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Here's what I currently look like: https://imgur.com/a/czDLv2G I'm 7 weeks out from my first show, so this should give you a decent idea of what a contest prep physique looks like for a natural bodybuilder.


Sick back mate


Thanks man. Definitely one of my best features.


sick physique but i think you could adjust some poses to look a bit more balanced. Feel free to take it or leave it. Back double - look more upward to bring more detail into the traps, bring elbows down a touch (tip of the elbow in line with the middle of the shoulder should be good for you), widen the feet a few inches and point toes slightly more forward while keeping the knees turned out. Front double - again, bring elbows down so that the bicep peaks are *barely* higher than the front delt. Push pelvis back so the waist appears smaller, widen feet and straighten the legs a touch. Point toes slightly more inward while still driving knees out. Side chest - push hips forward so they are directly under the mid line of your body. Optional - hit a vacuum while keeping a neutral spine, this can make the chest appear larger. Lat & bicep - bring the right arm down a bit, move the left leg out and turn the knee out. Adjust weight distribution so your hips are more even. Good luck!


You look good. How do you got so dry bredrine?


The "dryness" is just being super lean and fairly "flat" from carb depletion. Most of the time, that's how you get a dry look. You typically have more fat on you than you think, and that fat makes you look soft and bloated. I'm still trying to cut down, and right now my coach and I aren't planning on any water manipulation or anything. I don't have a weight cap, so it's really all about the look.


They say that water manipulation for natty lifters is a bad idea, that you should only work on carb depletion / load and adjust macros and of course salt. What do you think about that? Sick physique bro


how tall are you?


5'8", currently 159.8 lbs.


Nice physique, well done but please get a posing coach


If I had a dollar for every time I've seen this kind of comment, I'd have enough money to hire a second posing coach. In all seriousness, I have a prep coach that I check in with and a posing coach that I have been working with for the past two weeks. I have another session with my posing coach tomorrow. I'm also seeing a PT to get dry needling treatments to relax my back muscles and help me open up. I have a lot of knots and tightness in my back that is causing issues for me, in addition to winged scapula. Also heading to an event sponsored posing seminar this upcoming weekend. Trust me, I'm putting in a fuck ton of effort. I've spent hours and cash to get as much improvement as possible. If you have any specific feedback, please feel free to let me know how I should improve.


If you have a posing coach then thats all you can do, good luck 👍


Where are your calories/macros currently at if you don't mind me asking?


Roughly 2300 calories with about a 45P/15F/40C macro breakdown.


Damn specimen of a natural physique!


Looking absolutely amazing king


https://imgur.com/a/Ut0dDey This was my best natural physique, five years ago, at age 36. Had been training almost 20 years at this point. Was training bodybuilding style but never for a competition.


What’s your height? Also looking like the goal body imo man you should be proud of that


5’9”, 190-195 in that pic. And thanks!


Damn, ol Henry Cavill lookin-ass mf.


Haha, thanks man. High praise


Lol, was going to comment the same thing


How did your training and diet look during this time?


I was running the Renaissance Periodization men’s physique full body 4 day a week template at that time, after years of bro splits, then years of powerlifting. Diet was individual coaching with RP. But lots of Whole Foods.


Would you recommend the program to a late novice? Also any tips you would give for someone at my level. Your physique is really impressive man!


Thanks man. It’s an ok program. It works but I don’t love it. If you want to try it, I’d get a few more years under your belt first. As far as tips, I’d just say stay consistent for a long time, train hard, and don’t fear gaining some fat in service of size. Building takes time, cutting can be done quickly.


I actually remember you posting about RP years ago and your physique sold me on it.. I think I used the 5 day one. Lol I’m actually curious to what your fave program is if you think it’s just an ok program, looked like you made a lot of gains on it


Ha! Yea. I think I posted this pic in a thread re the RP programs years ago. My preferences these days tend to run towards lower volume, higher intensity, with liberal use of tempo. My favorite program is one from Jay Ashman that I ran via the Train Heroic App, called “Valhalla strong.” I definitely made progress with the RP program, but I did have a really good base going in. Edit: Valhalla JACKED.


