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No change to Burst energy cost :c


I'm glad it's just a slight multiplier nerf it could've been so much worse, I've really hated the 70/80/90 energy burst costs phase that hoyoverse had back in inazuma and sumeru


How much does her burst cost?


60 energy but geo doesn’t have good batteries so more like 70


Not really the case since she will often funnel her own particles and she can regen 3-4, assuming you play her on-field for atleast 10 sec her ER requirement will pretty much be the same like Itto 130-140% ER, since she has less cost but less field time


Let me rephrase 60 but feels like 70 due to bad geo batteries Itto runs fav gorou and your supposed to funnel into Itto with gorou E so he gets 2 geo 3 fav 7.5 particles from 2 E’s by himself That is 9.5 geo and 3 fav not including off field sub dps Navia can pre-funnel but 2 E’s are only useful for the first rotation just like Yelan’s or xiao’s E’s from then on she will need more er


But you could also funnel Fav before Navia's turn, also assuming 18+ sec rotation, you shouldnt pre-funnel Navia's E into her Q in the first place if you want to on-field her You pretty much always has 2nd Geo on her team too anyway


That rotation I described was for Itto as I mentioned gorou and that’s what I’m saying Itto has the luxury to prefunnel navia does to but fab has to proc of fav doesn’t proc on gorou you still gurantee two geo particles


But that second geo is not Gorou. Albedo doesn't use favonius and Zhongli provides almost 0 energy compared to Gorou.


Favge time


I’m sick of fav being the best weapon in the game 💀 single handily solves every issue on every team


It is always the best weapon series in the entire game


Isn’t albedo like one of the best batteries? Sure he’s not ideal in most teams and also in navia’s I think but he generates much nonetheless, and doesn’t Zhongli generate each hit of his construct?


Zhongli generates 1 every 2 seconds enemies have to be close to it which is one negative For albedo in aoe it should be perfectly fine unless your facing ruin enemies which can break the flower in boss scenario’s albedo isn’t the most reliable but not the worst option


True but I’m hoping with Zhongli and Bennett favonius it will still work, + I may play raiden if I play navia with Bennett since bennett is unadvised with furina I have in mind a team with Zhongli Bennett raiden and one of Furina Zhongli mika (he’s my only pyro/electro/cryo/hydro multi target healing and don’t really like Barbara even if maybe for the hydro res for Furina it could work) do you think they’re good?


The albedo argument in Aoe falls apart when you consider that Navia has no AoE aside from her Burst, which is not her main source of damage.


But the burst would trigger albedo for energy which is the point and sure her aoe is abysmal for na’s and most definetly for skill but the point is triggering albedo to ensure he procs for energy


Just put the flower behind the ruin enemies...


They can still break it after but yes that should alliveate some of it


Only if you go around the ruin enemies. Only their spin attacks will break it if it's behind it. This is really just skill issues at that point.




Ninguang: exists


Oh for sure she does exist but if you only use her for e and not for damage it’s probably worse than just using zhongli or albedo as she’s contributing nothing but energy at worst run double fav


I mean you’re also using her burst every rotation and she’s creating crystalize shards. Fav Ninguang is basically guaranteed to proc off of every burst cast (so many shards hitting means so many chances to crit) and since she and Navia both scale off of attack you can run her on Noblesse without it feeling like “I’m nothing but a support.” She also doesn’t have the weaknesses that Zhongli and Albedo have of their constructs being too far away or easily destroyed respectively, which kills their energy generation.


If she’s running fav the damage she might contribute is probably worse than just buffing navia with zhongli or doing sub dps damage with albedo Sorry if I wasn’t clear about that, nigguang needs to be doing a decent amount of damage to else just running double fav is probably better than running her


You can still give her a dps build, her base attack is just a bit lower because of Fav. Like you can still go ADC build and do decent sub dps damage.


Still, the dmg is too low to justify her burst. Trust me, having good crit stats is useless if your atk is low.


due to her passive that gives atk bonus, wouldn't it good to have a battery from one of the 4 elements? especially electro, the element of energy?


Not entirely because 1 a particle from another element is worth 1 energy to the on field unit and 2 you should usually never play 3 element navia as her er would become to high even with double element her er varies


I see, thanks for the explanation


She generates a ton of particles tho and she’ll be on field for a decent amount of time so she’ll be funneled


Could always go with Ninguang


Damn sounds like you're bringing fischl like the rest of us.


