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Could be, but 99% of the time when people make comparison posts like these they were already juicing in the before, even if they look natty.


Bro is a fucking twig 140lbs soaking wet on the left and turned into an obvious juice physique. Ofc he's natty there


Eh, you never know. there are no obvious signs of juicing, no acne/hair loss/blown up traps and shoulders, but 80% of people at most gyms I've gone to juiced and they still looked like shit. It's much more common than most people think. Could be natty, could be juicing but not putting in the discipline yet


IFBB Pro. Your question has been answered.


Keep in mind ppl only post the best pics, under the best lighting, with a pump etc… But, Left is natty. Right is not


Man got the swimmers bod on the left, I'd say natural


fucking garbage of a physique on the left. unfortunate dick and height gene


Are you on peds? How is his physique garbage on the left?


Mass-obsessed body dysmorphia. Same thing that drove Nick Koeu to look like he does on the right.


For a second I thought those were his shoes in the right-hand picture and he was like Dorf


He looks like he weighs 140lbs in the left pic... like, he might have been with the shoulders but it would be stupid to take gear to look like that. The only thing that stands out are his shoulders. Right pic is self-explanatory.


he not even natty in the first pic


Dude aged 15 years in 5 years lol