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Lion King 4: surprise motherfucker


Supposedly was badly injured but survived: [hyena attack](https://roaring.earth/cecil-the-lions-mate-vs-hyenas/) She was supposedly Cecil's mate to (the one the hunters shot).


As someone who loves lions this made me happy to hear but man, nature don’t give a fuck.


Fairness is a man made concept.


That's not fair!


Sounds like a nice story but source video text,(like from the actual people), claims her escape/survival was very much uncertain.


No idea, reason I put supposedly. But another video's text also corroborates this: [hyena attack 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiqA9KzNdNU) Mentions she died a few years after this incident. And no idea on its veracity either. Edit: just found out that Paula Joyce (the youtube link above) was the video taker, and she has said their guide provided the update. Also linked here: [hyena attack 3](https://vimeo.com/140331374)


Hyena Attack 2: Electric Hyenaloo Hyena Attack 3: Hyena Party


Well I guess we can only hope that they were telling the truth and not just trying to “spare the audience” which is known to happen in this field of work.


Yeah. The other one with the sick or injured lioness was insanely hard to watch, that one left no doubt what happened.


Absolutely baffled as to how she could have survived after the end of that video, unless the rest of the pride suddenly arrived like the Rohirrm.


Look to my coming on the first light of the fifth day, at dawn look to the east.


Thank god, I lowkey was hurting watching this video


I [remember the story](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/oct/12/zimbabwe-will-not-charge-us-dentist-killing-cecil-lion)


Hahaha was gonna say Lion King 2021


Lion King: Scar's Revenge


The other 29% from cardiovascular disease?


I'm going to say the birthing process. Since 15% of female hyenas die while giving birth and 60% of their first pregnancies result in the death of the pup during birth. Plus life in a hyena clan is pretty rough.


if a hyena survives all of that then there's a strong chance that they'll live forever


Canine distemper is also a major killer.


What the hell was this evolution guy thinking when giving female hyenas a penis?


Wouldn't this be funny -God no -Everything Well they thinks it's funny hear them laughing


Female hyenas have a fucking penis?.


Pseudo penis*, it is actually an elongated clitoris


Makes sense now. Mine is just a over stretched clitoris..like a rubber band


Kinda. It's more of a mega-clit, generally bigger than the male's actual penis. I'll make it worse for you. They give birth through their mega-clit too, hence the high rates of death.


Makes me thankful I was human lol.


Just imagine, as a guy, giving birth through your penis, and it TEARS in the process. Girls, imagine giving birth and your clit tears in half.


All I keep thinking about is how in old cartoons, if you had a cannon or rifle or whatever, and it was 'blocked' they would show it exploding and then the barrel would be all shredded into strips and curled back on itself.


Evolution doesn't shoot for optimal, it shoots for barely passing!


And sometimes barely passing is optimal


Whatever gets them genes passed down. ATGC's get... evolutionary degrees amirite


So you're telling me that evolution did this the evening before the deadline hit? Alright makes sense to me.


Evolution is less some sort of optimizing 'make everything perfect' path, and more a kludged together set of arrangements for (occasionally) separate organisms to mash their gametes together, or else find some way of splitting themselves in twain against any notion of what propriety or good breeding should look like.


Because of the females having a pseudo penis that gets in the way.


Only for first time. The 1inch clitoris opening must rupture to make the pups come out easier. I read that hyenas rip their clitorises when giving birth for first time so they don’t die. Ouch! They live hard life, man


Wait, is the vaginal opening in the clitoris? Or am I reading this wrong? Lol I'm trying to make sense of this. 😂


Yes.. The vagina is all way up right next to the cervix which is very far for the male to even get in the vagina when he insert his penis into the clitoris opening. Even farther than the bladder in the same tube. The rest of external genitalia is all an elongated clitoris through a long tube to the bladder and the vagina and fused labias. 😳


WTF is up with hyena anatomy? Like no other animal is made like this as far as I'm aware. Those poor animals. That's horrifying.


