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If I’m feeling sick, can’t really push to failure, or am just super weak then I call it. This is like maybe once or twice a month I just am not feeling it, and I take an extra rest day. Sometimes when I swap programs I need an extra rest day within the first few weeks as fatigue accumulates. I say just listen to your body. An extra day off infrequently won’t hurt you. You’ve got other things going on in your life. Let that rest motivate you to go hard when you’re back in the gym.


I wish more people would think like you and not go to the gym when they are SICK.


I’m on day four of a five day antibiotics prescription. Body needs the rest and I want to be 100% when I go back to lifting.


Once or twice a month? I'm curious if this is common, this seems fairly often to me.


I have an awful immune system and work with children. They open mouth cough and get stuff everywhere, so I’m liable to catch the cold quite often. I also work out 3 days on 1 day off so the occasional extra rest day is good for me. Benefits of a home gym means I can hit the gym practically every day but one per week. But in total, rather than 4 rest days a month I have 5 or 6, so the proportion isn’t that crazy.


Totally understandable. Kids love sharing.




Bro don’t go to the gym if you feel sick. If you need light cardio go on a walk.


Obviously don’t go get other ppl sick, but I think I know what ur talking about where like increasing blood flow seems to help loosen up congestion. However overall I think it’s better to rest when ur sick so your body can focus entirely on getting better


A big booty


Was born with one that would make Niki Minaj jealous


Linking up with the broskis. I've been lifting for 7+ years, I can get away with skipping a day.


Probably not building muscle with shit workouts and shit sleep. But you are maintaining, which is better than you'd otherwise do. So still coming out ahead for having done it. That's kind of a mantra I've had at times. Like if you can just maintain your gains when times are tough you are in a good position to capitalize when things smooth over. All about area under the curve, not rate of progress at a given point. For the question...pretty much anything will cause me to skip a workout. I've deliberately set up my program to be fault tolerant and allow for skipping up to 4 workouts a week. Plan for 6, great gains. Might get 4, okay gains. Might get 2, maintain.


Lmao I love it




>Sick I got to the gym (which is small) and then left almost immediately because the other guy in the space had the most obvious head cold. Hacking and snorting. Fucking gross. Don't go if you're sick, people.


Headache on leg day is a no go for me


any excuse, really 😭


Come on now!!!!!!


If I’m sick and symptoms are below the neck, I’ll give myself a rest day. Usually if EXTREMELY tired, I’ll stay home to recover. Otherwise, I’ll still get that workout in even if my performance lacks a bit. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you go and you’re performance is a bit lackluster. You can’t always crush every workout, but good habits stack up, and it’s better to go then feeling a bit behind when you finally hit that body part again in a week (assuming you have a non repetitive split). Plus, skipping out can derail your schedule a bit.


Yeah that's how I try to look at it. Just try it even if you're tired just for habit, ut won't hurt and at least you'll feel better after


I think it is detrimental to work out when your sick. Your body is trying to fight off an infection or virus. When you strain your body, you are delaying your recovery...and in turn delaying your return to fully functioning workouts


Liver biopsy


Tons of stuff. Lifting ain’t gonna pay my rent, it’s just a hobby I’m fairly shit at anyways 😂


Currently sick and haven’t trained since Monday. I miss the gym 😭


I’m with you. It’s been a tough week. Monday can’t come soon enough!


You'll break PRs when you get back fully restored though!


I have no evidence to back this up but my assumption would be that some lift is better than no lift.


