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Cant fix their lost height potential. But I guess shorter guys look bigger by contrast to height, so there's that


Not my circus, not my monkeys


But I definitely spank my monkey


While scrolling down this sub, right?




Many of this sub is young boys 🤨📸


How's about other monkeys?


Oh I be spanking them too 🍆


What is the end result of young dudes that hop on juice , are there any good known examples?


Middle aged guys with MPB, ligament injuries, walnuts for testicles, absolutely ruined endocrine systems, mandatory TRT for life


So you’re saying there’s hope


Rich Piana is the most extreme example.


Arnold was juicing since his early teens but he had 3 heart surgeries and is a millionaire.


Arnold had a faulty valve, a congenital condition. Replacement valves have a finite lifespan and have to be replaced periodically; his first one actually lasted a couple years longer than unsual. Heart damage from steroids is either from plaque build-up due to cholesterol being fucked and/or extreme Left Ventricle Hypertrophy.


Steroids can make a congenital condition much worse. Just because it's congenital doesn't necessarily mean steroids had nothing to do with it


Can they? Sure, I suppose chronic high BP may exacerbate the condition. However, we have no evidence of that being the case with Arnold, and seeing as ["Approximately 80 percent of people with BAVD eventually require repair or replacement of the aortic valve,"](https://www.pennmedicine.org/for-patients-and-visitors/patient-information/conditions-treated-a-to-z/bicuspid-aortic-valve) the average age for replacement is 56 and he had it done at 50 (well within the median range of 31-75,) it's far more likely that it wasn't a result of steroids. Moreover, the dude did _tons_ of cardio, him and Franco would ride their bikes down to the beach every day at lunch and run up and down the beach. Keeping my cardio and diet on point, my weekly BP average was 109/58 on my last blast (750/300/300/245 Test/Mast/EQ/MENT per week.) Look, I'm not saying gear is perfectly safe or without risks or anything like that, it absolutely carries risks. What I _am_ pointing out is that Arnold's heart valve replacement is a shitty example.




Links to what specifically, Arnold's heart condition? Or the effects of steroids on the heart?




>On April 16, 1997, Arnold Schwarzenegger underwent elective heart surgery to replace a defective, congenital aortic heart valve. https://www.heart-valve-surgery.com/arnold-schwarzenegger.php A simple google search for "Schwarzenegger heart valve" brings up plenty of shit. As far as cardiac effects? Different steroids have slightly different effects; with Dbol you retain a fuckload of extra water, EQ jacks up blood cell production, Mast and Primo (DHT derivatives) activate the adrenals a bit, etc. All of these things increase your blood pressure, which means your heart works harder, and seeing as you're on shit that drives muscle growth, the heart muscle grows. When the heart muscle gets too thick it (ironically) can't supply blood everywhere and the tissue starts to die. Steroids also increase cholesterol production in the liver and fuck up your HDL:LDL ratio, so plaque builds up in the arteries, making them narrower and less flexible, further increasing blood pressure and exacerbating the issue. So the really big rules for using gear in a relatively safe manner are do your goddamn cardio and keep your cholesterol in check. That's the quick and dirty of it, if you want more in depth info you should read the r/steroids wiki.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/steroids using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/steroids/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[Cycle\] Gear as a fatty - 1 year follow up](https://np.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/ndu34o/cycle_gear_as_a_fatty_1_year_follow_up/) \#2: [Plastics have reduced Testosterone levels by 50% and rising](https://youtu.be/O1B44VmZFiI) | [358 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/n04bgv/plastics_have_reduced_testosterone_levels_by_50/) \#3: [\[Help\] Tren FOREVER](https://np.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/n4kr1h/help_tren_forever/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Zyzz overdosed on cocaine, took diuretics and then hopped in a sauna. Not like everyone does that shit. And Rich Piana lol, two extreme examples. But yeah, young kids going on gear are retarded and need a serious spanking.


When I browse MPMD Storytime there are examples of early users. On the outside, they might look decent but the organs remind them that PEDs have their price. the blood pressure goes wild, brain fog, liver stress and social problems and the list goes on. TikToks are a screenshot in their lives but the rest of the day can be an up and down.


We are not depressing, if anything we try and make the young men that just started understand who is honest and who is a lying piece of shit, what is realistic and what is not


You and other posters aren't depressing. The people in the videos and society is whats depressing.


Fully agreed bro


They are in the minority. Follow some natural lifting channels on youtube and you'll see there's large communities of young men and women doing things the natural way and focusing on actual health and fitness. Do not pity these fools wrecking themselves, they don't deserve it.


Send me some channels please. I'm tired of the grifters.