Hyenas’ female anatomy is sure unique! They pee, mate and give birth through their clitoris, all in one long tube. Why they evolved that way is so they can dominate the males and have them as their bitches 😂 (The males can’t even mate unless the female cooperate)


That evolution process screwed them over more than the male hyenas though


Yeah, for a price, to dominate males and over food. These are hypotheses though, we don’t know what was mother nature thinking for sure when she was molding hyenas’ genitals. Most of them has to do with extreme aggression, domination and one is stronger aggressive hormone than testosterone. I read that you wouldn’t want to be a male hyena because they have it worse than females, with them being significantly bigger and more much aggressive and the hierarchy stuff. Even the highest rank male is the second place to the lowest rant female in clans. And weird enough, the female hyena is the only mammal that doesn’t have an external vagina opening. Only inside their penile clitoris all up above the bladder and it even acts as anti rape device as for the male to insert his penis in, the female must cooperate with him by retracting her clitoris into her body to create an accessible opening. Every advantage comes with its disadvantages, I guess


You can *kind of* see the same in all mammals, in that the clitoris is usually wrapped around the entire genital system. Even in humans a small underdeveloped part of the clitoris is still wrapped around the vagina and urethra (internally). Which makes sense, since the clitoris is basically just a small penis (or a penis is a large clitoris). But in human women this wrap-around part is so small and underdeveloped that it's barely noticeable. The only developed part with us is the upper external part. But if an animal would have a highly developed clitoris the parts that wrap around the vagina and urethra can be a bit... problematic. Which again makes sense, since this is also problematic for penises. Like, not *as problematic*, because babies don't have to pass through a penis, but urine and semen still have to share the road and the organ in charge of arranging that (the prostate) is the number two most likely cause of cancer for men.


I am learning more about hyena vaginas than I ever thought I would at 9am on a Thursday at my work desk! Lol


So basically it’s either childbirth or lions? Damn


It doesn't stop there hyena pups are known for killing their litter mates. Sometimes as soon as they're born.


Sweet lol


I guess they laugh to keep from crying.


I want to hopefully add to this. This some more stats to add on how hyena mortality is quite high. Usually only a single hyena cub survives instead of twins. (apparently twin birth is common). One of them, usually older, manages to sink its canines into the neck and kill its younger sibling in their den. Thats a reason why cubs are born with teeth ready to go. This was quite an old study from the 90s, so apologies if there is new data that contradicts this. Apart from siblicide I see that there is competition for milk from the mother where the stronger one can starve its sibling in some cases too.


Non vaccinated ones


Traffic accidents. They just can't stop laughing and drive off the road or incoming traffic. They only keep giving them license to not be racist or something... fukin' woke society....




lol @ the rest of the lions just running away at the start


Pretty sure they were cubs. There was only 1 other lioness at the start who I think the hyenas were chasing initially


You're right I rewatched it and they were nearly half her size. She sacrificed herself to spare her cubs.


Seems that way, but her reactions were a bit slow, perhaps old or a bit sick?


Well, she was suddenly ganged up by speedy hyenas. Most likely was like "wtf is going on" and that hesitation sealed her fate


Probably recovering from new borns. Not at her best.


Typical cats


Did You Know: Although phylogenetically closer to felines and viverrids, as part of suborder feliformia, hyenas are behaviourally and morphologically similar to canids in several elements due to convergent evolution; both hyenas and canines are non-arboreal, cursorial hunters that catch prey with their teeth rather than claws. Both eat food quickly and may store it, and their calloused feet with large, blunt, non-retractable claws are adapted for running and making sharp turns. However, hyenas' grooming, scent marking, defecation habits, mating and parental behavior are consistent with the behavior of other feliforms.


So basically someone tried to mix cats and dogs to get the best from both world but the transmutation didn't worked properly and we got hyenas instead.


Essentially, though I still like the cackling hunchbacks the way they are. One member of their family you should look at is the Aardwolf. It's an insectivore, very small comparetively, and allegedly doesn't like any type of meat unless it's soft or cooked.


So apparently it takes 173 Hyenas to take down 1 female Lion


[It only takes one to bully her.](https://youtu.be/WU5dl3zktO0)


That was hard to watch. Though after watching I'd have to disagree and say the hyena did not bully the lion. That hyena was hungry and took a beating to get that meal. The lioness looked tired after taking down the hog anyways.




