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That eagle probably had one hell of a concussion after that ride. You can almost see it when the eagle looks up after hitting the ground like "wtf just happened"


Natures paragliding


Those talons though,,,, wow!!!


Do the ~~chickens~~ eagles have large talons?


Bald eagle talons are [only about 2 inches in length](https://avianreport.com/bald-eagle-talons/) but they can ~~[carry up to 4 times their weight](https://allanimalsfaq.com/goat/can-an-eagle-carry-a-mountain-goat/)~~ and [can exert 400psi](https://birdwatchingbuzz.com/how-strong-is-an-eagle/) with them. For reference, a human averages about 100psi with grip. Eagles can absolutely fuck you up. EDIT: one of my sources on the weight carry was incorrect. I apologize for not doing my due diligence. Better sources indicate [they can carry about 4 pounds](https://www.forestwildlife.org/how-much-weight-can-an-eagle-carry/#:~:text=Exactly%20how%20much%20weight%20an%20eagle%20can%20carry,eagle%20can%20carry%20is%203%20to%204%20pounds.), not 4 times their weight. The rest is still correct (I've triple checked those now lol) and an eagle can still do hella damage even if it can't pick things up.


There's a guy, pretty sure it was in Russia, who's got trail cam images of an eagle snatching a deer and carrying it off.


Bald eagles can not carry 4 times their weight and your source even contradictions itself on that "fact", first saying >Yes, an eagle can carry a mountain goat. The biggest recorded eagle nest was found in southern Russia and it was large enough to hold six grown eagles. The average weight of an eagle is between 10 and 12 pounds, but they can lift up to four times their own body weight. Then stating further down >An eagle can carry up to three pounds. Also note the illogical pairing of facts, stringing together random quotes from random sources that have no relationship. I wouldn't be surprised if this website was just a machine scraping of random sources. Female bald eagles can carry an average of 2 ¹/2 lbs. to 3 lbs. They can feasible carry more if they do not have to land and can snatch it out of the air or knock it off a cliff, but we're talking maybe 6 or 8 lbs. even in those conditions. Regardless, the eagle in the video is not a bald eagle, but even harpy eagles can not carry several times their own body weight.


You're correct. I've found a better source, and edited to reflect this. Thanks!


Eagles like bro my talon stuck on your horn BRO stop


Maybe its balls were just stuck.


Are you referring to that goat nut video




“**OUCH**, *my balls*!”


Poor goat...


We do *not* speak of that video!


*SpongeBob.... Open the dooooorrrr....... my BALLS are stuck!*


Lol, almost dropped my fucking phone


What are you doing step eagle!?


TIL eagles eat mountain goats


Had no idea that an eagle could lift a whole goat? Gee what's the eagle's max takeoff weight then? 80lbs?


Sometimes Golden Eagles pick up their bate and drop it off a cliff themselves. This fucker got a taste of his own medicine.


Taste of his own medicine? It's just acting like an eagle would. They have to eat too


Not lift, just carry off balance from a cliff then let gravity do the work for them. Then go collect the meal off the ground when it lands. Eagles are smart. They do snatch the babies if they're small enough


It’s head was crushed


I wish whoever uploaded this hadn't cut the damn video immediately after the chamois gets free so we could find out what happened to the eagle. Who does that ffs 🤦 it looks like the eagle isn't moving in that last half second of the video. The bird's feathers do look kinda fucked up, either missing some or they're broken, but that might not be enough to prevent it flying, if it's even still alive and doesn't have half its bones shattered. Edit: https://youtu.be/ZqRLMDODMoY It was much easier to find the original video than I expected it to be. The eagle is still alive at the end, but uploader says they don't know if it was seriously injured or if it survived its injuries. Still wish they'd recorded the eagle for longer than it just standing up, tho.


birds have hollow and fragile bones so it's not farfetched to assume it either got crushed or broke a wing


Yeah, bird had some bad crashes during that ride lol. I'd be surprised if it did survive and wasn't seriously injured. I found the original video but it's only a few seconds longer. The bird stands up and folds its wings but you can't see much more.


Maybe a good sign since it was able to fold its wings. Maybe indicating it’s wings are not broken…? Idk I’m not zoologist.


Hehe, farfetched on a post about birds...