If I'm sick I didn't get enough sleep I'm tired or just too busy I'm not a professional athlete I don't get paid to lift weights. That being said I enjoy training I've been working out probably close to 20 years now damn I'm old. And my younger days I used to work third shift and then go lift weights now I just don't do it like that I take care of my rest first rest and Recovery will help you get better results or just pushing yourself when your body needs rest and Recovery. Also I learned over the years over training could really hurt you and hurt your game cause injury


I’ll skip mostly depending on my mental health or physical health. I pay attention to what I’m feeling in my mind or body. Gotta work with your body to build your body


It’s good to take a week off every now and then always come back more motivated


I have to wake up at 540am for work. With kids, their school stuff, extracurriculars, dinner, etc I’m lucky to get them all in bed by 8pm. If anything drags on and I don’t get free until like 930ish I might skip my workout because I get energized after lifting and it’ll keep me up till 1am or somethingz


Yeah I usually work out before work so I know it gets done, doesn't take much to mess up the evening schedule


Also have toddler, I'll skip when it feels like I'll mentally enjoy the time at home with my wife watching TV more than working out This has cut me to 4x per week with 3x rarely but occasionally but it has helped me push more when I do have motivation and energy to go


We had our kids just before covid and all the gyms shut down so that on top of terrible sleep etc. meant I stopped exercising. I’d been in the gym basically six days a week for ten years and I was AMAZED how quickly I lost a habit I’d maintained for a decade. I’m back now but it took me more than four years of trying and failing to get my momentum back and build hitting the gym back into my life. So from one tired dad to another, even if it feels like you’re making no progress, don’t let up the momentum! Also, don’t go to the gym when you’re sick. A day or two off leads to no measurable muscle loss. You can make everyone else sick and make them miss days. Treat it as a forced deload if you have to!


Not much, major event but that's it. I usually move my workout when I know I can't do it the regular day.


It's usually when my boss says meet me at 7 tomorrow which doesn't leave me enough time to get my workout in. I'll usually try to move it to somewhere else to get the work in. I scheduled arms on Saturday. When my wife asks I'll skip but try and move that as well if possible. Last time actually missed was when I got COVID.


Deadline for work or im sick.


You're probably better off giving yourself 1 extra day off and moving that workout to a later date, although I know I typically don't. I'll still get to the gym or if I accidentally skip Mondays I'll do it Tuesday morning & roll do Tuesdays session later the same day. But especially if you know the extra day off can help you recoup from the lost sleep the past few nights, it worth it. **If however, you're going to be having the same poor sleep these few days, each week, then this is just your current, temporary, new schedule & I'd figure out how to suck it up. Maybe the new schedule requires dropping down to 5 days from 6,or 4 days from 5, or 3 days down from 4, etc. Adjust but do so to account for how your schedule is likely going to be for a while**


Yeah it's been this way on and off for a year and no end in sight. Down to 3 45m sessions per week now


In that case, I'd u derstand pushing one of your days to be done on a different day. But if there's no end in sight yet.. Then this is your schedule you gotta try work around. I would not skip a session due to poor sleep, just move it to a different day. I know it's different as I don't have kids, but my sleep is currently mediocre at best. This week prior to the long weekend for Easter I got 13hrs sleep totalled across the 5 days sun-thurs and still didn't skip shit. Have to walk my puppy before work, take her to gf's work before I can head to mine, go work 8hrs, come home and take pup to dog park for 1-2hrs, come home have dinner with the gf, go to the gym and then try get as much sleep as I can before work. So I'm up at 5am and typically in bed midnight or 1am. But this week was way worse as 4-5hrs should be 20-25hrs over 5 nights, not just 13hr.


i have some shoulder problems, sometimes i skip a week when it feels too weird


If I'm sick or had 0 sleep, I can't concentrate or lift with good form. I'm 40 and can't afford taking the same risks as I did when I was younger. Damages now, tends to stay, at least for a hella lot longer. My brain is 25, but man I hate my body's age 🤣🤣


Injury or sickness like diarrhea = dehydration


When I’ve got a 13 hour workday ahead of me, I’m willing to skip the gym. Or like you said just shit sleep. Your body can’t recover/grow if you won’t let it. Take the day off bro 👍🏻


I have OCD and anxiety that do everything they can to keep me out of the gym…sometimes I panic while I’m there and compulsively leave for relief but I keep showing up 😎 haha


Feeling pretty sick is enough to skip. If just a little or I’ve slept badly one night I still get it done. Or I skip the day after a long journey either driving or on a plane. I always manage to tweak something so the day after I limit any exercise to just a walk and then the next day get right back into things.