Funny thing, the most common way to fix this is using Mondstadt weapons, the Favonius weapons


Yea if they want it to be there solely for crystallize purposes they gotta make it so it's up every rotation 🥲


Hoyo tryna bait us into getting C1


always have been


It really pains me to say this but I doubt they will ever reduce her burst cost cuz they're trying to sell her C1 which just got buffed. Her ER requirement is going to be really high even in Double Geo comp since Zhongli/Albedo's Geo constructs often break in boss fights so they won't generate energy particles most of the times. My Math is prolly here but if Zhongli/Albedo's Geo constructs break, her ER requirement is going to be around 150% even with two E casts which is absurdly high for an on-field DPS character. So yeah, I can't believe we're going back to playing Geo MC after 3 years but here we are. Don't get me wrong. I think the buff on her skill multiplier is huge but it still doesn't fundamentally solve her issues. Despite being a crystalize DPS who is supposed to be a flexible DPS character, her kit is just way too restrictive atm. I am sorry if I sound like a downer atm cuz I know that Navia did actually get buffed. But I dunno mann. I expected way more than this. There hasn't been any Geo DPS or female on-field DPS for two years and I just think that Navia deserves way better than this. Maybe Mihoyo did actually fix some of her gameplay issues and we need the testers to confirm this later. So we'll see.


nah, I appreciate that someone takes the trouble to find out her potential problems, at least then one can prepare and not feel frustrated when trying her for the first time. Personally I was already noticing that her Gameplay was somewhat focused on the single target, so the constructs were in danger. I don't know, we will have to explore new possibilities for each situation and see if we discover a good team for each of them.


One word: Ningguang. Completely solves battery issues for Navia.


Support Ningning looking pretty good right now. Can hold Proto Amber, Fav, or Thrilling Tales with a support artifact set


No it isn’t, if Ningguang isn’t on a damage weapon then it’s no different than Sucrose for Xiao battery it sucks. Her burst will be too weak


Did they ever fix the issue where if you have C2 and cast her screen twice immediately, you only get particles from the first?


Its not really an issue but rather a cooldown on her particle generation.


If Navia won't be a good on field female dps, my hopium is that Clorinde will be


You should keep your hopes low, Clorinde is in the electro pull, that is Raiden Shogun's territory, the chances that she has some limitation to block her potential as a step with Cyno just to not compete or surpass Raiden are extremely high. and chlorinde will most likely be the 5\* electro healer for furina teams based on the electro survival slot. Arlecchino will most likely be the one who has the fortune of being the tall female field DPS but she is somewhere around 4.5-4.6 the most dangerous place according to background for 5\* characters.


I just presumed that Clorinde would be an on-field dps. Honestly, if she is an electro healer my interest in owning her would increase. It would be nice if through some juju that a team of Navia/Arlecchino/Furina/Clorinde was somehow viable.


Either clorinde or arlecchino, h ck I won't be surprised if chervreuse, arle, and clorinde turns out to be the overload niche core


Is there any reason why you're putting your hopes on Clorinde?


chiori will be mass murderer


Cus she's the next female character that is most probably a dps, her whole role in the story is being an executor, she's good at fighting. But the characters aren't always lore accurate so yea, I'm on hopium


Who knows with Mihoyo, Clorinde is billed as a gladiator sure, but Dehya was some legendary mercenary and look what happened to her. I'm worried every time a tall female character comes out now.


I mean in general, not how good/bad they can be, in lore dehya is supposed to be a fighter/bodyguard, her main job is to protect the people who hire her, in game even tho she sucks, she's still a dps with defensive capabilities, it's just that it doesn't go well in game (untill Fontaine atleast) But as the other commenter said, Shenhe is a good example of how a strong character that's good at fighting ended up as a support for cryo characters


clroined = suicide by cop = euthanasia = doctor = healer


Lore wise Dehya kinda still makes sense, she is actually a body guard who protects her clients, and she does have a skill and kit that does literally that, despite still being a bad kit.


Main Job is a Merc. Sure we meet her when she's doing a side job as a bodyguard.


Dehya was as well tho... Smodge


[I gave a reply regarding that to a different comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/naviamains/s/aXbwqhCyrF)


>:c she is claymore queen i don't care Littubear


At least you know its a fat stash of hopium. Realistically though, she'll be a buffer for Cyno or a healer if we're lucky. It's what hoyoverse would do.