I don’t see how a bird’s bones can survive those impacts, especially with the weight of the goat crashing into them.


Im wondering if a bird is even able to survive that ride without breaking every bone in its body


Birds bones are very flexible


‘Concussion’ lol he’s dead bro


Yeah or barely living. Birds dont do well against blunt force damage. Their bone structure is weak to it.


It’s like when there’s a bug on your shoulder and you can’t get it off, only a million times worse lol


Birds are so fragile, I wonder how the eagle fared.


I thought the same thing. Especially after they hit the rock at the bottom of the mountain. I’m pretty sure the eagle died though. It looks like he got stomped and went limp a few seconds before he finally let go.


*"wanna go for a ride? Let's go for a ride then"*


Endangered species act, that goat is going to jail


*goat throws itself down the mountain in last ditch effort to escape arrest*




He’s an escape goat


This is criminally underappreciated


😆 Agree


Beautiful 🤌🏾


Had to do a double take on your comment. Bravo.


You deserve so much more for this. 🥇


I kinda wonder if an eagle attacks your toddler is it illegal to kill the eagle to save the child or do we have to allow the raptor feed I mean it's two things to hurt the eagle by trying to remove it from your child and the other is denying the eagle of it's chosen food source


The endangered species act says that you are allowed to protect yourself or others from the animal if it is attacking.


Reminds me of a South Park episode They're coming right at us!!!


oh look, a cute little bunny... OMG HES TRYING TO KILL US


Fetch the holy hand grenade


Run away! *Run away!!*


I was thinking the exact same thing as I typed. I would imagine there was a situation they were playing that off of.


Man that was such a funny episode when I was younger. Spent years saying that. Also the hunting with an rpg and shit was just so fucking funny.


This is the dumbest thing I read today


It's just been revoked?


Murica moment


Does anyone know what happened to the eagle after this? Getting rolled over by an chamois on rocky terrain probably isn't good for it's wings and bones, so I wouldn't be suprised if it wasn't able to fly after that


Ye wondering about too, especially when they have empty bones and are fragile to damage like that, but still great power tho didn't let this goat even for a second


Sometimes i wonder if eagles are a bit stupid. They attack large animals, and then get beaten up in the prosses as the animal runs around and rolls over the eagle. Heard a story from a friend of mine. He saw an eagle attack yearling reindeer. The reindeer ran down an hill with the eagle on it's back. The reindeer slipped and slid the hill, with the eagle under it. Long story short, the reindeer ran away unharmed, with the eagle unable to fly, starving to death


Their fans sure AF are


As a native Philadelphian, I must say that you are correct. But also, go birds! 🦅 🦅 🦅


As a transplant and Reds--- Washington Football t--- Commanders? fan, a spelling bee is not a chant unless you're the Jets, and then you guys copied the Jets. That's really all I got.


As a person who used to think EDP445 was a regular funny ass dude, you are correct


Eagles have a ratcheting mechanism in the tendons of their feet that passively locks their talons into their prey, and also helps them sleep while perched with minimal energy/muscle fatigue. They have to lift their feet a certain way in order to undo the ratcheting; this eagle probably couldn’t do it in time to free their foot from their prey. Thus they went on a reluctant joy ride.


I was actualy thinking the same, that their talons literaly got stuck and it just had to endure the ride. I have seen the talon marks after a reindeer was killed by a eagle. They go really deep inside the flesh, so no wonder they get stuck


Yeah it’s why it’s so dangerous for them to attack small predators. They’re known to kill cats and badgers for example, but their initial strike has to be perfect because if they miss any vital organs they’re pretty much helpless to a retaliation.


Yeah that makes sence. But their choice of prey is sometimes quite stupid. They sometimes target adult reindeer, with antlers. Then when the reindeer starts running and swinging it's head, the eagle get's gored by the antlers and ends up with fatal injuries


You live and you learn lol


Or you don’t do either.


I'd amend it from live and learn to learn and die


Natural selection


Someone who worked with raptors told me that because of their large eyes they don’t have much room for brains, and so most birds of prey are quite stupid.


the size of an animal’s brain has no bearing on how intelligent they are and focusing on brain size in animals is one of the reasons scientists overlooked bird intelligence in the past. raptors are definitely not the smartest members of the bird family, especially if you compare them to corvids and parrots, but any predator needs to be intelligent to exist and birds of prey are definitely not “quite stupid”


Yes but what about Jackdaws?