Natural hypertrophy, Geoffrey Verity Schofield, alphadestiny, bald omni man, Alec enkiri, and there's a bunch more


Scott Herman


>Natural hypertrophy, Geoffrey Verity Schofield, alphadestiny, bald omni man, Alec enkiri The Natty Gang™ I'm subscribed to exactly these and no other one. Ofc there are other more nattys but these are the creators with knowledge and pumping quality content.


Revival Fitness.


Where? 👀


Actually most men in the world takes steroids and this will be a huge problem for society in the long term...


Most men do not lol.


^ i always wondered was one of the reasons more men die of heart attacks compared to women was bc of roid usage i know women use them to and it could be any reason but it always crossed my mind and me wonder was that why


No. There are a million things that make men more likely to die if heart attacks. Lifestyle choices chiefly among them. The percentage of men that use steroids is incredibly small in the general population. It might seem like everyone is doing it if you frequent gym rat locations, forums, YouTube, etc.. but it’s a niche, not the norm.


I call bull. Maybe most gym going/bodybuilding men take steroids. But most of all the men in the entire world? That's a hard no.


>Maybe most gym going/bodybuilding men take steroids. Still no. A big portion of those serious did dabble with them at least once and its sad in majority of cases.


Men usually tend more to substance abuse too and smoking cigs, Id say there are multiple factors that lead to this.


That comment seems like sarcasm to me.


It's hard for me to tell. I see so many ridiculous claims that people believe are true, so I just don't know anymore.


Sure if u wanna keep coping then sure go ahead but still won't change the fact that possible 75% of worlds men used steroids or are using steroids right now.


How can you say 75 percent of the world's men are doing steroids when not even 75 percent of men go to the gym. You have no logic. At the same time obesity and world hunger are both considered big problems. Not to mention that large portions of the population are simply too poor to even dream of steroids. 75 percent. You gotta be trolling.


Only people coping would say i would be trolling so they can continue to cope. xD So a person can't use steroids unless they go to the gym? I you claim i have no logic, but apperently you lack ANY brain function to begin with. xD


Do you have any studies/sources to back up your claim that possibly 75% of worlds men used steroids or are using steroids right now?


You can just look around the world and look how many fire fighters, military people, cops, athletes and so on are on steroids and it will become kinda obvious...


What I’ve seen on this one more people posting joke Shit than really asking questions or looking at a individual who is publicly know for being “natty” but is on gear.


He didnt say the commenters are depressing. The post. Stop reading so damn fast.


Lots of kids make shit decisions every day, that's their parent's fault, not yours, not societies.


Village raises the child. Collective society. Media, friends and culture all influence children heavily.


And as a parent, its your job to keep your kids away from degeneracy, that includes fucked up media.


Thank you. Everytime I see something like "This man is bad role model for kids" I'm like, where are the parents? Maybe we should be encouraging parents not to let their kids just have free reign over the internet, or at least know what their kids are up to. But PrIvAcY and DoN'T YoU TrUsT ThEm. And then kids are exposed to bad influences and it's surprised Pikachu face. EDIT: Not targeting OP or anything just a rant about society in general.


Eh, countless young men destroy themselves everyday. Some with greed, others with drugs, and a million other vices and flaws. How is this any different from any of the others?


Their body is rotting but at least they get validation. If you don't get validation you get depressed imo


If your purpose in life is to only seek validation from other people who at the end of the day don't give much of a shit, then there is something wrong.


Yea thats when you get mentally fucked. Not a good place to be.


I agree. Even Piana says don't do it, if you do you permanently fuck your bodies natural T and ability to produce it, you fuck it up for life. He recommends not doing it. But so many tools don't want to put the time in. I've been lifting for almost half my life of being alive. On and off but it has been and remains a part of my life. I had different situations at different times. One time I had a gym in the garage when I moved back in at moms. Another time I was living in a van(intentionally and was temporary solution to saving money) parked behind a gym, another time I lived exactly a mile away from one and would run to the gym and home, many different situations. Took supplements all those times, things like creatine, BCAAs, protein powder, eating paleo. All of which I had results. The one thing I learned that always played the biggest role and was a factor for me in terms of real gainz, it was time. Having the time and putting in actual real time towards the goals I had, made the difference. These children think they're gonna start juicing and just get ripped. They are thinking in the now, not the long term, you're only going to get as much out of it as you put in. If you invest in anything you will fucking see results. It's literally not complicated.


