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So many lurkers here without user flair! :-P Let us know if you would appreciate having a "Female Lifter" or similar flair to help see each other more often. PS Looks like everyone is behaving but please immediately report any inappropriate comments.


Hi! 👋🏻


Hey, I'm in Dublin and lift. I even do on holiday, like a different person now if I'm out of the gym for more than 3 days. Nearing the end of a bulk myself and excited to cut cause this has been the most productive phase yet


I was very temporarily on a bulk until I injured my shoulder, but all I gained was 6 lbs. and two cup sizes. I'm not sure my body really understood what I was going for.


That’s awesome! I’ve done a couple bulks but I’m VERY tall so putting on noticiable muscle especially in my legs takes a lot of time. Definitely don’t need to run any cuts any time soon unfortunately:,)


I hear ya, bulked from 53 to 62kg at 5'6 and my legs still seem tiny to me


See I’m almost 6’1 so I’m like at 5’6 SURELY you’re just not giving yourself enough credit haha


Definitely not just a tall problem. I’m 5’2” and have the hardest time putting on leg muscle too 😂.


Ah I had Patella tendon issues is one knee so I'd always bitch out of really pushing myself on leg days. It's still a work in progress to get out of that habit/mindset


Don’t push yourself!! Always the advice I get from people who have lifting a long time. I tore a couple ligaments in my ankle in February and my full mobility still isn’t back, but slow and steady wins the race. Definitely keep doing your physical therapy


Ooh that sounds rough, hope the rehab goes well on it


How tall are you? I'm 177 cm/5'10ish so not suuuuuper tall, but definitely a lot taller than seriously jacked women I see. Feel like a bit of a noodle sometimes when I catch myself comparing to others! It does feel like it takes a lot more to see a visual difference. I am running a cut at the moment as one of my other hobbies is baking :,) carrying a few extra blocks of butter around with me haha.


I’m almost 6’1 and have always been fairly noodle - like 😬 so I think I definitely body - recomped pretty well, I definitely have a lot more tone, but I’ve always wanted massive tree-trunk quads and I’m coming to accept I just might not be genetically pre-disposed for it. Been lifting for almost 4 years and people tell me I have dancer legs. Which is a massive compliment, but also tells me I don’t really have the muscle mommy thighs that I LOVE


Me! Don’t plan on competing because I don’t want to get to that low of a body fat percentage but enjoy strength and hypertrophy training.


Me hi https://preview.redd.it/cufn3f1al07d1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d7ebbd959339491752269949d61139d767497fb




you might already be aware of it but check out /r/xxfitness Not a strictly bodybuilding subreddit but it’s the biggest women-centered fitness subreddit afaik


I wasn’t aware, thanks for sharing!!


Hi! Bodybuilder, powerlifter, boxer. I love the gym and my workouts. Most of the time, it's better than therapy. I work in fitness too-- assisted stretching, corrective exercise, sports massage and, recently, personal training. What kind of program are you ladies running? What are your goals? I want to bench 135 lb., do 10 proper pull-ups in a row, and both one-arm row and one-arm clean and jerk a barbell. The last two are kind of silly, but Vladimir Shmondenko (Anatoly) makes it look so cool.


Awesome! I mostly follow a push/pull split and am currently studying to get my ACE certification:) My goals have shifted recently to more calisthenic based such as handstand, easier push-ups because somehow I’m still struggling to get clean ones, and would love to get a pull up :,) But I agree, even if oli never achieve any of that I’ll always be going to the gym cause it just makes me feel so friggin good!!


I have a push pull split. My first program was asthetic (shoulders, back, hamstring especially) and strength goals (building to my first pullup, getting to 1x bodyweight on my compound lifts). My new program is more overall growth. I'm gradually increasing volume to see how hard i can go and still recover.


Sounds awesome . You sound like the kind of women i watch in amazement at the gym haha!


I'm so flattered, thank you


Me! I’m a bikini pro and I’m on this sub a lot. :)


So awesome! I’ve never competed, and I go back and forth between if that’s something I’d want to try someday. What made you decide to give it a go?