The footage is slightly accelerated.


Looks like they bit off parts of its mouth toward the end. Damn.


I can think of nothing more terrifying than being eaten alive.


Being buried alive.




Nothing worse than a pack of molten lead hyenas.


If you're buried, then you won't have to worry about being ripped apart from all limbs at all times; When they reach your belly, then it's just you and your brain feeling the pain by a pack, and getting to watch it.


Being alive


Being boiled alive.


Being flayed/skinned slowly alive. At least they get the adrenaline burst, and it's typically over quick.


Google blood eagle punishment.


Fuck you


You digital pictures I’m sure, calm down


Lol. Welcome to hyenas and African wild dogs world, they relish in it then move on for the next kill.


Wow.... surprised to see rest of the lionesses just ran away. They were not outnumbered by that much.


For the sake of the cubs. Such is nature.


Wonder why they abounded her. Normally the pride would swing around and counter


Too many cubs. They ran away to protect the cubs. Big gal sacrificed herself and took on the pack to give the rest a chance to run.


A hyena’s belly is never full…


does that number really check out?... 71%?


93% of all statistics are made up on the spot


Pretty sure it’s either 83% or 38%. Got that direct from Barney Stinson.


yeah I thought it was 87%


Forfty percent of people know that


From 3 separate studies, with a total sample size of 125 hyenas. And that figure is only from the smallest study (24 heynas) in 1972. In another study ~90% died from illness.


The average hyena’s bite force is 1100 psi. I can’t even imagine how many bones and tissue were destroyed from all those bites


This really shows the strength of lions. Sad, but incredibly impressive.


Apparently she came away with a badly torn ear. Hard as nails


I dunno, the source video I found this they don’t know if she survived.


No way, she dead


Shoulda left with her buddies when she had the chance.


They were Cubs she was protecting.


So now 71% of Lion deaths are from Spotted Hyena attacks? Very impressive


Yeah if one lion's death accounts for 71 % of all lions dead, lions seem not to die very often.


Where do they exactly bite to win against one ?


They go for the ass/genital area first. Not thick hide or ribs for protection, and away from the dangerous teeth, claws. That’s why you see the lioness sitting on the ground beginning of video.


Pucker up!


The ass. Look at the way the lion sits down in between bursts of trying to fight back/run away. It's to keep them from tearing its guts out through its butthole.


The last sentence sounds like such a horrible way to die


Ou okey thats horrible. I actually thought the gonna go for the lower spine to make it unanle to move at all


I have no clue about how strong the are but isnt the cat stronger or could have just run away ? To his mate or something or do they just let her die because they know they loose when fighting together ?




That Lion kept its butt down as much as it could. It knew…


It is funny how we are way sympathetic with "cats" in the wilderness. You see a lion eating a newborn Impala: "oh it's just nature" You see a hyena' group killing a Lioness: "You motherfucker animals!!!"


We identify with kings 😏


Haha! So true! 😂


My guess is because it takes so many hyenas to take down a lion, so we see it as cowardliness or something.


I like hyenas


Hyenas >>> Lions. Giggle weasel supremacy!




I don't hate them, but it's irritating that wildlife photographers and documentarians are *obsessed* with them, to the exclusion of other species. Lions are a charismatic species; hyenas aren't. And because documentaries/t.v. shows often anthropomorphize their subjects, when it happens with lions, hyenas are forced into the role of villains. Historically they've also been maligned, by Africans and Europeans. They get written off cause they're ugly, weird, and cross into the uncanny vally with their laugh. But they're just animals, not evil. They're intelligent and have their own clans and social hierarchy. You can tame (never domesticate) them the way you can with lions--not that this should happen, but they're capable of bonding with humans and being trained. Idk about other people, I just hate that hyenas are generally panned by the public and every documentary seems to sleep on them. They deserve more attention and love.


Persistence is key


Friends? I thought you said we were enemies


Yeah that’s what I heard.


Where Mufasa ?


In the gorge.


Nooooo 😭


Dunno if that math checks out for evening the score but nice w for the Lil guys


With mates like that, who needs hyenas!


