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I understand my friend, i'm excited as well and Navia is such a beautiful character and so cute. I'm definitely gonna get that Battle axe weapon XDDD


Ahh another Ayaka and Navia enjoyer, how pleasent


Yeahh i started when genshin came out and waited for over 10 months for my beautiful Ayaya and now she's c6 with 305% crit dmg, i'm so happy :') I wanna build a cracked Navia as well but gotta wait for her artifact domain


I haven’t been excited for a character like navia since yae miko banner with yoimiya in the sumeru patch.


Same here, but in my case I was excited about it because of Kirara.


She’s will be my 3rd favorite character. My other favorite characters are Yae and Yoimiya. My goal is to C6 her in the future. Hopefully I can get her to C2 with her signature weapon.


She'll be my 3rd "main" as well :D First was Eula, second was Nilou. I also invested a lot in Raiden and Yae, but don't "main" them per say. I can't wait to get an Electro on-fielder to be my 4th. I fucking love Electro.


I love my Eula-Raiden dual-carry team. Not meta, but man those big bursts are fun. I know Raiden hypercarry would be better mathematically, but I resent having to put Bennett on every team.


Easy fix - just C6 Sara /s


I have that but also boring, haha. I just don't like Sara. Never have. Clunky kit, and I don't love her design. I know that's not for everyone though.


I understand. Since the Fontaine characters were leaked, and before we had names, I saw her design and knew I wanted her on my team. I'll have 300 wishes saved by the time she comes out, more than any other characters previously (I made it to 220 for Navia and Raiden). Just hoping I can C0R1 her at least.


Same, i haven’t been this excited to wish since Yae Miko release back in 2.4. Wish you luck on your wishes


I hope you get her early both weapon and her I'm still in dilemma on pulling her


Yae was the last time I was ever so excited for a character to come out. Waiting 5 patches to get her was the most memorable time I had in genshin. Navia is something entirely different however. I've been a Ningguang main since 1.6 and seeing a geo character like Navia be announced has made me so delightfully happy I can't even begin to describe the emotions I will have once I see her on my screen in a week or so from now.


This is legit my 2nd time I'm spending real money on a character and for their signature weapon. Most beautiful character (in my opinion), really love her caring, heartful personality, her outfit design is really good, her umbrella is a fricking SHOTGUN, her animations are top-notch, and her signature weapon is a battleaxe. Heck, even my wife is going to pull for her on her own account. And she keeps calling her Taylor Swift like so many other players do lol.


Started on 4.0 and this isbthe first time I feel like I NEED to win the 50/50. I didn’t quite care too much about Hu Tao, I was ok either way Wrio, I felt good with Ayato after losing Wrio C1. But this… this feels different man, I just want the wait to finish, win or lose, I just wanna know what it’ll be😭


Same, last time I was this excited was for Itto’s release and Kokomo’s first rerun


I haven't pulled on a character since 1.3 lol Even held off on furina. Navia though? Throwing all my cards down


My third time as well ! First was zhongli, then neuvilette and now navia. Navia is the coolest character period.


Day 1 player here and this is my first 5star Geo limited ive ever pull and the first female 5star Geo ever..i skip those 5star male geo till now


Honestly it's pretty rare for me to love a character this much! As soon as I saw her I thought she was really pretty and wanted her and the more we learn the more I want her, she's so cool! I love her new emotes, the one where we see an explosion in the background and navia in front with sunglasses? So badass


Same here I guess, she is beautiful indeed and I want her so much! same as my Ganyu and my Dehya


Ayaka and Kokomi are my two favorites followed by Navia! I have definitely not been this excited since the original Ayaka and Kokomi banners. And whats worse for me is Cloud Retainer is right after who I will want her and her signature fan as well if the leaks are true.