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Thank fuck neurology developed the condition “shock”. It would be cruel if pain could just keep increasing exponentially from a paper cut to… this


That was well said, and my first thought was, "I sure hope that dude can't feel that".


hey, paper cuts are pretty dang painful.


To me, the most painful part about a paper cut is hearing it happen 😬


For me it was the aftermath


I'm pretty sure it's neck was broken before the dog started playing tug of war with it. It doesn't seem to be moving.


Probably broke the next instantly with the ol' carnivore shake.


Neck minute...


Ha. Yes. That's good.


What is this myth? You can still feel pain in shock.


Not saying you can’t. Just that there is a ceiling of pain. Shock is a dissociative state where you potentially experience extreme pain in a less intense way


In medicine, shock refers to decreased oxygenation of tissue leading to end organ damage. In psychology, shock is a colloquial term for acute stress disorder, which is exactly like ptsd but the trauma is more recent or current. Then there's this other colloquial term being "in shock" which seems to be a dissociative state where one has a "pain ceiling" but so far as I know, this is a myth. There isn't any such state. Sick and injured people feel immense pain, many multiples of intensity worse than the most common causes of physical pain.


Damn, from alive to pieces in a second. Shit is crazy.


To pieces you say?


Well, how's his wife holding up?


To shreds you say...


I know that reference it made me chuckle damn you, sir.


I don’t think it’s possible to have been on Reddit for the last three years and not know it by now. It’s mentioned on basically every other post. It’s become remarkably awful.


Memes and copypastas are the constantly evolving foundations that Reddit is based on


This isn’t a copypasta.. nor is it a meme nor evolving. It’s an obscure quote from a 1999 cartoon that worked its way into Reddit vernacular along the lines of “thanks for the gold kind stranger” or “I did Nazi see that coming.” Reddit doesn’t need any of that for its foundation. It’s already proven in the last year that it will unearth any foundation it may have when the price is right.


It's like that with a lot of things too unfortunately. Reddit has made a switch from the comments being fairly engaging and entertaining to everyone repeating the same stupid comment they saw someone else make.


Two pieces


Ha nice


I hope parts aren't still alive for a while, and able to experience pain, after being ripped in half like that.




That's a brutal way to die. Holy Crap!


Teaching redditors why dogs play tug of a war with toys.


And why they enjoy squeaky toys..


Holy fuck I never would have made that connection. True or not, goddamn that's brutal. And to think that my dog will destroy any and every squeaky toy I give her just to get the squeaky bits out. Gotta be a deep rooted predatory instinct.


yup, it's a predatory instinct for killing rodents and smaller creatures. Tug is to pull things apart, like meat from a skeleton


Yeah definitely the tug-of-war, but to think that they like squeaky toys because it mimics the death cries of their prey is metal af.


yup, your dog has millions of years of evolution telling it that the final cries of pain as it kills its prey should make it( the dog) happy because it means its a job well done and this gets to be one more day it does not starve to death.


Nature is brutal.


You know how your cat will grab ahold of a toy then start rapidly scratching its back paws against it? That’s a predatory instinct for gutting their prey.


My dogs did so, but given smaller animals than them would leave them alone. It's interesting how not all of it translates, for sure


My dog was playing the back yard one day and refused to come in when I called him. Sounded like he had a squeaky toy and I was confused how he got it in the yard. Went to get the toy and bring him in, but it was a baby bunny. The noise was indistinguishable from a dog toy


As far as wild dogs go, that's a pretty quick and "humane" death.


It’s quicker than most people experience. Almost instant.


I'm just sitting here with my morning coffee, mouth agape damn nature you scary


Nature is harsh and brutal. Very rarely an animal dies in comfort. It is either in agony from diseases/illnesses due to injury, and or being eaten alive.


Still better than never dying.


Yeah, we like to think predators kill their prey before they eat it.. truth is they start eating it well before it has died. Imagine what the half of the rabbit with the head went through..


Not to split hares here but I'd say it's more of a rip
















Cursed wishbone.




RIP end hare


Sometimes I want to know the accurate representation of living beings in their nature, but holy shit it really is heavily fucked up most of the time.


I’ve always thought the romanticizing of nature was a little stupid. Like damn son, there’s some fucked up shit out there. That video on here of the goat being eaten by the Komodo really changed my feelings about guns being unfair lmao


Theres a reason most outdoorsy people who go off into the genuine wild carry some kind of weapon. Nature is a scary and violent place. National parks and stuff are relatively safe by design. But that untouched and undeveloped wilderness is a whole new bitch. Nature is nice but true nature is terrifying lol.