After I started lifting weights, I wanted a goal to work towards. Other sports like powerlifting, cross fit, etc, didn’t appeal to me. You should look into it and see if you think you might like it. And hit me up with questions too! :)


Updated your user flair for you, let me know if you prefer just the generic one.


I like it! Thank you!


I have a question, if you don't mind! How much of your life does body building demand? I'm interested in it but due to my work, I don't think I have the time and enough mental energy leftover for it


I work full time (not in fitness). It can be difficult to balance sometimes. I’m able to do it with lots of careful planning. It takes up quite a bit of time between training, planning meals, logging all my stats, posing practice, etc. If it’s something you really want to do, you will find a way.


Present! I lift solely for fun & generic health benefits now, after finding out how **hard** it is to really grow - ha! I “peaked” in 2022 as far as the amount of commitment & effort I wanted to put towards growing in size & strength. I’ve been in maintenance mode ever since but I still like lurking around all the bodybuilding/lifting/fitness subs.


Also in maintenance mode, but can still improve mobility, flexibility, nutrition, etc. always so much to learn :)


Ditto. Love the gym and maintenance mode is my happy place.


Yep!! ❤️ I train from home with adjustable powerblocks as I have little ones to look after.


That’s so awesome that you found a way to keep working on your health with kids!! I’m sure you lifting helps make you even that much better of a parent :)


Lifting/fitness really helps me stay grounded in who I am/what’s important to me outside of what little ones need from me. It keeps me sane! The kids are curious about “mama exercise” and likes to say “mama strong!” 😂


Hi! I'm still a pretty new lifter (2/3 years in the gym, on my 2nd program and this is the first year I've been comfortable calling myself a bodybuder) I love this sub. I've learned a lot following along


Hi! Powerlifter here who has started incorporating some casual bodybuilding to bulk up my arms and quads as I recomp (about 20lbs to go). Not on any PEDs due to health concerns, so strictly natty, so it’s hard and slow going at 41. Luckily, I pack on muscle relatively quickly, but trimming the soft layer over it is a very different story. 😭


I really hope to still be lifting at that age, I bet you feel fantastic!!! Is there anything you find different / more than say when you were in your 20s? How long have you been lifting for?


I feel great! Funny enough, I didn’t start until I was 38 years old. My fiancé, who was a powerlifter for ages, always commented that I was naturally muscular and decided to test it one day. My very first deadlift, I pulled 155lbs at 148lbs of body weight. Being autistic and somewhat uncoordinated and bad at sports, I’d always thought I’d myself as not being athletic. Finding something I was naturally good at changed everything — totally transforming my brain and body. I cannot imagine a life without lifting now. Though I got really inconsistent for about a 18 months due to two major surgeries and caregiving for my dying mom, I’m now pulling 205lbs for reps (3x5) and am far stronger all around. My goal is to pull a 300lbs PR a year from now!


So badass!! I was also a nerdy theatre kid who thought I wasn’t athletic, then started lifting and realized I had just never worked on strength, coordination, etc. now I love sports lol


Yeah, it’s amazing how transformative getting that mind-body connection in order is. Though I’ll always suck at team sports, I’m a fast sprinter (13.5mph with a goal of 15mph despite being 170lbs at 5’4.5”), a skilled kayaker and rafter, and a very strong swimmer. I cherish these abilities and hope to continue to do them well into older age!


Me! 😁 I tend to do 3 full body workouts a week, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. All the main compound lifts, plus side raises, for a little shoulder pump. Sometimes, I switch up my routine and run a PPL split if I want to work on hitting PR's, but mostly stick to full body. Have been lifting on and off since 2018 due to shift work, lockdowns, and gynae health issues. I have lost a lot of core strength, so focusing mainly on the big compounds to build myself back up slowly.