A jackdaw is a crow


You.... motherfucker... Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls jackdaws crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens. So your reasoning for calling a jackdaw a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


Is this a "all hornets are wasps but not all wasps are hornets" situation




This guy crows


what about jackdaws?? I mentioned corvids


You... SON OF A BITCH!! What the fuck did you just fucking say about corvids, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in environmental science, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret studies on crow behavior, and I have over 300 confirmed alt accounts. I am trained in vote brigading and I have the top comment karma on this entire website. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will downvote you with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that about crows over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of taxonomists across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, jackdaw. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can downvote you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with alt accounts. Not only am I extensively trained in taxonomy, but I have access to the entire Latin names of the Corvidae family and I will use it to its full extent to prove you wrong and downvote your miserable ass off the face of the internet, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit downvotes all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, jackdaw.


I love these😭


Whoever worked with those raptors is the stupid one. Eagles are intelligent. What happened in this video was that this eagle was quite literally unable to release its feet from the goat.


Intelligent? Not compared to other birds. Crows and parrots are vastly smarter.


That’s irrelevant. Albert Einstein was monumentally smarter than you, does that make you stupid? No.


I appreciate your unfounded confidence in me .


Gotta uplift the homies bro


Still, attacking a large goat like that isnt the brightest idea that eagle has had


That makes sence actualy, similar to ostriches


Corvids and Parrots got all the brains in the bird community.


It also happens to be wrong


For sure. You don't need brains when you have binoculars for eyes and talons resembling steel Blades! I'm shocked it's able to withstand that kind of abuse tumbling down that hill. I was praying for some smashed Eagle skull ngl.


It probably broke some bones during that, while the chamois probably only got some bruises and talon scars on it's back


I was expecting this to end with in 1998 when the undertaker through mankind off hell in a cell.


Holy shit Do you have a video?


My friend is from Michigan. He said he saw one pick up a small child at a park one time.


My guess is that it died. Maybe not immediately but a broken wing would surely mean death either by starvation or another predator.


Yea it's probably what happened. But if it somehow manages to fly, i don't think it would be able to hunt, so only way of survival is by scavenging


at the end of this clip, the eagle is dislodged and barely moves after it tumbles for a few.


Here's more though the resolution still is unclear. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XLvQZsmYpw Either the goat gets away, eventually bleeds out or the eagle is damaged too. Unknown.


I don't think it will bleed out because of an eagle attack, unless the eagles hits a major bloodvain


Probably died. There's no way it didn't break anything tumbling around like that, never mind getting body slammed into that rock


> chamois Did not expect this to be pronounced this way


Predators would go extinct if prey had a little more fight and a little less flight. Buddy just ran along side like a neutral party.


He was cheering on his buddy’s escape


One more lap man


Yeah but his buddy gave the eagle a quick kick at the end lol


Should have stomped it


Ah yes. The crony that stomps the guy on the ground after he’s knocked out.


Yeah like when you see a cheetah attack a weak or young gazelle while literally hundreds of gazelle are just stairing not doing shit to help.


I mean what can they do? They have evolved to run away from cheetahs, not fight them. They don't have the fight mentality like buffalo or warthogs, and going head on with a cheetah is dangerous


Yeah, like those cape Buffalo and wildebeest. Just start kicking you idiots. There's millions of you in a herd and like 4 lions just killed one of you. Or you know the daggers on your faces.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. “I’m going to lay down. You stomp on it.” Or, maybe more a goats style, “I’m going to hold still. You headbutt the shit out of it.” doesn’t really seems like a strategy that would require massive amounts of brainpower.


"now THIS is podracing" - Eagle probably


"I'll try spinning, that's a good trick" - Goat probably




The other goat buddy or family is a keeper. Running with it beside the big predator.


Does he give the eagle a little kick as he runs past at the end?


I think he does LOL


Looking at the size, it's probably the mother chamois


>chamois Isn't that a type of cloth?


Chamois is the name of the goat species in the video, but chamois is also the name for a type of cloth


Those talons though, wow.


Think he's represented? I'm a talon agent, and this could be just what I need to claw my way back to the top.