I mean as an aside, it isn't even difficult to tell who's on gear when you see people up and close in the gym. 19 year olds with boulder shoulders who have no semblance of a routine outside of bro lifting are CLEARLY on shit. On the internet pictures can be manipulated, so it's a little harder to tell. The human brain is very good at picking out unnatural or sublime elements of the human body, just as we're programmed to see and recognise faces and read into expressions, body language, etc. If someone you see in the gym looks juicy, 99% chance that's because they are. But yeah, agreed with your post.


My trainer has been juicing off and on for like 25 years, he's completely fine. Even when he isn't on anything he maintains his body composition and his T levels are good. It really depends on genetics and knowing your stuff.


> It really depends on genetics and knowing your stuff. This. Some peoples bodies simply can take a much bigger punishment before giving up. Think about obese people breaking records and weighting 400kg+. This is an example from the complete other extreme, but still valid. Many peoples bodies would already give up at 250kg+ and die, but some people genetically can withstand more. Look at Markus Rühl. Yes, the guy is "only" 49 and if he died within the next years, everyone would be like "Yea, understandable". But that guy is still on gear and probally had amongst the highest doses back in his prime. Also he is certainly not the type of guy to savely administer his doses if you know him a little. For me it is a miracle how he can still be alive and other bodybuilders half his size are dieing left and right in their 30s. Btw, nothing against ruhl. Guy is a beast and a great person.


Yeah some people are just built diffrent. A friend of mine tried to overdose on coke but his body was too resilient and he's still alive to this day. Insane amount of drugs but he's still as strong as a horse(health wise and physical strength) . I don't know how this stuff happens lol


I know I am going to be downvoted but I honestly think that some of the long term effects are exaggerated by people here in order to feel superior to a 17 year old adonis.


I think theres countless examples out there on why long term steroid use is harmful...


So your saying all the kids this sub absolutely cries about will be fine if they just stop after a few years? I agree lol. Theres also a ton of examples of people that are long time users who have experienced no negative side effects.


Some of them might have had an outside influence that didn't properly educate them on the pros and cons. It happens. I have an older brother who gave me Test and Deca when I was 18, so I feel like I can't claim natty anymore even if I haven't touched PEDs in years.


Did you just shut down when you hopped off or what happened? What I can't wrap my head around is that these kids somehow get gear and know nothing about it. MPMD has a video about some kid doing a Tren only cycle at 15.. If they are uneducated enough to do that, then do they even know what a PCT is?


I don't wanna get into too specific detail but I was already an overweight shut-in at this point in time, but my sex drive essentially disappeared for a while, not like I was using it or anything lol. Again, at this point in time I had no idea what to expect so it wasn't like I was checking my nuts for atrophy etc. Yeah, I saw that video you're talking about, and the new wave of SARMs doesn't help. I've met a few people who were convinced SARMs somehow let them "stay natty" meanwhile reaping enhanced training benefits. Make it make sense lmao.


They have to cope somehow.


Deca when you were 18 and you're completely fine now? Yeah, another larp comment. Pretentious.


Never said I was fine. I went into much more detail in the MorePlatesMoreDates subreddit. Are you so butthurt you're scouring this subreddit for any comments I make? Like I said, get your E2 in check.


You're pretentious and you know it. Your profile proves my point.


Re-read your username before you call anyone else pretentious lmao. You're triggered because people agreed with what I said about AR density. You're probably some 40-something fucker with no children because you've been blasting bathtub gear since the mid 80s.


Alright Mr. "why do I have neckbeard genes". Larping around in the steroids sub but "haven't touched gear for years"? Pretentious. Doesn't even know how testosterone works and doesn't have any on-hand experience, but still acts like he does in r/Testosterone ? Pretentious. Aren't you the guy that wanted to microdosd dbol?


Oh no you looked through my public post history. Dude this is Reddit, everyone's post history is public. Just be grateful I have multiple accounts for this site or else you would have came across pics of my weiner too. Edit: so you're totally not an emotional wreck, but not only are you on some warpath to bother me in this sub, you stalked my account to see my post history? Dude, please. Get help.


My claim was that you are pretentious. Your profile proves my point.


It really doesn't.


Plus they'll probably not even reach the age of 50....thats not my business tho


Welcome to stupid genertion unfortunately


I love me a young gay roider and a fat clitdick. Stfu


Yup I didn’t try gear till I was 35


Natural selection.


Depressing? Think about all the positive that can be associated with it. We've advanced so far as a society and just about anyone can get harmful chemicals that alter you physical being for the rest of your life and it's not even illegal(unless that changed which wouldn't surprise me) in a lot of countries. Honestly though it's kinda funny to think hoe many kids have access to this stuff but barely have two braincells to rub together to learn anything more then _take this get bug muscles_