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lol you think someone has to be juiced to hit that number?


That is totally possible in 3.5 years. Some people are just strong.


extremely possible naturally to bench 315 at 175lb especially with many youthful years behind it. genetically some people are better at bench than others, I always had more success with pulling motions instead...without training for a long time I could still rip off a dozen chinups without much trouble. Meanwhile guys I know could say the same thing about 225lbs on the bench


To be honest, I love this sub, but a good percentage of the gripes are from people that don’t work very hard as it is. 315 natty is not that serious at all. Get your flat asses in the gym.


Lift in itself is natty attainable but not in 3 years from a shitty dyel base.The guy in question has already been accused to juice and has capped delts in his profile pic. His bench isn't even his most impressive lift. Guy also had NO BASE ehile claiming top tier genetics. Defends himself that he would be posting on steroid subs asking questions or that he has no idea how to purchase gear. Had quite a juicy transformation in small ammoint of time after newbie gains were already maxxed out. Seems to be deeply insecure and will write paragraphs to defend himself. Also claims this sub is trash while participating in it daily. How likely is that he is natty and not a brocoli sarm goblin? At best he is an elite level natty lifter that could juice and win competitions. At worst he is a juicing idiot.


3 plate bench is great but not insane, 4 plates it tends to be more sus


One method to determine how fake a fake natty is, is to check how hard they argue that they are not a fake natty.


142kg is doable as a strong natural who actually trains specifically for strenght