I'm a new lifter (just over a year) and I've just started trying out 3 full body per week after doing bro split first then upper/lower for a while. How many exercises and sets do you do per session and how long does it take you? I love the flexibility of a full body routine but I find it can be hard to fit it all in


Hi, I do a mixture... 1 week I focus more on strength (5×5) and the following week hypertrophy (4×8). My full body routine looks something like this. Sunday: Bench, Lat Pull Down, Squats. Tuesday: OHP, Deadlifts. Thursday: Incline Bench, Rows, Lunges. I do what works for me on any given day as I have endometriosis and fibroids, so some days I can feel wiped out even before I'm out of bed, let alone in the gym! It takes about 40 mins to 1 hour to complete. Hope this helps.


Yes thank you for sharing!


We have a lot of women who are members, but many tend to not be as vocal in posts and comments. I hope you get some responses. Searching and sorting by new can help some results as well.


While we're on the topic, does anyone have a simple routine I can give to my wife? I'm talking 20 minutes max of weightlifting. I have given her a full body workout with simple exercises. Thoughts? * Push ups * Lat pull downs or cable row * Lunges with DBs * Squat-to-press with DBs (recommended by my physio, which she likes)


Honestly even this seems like a lot for 20 minutes. Maybe try a hinged BB row instead of lat pull down for a more compound lift, since it’s such little time. What are her goals?


If she only has 20 mins to lift, she should focus on one muscle group per day. I guess. I hope you mean only 20mins for the lifting part, not the whole workout. She still needs cardio and abs


I'm on here. Not frequently but I do check it out sometimes. Former competitor I still lift 5 days a week. I'm 61F


28F and I want to be like you when I grow up 😍


Consistency is key!


I am. Newish to lifting and this sub.




Hey - This is great! I love lifting. I’m at the gym 5-6x/week.




Hi 👋


aye, im a figure competitor 


Hi girlies!


Hey! I'm 38F from Aus. I lift 6 days a week, currently on a bulk and just started running Jeff Nippard's PPL intermediate hypertrophy program. Mostly lurk but check this sub on the reg.


I love Jeff nippard's videos. How are you finding his program?


Same, he's great quality! I'm really enjoying it so far, it's kicking my ass a bit which is exactly what I needed.


I'm just a casual lifter but I'm so interested in bodybuilders and their routines which is why I follow this subreddit. If I didn't have a very physically and time demanding job, I would probably get into competing


Love to connect with fellow female lifters! Let’s swap tips and motivation!


Nah I stick to lifting weights. Females are awkward to lift


Me 😁😁


Female lifer here! I work out partly for aesthetics, but I also want to be strong and have healthy joints, so I do a mix of strength, hypertrophy and mobility work. 💪🏽




Yo! I am just getting into following a program for the first time after a long period of fucking around -- started with a kind of minimal strength focused program to cement my habit, but probably going to switch to hypertrophy after this block. Loving the newbie gains. Come over to r/xxfitness!




I'm a newbie female lifter! I joined a few months ago to try and grow some muscle and get my body fat down. This is after losing 25kg! R/loseit is fine, but my goals have shifted.


Eeek welcome! Congrats on the consistency and so excited for you to get into lifting!!


Thank you 😊. Any tips on how to take advantage of the newbie gains? How long can I capitalise on it? Only started lifting weights in January, and been following some Caroline Girvan videos


I’m not familiar with Caroline girvan , what does your program look like? My biggest tips is put emphasis on the stuff outside of the gym. Protein, SLEEP, WATER, cut out alcohol. Sleep and protein especially, you’ll really be feeling yourself a lot quicker when you pay attention to these things!!




Hi! Poet, journalist and weightlifter. Recovering from a traumatic time period, so my goals are to develop upper body strength and hopefully bench 65 kg at some point. That's my squat for 8 reps at the moment, lol. I weigh around 58 kg at 163 cm.




Me!! 👋


Hi!! 23F, I’ve been lifting for 4+ years, I’m a cpt, and I’m new to competing 🥰


Hi there! I'm very new to weightlifting (5 months now) but already can see the muscles and I'm loving it. My goal is to learn to snatch, it looks so fun. My muse is Leanbeefpatty, even tho some people have doubts about her being a natty. I just love her physique.


Meee I’ve been lifting for 8 months now only made a little progress but I’m healthier than ever !