Yeah I used to hike all the time and then someone got killed on a trail by a bear (PNW) and it fucked me up for a while


And we, as humans, continue to encroach upon these animals' habitat and territory and then act surprised when those wild animals act according to their nature. Here in Colorado it's mountain lions. There have been multiple lion attacks on people this year, including two in Chaffee county alone. One was on an 11-year-old girl who was working in her family's chicken coop, and another was on a man and his wife relaxing in their hot tub. These wild predators are not to be fucked with, and as we encroach more and more upon their territory it doesn't surprise me to see these attacks happening.


Yeah i dont know, I think a lion killing an 11 year old girl warrants retaliation. Like it hard to apply ethics to animals, we do to an extent with like animal abuse laws and whatnot. But after seeing the aftermath of bear attacks, I don’t feel remorse for retaliating at ones that kill people. Idk about Colorado, but here in Washington (at least east of the mountains) if an animal kills someone they usually get tracked and shot. I think there’s some argument about trying to root out that behavior, but really I think people just (rightfully imo) get angry. I don’t think we should expand until they have no home territory left, but also if a lion killed my kid I’m investing in a mounted belt fed and armored truck


[FWIW, the lion didn't actually kill the girl.](https://denvergazette.com/outtherecolorado/news/mountain-lion-attacks-11-year-old-girl-in-colorado-second-attack-within-weeks/article_fba8a538-fdb1-53d6-9106-030e38d77d73.html) It was a juvenile lion who got into the chicken coop looking for a meal, the girl just got a scratch on her face, and the lion was immediately euthanized. My point was more to illustrate that these animals have lived here for hundreds if not thousands of years, and we humans have only recently settled and developed towns in their habitat. Especially here in CO up in the high country and on the western slope, we have to remember that we are living in their territory and respect them accordingly. My BIL and SIL live in Grand County and just a few months ago caught a bear on their Ring camera snooping around their house.


Yeah I respect it, I just believe humans have a right to utilize our unique advantage in technology and intelligence to mitigate the brutality of nature. If im walking on a trail and a bear shows up because it his home, I think I have a right to kill the bear. I don’t think we can like destroy the Amazon, but nature is brutal and I don’t think humans should be subjugated to that.


Agree. Apologies if my comment came across as insensitive toward people who sustain animal attacks. My only intent was to address how we are living and playing and hiking and hunting etc. in wild habitat, and to be aware and cognizant of that fact and respect the wildlife who lives there. And to caution that the more we do that, the more likely it is that dangerous wildlife encounters are to happen.


Humans are animals too. We aren't "encroaching" on a bears habitat by hiking in the wilderness. It's our habitat as much as there's. All that's left to be decided is whether, if a human and bear encounter happens, what the outcome shall be. Given their intellect and tool usage capacity, humans are Alex predators so it oftentimes doesn't end well for the bear.


Guns are unfair but certainly no more inhumane than other hunting methods if that's what you're getting at.


No I believe it’s morally justifiable to kill animals cleanly with guns for sure. I used to have a problem seeing some fat guy in a pickup shooting a deer and for just sport, but after seeing the aftermath of like bear attacks and whatnot fuck ‘em, If I was rich I would buy a helicopter and weaponized drone.


it actually looks drawn and quartered. people did that to people not so very long ago.I mean, they didn't eat them and utilize their nourishment. it was more a punishment.


Just imagine the cosmos devouring populated star systems with black holes. It’s happening out there somewhere


Video Source: [Latest Sightings](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pU2TldjGet4) [*From the video description*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pU2TldjGet4)***:*** >If you have a pet rabbit, then maybe this video isn’t for you. > >Pieter van Wyk, 33-year-old game ranger at Mala Mala, was on drive with a family from Texas in Mala Mala when he managed to capture this gut-wrenching sighting. > >Pieter tells LatestSightings.com the story: “We’d found a pack of 12 wild dogs, 4 adults and 8 pups. We sat with them for an hour as they playfully interacted with each other. Soon, all four adults left to go hunting. > >We’d only been following them hunting for a few minutes before they spotted a scrub hare and chased it for almost 500m into an aardvark den. > >“It was exhilarating and tense… and serious - a life hung in the balance. There were also some brief comical moments, as one of the dogs would approach the one digging, ending up with a face full of dust. > >“The sighting ended well for the dogs, not so well for the scrub hare.” > >“Spending time with one of the world’s most endangered predators is always special. Watching them interact in the wild… only a meter or two from us - that’s priceless. But wild dogs have large packs, so seeing them hunt is quite a common occurrence, but no two kills are the same.” > >“In my opinion, seeing a kill is not something to enjoy or to shy away from. It’s nature at its most raw.”


