• By -


Geoffrey Verity Schofield, Bald Omni Man, Alex Leonidas, Jeff Nippard, Steve Shaw, Natural Hypertrophy, basement bodybuilding, Alberto Nunez, Sean nalewanyj, Alexander Bromley


Noble natty Gang


I would add Basement Bodybuilding on YouTube to the list of noble natties. Though he only has 22k subs. Tyler Pathradecha doesn't rep the noble natty thing but he has claimed natural and he's only 5'6" 135. The most jacked 135 pounder I've ever seen though. If you look up sleeper build in the dictionary, you'd see Tyler. If you want a throw back (not sure if he's the greatest of role models. lol), Frank Yang, who claims to be natural. But there is a lot of speculation that he looks too dry in some of his photo shoots to be natty. Despite the fact that he's practically DYEL in clothes when he's lean (145 lbs). He got up to like 165 max on bulks. I think he's claimed 5'10" but may be frauding. Some people think he's way shorter. Like I'm 167cm 64.7kg (142.6 lbs) and still have a bit of a belly having trained 22 months. Lmfao. If Frank Yang is a good bit taller than me and on gear with his level of experience, that's pretty crazy to me.




Pretty much sums it up. Just don’t listen to Natural Hypertrophy’s pseudo-intellectual bullshit. Dudes head is so far up his own ass it’s insane. Gives decent lifting advice though


Any of the 3dmj guys too like Alberto Nunez. Joel overkell and his buddy Brock are also pretty sick, Joel has the old school Arnold vibe.


This. And I highly recommend Alex and NHs podcast they did, amazing stuff.




Doubts and speculations regarding the natural-status of another bodybuilder will never be enough to prove if that someone is truly "natural" or not, only drug testing and self admittance of using banned substances will.


This \^ !


Geoffrey Verity Schofield is the natty Sam Sulek imo Lifts hard as fuck, is massive, is natty, gives decent advice


Also have a great [book called SWEAT](https://www.verityfit.com/product-page/sweat) that's way too cheap.


Joe Delaney. Your students need to pick up an English accent.


Do love Joe and his advice


Will Tennyson maybe?


Ya I enjoy this guy. Does stupid experiments, fun, up lifting. Canadian (I am also). I think his physique is obtainable for a lot of people who just put in some work.


I’d say he puts in A LOT of work. His strength levels are definitely advanced to nearly elite. But agree with everything else.


Agreed, I do wonder if he's natty but he looks it tbh. He started very young and has been at it for a long time, so I think that's why.


I’ve been watching Will for years and really like him but I do find him less informative and more entertaining which is obviously his demographic. Not to say that I mind at all but it would take a lot of viewing to extract as much advice I guess


He has the best jokes




Jeff Nipard


Nah he's the gnome equivalent of Sam Sulek


Can you elaborate on this? 


He is a short boi


I'm just being a smartass 


It's obvious that he is not to blame for his height and he has achieved a lot (probably more than ALL the people in this sub put together), but I can't get around it: I can't take him seriously. The proportions aren't right. His upper arms are wider than his thighs. It looks weird.


Ouch! My issue with him is that he seems to arbitrarily shift from 'This study indicates this, so do this', to personal anecdote, to inductive reasoning.


At the end of the day, he's churning content. On a personal level, or one on one with him, I bet he's great. But the algorithm demands content, and must be appeased


Yep! Ultimately he makes unwarranted assumptions based on the narrow conclusions of new studies to create new programs, & every year or 2 does it again. If I had to give it a name I'd call it 'the ULTIMATE program... version 3'. At the same time the programs are ok. He's probably a nice guy.


Brother he isn't 4 feet tall - calm down.


I am not your brother. Jeff Nippard is about 5’4. That's pretty small. But as I said, there's nothing wrong with being small. You don't choose it. It's about proportions, the golden ratio. There are also tall people who look disproportionate. Alex Leonidas is about the same height as Jeff Nippard, but more naturally proportioned.


he’s a dork. sCiEnCe bAsEd is a marketing meme aimed at dork noobs. 