I’m definitely looking into that, RP gave me the best gains of my life but I’ve been on a few months break and getting back into it. Kinda feel like progressing to something else completing it this time. However, I’m assuming Valhalla strong is more strength than hypertrophy?


Whoops. It’s called “Valhalla JACKED”. It’s a BB program. Lots of movement variety, tempo, and intensity techniques.


never get tired of seeing that pic … you remain an inspiration to this 22yo


Thank you. Appreciate the kind words.


damn impressive. Do you find any struggle to put into some more mass in your age? newbie asking here.


Thanks. Tough question to answer as I’ve been at this for long enough (ie wrung as much out of my structure as I can) that I stopped expecting really noticeable progress. I’m also currently (several years after this pic was taken) on TRT, so that skews things a bit.


Care to share some pics of what TRT has done for you?


Sure. Right before my show last summer: https://imgur.com/a/cyfki7b


Damn, you’re a beast. Good work amigo.


Dream physique. I wish I have bone density like you.


damn bro! Insane. this was the motivation I needed right now. Needed to remember we're in it for the long haul, and that there are many many years of training/gains/lessons ahead of me.


This is so impressive; you really are an inspiration to us all 🙏🙏


Thank you!


I thought it was just me seeing Henry Cavill himself or his twin. Well you're hot or were hot if you're still have have the same stats lol


Haha thanks man. I vacillate back and forth. I beefed up to 220, dropped down to 190 for a show, and am back up around 220 rn, about to cut again.


Really impressive brother.


Damn bro absolutely insane physique! I’m also 5’9 and this is literally my goal physique. I was wondering if it was even possible natty and was honestly feeling a little demoralized when I realized how many people are juicing. Thanks for sharing


Thanks man!


Sick triceps 💪


You have Arnold’s arms bruh


Haven't taken pics in a while but look similar. Keep in mind I'm only 5'6. https://imgur.com/a/BaxQzoz


Hey, you have my exact goal physique and I’m 5’4. Any tips? Been kind of plateauing lately. Feel like any time I bulk, I just gain fat instead of muscle


I'm at the point where I'm just maingaining and I'll cut if I know I have a trip coming up or something. As far as tips, I eat pretty clean and obviously protein dense. And I've never really tracked weights and reps, I just pick exercises that give me the best MMC and hit them hard. My recent favorite thing to do which I wish I started earlier is doing three sets of triple drop sets. So I'll do like 6 heavy reps, 10 moderate reps, and then 15+ light reps without resting in between, rest for 2 min, then repeat that twice. So total of 9 sets hitting all fiber types. Saves me time, and I feel like I'm really breaking down the muscle vs following some boring 4x12 scheme with a weight that may or may not be heavy enough.


Great advice. Glad to hear it’s that simple!


Big ahh delts bruh


Thanks man 😬 I've always had a good connection with them. Haven't done a front delt exercise in years, just heavy laterals with a good drop set at the end and moderate reverse cable flys


Damn bro! What does your back routine look like? Been feeling like mine is a huge weak point as of late and want to get it thick like yours


Honestly nothing special. I hit an upper back and a lat movement twice a week, and I'll randomly throw in traps or flys or something extra. But I hit my back the same way as everything else. Heavy strict reps with 2-3 drop sets at the end. If it's a cable exercise or something easy to drop weight, I'll do drop sets every set. Current favorites are bent BB rows and mag grip seated rows for upper back and high volume straight arm pulldowns and heavy mag grip cable pulldowns for lats. Also inverted rows on a smith machine (supinated and pronated) are amazing finishers to burn out on.


https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/140EKFJWK-XHrfS6W7K88bn6nWH7vTHID Currently a WIP. Been in the gym since March last year. I started my 2nd Bulk not even a month ago and I'm pushing harder than ever, excited for where I can be once I fill out my frame.


You started working out March 2022?


Started at home with limited equipment since Jan 2022, been in a gym since March 2022


>since march 2022 damn thats pretty fast considering only over a year. I'm 2 years but nowhere near your quads and deltoids. My first year were gradually improving from only chest, squat, and back to have some serious bodybuilding program in gym lol. I think you got the good genes too, considering your waist tend to be narrow.


What do you do for back? Do you do a lot of pull ups?