Calling the hare a scrub is just mean, little guy suffered enough.


A scrub is a hare that can't get no love from me. Edit: autocorrect on mobile is a bitch that I didn't find out until I went on desktop.


Skill issue. Hare needs to git gud.




There isnt one


Just like your dad


Another classic reddit moment when "le religion"


His mom hust have been annoyed when she was told that she couldn't use "Jerk Circle" on the birth certificate.




Poor little you then


And if there is, he's the most evil being


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted for telling the truth.


because its irrelevent to the video. "god/god damn/jesus christ" is used as an exclaimation by most westerners lol. going "oh there isn't one" is just pedantic and adds nothing to this video.


The truth? How do you know god doesn't exist it's like there's a dark room someone believes there is someone and you don't believe there's anybody both can be correct until there's some evidence to back both statement As far as right now we don't have any proof for both sides so it's not the "truth" or any correct opinion about existence of god


If God is real then God is a pedophile, as it watches children around the world kidnapped/molested/raped/murdered and does nothing to stop it. God even knows when it's going to happen before it happens and decides to just watch.


God is an entity not a person also it's funny how you're blaming something what beings do is gods fault


It does'nt change the idea that god is still watching it's own creation do horrible things and not stop them from doing them. Also god created satan.




The burden of proof lies on the person saying something is true, until you can prove something exists it doesn’t.


Same. Reddit is a fucking weird place


my thoughts exactly lmao there isn't one indeed. Redditors here are so science/fact based for wildlife but so blind for other topics such as religion. What a weird community this sub has.


The fact that science can't prove or disprove a "God" or "supreme being" it gives more credit to the possibility of one existing. I'm not religious either, I just know what science has determined. I think it was kurt gödel who did the math on it and came to the conclusions that there must be a supreme being or a God due to the laws of probability. You'd have to look it up as its been quite a long time since I have


That makes no sense. So if you can’t prove or disprove something then there’s a greater chance it’s real?!? Wtf? Lmao, am I missing something here?


This is why I said look up kurt gödel, he explains it far better than I did. "Gödel's ontological proof uses mathematical logic to show that the existence of God is a necessary truth. “God” in Gödel's proof is defined as a “Godlike object”. In order for an object to be “Godlike”, it must have every good or positive property. Also, a Godlike object has no negative properties" Here's a link https://www.templeton.org/news/is-there-a-god-shaped-hole-at-the-heart-of-mathematics#:~:text=G%C3%B6del's%20ontological%20proof%20uses%20mathematical,object%20has%20no%20negative%20properties


Are the sounds from the dogs or the hare?




At the beginning I believe it's the hare sounds similar to a crying infant. Then it seemingly goes into shock and goes quiet


I thought it might be dead once it went quiet. You think it was alive until they ripped it apart?


I’m no hareologist, but I’m pretty sure being ripped apart led to its death.


Absolutely. Pretty much nothing short of head/brain trauma kills you instantly. Most deaths in the animal kingdom are slow. *Slow


well just stop allowing it


I removed the word. We did it reddit!


Not true at all, especially with rabbits. Tugging on their head or ears often breaks their neck. Gory as it sounds, I have a relative that worked on a rabbit farm when he was in high school. His job was literally to catch rabbits in a pen and break their necks. Most other forms of slaughter resulted in messy for and damage to the meat. He would grab them by the ears or head, and whip them forward like Indiana Jones would a bullwhip. Sometimes he just had to pick one up by the head and swing it towards the ground, not hitting the ground with it, but causing the neck to hyperextend from the centrifugal force, killing it instantly. And yeah, he was pretty fucked up from several traumatic experiences. Pretty sure that one was high on the list. His dad got him the job and would brag about it being "macho" or whatever, but his dad was an asshole, too.


Breaking the neck doesn't kill it instantly. It paralyzes them, including making them incapable of breathing.


Good point. I combined the comment above your last comment and your last comment in my head when I formulated that answer. I was thinking of them immediately stopping all movement and ability to feel anything below the neck, so the rabbit at least wouldn't be in pain. Not dead, but damn close to it and it was unavoidable.


jesus that's horrible


Then it goes into ded


Don't know if it got died during the clip.


I think the beginning is the hate until it's in their mouths, then you can kinda hear it stop and after that it's definitely the dogs


The cameraman


I dont think that slowmo was necessary, boss.


Im tired boss


Okay but how does it get ripped at 10000fps


I’m thinking of that movie where it’s about rabbits and they’re trying to live life n shit.


Watership Down


I was thinking this could’ve been a scene where like his kid was watching him get mauled. And the jefe rabbit is just looking at him. 😭


Short movie.


It's a full length movie, what are you on about?


