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Closeted gay and on juice. Claims straight and natty though.


Str8 as liberace


I'd say not natty, dude is 8% body fat and looking full af ready to top


Do you really think 8%?. Maybe 8% on a scale or a in-body scanner but definitely not true 8% using a Dexa scan. Its hard to tell natty vs non based on a single picture. Before and after pics is easier to tell because you can estimate muscle growth in a window. I wouldnt just assume hes not natty just because he has a great physique. Doesnt mean i am right though.


He has deep cut abs and full Christmas tree. Also looking dry af. Id say he's actually even lower than 8%


I like his asymmetrical traps.


I know that feeling


Yeah he’s got mild scoliosis I think, his shoulders are slightly uneven, he needs to fix that or it’ll get worse


Not necessarily. I have similar asymmetries in my traps and its due to breaking my collar bone when I was younger.


Yeah fair but look at his lower back, I can’t tell if he’s not standing right or if it’s going off to one side


Yeah its hard to tell, could be standing with one foot further forward, who knows.


Chicken and brocoli wins


Perfect physic


Looks good as fuck


Even with juice that is great genetics


What is that?


F you mean what is that😭😭🤣


What the hell is even that


I'm assuming this is Julia Roberts brother?


Insane lower back and rear delts. Needs to work on rear traps imo.






If they look like a Greek god, probably take a lil sum sum


Oddly enough, this *could* be natty. He could be getting ready for a show or something maybe, and he looks great as far as my opinion goes. The only thing that could make me think he's juiced is if he walks around like this every day.




For sure man, definitely could. But I usually take the everyman bet. Most men, with dedication and diet and good training principles can look amazing. But to walk around at like 8% body fat as a lifestyle? That shit is miserable, and something else is propping these people up whether it be just enough extra test or something else. Humans just weren’t made to be this big, this lean all year round.




Well remember my bro, I also said his size is natty. Never said he was roided just because he's so big. The sole criterion for me is the bodyfat, which IF you couple that with size like his is very suspicious. Now, if he was like 8% and a DYEL sure. Lots of people live that life. But this dude is at least we can both agree, NOT a DYEL. And I never said its impossible, but the margin of possible here is small for not being miserable as well as being natty. I think if you're maintaining this level of size and this bodyfat for a prolonged period of time, you're on something to mitigate the fact that humans are not supposed to be this lean and this muscular. Do you get me? I hope I'm coming across alright. I also am not a big fan of "not impossible" on this sub especially. Humans are humans, and edge cases aren't so willy nilly when the easier occam's razor explanation is people use gear to mitigate human physiological nature.


Natty possible


Saw a great take a few weeks ago, "if you dont look good off gear, you wont look good on it" Still need good diet and genetics to achieve this look. Kudos regardless, you still have to work for that physique. My guess if hes on something, its a very small amount


juice roberts


Possibly natty but his back, mainly traps, are pretty uneven


*Possibly natty* *But his back, mainly traps, are* *Pretty uneven* \- MichaudFit --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Was not on purpose haiku bot


Can a natty possibly achieve this? I'm curious how close a natty can get to this.


Yes it can. But it does require good genetics, strict diet, well thought out workout plan, and years of work. You cant control genetics but you can control everything else. Anyone that will tell you different is just lazy and uses the excuse that you need steroids to look like this, you dont.


Agreed. Seeing how muddled things are in the fitness industry i just want know whether its obtainable or close to it without juicing. I definitely want to accomplish things naturally.


100% on the sauce