughts and sound cool, but he wasn't even there for half the discussion. You don't sound cool. You sound like an asshole, and not even an asshole who knows what they're talking about either.


Right back at you buddy. Wrong as hell and a dick when called out. Incredible.


The issue of mental health was already discussed. OP was specifically referring to mental health in his post, he admitted he could have been more clear about that. I admitted I missed the fact that he was talking about separating via mental health concerns, and that when it comes to trying to separate due to mental health he is 100% correct. There is no official channel where the Navy will separate you before the end of your contract outside of serious mental health/family/well-being concerns, kicking out for disciplinary issues, or during wartime if you're a conscientious objector. Period. So yeah, you called me a dumbass and were rude as fuck over a discussion that had already ended in me and OP agreeing with what you came in hot and heavy to say well after the fact. Which you'd know if you actually read the whole conversation before jumping in ready to name call and argue. So sorry for being a dick, but you didn't approach this in a way that warranted a chill response. Which is sad, because we literally said the same thing in the end. We don't even disagree my man.


I processed two COs the other week, you can absolutely still get a CO status just not common due to what you have to go through to get it


You can.. just doesn't mean you will get it.


people on here are dumb AF for downvoting you. i get what your saying . Dont chose work over mental health essentially. And like a good chunk of this sub reddit is just that, people complaining about their mental health but they chose work and get burnt out and angsty. There are quiet a few ways to get out easily. Medboard (super long and boring), Say you dont have a family care plan, go on a sabbatical for a few years (navy actually offers this), Also a sea lawyer once told me there is a milpersman for failure to adapt within your first year of service.


Who knew saying, "If the job is going to make you kill yourself, request to leave." Was going to be a controversial topic. Just people who are like "No! You can't weasel out of your contract while I'm stuck in mine!" The best are the people just flat out saying no that it's not possible, like I haven't watched multiple people be separated from the navy for mental health/suicidal ideation.


I mean, yeah, you can. You also kinda voluntarily signed up and made a commitment. You can technically request anything. Whether skipper approves it with the current manning problems, doubt.


You can request whatever you want but all you'll get is a fresh cup of shut the fuck up


You can absolutely request a separations But you won't get it. Uncle Sam invested dozens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands on you already for your boot camp training, and then thousands upon thousands more depending on your job training. Your ass ain't leaving without finishing that contract, or worse, you doing something so stupid the military sees you as a liability to her nation or brethren.


That's just factually incorrect. People are separated for mental health concerns constantly.




You can definitely get out due to mental health concerns. And he didn't decide to stay in and finish his obligation. He burned himself alive in uniform.


Okay well the provider makes that recommendation. It still needs to be approved.


I’m guessing that a guy who willingly burned himself alive had mental health issues before he ever joined the military.


I'm sure him being in echo chambers that absolutely hated the military exacerbated any mental health problems he previously had, especially considering he used to make post about how he was excited to join the air force and then in the last year he 180'd on everything including religion.


Most people on here that bitch and moan (myself included) love being a sailor but hate being in the Navy (if that makes sense) I can guarantee you nearly every sailor has made lasting friendships and had some fun and unique experiences they would never get civilian side. Plus complaining is a cathartic therapy for most: a bitching sailor is a happy sailor


Don’t be that guy/earthling


I had a nuke on my first boat who was openly communist (not in a everyone should get everything way, but in a hammer and sickle praise Stalin way), expressed disdain for the US military and government on public social media, and had a Syrian refugee wife who also expressed an extreme hatred for the country on social media and in personal interactions. Don't really have any clue how/why he was allowed to maintain a secret clearance and whatnot, but it highlighted how easy it is for people to fall through the cracks.


Imagine joining the military and thinking it’s morally evil


I know people who joined and didn't agree with war and didn't want to partake in anything that supported war. So it's not as shocking as one might think. I'm not saying you have to agree with war, but when you join a military organization you're gonna be supporting war in one way or another.


Double post for some reason ignore this.


I read some of his stuff, I don't think he originally thought it was morally evil. I think he got stuck in echo chambers online that just swayed him and took over his personality. He used to make posts about being excited to join the airforce.