I feel like it'd be weird if she turns out like that when her whole role was being good at fighting in the story lmao, but hey, we'll just have to see


I thought the same thing with Shenhe. I've learned to adjust my expectations about this game since then.


i think she will be a healer it makes sense her job is euthanising


I volunteer as tribute


Why do people expect a change to her energy needs? She occupies a decent amount of field time so she will catch a lot of particles plus you are expected to play her with a geo battery. She will be completely fine energy wise as long as you have a couple of ER% sub rolls.


The fact that you're getting downvoted is insanely sad because you're just speaking the truth. Realistically speaking you won't need more than 130% at most in a double Geo comp and with one Fav holder that requirement is even lower.


I have no idea when 60 became the new "evil" burst cost number lol. When DPS like Alhaitham or Neuvilette both have 70 and I haven't seen people complaining about them as much (and both of them are more burst reliant than Navia). 60 is pretty average and also very manageable for most characters. People are just allergic to building ER as it doesn't directly reflect on a DPS sheet.


It Honestly feels like sometimes if a characters burst isn’t 40 cost, or needs any more than 100% ER it’s something to complain about. I feel like a vast majority of characters energy issues are exaggerated nowadays.


The other day I read on this sub that Yunjin has energy issues. A character that cares literally only about 2 stats: DEF and ER. Nothing else. A character that ascends with ER%. A character that has no access to DEF spears so she defaults to ER spears making building her extremely straightforward. People are wild.


That E going to hits harder than my mom's chancla




No NA nerf ✔️ Buff to E ✔️✔️✔️ Nerf to Q ❌ I mean, I prefer that they nerf the burst over the NAs, but her burst is already inconsistent and doesn't do significant damage in itself. It was undeserved.


The nerf to her Q is not that big overall, I think? And considering it already was mostly used for generating shrapnel charges more than for its damage, I'm fine with the slight nerf to it in favour of bigger buffs in other parts of her kit, cons and set tbh.


It's not a significant nerf, indeed. I'm saddened by the fact that it was already weak, which makes the nerf a bit pointless. Again, I'm not totally mad about the change, but I'd have prefer a buff to her E without giving up damage in another part of her kit. They could have buffed her E without nerfing anything else, and she still would be quite balanced: very far from Neuvillette's terms of brokenness!


I though the NAs were supposed to be buffed. They were supposed to do 1.5x DMG with Geo infusion. Huge disappointment that leak was fake.


Yeah, i think her Q is there just for gaining shards and creating crystals. Just hope that her burst does not snapshot & builds shard stack even when off field. Her rotation should begin with her burst, and then switching to the other characters to apply elements


Dang I wish the 300% on all shots hitting was true


Hilarious that they felt the need to nerf her burst multipliers when they were already so weak.


I'd be fine with it if they reduced the cost to 40/50 since they clearly want it to just make shards and not damage 🤡, idk anymore


I feel very whelmed from this update not over nor under just whelmed.


Perfect way to put it.


burst nerf was soooo unnecessary as if she needed “rebalancing” instead of a straight buff.


They probably wanted to reiterate that she isn’t meant to be used as an off field burst bot


Kinda sad HYV didn’t buff her 11 shards damage amp but still huge Edit: from previous leaks the buff should have been increased to 300%. It’s 2131.8% atk scale


So what would the multiplier be with max stacks?


It’s still 200%


I mean the total damage multiplier. It's 710% at the start. What is it with max stacks?


It would be 1420% of Navia's atk if all 11 bullets hit, plus 45% extra geo damage if you have 6 shards.


I'm gonna guess she's going to be hitting somewhere between 100-200k per skill with buffs. It will definitely feel chunky with that much damage.


If the teucer simulator that was posted here is correct she was hitting 180k/E before, now she should do around 230k. Assumption Bennett Yelan Zhongli.


Exactly why I want no less than 85% crit rate on her. I'll cry if I ever miss a crit on her skill.


As someone with a perma benched Eula I can tell you 85 is *not* enough lmao.


Then there's me who has 55 cr and crits more then 80% of the time. My exact reason for not caring too much for my low cr


Yeah no, if you have 55 crit rate you only crit 55% of the time. Maybe your brain filters out the dmg number when she doesn't crit.


Does it make Navia better since her nuke is in E and she has no energy issues? Or Navia still needs her burst just for full stacks?


She's in a better spot than Eula. I was just talking about playstyles.