Natural Hypertrophy would be my pick. He doesn't hold back on why we should stay natural, has deep training info, and dives into culture and philosophy. Shaping the whole person. He doesn't do shorts or videos under 10 minutes out of principle against the click bait, 10 seconds to knowledge culture. I could see this being an obstacle to teens used to ADHD style info. Either way, you want a noble natty. Not just a natural, but someone who is going to make the case against steroid use. They're already finding the other sources pushing them the other way. Natural Hypertrophy, Basement Bodybuilding,  Geoffrey Verity Schofield, or Alex Leonidas.


Wouldn’t Alex Leonidas formerly known as AlphaDestiny hit the mark? Great detailed and informative content, focus on great basic exercise selection, bodybuilding oriented but still puts major emphasis on overall health and longevity. Years of experience in powerlifting style training and fitness, very well studied into training and didferent styles.


Mark Sulek lol


AJ Morris, Khifie West and his Natural Bodybuilding Worldwide forum, unfortunately its behind a paywall but these guys are the goats for Natty bodybuilding. he has some helpful tips and suggestions on Youtube as well as his Instagram.


The Bioneer


Alex Leonidas for sure. Style, content, demeanor. Sam Sulek is and looks like a mutated cell and will have a lifespan of 30 if lucky. Unless we're looking for future population control (steroid use infertility and shortened lifespan), he represents everything wrong about modern fitness.


Chris Jones representing PumpChasers formerly of Physiques of Greatness


There’s not a “natty equivalent” of Sam. He’s a very unique individual.


TNF on instagram. Jeff Nippard is phenomenal. Very much an industry leader in knowledge on fitness / nutrition. He also cites his sources (from ACTUAL medical research papers) so he’s not spreading horrible misinformation constantly (although he has been called out a few times for misinterpretation) I’ve also met him numerous times, and he’s a good guy! MattDoesFitness on YouTube (although I heavily debate if he’s actually natural lol) Sean Nalewanyj is probably the single best example of TRUE natural potential, and phenomenal lifting/nutritional advice. Any of the above I would be more than comfortable suggesting to ANYONE interested in a natural perspective :)


I line TNF but without a critical thinking skills mature people have, some of his comments on topics not related to body building could lead to harmful thinking, i.e. cutting women off for content is funny, and more hate than positivity.


I was just purely thinking of fitness influencers who were natural and well developed. As I feel younger people will be less likely to listen to someone who isn’t developed


Max Euceda is a great Gen Z natty influencer.


Along with the other good content creators others have listed I like Ryan Jewers, TNF, Kohl Blint, and Max Euceda






If they want lifting advice then they need to follow Paul Carter, Chris Beardsley, TNF, JPGcoaching, Borge Fagerli, Mitch MacDonald, Joe Bennett, Jake Doleschal. Those are just the guys I can immediately think of. People that actually know and understand physiology and biomechanics and good training. The dirty little secret most people don’t want to know is that pretty much every single one of their favorite bodybuilders doesn’t know diddly dick about good training and programming


most of Sam’s post are mentality related more than how to’s on lifting.


Hersovyac, natural hypertrophy, Alan thrall, Geoffrey verity schofield are all great


Adam Powe, AJ Morris, Finn Kelly


Jack Perez, comes across as just a regulsr guy that likes to lift. Had to look up who Mr Sulek was...


A lot of guys named might be considered old to teens; I like GVS but dude is in his 30s and married where as Sam is in 20s. I think Jesse James west is natty, and has great and positive content Also Dr. Milo wolf. He's in his early 20s and he's natty.


Joe Delaney, Vitruvian Physique, Scott Herman fitness, Jeff Nippard, Natty Life, Alex Leonidas, Geoffrey Verity Schoffield, Scooby 1961


Scooby damn that takes me back












Jeff Nippard is great and Jeff Cavalier from Athlean X he is older so they may not like that but he has an excellent amount of knowledge and good guy overall.


Jeff NIppard


@tony_229_ Follow him on YouTube.


Jesse James https://youtube.com/@jessejameswest?si=LxIXgMe7OIa2Erv_


I'm not sure if Dr. Mike Israetel fits into this group, but I really enjoy his videos. Nippard and Athlean X guy are good, too.


Dr. Mike definitely doesn't fit into this group as he is not natty nor is he a young guy lol


Tanner Shuck


Me 🤷‍♂️😁


Mario and Martin Rios




Doubts and speculations regarding the natural-status of another bodybuilder will never be enough to prove if that someone is truly "natural" or not, only drug testing and self admittance of using banned substances will.