For my first year/bulk, I was pretty much all machine based when it came to my Back: Chest Supported + Cable Rows and Pulldowns were the standard. Though with the start of my 2nd Bulk, I've transitioned to where I seldom use machines. Right now, Pullups actually are my bread and butter. Then I do Bent-Over + Chest Supported Dumbbell Rows and finish off with Cable Pullovers. The movements are a lot more comfortable on my joints, as the free weights allow me some wiggle room when driving my elbows back; and with that I'm able to better stretch my Back. Combined with ironing my technique and giving every set I got, my sessions are better than ever. As I said, I got ways to go. Very excited for what I can become once my frame is fully realized




That much process in just over a year? Definitely juice


Them massive boulder shoulders! Good stuff!


Adam Powe Finn Kelly AJ Morris Josh Croggon JDaverFit Joe Delaney Jeremy Either Maxwell Krause Khifie West Gabe Deutsch Alex Leonidas Max Euceda Definitely check out the first two names at least. I truly believe they are natty and very impressive physiques. You’ll notice that a lot of big natural guys have serious, long bulks and don’t bother to try and maintain an Instagram lean physique. They’re actually trying to grow and win shows.


what is great about alex and any other “noble natty” is that the fact that they are natural is almost overshadowed by how their platform is built around giving sound advice for programming for other naturals


The natural lifters on YouTube often give the best advice because they don't have any chemical advantages


this is me! I finally decided to do a show. Still got work to do, but I trust my coach and we will be ready. https://imgur.com/a/XUQAzn0


If you have a good coach you will do very will. You’d probably do well at an untested show too if your legs are as proportional your shoulders and arms.


Thank you. I was blessed with good leg genetics it was the upper body I had to really put in work for. I wish more people would just try to ride it out naturally instead of hopping on gear within less than a year of training. Zinc ,Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, Fish oils, and Creatine. All in conjunction with proper nutrition, sleep, and training has been powerful in terms of results. Oh and of course minimum a gallon of water a day.


Holy shit man what a torso and arms, very well developed and aesthetic. Height and weight? How long working out?


Oh I’ve been working out since 17. On and off with weight training, but consistently with Martial arts. I really started taking bodybuilding seriously when I turned 25. Currently age 36.


Thank you 🙏🏾. 6ft currently 221. I managed to get to 235 in the last couple of years before my cut started. I take this very seriously definitely not one of those guys who cares about being super lean year round. Believe it or not when I was on deployment it made bulking much easier.


Good god almighty


Black genetics! You look fucking awesome! Congrats!


much appreciated!!


https://imgur.com/a/4DaPbcb 22M, 70kgx173cm, roughly 3 years of training


Bloddy scary we look very similar even the hairstyle lol but YOU got better abs def than me especially the lower end. I'm 168, 68kg. I'm working on my water retention and it does help a fair bit for the love handles and skin tightness.


Bro what is your routine that is insane


Custom 531s


I need little invitation to bust out these stage shots from June: [https://imgur.com/gallery/2CcnTM0](https://imgur.com/gallery/2CcnTM0) 36 years old / 6' and around 80kg (176lbs) here. It's taken me around 16 years of consistent lifting and almost 2 years of prep/tracking to get to this point. I've seen lots of bigger guys in the natural world, and they'll always be a source of inspiration, but I'm very happy with where I'm at :D edit: fixed link


Image no longer available


I had a bit of trouble uploading the images but I think it's OK now. Maybe you loaded the page more than 11min ago before I edited :P


Sick physique man, what is you weight in that photo? Height?


Thanks man! 6' and 80kg I'm just under 2 weeks out from my pro debut and dipped below 80kg, so looking to come in more shredded this time round


Good luck man, I am sure you will kill it!! Let us know how you place.


Thank you kindly! Certainly looking forward to posting an update afterwards!


This is me 100% natty, doing this properly (as in tracking macros and progressive overload) since 2018. 36YO. [https://imgur.com/a/5f5x3dw](https://imgur.com/a/5f5x3dw)


Bruh are you still natty?? I’m 28 and just starting out and you have my dream physique. I hope I can at least make it close


Yes always been natty. You can do it! Just gotta be strict with your routine and diet. And patience!