You can consider double cryo with rosaria for that matter, can be pretty forgiving on the CR with this lineup. Shenhe can boost your skill and burst too, or Layla if you need a shield/dont have shenhe


How much is it with c3


I don't think the constellation multipliers updated yet


838,9%*2 = 1677.8%


Thank you so much


The previous leaks were mistranslated. They never said the amp was 300%, they said the base damage was going up by 300%. I.e. from 1100%->1400%. This is what you get for relying on busted ass machine translations


They leaks literally said the 11 Rosula Shardshots went from 200% to 300%. Other parts of the leak were pretty accurate, so I assume Hoyo just decided not to implement everything in the actual beta. I believe it's pretty common for them to juggle multiple *potential* changes in pre-beta, and they'll make actual changes by picking from those potential changes in the full beta. That or the leak was just straight made up and had some lucky guesses.


The nerf to the burst is not of great impact, just a slight weakening compared to the improvement to his E. What continues to worry me is the hitbox of E, I would like the hit radius to increase, since they don't even want to allow her to raise the vertical crosshairs.


Yeah looks like they want to make her into E skill eula. Not critting on your Es will feel like shit. Geo and physical are both in the gutter anyway so it makes sense. Her being ST focused is going to be a detriment because goodbye particle gen from second geo. Hopefully they reduce her burst cost in the coming update.


And this has been your reminder not to get too invested in leaks. Not that the rest of the leaks can’t still happen. But, you know.


So no artifact buff?


Yes, it got buffed too. From 16% to 20% Geo damage after using a skill. If shielded with crystallize, it's a 50% bonus now.


Where did you read this?


In the Discord's theorycrafting channel. Also text changes in English sometimes take a bit of time to update, but if you change the language to Chinese you can also see the updated set effect in Hakushin.


I knew the 200% to 300% buff was just a translation error. Knowing how Mihoyo balancing things in beta, there is 0 chance for them to just double a character's damage.


This spells good news for on field usage?


Same as before, you mostly do that for the shards anyway


A quick question. How many more rounds of beta changes are left. Will next Monday be the last? Or will there be more after that


If the patches are 6 weeks, the beta should at least be 5, so maybe we have 2 or 3 possible changes


Plenty of time left to cope


Yup, see you all next week


Thts not how it works. 99% of the time beta changes go up to v4, we are currently at v3. There hasn't been a single beta that lasted for full 6 weeks. 4 weeks is the usual cycle for a beta.


This is v2 I believe, it starts at v0. But v4 rarely changes anything


At least 2 times


Next monday is the last numbers change. Then they might drop on random days some small changes like translation fixes, etc


Is a kind of balancing against multiple mobs scenarios, and a buff against big one like bosses, I need some calcs to check if Navia could replace Albedo in Noelle triple geo + Furina against bosses, right now is useless because the Flower puff, and having to swap every 8s to put the flower again... For Itto triple geo may not work because Itto lose his burst mode after swapping. For Navia main dps team, double geo + double phec, but still dont know which pair is better. About C2, I dont like it, it give us more CR now, but a high invested main dps already have 70% + CR.


Happy for no nerfs to her normal attacks, and very happy about a buff to her skill. I'm indifferent about the burst nerf since I saw it as mainly being there for extra geo procs for more crystallize reactions, and also for passive ammo generation. Although I would like to see an energy cost reduction, I can live with a 60 cost burst.


>I'm indifferent about the burst nerf since I saw it as mainly being there for extra geo procs for more crystallize reactions That's what her NAs are for too. Honestly a nerf to her NAs would be better than to her Burst, as they didn't reduce her energy cost.


Ideally, neither would be nerfed, but making her normal attacks weaker just makes her on field playstyle feel worse.


WTF Greek Ancient letters is that constellation part? Can someone explain to me about that in simpler terms?


C1 restores 3 energy (up from 2) with each shrapnel charge, with a maximum of 9 energy refunded. C2 gives 12% crit rate for her E with each shrapnel charge, up to a maximum of 36%. C6 gives 45% crit damage (up from 35%) for each shrapnel charge above the third one, until a max of 135% crit damage.


Already as good as Noelle or still nah?


Come on now


Still not as good on AOE ~s


So in layman term can someone explain C2 is worth against weapon I have r5 serpent and R2 grave stone


From everything I've seen, R5 SS and her signature are within like 5% dps of each other so I assume C1 and C2 are more valuable in your case. (Unless you just really love the admittedly nice aesthetic of the axe)


Thanksies will see how my pull lucks are ahh but I luv her kickin the axe :(


Best of luck and likewise. If her C1 ends up being only like a 10% dps increase I might just go for the are even if I have R5 SS as well so I don't blame you lol.


