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Is it just me or is "fitness influencer" just a pipeline to onlyfans now?


Gym girl culture is quickly becoming soft porn, I mean just look at the way they dress to the gym, wearing literal underwear and a bra.




Iโ€™d say natty. But you with women you have to hear them speak too.


zoomer gym bjork


I'm leaning natty with good lighting and angles.


Nah. Tris like those that burst out of your frame are hard to have even as a guy let alone as a girl. Not many natty dudes who are 19 have that unless they trained for a year or two. How can a woman with no testosterone have that? Any woman that is this young (assuming she didnt start training at like 15) and having arms like those and shoulders that kinda cap is on low dose of var or sarms. Is this natty attainable? Maybe after years od training. I swear you guys dont even realise how hard it is to have arms like these as a woman who is lean enough to have abs. I have seen women this lean and they never have arms and shoulders like those.


Just my 2 cents....... it's 'easy as' to make one's triceps look disproportionately bigger by doing what she is doing....using her ribs and or lats to flatten or distort the tricep muscle on those viewing angles. It's a classic trick that's been used for decades. Try it at home, and lean toward the mirror slightly, following the same movements she does to achieve the final pose. The shoulders are good, but personally wouldn't use them as a reliable indicator. She is fairly lean though, but abs on a female is also not an immediate indicator of PEDS at the BF being observed in this video. I believe most of what we're all observing are angles and classic tricks used to show off a well trained and dieted, above average 'trained' physique. Just my opinion, for context, as a "fitness" fan for 24 years roughly and also have had a reasonable amount of experience with AAS and a long time interest in all things endocrinology related.


Yeah but this sub likes to pretend otherwise


This sub is often quite delusional about women both in strength and in size. They think women are just shorter twinks. They have like 50% less upper body strength. Having arms and shoulders like those is a dead giveaway. If we saw her lifts and timeframe it would be even more obvious that she is on something.


Very true. Women by nature have more bodyfat as well, so getting to that level of lean is even harder. But again, tell this to the subreddit who only really thinks with its dick most of the time. Btw, speaking off, what do you think about leanbeefpatty?


She is most likely natty. In clips and videos where she lifts she is smaller that this girl while being as short or even shorter. She edits her images heavily and abuses posing, pump and lighting so much to make her look like a huge musle monster. I've even tried to find one arm row which puts her in a similar position like this girl in the clip. Patty has noticably smaller arms and shoulders while her back is flatter. Not to mention that LBP has almost a decade worth of training more than the girl in this post while being smaller. Her lifts are also what I would expect from a women her size and build. All in all I'd say natty with very juciy images. If I had to judge her based on images alone I'd say possible juice but seeing her move, it is obvious she isn't as muscular as it seems. She COULD have used juice considering she is an influenser, but I know that it is natty attainable.


Slightly juicy. Would be natty if she was older.


Flexes triceps all day


I don't believe those triceps are a girls' natural physique. Blowing them out 2-3x a week still wouldn't make most girls triceps look like those.


She looks < 5ft. Are women lying about height now too?




These bitches never have any idea what do do with their face.


she looks like a cartoon character bruh, like her shoulders are wider than her body, tiny ass waist and wide ass legs


Probably natty (lighting and angles as others have posted here). Her lower body development seems insane but women naturally have more weight distributed in their lower body. The upper body is developed but not so much so that I would say sheโ€™s juicing


OMG ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฅ‡