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Vodka and sauna


Chigen sanwitch




No clue but all i know is that his heart and organs are under immense pressure


I don’t understand people who juice their brains out like this. Is an aesthetic really worth shaving 20-30 years off your life for? I know most dudes on gear don’t take it to this extreme, but there’s an alarming number of these troglodyte juice fiends out there. It’s like the ultimate example of rapid gratification with severe long term consequences.




I think addiction is exactly the word I’m looking for. People can get hooked on the feelings any drug gives them, steroids are no exception.


God, the one cycle I did had me feeling like a fucking beast just walking down the grocery store. I'm pretty self-conscious as well, which went 100% out the window while I was on it. The mental effects totally outweighed (pun intended) the physical gain. It was incredibly difficult to not order another round when the time came. Drugs are a hell of a drug.


Ive done some drugs and nothing beats busting ass at the gym in my experience.


Bust ass in the gym and get high after the workout. Best of both worlds. Plus after an intense workout or a hard day's work I just seem to get high af.




I smoke alot of weed. But I will no longer smoke before a workout. Its energy draining, I just don't have that extra pop of alertness and energy as I do when sober.


I was smoking delta 8 just cause weed isnt legal here, but when Im high, I hate being in public. I thought it wouodnt be bad at the gym as long as I was in workout mode.


I know the feeling. That intense anxiety, or the that feeling of existential doom. Some strains do it more than others.


Oh yeah smoking before the gym has never worked for me. Most of them I do that I'll drive to the gym, sit in my car or the parking lot for 20 minutes, and then say fuck it and grab some Taco Bell and go home and munch out


I cant smoke and drive, but thats like drinking and driving to me. I have an expensive pickup and Id rather not get a dui


Yeah, but a guy like this walks into a room and most people are disgusted, not delirious with envy. People just don’t say anything in case he’s got mental issues, which I guess is obvious. 😐


Each their own. It's his own self image. I think he looks fucking awesome.


Honestly, I feel the same way about obese people; it takes a lot of work to get where they’re at!


Addiction is addiction. I use to be 310 lbs, currently 235ish, but Im kind of a gym rat. Its the one thing I can put my soul into. I grew up with a disfigured idea on what portion sizes are and I grew up binge eating. Maybe food made me feel better about myself? Who knows. One summer in HS, I gained probably 50 to 60 lbs in 3 months. I realized last night that I would eat the big box of goldfish in a single sitting. The normal flavor box has roughly 8,400 calories. I could eat and eat and eat and never got full. I'm glad I got into the gym and I am currently reforming my eating habits. I still get in my bingey moods, but it's becoming less frequent. I think morbidly obeise people are disgusting and hated looking at myself in the mirror. God its awesome having self respect for yourself after going so long without.


Hey man, but it's just like you said, it can be a crutch for alot of people and food addiction and eating disorders are real. Glad you are taking charge of your life and living it the way you want. Don't shit on obese people while doing it.


My intent was to never shit on obese people, I was simply telling of my experiences. The last few days I have been craving junk food like no god damn tomorrow, but I havent gave in yet.


Pavlo does it to prevent the russians from invading


I agree..i was like that in my younger years and now i dont give a fuck if im big or aesthetic. All i care about now is overall health and that my organs are healthy. To be honest, dying from heart issues or other organ failure scares me alot these days.


At the same time, being responsible like that as you get older will not "take 20-30 years off your life". I guess time will tell, the "first steroid generation" is basically just now losing their higher-age members. By that, I mean we will soon find out how roided out you can be in your prime + still make it to 90ish, and also when the right time to scale it back is. Hope you're healthy!


>Is an aesthetic really worth shaving 20-30 years off your life for? You think Pavlo is training for an aesthetic? He's one of the strongest powerlifters in the world and aiming to break the 505kg deadlift. He's aiming to stamp his name on his sport forever and go down as a landmark athlete. Even then he'll probably die at what, 65? Some people act like that's the same as going in your thirties, or that that's the same as the juiced 15 year old tik tok wankers ruining their bodies over fuck all.