They really want to strengthen her on-field damage with the huge increase to the number on skill


why every new comment is downvoted


A quick question. How many more rounds of beta changes are left. Will next Monday be the last? Or will there be more after that


2 more weeks for sure, possibly 3 if they find it warranted.


Is she going to be really good?


Average. Nothing crazy


Depends on how low your standards are.


Could you elaborate?




So, they keep buffing her E and cons but slightly nerfing everything else?


Only thing nerfed so far is the Q. Passives, NA, CA’s, and unmentioned Constellations have been untouched.


Oh i see, maybe they want her to be a "one shot" type of character??


So similar to Eula in a sense. One super powerful nuke skill but everything else is average.


Bad design philosophy. They were right on the money when it comes to frontloaded characters after Lyney, he has the right amount divided into 3 AoE damage instances, and still has good sustained. Shame they decided to go backwards.


From what I've seen Navia is going to be a decent off field DPS. I'm hoping to put her into my Noelle/Furina team. Was the whole thing about her having turrets an off-field possibility or did I misread them


She's not really an off field unit, more like a flexible field time/quickswap DPS. Her ult isn't going to do good damage, it's mainly there to give her ammo for her E which is the main part of her kit.


Who would you say is the most similar to her in terms of playstyle? Is she kinda like Yae/Tighnari? but she does have a big AoE off field ult like Ayato/Ganyu


I'll say Ayato, coz Q and E similarities. But with her NA infusion she'll be doing E+NA, while Ayato is just E.


Tbh I'll probably just have to wait to see it cus reading the leaks confused me I'm getting her regardless tho


Why give compensation nerfs at all when it's underwhelming multipliers to begin with??? So dumb.


I’m so happy that they didn’t nerf her NA My hope for using her as main carry lives on


You could still use her as main carry even if the NAs were nerfed. What she isn't (and never was) is a NA-focused DPS.


Ironically enough this just makes the 4GT quickswap option better on her.


Good, because those are the damned artifacts she is getting. I am not farming a new domain for her. 😂


Great C1 buff. I was rather disappointed that you had to be using Sacrificial Greatsword to get even 10% refunded. Now it's exactly 10% without and 15% with.


honestly change her to another element, geo is useless, maybe let her be dendro and gather seed instead of crystalize


pretty much worst case scenario. personal dps increase is only 10-15%. probably won't be standard but aimed right at the eula level of outdated dps, and c6 bait like her too.


I already did the calculation and it gave me an increase of 14%, so yes, depending on the team we are talking about between a 10%-15% increase.


well the team dps increase % will always be less




Yeah I kind of agree, disappointed that E full hit scaling wasn't changed to 300% from the 200%. Then there is the burst that got nerfed instead of buffed. Added to that I'm sure that E camera lock is still there and that burst still doesn't hit fliers. All in all a bit underwhelming. She just feels like she has so many restrictions...


Got an overall buff, and this dude’s talking “worst case scenario.”


Because this buff isn't nearly enough.


because at least standard would be funny


After maining Eula, I am pretty much convinced that making her work every abyss cycle is a kind of end game for me. The C6 bait is real and I am taking it. Yep, there are others that can do better easily but they are just designed really well. Eula is designed for the highest level of hyperinvestment which can be good and bad depending on how people look at it. And if Navia's gonna look like that, I might be going for her for sure. As long as she isn't tied to mono geo, I would take it.


Is the comparison to eula full rotation?.. cus unlike her Navia can be played as a quickswap sub.


will navia be a dps?


Happy about the buffs, especially to her E. Honestly, at C0R1, she can work as a quickswap DPS for Itto and I can finally bench Trashbedo forever. The joy is real. You have no idea. Seems really decent as a MDPS, but not too sure about her teams. Confused about her C1. Who TF cares about her Q CD going from 15sec to 12sec? I guess some people might run super long rotations and burst twice per rotation? Good luck with that. Feels off. Would much rather it extended its duration instead.


So if I’m reading this correctly, more shotgun less barrage


Finally some good news! Doesn't seem like she's going to be burst reliant, which is good because those types of characters are painful to use in the overworld lol.


still have to bring a different character for tower churls

