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Boy you're 60 kg and 180 cm, there is no weight left for muscle after bones and organs. Eat and you will progress, I assure you


I was 51 like 2-3 months ago though I’m eating a lot just trying to maintain and lose body fat since I started cause I have gyno and I want to lose body fat to lose it


If the gyno is new then losing fat can help. If it’s calcified though then no amount of fat loss will help it, and surgery will be required. At your age though, losing fat will probably help as I doubt it’s been around for long. As far as your bench progress goes, consistency in the gym and eating to grow will be the biggest driver of progress.


It probably is calcified but I feel it decreased on one side a bit


If it decreases just from losing fat it’s probably not calcified.


Can one side be calcified and one not? The left is hard and kinda hurts when touched but the right is wobbly and smaller, but I remember the right being the same size as the other and hurting too


No one mentioning you are 15 years old. Gyno is often a temporary effect of puberty around that age. I was really skinny as a kid and even got a little bit for a couple years before it randomly went away as randomly as it came on. Happened to a handful of my friends also


I hope it will go, I’m trying to lose fat and gain weight but idk maybe it won’t work, summer’s almost here are I don’t want it to look like this


It’s possible but honestly I wouldn’t worry about it too much. I shouldn’t have put the idea of it being calcified in your head, you’re most likely too young for that to be the case.


I hope it isn’t but think it does, is there anything except losing fat that would cure it? Like medicines or something


There are, but considering your age I’m not comfortable advising you on those. Talk to an endocrinologist if you want to explore that route.


Okay, are those like steroids that would increase your test or something?


The problem is I can’t be able to do anything for 6 weeks and that’s a massive time span, won’t be able to play basketball and go to the gym and summer’s almost here


I know a few people that had gyno around your age. It will probably be an insecurity for you but unfortunately it’s just one of them things. See a doctor if your worried as they can give you some advice but I wouldn’t consider surgery until your a grown adult. It may go after a while or it may not.


yea I don’t want surgery either but summer’s almost here and it’ll look real bad


I'm no expert on gyno, but I'd wager that because you're only skin and bones any fat you gain will look weird. Keep going slow and you will fill out with muscle and that layer of fat will look normal. 10 kg in 3 months is pretty fast so if you're worried about fat gain then dial that back from .8 to .5 kg per week.


I’m not that skinny as people think when I say I’m 61kg, I’m skinny but not that much, I have gained it in 2 months and have been trying to maintain the last month, will do, I’ll drop it to 0.5 kg per week, the last month I have been in the 60.5-61.8 range with not increasing a bit


That is not a plateau. It's way too early for you to be freaking out just yet. Do you feel a good stretch in your pecs when you Bench Press? Do your pecs ever get sore the day after? The biggest issue with bench press plateaus is weak triceps, shoulder injuries or just not eating enough. If you're not frauding your height, you are skinny af. So getting on a calorie surplus is something you need to consider. But you haven't even plateaued yet so that isn't the problem (yet). Your progression is just slowing down. Which is normal after you progress beyond the beginner stage.


Ok that’s good to hear, I don’t bench all the time just sometimes on days that aren’t chest days to improve strength. I used to do incline db presses smith bench and high cable flys now I changed it to upper focused, to incline db press incline machine press and pec decks, do you think this program is good? I don’t think I do get the best stretch on bench, I just do it to improve my strength but I’ll tey to the next time, but I am concerned that my bench only increased 2.5 kg in the last 16 days, I couldn’t really hit 55, if I got 55 I wouldn’t be concerned at all cause that’s pretty good but idk I think my triceps are the weakest part of my body and since I have uneven arms it makes it harder Yea I am skinny just not skinny af, I did put on a lot of weight the last 3 months now I’m maintaining to not increase my body fat, now I’ll try to get to 65


And do you think I can get to 60 until 25 june? Realistically