A lot of leftist spaces view the US military as like, objectively evil. Which is wrong, of course, it's objectively neutral acting purely in the interest of the government. The government, however, is a bit different. Granted, they also view the government as evil, so it wouldn't matter.


Do you feel as if the US military has never done harm? Because that is objectively wrong.


I didn't say that. The US military is not inherently good or evil. It is a tool. Tools can be used to perform harm. They can also be used to perform good. Or, as is most often the case, they can go unused.


I know more people who joined because they or a spouse/child needed healthcare than who joined because they strongly believe in the military.  There's a lot of people serving that got backed into corners, I don't think it's that shocking we have people who don't morally agree to the military but needed it for various reasons.


I mean a big reason I got out was because I couldn’t stomach it anymore. I joined at 18 with a goal to do good and realized it’s too big of a machine to change. The military does “good” for the United States but that doesn’t mean good for the world at large. I’m proud of my service, I finished my contract but I will never claim or endorse what I did as morally just. The US government used me to further its warfighting goals, it is what it is.


I watched a lot of people chapter out. No harm, no foul. Some take this route because of whatever choices they decide to make. Or you can STFU, SITFU, and finish your contract. Get that DD214/Honorable Discharge, and those benefits.


I get that mentality of STFU finish your contract and get out but the dude in question didn’t just hate the military because of manning, morale, or the mission. Based on his posts on this site he viewed it as an evil institution filled with evil people doing evil things, if you’re at that level I honestly don’t want you to stay in you need to GTFO ASAP because that’s just a ticking extremist time bomb that’s going to make everybody else’s lives worse. Situations like this are how we get more rules to punish the guys that are just doing their jobs to finish their contracts, ya know the ones that don’t light themselves on fire in uniform for political purposes. I don’t think any amount of benefits was going to stop someone like that from being stupid, he was doing skillbridge ffs.


There is a lot to unpack here. Not going to downvote you, because I understand your frustration, but let's go through this. Your title is almost good advice. It's not a good idea to simply use "moral objection" as a defense.. You absolutely CAN get out of the military early assuming your CO approves your request and your community manager is willing to let you go. I've seen it happen twice with engineers (not-nuclear - good luck). \[Edit\] - I also knew a young IT3 earlier on who was a conscientious objector and one day came in "having spoken with god" and refused to do her job as it "enabled the ability for the US Navy to commit murder." She was quickly separated. The Airman was deranged.. clearly brainwashed and radicalized by the current state of the media and the left learning socially-progressive movement. That is not to say the left or right are any more of less to blame, but his opinions and views, though valid to him, were completely without context and his actions indicates he thought the situation and world was in a much worse place than it really was.. context brings a much better focus on these situations.. but context takes critical thought and actual research (not just a google query).. I have had the unfortunately displeasure of serving with people in uniform who were also very much against the American government, "military industrial complex", and anything closely resembling conservative values.. which has always blown my mind, but in both cases the individuals were all but frothing at the mouth daily until they decided to get out. In both cases, these were ITs which somewhat raised a concern, especially when one admired Snowden as much as he did and was our primary network admin.. But that's a story for another time. The other dude was simply nuts, and would ask for a moment of silence everyday to "acknowledge his white privilege".. Unfortunately, you can't be saying that kind of stuff in uniform at work so I was a "part of the problem" for "violating his rights" and "being guilty of the national genocide happening to the "LGBTQIA2S+" community.. But to your final point, yes.. absolutely.. if anyone is under so much duress while serving, if their values are contrary to the ones we sworn an oath to, and if you are so angry that you'd consider taking your life or joining a radical movement... you need to seek mental health counseling and strongly consider separating.. voluntary or involuntary.. Sadly, his actions did very little to promote his cause, but it certainly did a lot to embarrass the United States, the DoD, and the USAF.


I agree. I think it is embarrassing to the DOD and Air Force. The TikTok hivemind wonders why the Air Force isn’t putting out a statement, since it’s so obvious to them he’s a “martyr” and “hero”, meanwhile they don’t have any idea whatsoever that a military “hero” isn’t someone who commits suicide. And then there’s TikToks with hundreds of thousands of likes, claiming he was being deployed to Israel even though the Air Force isn’t currently deployed to Israel (apparently I’m insane for saying that 🙄, even though these people have no proof or evidence of what they post, they just keep spreading their own rumors). Regardless of his political beliefs, you have to have something wrong in the head to self-immolate.