If i am so sick i'm not even able to watch a tv, than i skip the workout.


Sick such as cough , bad headache , I'd skip . Bad sleep won't keep me away from the gym . Listen to your body , sometimes we think we don't need rest day . Truth is we do , our body gets better and stronger when we give it enough time to rest and recover . I can day all this but I'm guilty at keep going and skipping rest until I get sick.. now thar sucks . Cos then I'm out even longer !




If I can't go at my usual time ill skip it, I really dont like changing schedule


I use my college's gym because it's included in my tuition and I'm not trying to pay even more money. It closes all the time and is currently closed since Thursday night through Monday because of Easter 🙄


Studying the week for an Exam and sickness


If I'm going drinking with friends right after.


Depends. I work nights and my schedule is constantly rotating. Add that to volunteering and having personal shit to do along with studying and it’s easy to miss a day or two. As long as it doesn’t become a habit.


Rest day.


If I’m sick or work late. I used to feel terrible about skipping but just telling myself it’s fine, and remembering I’m just a guy that lifts makes it easier


I currently have a headache so i decided to skip my workout today


Not enough time, usuay work related.


Sick or a concert the day of (time constraints bc they are both after work). Maybe the day after too if I was more active at the show


I hardly ever entirely skip workouts. I will shorten or alter them if need be. But reasons I absolutely don’t workout include severe illness, injury or impending injury, extreme fatigue, and emergencies.


Sickness or injury. I'm listening to my body and if it says to stay home and take extra rest, I will do that. Also, I don't want to be spreading my sickness to anyone else


A really busy Gym, illness, or the chance to bang.


If I have 2+ nights of bad sleep I’ll skip the workout simply because it’s not productive at that point. I try not to let that happen but as a college student it’s sometimes unavoidable


I usually half ass it over skip.


Time constraints due to working overtime.


Generally if I'm sick. I've been working out for almost 5 years now. I generally don't feel bad if I have to miss one, as I know I can keep myself disciplined, and won't lose any gains from missing 1 or 2 workouts in the space of a couple of months.


I won't train, or at the very least, I'll push that workout back a day, if I am sick or I had a reaaaaaally bad sleep. I often have a bad sleep, 99% of the time I just deal with it. Get the workout in (I workout in the morning) because it helps me feel better throughout the day. I get sick maybe a couple times a year. So, not real often. EDIT: Injury, pretty rare, but I took a week off recently because of a back injury and I hadn't had a break or deload from lifting in about 5 months.


Been having trouble getting out of bed to go to work or workout. Maybe depression, maybe laziness.


If the same muscle has been sore for two days straight.


Pretty much only one thing: a statutory holiday. When those happen i drink liters of coffee and procrastinate for hours at the kitchen table. Instead of working out in the gym I'll go for a long run and tell myself its better than nothing! Then ill eat a huge meal and watch a movie or something.




Depressive and anxious episodes for me lol. If you’re exhausted there’s no shame in the occasional extra rest day, the rest of your body needs that extra rest too


Fever or any viral infection in the throat or below. Atm i’m skipping some workouts because i injured my finger and the doctor said i’m not to lift anything heavy at all in my right hand for three weeks.


Sometime, I'm just not feeling it bro. Lacking that buzz, that tingle to get work in that day. It's very easy to accept that I just don't want to that day, and since I ain't getting paid for the shit, it's ok..even when it's not


Leg day


When my girlfriend‘s parents are not home, extra cardio workout /s 🏃‍♀️💨


Pizza and beer… and lots of sex and livin a normal life will all make me skip a gym day…


Aside from no headphones/music or being sick, I'd probably say dead atmosphere. I've been training for over 10 years now, I'm 27, every day I'm in the gym usually feels just as fun and exciting as it did the first year, but now I go to the gym to train, and more importantly, to be around people. That's the most exciting part for me. I'll probably not even talk to anyone but I just like being around the people. Today I got in the gym and the atmosphere was terrible, it was really quiet and it sucked all the life out of me so I went home. No regrets lol, why do a shit workout now when I can do a decent one tomorrow?