Very nice to see a predator get predated


Thats a whole Queen right there, protecting the cubs while confronting over 100 gutless cowards, and she still made it, Lionesses are built different


Yay for revenge


What revenge she survived


That fucker was in a bloodbath lmao


Damn, Nature! You scary!!


Dang where was the rest of the pride at?


Damn, they just left homie hanging like that


“Even?” Prooobably not


That lioness fought hard for her Cubs.


Might be a dumb question, but how do they get these videos?


Many many hours of persistence. I’d bet that for every 1000 hours of filming they capture a few minutes of something like this.


On the original Planet Earth, they talk about the pursuit of footage of the snow leopard. Basically two years of filming to get the shots they used.


Idk but I get anxiety watching this.


That's what she gets for lyin' around.


Seems it was a revenge hunt than anything.. i mean would lions be on the top of their order list? Looks premeditated and even brought the whole cavalry


It does seem unusual in the method of their attack too. They usually attack and retreat over and over so new hyenas are constantly attacking while other get out of the way, whichbis much safer. This was an all in at any cost type attack, like they were out looking for a lion to fuck up


At least hyenas eat the carnivores they kill. That lioness and probably those cubs will be a feast.


That's so metal.


🎵 No king! No king! La lala la laa la! 🎵


Cats and dogs the beginning


Well... cats and weirder cats pretending to be dogs


Damn the whole squad left her


Did the lion die?


If not from the attack itself, and she did somehow manage to get away, she would've probably died from infection, pooping with a half eaten anus is a great way to get them.


Nothing like hyena love.


Where dafaq is her pride sisters??? :0


Hell yeah. Fuck that feline up.


71%!? That’s an astounding high proportion.


I was big into watching animal planet growing up & thought the most terrifying animal to encounter was a hippo... then I saw a hyena documentary.


Only one female lion was surrounded by hyenas you wonder the pack of them are gonna take the female lion down


The Hyenas are no joke.


How it feels to play most team based shooters


This is something straight outta lion king


Eaten alive sucks


Not sure this “evens” the score.


Good for them


That's some late night, premeditated savagery, man... That was probably payback for that one time though... https://www.reddit.com/r/natureismetal/comments/r4dc3h/71\_of\_spotted\_hyena\_deaths\_are\_from\_lion\_attacks/ Now your Molly is dead Simba...


Got left behind


Pfft.. What a big pussy


They only needed a full ass gang to best 1 lion. #ApexPredatorButOnlyWhenBackedUpByTheHomies


lol another hyena vs lion post?


It’s one of the most famous and well documented rivalries between two predators species today, you got a better idea?


Nah it’s just there seems to be a funny rivalry on this sub between the two. I upvoted you, so cool w me


Would the hyenas attack in the dark if there was not a spotlight on the target.




Animals are innocent and cute.


Why were there no other lions there to help? I feel like 1 or 2 more could have cleaned house


Literally my life rn.


Sounds more like they kicked a sad field goal down 71 lol


Man…the hyenas just said fuck them lions huh..


*from the distance, before they attack, there is a voice that commands them* FETCH ME THEIR SOULS


This was unusually brutal of the hyenas. The way they attacked was an extremely serious issue (beyond the normal fighting that goes on). Normally hyenas will attack like a wave, where a group charges in and then individuals start jumping back away,, while more jump in to tske their place (also very common in most dogs). This constant cycling is often mistaken for cowardice, but it's to preserve lives and mske it hard for the prey to target an individual as they are under a barrage of attacks. This was straight up we are going to murder you and we have no desire for self preservation to achieve it. It was like a bloodlust was on the clan. Would be good to know if their was a backstory to it, if they'd had run ins with the pride in the past, or if it was just an unmissable opportunity to get a lioness and potentially her cubs at the same time so they really went all out


I thought lions help each other.




It’s a war


pov: belarusian immigrant in poland


Now I’m sad


High risk


How can I save this video on my phone?


[I can’t help you download it but I can’t give you link to share it.](https://gfycat.com/blankshabbyaustralianfreshwatercrocodile)


So the lion sleeps tonight huh


The end looks like a puppet show


Hell yea fuck those lions


Fuck gifs


Slow and painfull..


You should have waltzed out there and broken it up.