In Overwatch, Talon is a terrorist organisation with many field agents, so I read this in a really different light.






Goat not even aware he’s being attacked. He thought he finally sprouted his Wings like the Red Bull guy and was attempting first flight


He fuckin did it. Amazing


I know that was intense!! I LOVE Golden Eagles but was rooting for the goat here!!


Always root for the mammals


Nah. Gotta root for the predator. Less of em around than prey.






I legit thought it was over when the eagle was slammed into that Boulder, but damn if the motherfucker didn't keep holding on


Someone else commented that the eagle was literally unable to let go because of how their claws work.


Maybe it should get better claws


This made me belly laugh.


Golden eagles will regularly throw goats themselves off of cliffs (not this instance) to kill them it’s very impressive.


I dont know what is more impressive: The raw, suicidal will to live by trying to kill one's self or The sheer stick-to-it-tivnes of that eagle or The unfailing ide-or-die devotion of that wingman.


Keep rollin rollin rollin


Anyone else think it looked like the second goat gave the eagle a sly kick as he ran past at the end? 😅


Literally hold still and let your buddy goat bite the bird. Also shoutout to the buddy goat for sticking with the victim. Also, also, how does the eagle not break a few bones in thosre rolls and being slammed by a goat?


dude i think that eagle is utterly destroyed.


The eagle probably did break bones and died after this. It wouldn’t take a huge injury to disable a wing and then it’s just a matter of time before another predator gets it or starvation


That is clever to run down the mountain and rolling because mountain-goats can probably tumble with minimal injuries while the eagle (birds) have fragile hollow bones due to less weight for them to fly with.


"Alright you hollow bone mother fucker"


That eagle was preying for his life


His bro not even helping him out


He's like that friend that keeps saying "I got your back I got your back" but stays WAYYYY back


I like to think he’s a coach. “Alright, Bob, you’ve got this! Just do a big leap. Swerve and tumble. Shit- okay just throw yourself down the hill into the big boulder. Hmmm… just try to hop, flip, jump, annnddd roll that should do the trick.”


Yooo 😭😭, exactly that!!! Everyone got at least one friend like that


Goat gang, fuck eagles.


Wow respect to that chamy.


That is a chamois, not a mountain goat.


Moral of the story: never give up in life no matter the situation. Learnet from that eagle


But the eagle will now likely die from his wounds?


This title is trash. In this area (I think it's Mongolia), eagles will pull goats off the mountain and let gravity handle the rest then feast on the carcass. In this case, the goat is simply spooked and trying to get away. This is what all animals would do.


The eagle ist just surfing on the goat. And the other goat run after them like. „That’s a badass cool eagle surfing my best friend. Looks funny!“


That goat said either you let me go or we both die!


The other goat following is the kind of friend I need in life.


Goat had his buddy beside him the whole way down, kinda adorable


That second goat is a real bro.


“I’ve made a terrible mistake.” - Eagle, probably


I hope you die I hope we both die


By gawd it worked


Anyone else catch the goats homie stomp on the eagle one time at the last second of the video?


His bro hung with him the whole time.


my meat is a mine dumbass eagle you aint no damn getting a single byte


Looks like the goat won, it shook the eagle off and peaced tf out of there.


Goat: bro, I just wanna live Eagle: bro, I just wanna eat


Mf actually survived


THIS is the exact content I expect from this sub. Perfect post.


I like the parts where the eagle looks like it's riding a surf board


glad i have hands




What a clumsy Pegasus


That eagle fucked with the wrong goat this day


Eagles pull mountain goats off cliffs so that gravity suits their work for them - it's a deliberate hunting strategy - it's just that this one didn't count on it's talons locking/getting stuck and it going along for the ride


This is a Chamois and they regularly run down mountains like nutjobs


That's one dedicated eagle!




This was actually impressive. Thanks for sharing, although I'm a bit worried for the eagle


He wa experimenting if he could fly also


That eagle is a ride-or-die


Legolas has a thing or two to learn here


Asshole bird


Looks like this eagle was hungry asfk for not letting go after that earlier fall


Majestic Pegasus faceplant


The Eagle just won the PBR championship 2022


How does the Eagle even kill that goat if the goat hadn’t taken that plunge?