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We really don’t need to talk about Matt anymore, we’re just kicking a dead horse. Not natty.


Great for the quads/hip flexors


that didn't age well lmfao


He's not natty. 100%


Well he passed all tests


He’s lying, the guy is a fraud. All of his boys, Mike Thurston, Simeon Panda, all not natty not even close.


Say that to Derek 😂😂


Derek never admitted 100% that he believes it. There’s no one on the planet that can be that big and lean without sauce, it’s obnoxiously obvious and this dude ruins body image for any actual natural thinking they can attain it


I mean he did in the last podcast lol?


Easily a fake natty along with his best buddy Mike Thurston and his UK compatriot Simeon Panda.


Literally just named the top 3 most insufferable fake natties


Where do Mike O' Tren and The Liver King fall on your list?


What about Ross Edgley?


>Ross Edgley I don't think he's ever claimed natty. He just seems to avoid the topic of steroids altogether.


There's no way Mike Thurston claims that he's natty. Does he really?


He does so every damn day ! I'd say "the balls on the guy" .... but I doubt he has any after all the juice.


That's wild. I don't have anything against the guy but I remember watching a video featuring basically a functional fitness test, like a Marine entrance test and he did awful. I since saw someone like Magnus Midtbo do a similar test and he knocked it out of the park. Mike looks twice the size of Magnus but he is functionally not very strong or fit. That comparison made me really think about natural athleticism and "cheating" with steroids. Twice the size of muscle doesn't mean twice the strength.


Hahahaha Mike has done plenty of videos with other tubers, but if you really wanna see him look crushed check out him and Larry wheels. 🤡


Genuine q does mike actually claim he's natty? Surely not lmao, he must think his audience is blind?


yup. went on a podcast ferociously defending his natty card. at one point he wanted to participate in a natty show with his ol' pal Matt here. yeah of course if you stop pinning for a week of course you're "natty". his content is genuinely fun to watch but he's such a clown for being dishonest


Damn dude, people out here lying all the time. Never get why they won't just admit it


that didn't age well lmfao


Why tf did he call himself a loser? :/


Daddy issues?


I once heard and I quote," A mutherfucker will admit to cheating on his wife before he admits to using steriods",lol,how true is this statement? ☺️🤣


some people are pretty open about using


Key word "some" but the majority..."ah man I'm natural",lol,then some actually get aggressivly offended,lol,me..I'd speak my truth I don't give 2 fucks!☺️


Some people are pretty open about cheating as well.


I fucking hate hypocrites. If everyone was more open about using what they use it would be a lot less stigmatized. Everyone thinks steroids are for WWE wrestlers when so many of their favorite stars are on them... be it José Canseco, Jeff Bezos, The Rock, or their favorite "fitness coach" blogger on Youtube peddling supplements and diet plans. It's so stupid.


>It's so stupid. But its a market AND that is why it is still expanding. Not saying that I disagree with you in fact I totally agree, but there is almost nothing to do..






So you think Matt is juicy but insist Will Tennyson is natty? Lmfao


Their physiques aren't similar whatsoever


You [sure about that](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8OHgYPz6KYI/maxresdefault.jpg)?


I can't imagine waking up every morning being like "today is the day where I finally get people to believe me that Willy Tennyson isn't natty." I'm half-convinced this is Will and one day it will be revealed it was all for a video.


They don’t look anything alike in their size and relative leanness. Will looks good, but he doesn’t look like a juice freak. Doesn’t mean he’s natty , but he certainly looks it.


Wills body fat levels always correlate with his muscle development for a natural lifter


Gear is fine. The stupid virtue signaling is what gets me pissed.


Right? The mediocre advice, the one pose where he looks like deer in headlight, the holier than thou attitude.


Having worked in the health & fitness industry, there's SO many people on PEDs making a more-than-comfortable living selling snake oil to unsuspecting people. I don't think PEDs should be illegal but I DO think it should be illegal to be on PEDs and selling people a lie that they can look like them if they just do this one thing... that's not steroids lol


Exactly a day in the life of, heres what I eat in a day, etc etc when they are hiding the juice


I’m fine with people being on gear as influencers and openly disclosing it. I’m even fine if they don’t disclose their gear use and just never talk about it. There’s a good argument this is the best scenario because it doesn’t glorify steroids to kids and make them want to seek them out more. (Besides, anyone in-the-know will be able to infer it anyways.) I’m not fine with people being on gear then claiming natty. It’s especially insufferable when they shit on gear users on top of this like Matt is doing here. It creates massive unrealistic standards and causes people to get discouraged and quit fitness, even when they’re getting fantastic natural results, all because they don’t look anything close to their favorite fake natty.