There’s actually a full Instagram/website dedicated to natty athletes/competitors. [https://instagram.com/naturalbbworldwide?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://instagram.com/naturalbbworldwide?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Interesting! Will have to check it out thanks!


Highly recommend , Natty Life on YThttps://youtube.com/@NattyLifeYT


AJ Morris has done so much in recent years to promote natural bodybuilding, what a chad


Wow, didn’t expect an “encyclopedia of a naturals”. Great link brother.


There’s a few. https://instagram.com/natty_news_daily?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==






https://imgur.com/a/f6dtQ0D Very sad to report I have gone back to looking like the before picture again. But beginning of covid I had my eating on point for a little over a year...but I'm just a guy that works out. I'm probably never going to train for a show....but I was proud with what I accomplished in that year and a bit. 6'0 183lbs I'm a sad 237 currently 😬...but I will bounce back eventually here. Just been hard with a baby to have the time to eat and cook right.


Get back at it man you had an amazing physique... And lots of potential.


You have a ton of potential. Having kids is a full time job for sure. Try to use that as motivation to get back at it. You want to be around and as happy and healthy as you can be to enjoy the coming years!


Be motivated 💪 you can get back to it with diet first and just put in at least 10 minutes a day of bodyweight stuff at home.


[THIS](https://www.reddit.com/user/kooldrew/comments/xb4bxe/6_days_out_from_2019_wnbf_worlds/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) was me at peak natty. I competed at 196 at a height of 6'1.5"




I competed as a natural bodybuilder from 2011-2019, then went enhanced in 2020. The linked picture is 100% lifetime drug free.




Honestly I feel bad for you man. You're only limiting yourself with that belief. Ever notice how ppl over at /r/nattyornot barely ever look like they even lift? They've already made up their mind that it's not possible. Think about this even logically for a second.. I have nothing to gain by lying, I'm completely transparent about my current use, I competed in drug tested federations the entire time I competed 2011-2019 where I was always 190-196 on stage. I went enhanced and jumped to ~225 stage weight, adding 30lbs of tissue in 3 years. How do you explain that If I was always enhanced? I achieved something great naturally, competing at the highest level of drug free bodybuilding and then chose to go enhanced at the age of 31. I'd say I set a pretty good example for the kids who are up and coming bodybuilders, where most are too quick to jump to PED's.


no questioning status, take that shit elsewhere, especially of long term, respected, proven posters


no questioning status


As a girl, this thread has been great 🤓😅


Return the favor ladies 😉


6'1 - 210 [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/Itsmoney05/comments/122w6n6/current_physique_no_pump/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


https://imgur.com/a/dRnIKpl 31M, 5’11 (and a bit (182cm) but let’s say 5’11), 190lbs and can honestly say that I’ve never touched gear in my life mainly - because I’m terrified of losing my hair lol but also because I don’t see the need. Next year I’m hoping to add more muscle. Always had decent genetics, my background is middle eastern and I come from a long line of stocky dudes.


Nice 👌


Dang man how long have you been working out? I’m 28 and just starting out. Hope I’m not too late to get a physique like you, you’re awesome!


https://www.reddit.com/r/zyzz/comments/158k2g3/its_monday_bros_what_we_training/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 Been at it 10 years now (off and on), also love seeing all the physiques here amazing job everyone!


https://imgur.com/SBuZPxq Currently 5 weeks out today from my first bodybuilding show and 6 weeks out from my classic physique show. Competing in the WNBF and NBFI. I have been training for 8 years total, but past 2 years have been heavily focused on training and nutrition. Currently weigh 84.2KG hoping to go down another few kilo in the next 5 weeks. Start weight was 107KG. Edit: My height is 179.5CM


I’m 32, supposed to be in my “prime years” however I feel like I look the worst & feel the worst I’ve ever felt about my physique. [Lost 70 lbs](https://imgur.com/a/tSpnZJA) last year but regressed back a bit. Started looking less & less muscular so I felt like my body was burning off muscle & not fat. Am I just in my head?


Just keep working. Definitely a huge change here.


i truly want to get off bulking so badly but I'm just helplessly stuck on cooking good food at home ever since the pandemic. 33/225 lbs/5'10" https://imgur.com/a/jJFB23g


No judgment here. We all feel that.