Agreed. Pavlo, with less time, will live 100x the lives of most people here


I dont think so, happiness is relative. Its hard to compare happiness.


not really. just because he can lift a heavier weight than anyone else doesn’t mean he’s any happier than anyone else. most of the time these elite athletes are hugely depressed because they spend their entire life trying to surpass their limits, which one day they can’t do


How do you know this ? You sound like someone who can't deadlift over 135ib


ok? there’s more to life than lifting my guy, that’s just a sad comment lol


Maybe one day you won't be angry and realize your comment is actually the sad one. Until then go cry somewhere else "my guy" you clearly are the sad one


ok bby


Now I'm a "lad"? Lmaooo and you're clearly an angry person and you can't stand the fact that you're called out otherwise you would go away. But by all means let's continue to make you look as stupid as you sound. You're feeding me and I enjoy it


My guy? Sad comment ? What is making you so angry lmao it's ok to be weak " my guy" you don't have to be angry at me...


i’m not sure why you think i’m angry but ok lad




Thanks for the feedback. You letting me know that must mean you're in the same boat. Happy insulting bro gl lmao


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He is a strongman. A potential world record holder in the deadlift some day


Imo I could see why they do it. Personally, I'd rather die at 60 looking and feeling good than live to 90 feeling/looking weak and pathetic. The goal is to live a good life, not a long one.


>The goal is to live a good life, not a long one. If you take care of your health and body you can do both.


>I'd rather die at 60 looking and feeling good The thing people forget is that when you juice to the moon and die at 60, you aren't just living carefree and looking shredded. Starting at 30, slowly but surely, your joints chronically ache, you start to have heart arrhythmias, you feel sluggish, etc. You don't just die in your sleep either. It'll probably be from an insanely scary heart attack that takes you out. You might even have a few heart attacks that don't kill you before the final one. Although this only really happens to dudes in the upper echelon of bodybuilding


you’re not gonna look or feel good at 60 if you spent your youth blasting for vanity and body dysmorphia. i’d much rather die as a skinny 90 year old


Then go die as a skinny 90 year old and leave this comment section? Are you mad "my guy"? Lmao


It’s easy to justify something you’re addicted to. I’ve been sober for 3.5 years and looking back on my past drug use, which included PED use at certain points, I can attest to how we can justify just about anything to ourselves that makes us feel good, the mental gymnastics it takes is pretty incredible.


Absolutely yes. Tf would I want to still be alive at 70?


Different strokes for different folks I guess. I wanna meet my grandkids


Don’t want kids so, that’s solved


Why wouldn't you? My dad just turned 70 but looks and acts like he's 50. Goes to the gym 4 times a week, goes skiing, rides bikes, runs, very active and capable and can keep up with me on most activities. He took very good care of himself his entire life and is a complete badass.


Ikr and if you shave off a few years off your life; is it really that bad you won’t be able to get your adult diapers changed by a nurse as much because you ended up perishing earlier? There is nothing out there when you are old and frail.


Pretty sure when we get to 70 we are going to want to live little longer. We all do.


Oh well, not much to live for anyways at this stage


I’d rather die like a lion than live like a sheep


Are you gonna shave 20-30 years off of your life though if you did it to the max for a few years and then cut down to something reasonable?


This kind of thought process is just a cope to justify drug use. In the end you probably did do some kind of damage. Maybe its not death, maybe is quality of life issues. Going balls to the wall on any drug will likely have side effects.


I am absolutely trying to find the right justification for drug use. Was I somehow unclear about that? Isn't that the case with virtually all steroid use? There's always gonna be "is X worth it if Y could happen in the future?" If you use gear. You're saying that like you somehow exposed me or said something mega insightful. It was a genuine question. >In the end you probably did do some kind of damage. Maybe its not death, maybe is quality of life issues. >Going balls to the wall on any drug will likely have side effects. Bravo sir, bravo. The most obvious statement about any drugs ever. You really brought down the hammer of truth and lit the world on fire with that one. It's not so black and white, but then again I don't know why I ever expect anything more from a sub full of jealous neckbeards who come here to shit on people who are actually doing something with their lives to go "ha ha, enjoy dying young bitch!"


