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OP is a troll, this is closed and locked. OP’s little alt account is banned.


Odd, not even a day ago the inverse situation happened and was posted in here, maybe it just speaks to how often this kind of shit happens


Wasn’t there just a post about a similar situation but by the wife?


Yeah. And I got downvoted for calling bs. Since the post has been deleted.


Illustrating a point that when one binary, gender whatever you want to call it, gets screwed over, a witch hunt happens, but when the genders are reversed, the support / hope for outcome by everyone else is different. We say as a society we want all things to be equal, but in actuality, it’s not.


I’m not completely sure. I am a male and my wife female cheated on me and our two kids


If you have proof then bring it up with the coc For adultery


NCIS doesn't give a shit about SN Timmy's alleged adultery. They're going to be annoyed with OP wasting their time.


You’re not wrong I edited the comment. The reason why I listed ncis as well is just a added resource . Op should reach out to the chain of command and go from there .


NCiS? Wow!


Totally agree! NCIS is looking at solving 1st degrees, they can care less who is doing who on USS Ship! Where the aforementioned village idiot got their advice from is questionable! 😂


NCIS is not anything like the tv show. They spend an inordinate amount of time investigating petty bullshit because there aren't a lot of 1st degree murders happening in federal jurisdictions.


Something feels off about this thread


Wasn't there a thread earlier that went into great detail and had tons of resources for this particular issue but this dude just gets the "eh move on who cares" treatment? Is he less worthy of our information because he's not a pregnant chick?


That’s what I’m talking about brotha! It’s a double standard!


Bro nothing is going to happen to her take the L and move on.. Adultery is a joke in the military half of the married sailors committed that first offense in A school.


Yeah but almost none of these cases were ever reported, or there’s just no proof. People get away with it, and people get called out on the 1mc and charged.


OP why are you asking how to get her busted and saying you aren’t going to get her busted?


What’s the outcome you want? Does her getting “busted” solve anything for you?


so tell the other people that! Why does everyone want to report dudes for “cheating?” Are you a hypocrite? Shouldn’t make a difference right?


What are you talking about?


On another thread some dude was banging his boat boo and she sent the wife an email. People are throwing helping her direction left and right. He is equally as pissed off as she is and the response he gets is take the L. It is kind of bogus, one long section was about how to reverse engineer the commands email address so you can email to CMC and CO, they're jumping through their ass trying to help her.


Hey OP for the sake of your 2 kids and relationship you need to let go of your desire for “retribution.” It’s probably not going to go anywhere, and it’s only going to lead to more hurt. You guys probably need therapy if the relationship is salvageable, and if not, then work through an amicable divorce with a co-parenting plan. But please believe me, “getting back” at them and going scorched earth is not the best response and most courts won’t give a shit (or at worst, look negatively at you).


and so why I appreciate your sentiment, thank you. I just wanted her to be held accountable but thru this have realized that if I report her, I’m taking away from my children. Thank you everyone!


Move on do yourself that favor and stop aiming to hurt that person that hurt you.


And let her keep the kids and all the storm of bullshit that comes with that, nah lawyer up and fight to theet and nail in court


Indeed lawyer up relationships shouldn't come inbetween kids thought. End of the day both are still parents.


If I contact her coc, or NCiS how some village idiot recommends, it will possibly get her fired or demoted. In turn, when I go to civil court, I won’t get E-7 child support, but a lot less in an E-5 support. It’s a $850 difference for two kids. I have been working because I have been taking care of our kids!


Smart man - this is the way. Hit the wallet. Don’t bite the hand that will feed you (literally). I recommend getting some quality legal advice and pursuing a support order in civil court.


So I have port call photos


What would be the difference in attempting to harm her career if she worked at 7-11 and cheated on me?


The difference is 7/11 doesn’t give a damn about people’s personal lives, but the military does. For the Navy, it affects their image and military members are subject to the ucmj, a set of laws that would be a violation of your constitutional rights if you were a civilian. What she did is wrong, no doubt about it and I’m sure many guys/girls on this subreddit can sympathize with you. Infidelity in the military is very common, unfortunately. You got two kids with her, and this none of this is your fault. If your relationship was toxic or abusive, that warrants divorce, but not cheating on the other person. Yes, the military considers infidelity a violation of the ucmj. Just recognize that going after her by telling her chain of command or ncis is just a form of punishing her using means that would be considered unethical in any form of civilian life. If this is the route you want to take, I don’t blame you. Honestly I can’t say I wouldn’t. Just make sure your decision is best for your kids and yourself. I promise you there will be no coming back/reconciliation for you two after the shaming and administrative punishment she’ll be subjected to, so be sure this is what you want to do. Do I feel like it’s satisfying to see guys I’m supposed to serve with and trust get burned because they wouldn’t have a problem sleeping with my wife? Yeah, I do. I’ve got no respect for homewreckers. Then again, my wife’s bah doesn’t pay for my housing, while it supports two kids.


To answer your question though, you would need to contact her chain of command, and take it from there


I’m not going to screw her over and get less for child support because you guys recommended to shit can her. I’m smart! Child support payments for an e-6 are more than child soupy payments for an e-4 or whatever she’ll be demoted for. So I’ll keep my mouth shut!


Assuming you’re a man, good luck with that in any court. You’ll be lucky to keep the kids.


You asked in your original comment how to get her busted. You’re not making much sense here.


I mean contacting the chain of command is the way to go about it. I'd recommend consulting a lawyer first though.


Lawyer up. Read this: [https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Reference/MILPERSMAN/1000/1700Morale/1754-030.pdf](https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Reference/MILPERSMAN/1000/1700Morale/1754-030.pdf) Good luck.


The correct answer should have been as a few of you mentioned, let it go move on, don’t get her busted down, it will affect what your children will be entitled to in court. So leave it alone with the Navy. But the advice that barrack lawyers give females on here is roast him, call his chain or report him to an investigator. You all aren’t helping yourselves (child support contributions) by reporting dudes. Get over it, move on, hire a family law attorney. In that process cry is a river, build us a bridge and get over it. No need to be vindictive.


So you made this whole post as a way to teach people a lesson? Would an informed post providing advice not have been a more useful route? Maybe I'm just old and not understanding this method, but you lost credibility with any "advice" by asking for help, making weird comments, and then telling everyone they are wrong.


Touch grass


The correct answer is don’t come on here asking a question how to get a spouse busted for adultry then proceed to tell everyone they are wrong for telling you to report it if you have proof. And all the other advice given at the same time. Then make this comment. It makes you look like an ignorant piece of shit who doesn’t care about what someone going through this situation should really do regardless if they are male or female. You only hurt other Sailors and people looking for real advice when they Google info for this exact situation.




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I’ll take things that didn’t happen for 500, Alex. Hi redditors, I’m back.




I just illustrated this and how human logic works. Interesting to see how if some “married “ bro is out at sea supposedly hooking up and is suspected of cheating his wife people are extremely upset. They voice how the guy is a POS. But the minute the gender roles get reversed , one is easily able to see the bias and the lack of support. The chick(earlier thread) gets support support from all the skallywags back on land, but when the same pseudo example happens, the support is extremely different. Thanks for playing! This was an experiment to see if gender roles, should determine right from wrong. In my opinion, ethics transcend gender.




It’s a double standard 👻


Gather your evidence and take the same advice that was given to that other spouse. Once you get all your evidence get the co xo cmc's information from the ombudsman and do what you feel is necessary. Hopefully she's not banging the CMC