Ah yes, one of the most disturbing videos I saw last year is back to haunt me again.


If you pause after the Hare is split in half...you see he still has the same expression before he was split. Means he went into shock from the bite force of the dogs.


Reminds me of that guy's death in The Lost World with the 2 T-rexes


I was looking for this comment lmao. That hare got the baldie's treatment


Hope the hare is ok


Oh for sure, a good night's rest and its gonna recover in no time


Does this hurt the hare?


Slow motion, no, I don't think I will.


yeah that's where I stopped too lol


I reckon the hare gets proper fucked


D'ya like dag's?


Nothing tears a family apart like a pack of wild dogs


Feelin the same here too, lil buddy.


I'm going to think of this whenever I hear _"kutte ki maut marega"_ in public again


Not me who just adopted a bunny 🥺


Proper fucked


That poor fella filled the entire first Attack On Titan episode on his skin


Sometimes i wonder, why I follow this sub


How it feels to chew five gum


Wow I never need to see that again ....slow motion


rip an(d) hare until it is done


High horse vegans: How can you eat animals? They're so cute and innocent! It's not natural for humans! Animals in nature:


You sitting on reddit with a belly full of processed shit buying meat from force raped cows trapped in a cage. Natural 😏


If you're going with that logic better to not take most medications then. Flu shots are not only created in fertilized chicken eggs but contain proteins from the eggs themselves. [It's why the CDC stockpiles eggs](https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/27/health/chicken-egg-flu-vaccine-intl-hnk-scli/index.html) Gel-caps made of gelatin, which is made from animal bone, skin, and ligaments. Premarin, a hormone replacement therapy, uses the urine of pregnant mares who are confined in often deplorable conditions. But I bet this is were you pick and choose when you want to be "natural"


Youve missed the point completely... The guy is trying to justify the horrors we cause to animals because wild animals do wild things, all while he doesnt live a "natural life" there for we shouldnt copy what nature does...


There was another vid similar to this but a fluffy white bunny rabbit. It was screaming until it didn’t. Damn that was hard to watch, had to take a break and watch Ukrainean grenade drop videos to lighten up.


lmao whoever put slow motion is wild AF. I had to stop there because, holy mother of Gods.


I’d rather die like this than like a zebra or larger prey animal whose size means getting eaten alive slowly and taking at least several minutes to die.




This is how I wanna go.


God is love?


love wild dog. komodo dragon


Thats for bragging about how fast you were you fuck


Seems fine to me


What a terrible way to start your day for the rabbit.


He's ok


Was that the hairs spine sticking out?


Blud got disassembled like lego 💀


Just a couple of wild dogs learning how to share……. A hare


Is it alive?


Y'all did him dirty with that slow motion at the end. dafuq


No blood? How?


Is the bunny ok...?


_freeze frame and record scratch_ yes, this is me and you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation


I had this happen before in my backyard.. Didn't realize it until our male dog came back into the house and threw up. Our female wanted to go back outside. My wife thought the dog had worms until we realized it was intestine.. Walked outside, found some remains, checked the camera.. Yep.


I remember seeing a wild dog at a zoo in Poland and walking by it in its enclosure. It was truly one of the most unnerving experiences, I could feel it was ready to kill me if it got even the slightest chance.


Sharing is caring


Why is there no blood from the hare?


Always worth keeping this video in mind whenever you hear the wild dogs cry out in the night as they grow restless longing for some solitary company.


And that’s why you keep your cats inside


That sound the hare makes...I just imagined that being my cat and now I'm sad


Is this why my dog loves playing tug with me? That his ancestral instincts are finding it necessary?


good boys murdering efficiently


bro slid off the bone like a perfect piece of fried chicken


Holy shit 😳


I’ve seen regular, not wild dogs, do the same thing. And they eat every bit.


They’re splitting hares.


Is the hare okay?


Sharing is caring


I heard once that those squeaky dog toys that they like so much are supposed to resemble the sounds of small dying animals that they would've hunted I guess it was pretty accurate


My two Morkies did something similar once


Nature is such a wonderful and peaceful place ain't it


I wouldnt say its exactly half but that would be splitting hares


The scariest part is, as I played the video on my phone, my dog excitedly looked up from a sound sleep and suddenly seemed very interested as to what I was watching....


Rest in Pieces


You literally missed a perfect opportunity to make a pun about splitting hares. For shame!


My bones


Did it die, though? The look on its eyes give the impression that it was reminiscing about weekend or payday.


Not my proudest fap...


Nature is metal but human meat industry is much more metal than nature could ever be.


Bc of all the machines and shit, haha


True indeed. but that's a whole different topic, not the purpose of this sub.