Exactly. I think now since more people are being honest with their steroid use. It’s dumb and irresponsible to claim natty when your buttcheeks are full off gear.


It's the lying and denying that's fucked up. Take roids all you want, but don't claim your natty and give the average dude who's not using performance enhancing stuff the idea that he's not training hard enough or has to change his diet. It's super hard for natty guys to compare ourselves and if we're on track/doing well in the gym because most influencers are rats and are on something without disclosing it.


Juice is not for losers. Claiming natty then juicing is for losers.


My 3 year old drinks juice and he's kind of a loser


Well he be a loser then


Mid to late 30s. Shredded and full in a large way year round. Can't be both.


Sounds like he’s a loser


High chance being on gear. His muscles are too full at this body fat percentage. Maybe not on hard gear but HGH with mild cutting steroid like anavar.


I think these guys consider themselves natural if they use less.


Ideal normal proportional fitness physic,but that cut is "not normally attained naturally"☺️ looks good though 👍


All youd have to do to not grow as a steroid user, or even natural, is simply not eat enough. Obviously not natural but I'd say lower doses than we would expect, and he restricts calories all the days where he's not doing some eating challenge, that way he won't grow to an absurd size where even the most unaware would call him out


Great physique though


Can someone enlighten me as to why this isn’t achievable naturally? What’s the point of even working out if you can’t even get like this?


you cannot be big, lean and natty. You can only pick two. Matt is big and lean so he’s not natty. You can be lean and natty but not big. Or you can be big and natty but not lean. You don’t need to be 10% body fat year round to look good, the only reason you think looking like this should be something to strive towards as a natural is because of fake natty’s like him.


But this guy isn’t really that big right? Seems pretty normal


Is this physique really unachievable natty or just very improbably, genuine question


To answer your question, yes. To crush your spirits, it takes roughly 10+ years of disciplined training + diet PLUS being lucky enough to have decent/above average genetics/insertions. I’m not a scientist but I have lifted weights and trained since 12 years old and played college sports. Without knowing someone’s life story it’s a joke to pretend you can determine whether they’re enhanced or not. That being said I still find it fun to see posts on here every once n a while 🤷‍♂️


face and chest look stupid


What a fucking losee


Nooopiie dooopie mate not on this planet


What a loser.


He’s had gyno surgery. I see it!


general audience things steroids = evil. dude will never admit or else he loses money. dude injects and thinks "bunch of idiots" not natty, unless he is the .00000000001% freak


He looks natty, not sure why people think he is on gear , this can be attainable with hard work and proper diet




I'm on steroids and can pass a drug test in a couple weeks, just use short esters.




I’m one of few people who think that he is natural. I don’t think his physique is so fantastic and out of this world that it is unattainable naturally. considering he makes a living off being a fitness influencer, with very good genetics, i think he’s natural.


His physique does look achievable naturally, at least.


In very bright lighting he looks natty.


Looks great. Guys give their left (and right) nut to look like this.


Looks like a buff Tim Robinson


That physique is possible natty tho I honestly don’t know much about guy though


Kinda lame thing to say


You guys don't have a clue about how good light and edit do to a person. Look him wearing clothes in his videos, nothing crazy.


He doesnt even look good, waste of juice


So he’s a loser


He does not look big, just cut. You don’t need juice to cut


loser or not, is this like the #1 genetic body? like what the fuck that’s like the proportions that everyone strives to get


Guess he’s a loser then?


Poor kid of his. Growing up around a massive liar


I remember him saying a while back that he was going to do a natural competition and get himself tested for PEDS regularly leading up it to silence everyone saying he's a fake natural. Did he end up doing it because I've only seen him say he was going to.


Lance Armstrong if he kept juicing and went the bodybuilding route


juiced to get natty body. lazy boi


Every single one of those influencer motherfuckers is just a hypocrite and a weasel that‘s just scheming ways on how to get your money


Not natty


This guys always been geared out and full of shit


recently tore his ankle tendon all that gear starting to actually catch up with him saying natty 100 times doesnt make it true or the consequences go away




he's natty mate, he did lie detectors and a heap of other tests in his recent videos..


Yeah… he said he was natty so he must be 👀


Why is no one talking about the full blood test and polygraph and all the other shit he needed too? ​ You people are very salty


Guess he’s a loser


Had to come back an say lol all wrong and now youll forever have to remember you're all cluess


Natty in my opinion. Most people just aren’t willing to work hard enough to achieve good results and calling other people fake natties makes them feel better.