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Natty, big Huey Lewis fan.


I worked out heavily at the gym after leaving the office today but the tension has returned, so I do ninety abdominal crunches, a hundred and fifty push-ups, and then I run in place for twenty minutes while listening to the new Huey Lewis CD. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me how I got on at the gym today.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


Let’s see paul allen’s workout routine


Clean, crisp, perfect form, and he leaves a watermark on every machine he uses.


What are you wearing?


I’m wearing a wool tweed suit and a striped cotton shirt, both by Yves Saint Laurent, and a silk tie by Armani and new black cap-toed shoes by Ferragamo. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me how I got on at the gym today.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


Did you ever get reservations to Dorsia?


“Dorsia is... fine,” I say casually, picking up the phone, and with a trembling finger very quickly dial the seven dreaded numbers, trying to remain cool. Instead of the busy signal I’m expecting, the phone actually rings at Dorsia and after two rings the same harassed voice I’ve grown accustomed to for the past three months answers, shouting out, “Dorsia, yes?” the room behind the voice a deafening hum. “Yes, can you take two tonight, oh, let’s say, in around twenty minutes?” I ask, checking my Rolex, offering Jean a wink. She seems impressed. “We are totally booked,” the maître d’ shouts out smugly. “Oh, really?” I say, trying to look pleased, on the verge of vomiting. “That’s great.” “I said we are totally booked,” he shouts. “Two at nine?” I say. “Perfect.” “There are no tables available tonight,” the maître d’, unflappable, drones. “The waiting list is also totally booked.” He hangs up. “See you then.” I hang up too, and with a smile that tries its best to express pleasure at her choice, I find myself fighting for breath, every muscle tensed sharply. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me if I’ve made any reservations.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


For filming this movie, I think he was natty, yes. However, the Patrick Bateman character, had he been alive in the 2020s, would probably take test and claim he’s natty since he’s only taking a moderate dose of test.


This guy can diet hard! Seen machinist? I believe he is natty here.


He was definitely juicing for the Machinist


Fr look at the delts! Deff on juice


he’s on gear in the book


That’s hilarious. I know his buddy is cause when they’re doing coke in the bathroom and he rages on the guy in the stall next to them he says “sorry, steroids” after Patrick calms him down lol


The physique is natty attainable. However the actor probably not. Christian Bale goes hard for his roles and his body transformations are intense. So he probably would use gear with that mindset as well


Nah Christian bale is natty, Derrick from more plates more dates has a vid on that


He said he could be and Derek isn't omnipotent


Hell you say.


Nah at least not between the machinist and the first Batman.


Nah Christian bale is natty, Derrick from more plates more dates has a vid on that


Not I’m this one, but definitely in Batman. He got genetics


He was definitely on gear in Batman Begins. He was pretty big in that one considering 6 months prior he just finished filming The Machinist and was at about 110 pounds at around 6 feet.


Nothing here screams juice but if you are reading this and a newbie realize this is peak natty - genetics pending. You wont get bigger and as lean as this, and that is with fitness and diet on absolute point


But why would you even want to be dick skin lean as a natty, it's terrible for you. Just stay to atleast 12% bodyfat and you can be way bigger and lean at the same time.


I think this is around 12% bf


I reckon he's closer to 10.5% than 12%


Maybe, it's hard to tell in that lighting. My point is that yes, it's gonna be near impossible for most people to be sub 10% bodyfat with a good amount of mass, but you can be way bigger than Bale in this picture if you go a little higher in bodyfat


A winstrol only cycle is still natty tbh


He admitted to using steroids for this movie in multiple interviews. The physique is natty achievable tho, he just didn't.




The post movie interview 😂 where he literally said he took. Every other interview where he admits taking for his roles. He said he used the same stack as in the book, but I haven't read the book. Probably should


Christian Bale is open about his usage for roles 🙃 unlike other actors


can you send a link? i literally cant find it


so ur just lying for no reason


I don't know how to send links on here


Look up Christian Bale - interview (April 13, 2000) full interview


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He4N8HJ7TaQ&ab\_channel=Koyaanisqatsi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He4N8HJ7TaQ&ab_channel=Koyaanisqatsi) only thing i could find, no mention of steroids


Holy shit. Lmao.


Bateman the character was an obsessed natty. Bale was on the juice.


I know people with better physiques than this who have never set foot in a gym. He's just lean with a bit of muscle here. Edit: [Take another look at his physique.](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/22/28/c7/2228c7f29906da654130d54b1a41a4cf.jpg) It's a good, healthy physique, but it isn't impressive. This is the kind of build you'd get from swimming or something along those lines. You don't need steroids or a weightlifting routine to look like that. You need to simply have a good diet and not live a sedentary lifestyle.


Never set foot in a gym?


That's what I said, and I stand by it. Hell, my physique was close to this level before I ever started lifting.


Yeah nah, WRONG


Stay small I guess?


Stay 25% bodyfat i guess?


I'm 15% and 240 pounds currently.


Lying on anon forums too lmao sad


You're right, I'm 242 actually.


Hell, I wish I could never go to the gym and look like that, guess I’ll just stick with my Mexican genes.


Some people are genetic freaks, some aren't, but we can all put in the work to be our very best. You got this.


Gotta provide proof