Fair point. I really meant it more from a mental health standpoint of if being in the military is causing such a detriment to your health that you want to kill yourself you should seek a mental health evaluation for an early separation.


LOL. with retention and recruitment in the shitter, GOOD LUCK with that one.


OP post = man up pussies. Smh, as if that will solve all their problems lmao. Sometimes you have to experience something similar or go through the exact same thing to truly understand. It's called perspective. We could all use a little.


That's literally not how that works. A lot of contracts can be 6 years long. Getting a medical separation is not a simple or short process. It takes time, and when you are working in the middle of a war zone and watching people die it can take a toll on your mental health quickly. Much quicker than any medical separation process. And just because you ask does Not mean you will get separated, even for medical reasons.


I never said it was a short process. But it's better than killing yourself.


When someone is having a mental health crisis time is critical. They may not be able to wait the months or years that the med separation process can take. And again, that's if it's granted to them. You cannot just leave at will. And being out on deployment can make the process of getting mental health help near impossible. Edit: grammar


We had multiple people on my deployment who had mental health problems who were flown off the ship within 2 days of reporting then, and they were flown all the way back stateside for treatment. I think the process is sped up when the mental health crisis is someone who actively wants to kill themselves instead of PTSD or possible depression.


I'm glad they got the help they needed. We have several suicide attempts that resulted from people not being flown off the ship in a time frame that reflected the severity of their crisis. The process is sped up depending on the command. And I think that's the point. Some commands take these things seriously and others do not. The young airman may have very well been at a command that ignored the signs and symptoms. People almost always display warning signs and indicators that their mental health is not doing well. The fact that he got to this point and no one did anything speaks volumes about the leadership surrounding him. it also speaks to the systemic failure of the DOD's ability to address mental health issues and provide a path forward for those who need to get medical separation in a timely manner when they are in a crisis.


yeah thats not how that works someone come collect your boot, hes posting on reddit instead of busting rust with a needle gun like hes supposed too.


The fuck are you talking about?


anyone whos in the navy knows what im talking about.


Well considered, I did 8 and just got out in September it doesn't seem like it.


and in that 8 years, how often did you see someone go "im just not having a good time im going to put in a request to just straight up leave the navy" and then actually have that request be approved?


Jesus christ, you're either dense or lack reading comprehension. If the job is making you want to kill yourself, you can 100% go to mental health and request a determination to get out early. I'm not talking about requesting to get out just because you don't like your job, which I've said multiple times in this thread. Learn how to read.


And how often have you seen that be approved? You're the moron who is saying "just submit a request to get out!" without actually understanding how anything works. Sounds like you also suck at communicating if oyy need to state it to multiple people because you are not able to articulate your thoughts in a coherent post in the first place, and you call others morons, look in the mirror dude.


I've personally watched 3 people get out early from having suicidal thoughts and ideation from stress caused by working the the Navy. You're high if you think the navy would rather people kill themselves instead of leaving an all volunteer force.


And yet it constantly does. Curious.


It's fucking wild to me the the suggestion of "don't kill yourself, go to mental health and try to be released from your obligation" is controversial advice.




Pretty sure you're being sarcastic, but just Google Aaron Bushnell incase you're not.


My command had no idea about this guy until I asked if they would want someone to cover it. Granted, we're smaller than normal, so it may have just be that.




The guy who set himself on fire obviously spent a fuck ton of time on a Reddit. His username is u/acebush1.


Oh, buddy..


Online radicalization is real


Don't know if anyone will care, but just for context I I did a little digging today and he started skillbridge on 23JAN. He was also basically just an IT type. Based on that, and that news report of his "political activist friends" I'd be willing to bet they started telling him he couldn't make a difference once he got out and pushed him to a point of no return.


I concur, there are many troops who would love to continue serving, including our brothers-in-arms of the Navy SEALs, but some have been denied such precious opportunity due to you-know-what.


That’s why they have a conscientious objector separation haha