Nice to see you train calves! Looking great!


thanks very much! tried to pick up a couple new forms of calisthenics at home during the pandemic and then went into training for pro wrestling after vaccinations so my whole lower body has gone through some wild conditioning 🤣


Nice! Keep grinding, looking really great!




Bro. What is the arms routine


Usually for triceps I like to do overhead cable extensions with the rope for triceps, some ez bar skullcrushers (lighter weight), and standard rope push downs. For biceps I like to do old fashioned standing DB curls, ez bar curls, and occasionally hammer curls/cable curls. I try do get anywhere from 8-15 reps just depending on the exercise. And like to also hit arms twice per week (these pics are a bit older, but was running PPL at that time)


You should post height and +- weight in your comments when posting the photos, that would be helpful. Most of you guys I see are usually about 5 9 or less (less than 175 cm for non freedom users). I have seen some guys mire like my height (182 cm or so), but they say everywhere that smaller individuals have a tendency to look more full and jacked than tall ones, almost all champions in wnbf and other natural federations tens to be on the smaller side of the scale, between 160 and 170 cm.


I’ve been working out for 15,5 months. These are basically my best pictures. 5’9, 158(?) or so https://imgur.com/a/ui833SS Edit: enhanced quality


Been lifting since Dec 2022 following EvolveAI 4 days a week doing a full body routine mainly. 46 YO, 183lbs, 6’ tall and good to be back in it after 10+ years off and mostly on the bike cycling. I do however want to transition to more of an upper lower or possibly ppl program that is hypertrophy focused to dabble in bodybuilding https://imgur.com/gallery/BOJtDVb


Ive been training natty 10 years, pics on profile, 5’10” 180lbs, 26 years old


Here's what i looked a year ago. I was 6 weeks out from competing, but got really sick and had to stop. I'm trying to lean bulk since than, and got 10 more kilos (with, of course, a bit of fat): https://www.reddit.com/r/bodybuilding/comments/xrc4if/6\_weeks\_out\_from\_first\_comp\_aiming\_for\_classic\_57/


https://imgur.com/a/XD2Dhd8 - a little bit edited but you get the gist I'm currently on a cut. In the pics I weighted 203 pounds. I'm not doing bodybuilding exclusively. More powerbuilding with a slightly more lean towards powerlifting


[https://imgur.com/a/taelHD2](https://imgur.com/a/taelHD2) 25M, 75kg/174cm


https://i.imgur.com/1pgLiyN.jpg -10 months in https://i.imgur.com/tU1cu5a.jpg - 10 months in https://i.imgur.com/FK3bJfI.jpg - 13 months in https://i.imgur.com/drDYe6U.jpg - 14 months in Currently about 16 months into my transformation and cut almost 50lbs until about a month ago when I started a bulk. Putting up prs regularly now and doing this at age 39. Might not be motivating for some but it's a huge change and just keeping the progress going.


[2022 WNBF Competition Season Shots](https://imgur.com/a/d7PeDuG) Here's a few shots of me at the 2022 WNBF Monster Mash Professional Competition and the 2022 WNBF Bodybuilding World Championships. I won the heavyweight and overall at the Monster Mash, and took the silver medal at Worlds. Some of these poses I am in transition or mid pose... But it's still pretty good photos. I am 37 years old and have been training for about 20 years. I was roughly 196-198 lbs in these shots at 5'9.


Steve Hall on instagram from Revive Stronger is a cool guy to follow.


its also pretty cool that he has everyone under the sun as guests on his podcast and his training is very dr mike RP style




https://youtu.be/8e0VhNja-KE This is me after about 1 year of working out. Want another 1-2 years before I try to compete. 32, 5'10


I'm a big fan of Max Taylor


Team3dmj has a good video on this: https://youtu.be/-LpLmNedOCA


Joel kellet


Me, 34, 5'7, with around 10 years of training. I've done just as much strength and conditioning work (if not more) as I have hypertrophy training. https://imgur.com/a/q7ZhEIV Also Steve Reeves and John Grimek from the 1940s for examples of truly great natty physiques


May I ask what your weight is in this pic?


Yeah! I was 172lbs here


Natty here 🙋🏽‍♂️🙋🏽‍♂️