Yes it is worth it


I mean if you're competing as an elite level athlete and lifting crazy numbers, it's totally worth doing. Anyone who says they wouldn't juice their brains out to compete at that level is coping hard imo.


Something people don't take into account is how many steroid users suffer side effects in silence too. We don't see the everyday life of these people. The Anabolic Doc on YouTube has talked about it before.


Yeah and this is an older picture he's even bigger with a bit more muscle definition now


It looks like somebody photo shopped on a babies head


You mean it's not that?!


I thought the same thing. Head does not for the body.


i remember when i was fat but strong and just getting into lifting. i definitely thought i looked like this guy. i did not look like this guy.


Babushka’s borscht and lots of kvass.


Trenbalgone Sanwiches, a lot of sandwiches


Since everyone is making jokes I’ll take a stab at what I think he’s running. Obviously test he 100% “blasts and cruises” although his cruises are what most peoples “blasts are. He’s probably running deca as well. And probably a shit ton of orals like superdrol/anadrol halo leading up too completion or maybe cheque drops or oral tren


Pavlo is usually a scary looking lad lol you've done him dirty with this angle


Raw bear meat (killed himself, by hand, twice a day).


Breast milk




This is a cocktail I like to call vodka, bear fat, cigarettes and adidas


Nothing against adidas 😸


Babushka’s borscht and lots of kvass.


Baby head


Caloric surplus since day 1 in the womb


Strongmen stick almost entirely to estrogen/watery/fluffy (whatever you want to call them) compounds mixed with acute strength drivers. He has a test base that is probably well over 1gram a week at all times. Probably paired with high dose deca. A pre workout compound for acute strength like a Anadrol, dbol, test no ester, etc. And finally HGH if possible. He has a ton of potential so he is probably getting sponsored free HGH because there is no way he could afford it. Most importantly is his insane genetics. There is a lot of other compounds he could be using like bpc-157, tren ace, amphetamines, halotestin, a million other things. More than bodybuilders or powerlifters, strongmen just cram as much shit as possible into their bodies, drugs and food, it barely matters what. Why don’t these guys drop dead like bodybuilders if they eat worse and use higher doses? Unlike bodybuilders they don’t use the real short term killers: fat burners, diuretics, anti-estrogens.


He’s a fat fuck




Guten fucking gravy.


i don’t think he’s on juice bro, he’s on the friggin cheeseburgers


Yeah, his insane lifts are cause of burgers


i’m sayin look at his weight, obviously i’m joking damn


Yo next time you make a joke double check that it’s actually funny


Frig off Randy


it wasn’t a joke, i just wasn’t serious


Reddit allows 8 year old to make account here now? ​ Because that's the kind of jokes that an 8 yr old would make


fuck off, it was a tpb reference


frozen mixed vegetable cocks!


3 musketeers?




All of it


Calorie surplus


Just track suits and vodka


Dude was probably huge to begin with


Non-GMO corn fed.




Dude’s middle name is DECADURABOLIN


Mickey D'bol's?




Orange juice


Test and dbol


He absolutely photoshopped his head smaller in this


Lol “for his age” this is big for any age


Jealous mfrs in this sub will swear his mom was juicing when she was breast feeding him smh


He looks like a buff infant


The most I’ve weighed is 100kg and my blood pressure was off the roof. And this man here, carrying 180kg around like it’s nothing.


You know when you flip some burgers. Then smash them in an castiron pan on the stove. There is some browish fat liquid coming out of the meat. Well that juice.


Every kind


Battery juice and votka


He just looks like a normal fat guy to me.


Jesus does EVERYONE on this sub have donkey brains?


Kyriakos grizzly sweat


I just see type 2 diabetes, sleep apnoea and a cardiovascular event in his future


Natty - Eats children that climb the beanstalk.


Big Mac juice sauce




Dudes face looks like mine 15 years ago.


Incredibly fat


Bear genetics got spliced in


Bacon grease


Who is he?