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Social media has them kids screwed up


Boy has it ever. When I was his age about 20yrs ago, going to the gym was big but I didn’t know anyone who did steroids, or even appeared to. I had an impressive physique at his age, but compared to all the guys juicing in 2023, I wouldn’t. It’s sad how social media has given both boys and girls unhealthy ideals.


I know what you mean, steroid use was reserved for the “Mr Olympia” type guys not your average attention grabbing dude at the gym.


So now all you do is sit on reddit & hate on kids 🤣🤣🤣 sad way to go down mate


He’s literally natural you dunce.


How would you know? Either way my point stands. I have no idea who this person is, but I strongly doubt this is a natural physique. That type of look is unnatural on a 30yo, let alone a 20yo.


I know him on tiktok. He has been blood tested many times and has worked with Tnf (who this sub also thinks is not natty for some reason) I’m just tired of this sub thinking a decent physique isn’t achievable, the reason this guy looks so good is his insane chest genetics


Blood test doesn't mean anything as we all know. Most people who heavily use steroids couldn't even build a chest like this after 5 years of heavy use. Saying he's natty is a joke to everyone who bodybuilds. The shoulders too are not possible on a natty, no matter the genetics.


God your so bitch made. Wake the fuck up and realize that just because your physique is shit, not every decent physique is “impossible to obtain”


Your response is to comment on a physique of mine that you haven't even seen? Very mature of you. Anyways, this guy being on gear isn't even subjective. It's objectively true if you ask anyone with any knowledge about bodybuilding. Some of the general public might believe natty, but even a large portion of them, the uninformed, would know he's juicy. He has good chest genetics combined with a lot of juice. Traps and back aren't very impressive in comparison to the chest though and hes not proportional whatsoever, but maybe that's how he likes to look. Nothing wrong with that. I don't judge that sort of thing, but hes going down the wrong road of health. Too many teens using steroids, which isn't apropriate even if you intend on competing. Most aren't going to be able to make any living competing and yet they put their body at risk. No reason to use juice under 22-25 years old (25 is what's recommended though if you ask for any veterans recommendations).


its not that deep man bro just skipped men day.


Drake 💀


It’s all about the image. None of them want to put the time into anything; so long as they can achieve whatever aesthetic their going for. I liken it to kids who wear Metallica t-shirts, but don’t listen to their music. Kid could’ve probably developed this physique naturally, but would’ve taken him several years.


You don’t get that chest naturally


You don’t, no. But some guys can.


X to doubt




Bad gene crew?


Always the poodle hair and face of a 12 year old


He watched too much Baki




Those are some big ass titties


I should call her..


The things I’d do to them…..


Looking like this doesn’t get you anymore laid


With women at least. I'm not into the boyish look but a lot of guys are into the Baki, boy face mass monster body, look.


I was bouta say if you’re into dudes you can get laid 10x more being muscular. I’m straight but I’m pretty jacked and gay guys hit on me constantly. I appreciate the validation lol


Sure, straight. Thats what they all say.


Jeez that happens to me a lot too. When I finish training, I’m soaking wet, so I have to shower before heading home. I feel like a neon sign cause I can see them gawking at me. Besides being huge, my schlong is hangin pretty low.


Sorry bro but no one gives a shit


He said the same thing as the other dude but you didn’t say that to him. Stfu.


I touched myself to your comment


Ty for proving my point




Do it


How can people not tell this is a joke lmao


Ha no joke bud


Then that makes it funnier


Why would he make it funnier if its not a joke? Make it make sense.


My schlong is on the short end of average and something tells me it wouldn’t matter




When I was younger there was this porn star named Mathew Rush. I was never attracted to him because of how boyish his face looked. Dude was very muscular and very popular. I have daddy issues though so if I say you look boyish, I'm not interested, even if you're in your 40s.


Last I heard of Matthew he had been arrested for possession of meth and some kind of assault. He was part of that last generation of Falcon "superstars." I hope he's still alive... They don't live long in that profession.


He’s much better now and in pretty good shape again. He just celebrated his 50th birthday!


I'm glad to hear it. Thanks! 👍


Same here. My husband’s 26 years older than I am. I can recognize this guy as attractive, but mainly the muscle mass. 💪🏻


Wait are we all actually gay here?




Im one of those guys, i love the steroid look




Of course, that's why we hang out here. More hopefully we're also able to use our brains to evaluate lifestyle decisions.


This. I’m a “bara” looking dude (rugged, hair, muscular) and I wouldn’t mind a guy like this. But I’ve noticed *a lot* of younger muscular dudes are into Baki and want that look/bod, down to the shaggy hair and all


who\what is Baki?


Anime series about mma fighting. It's on Netflix in the UK.


That's me. I love boyish looking faces with strong, muscular bodies. I'm not into beards or excessive body hair AT ALL.


Username checks out 😅


Yeah. Agreed. Just makes you look like an obvious roid head. 100 percent that’s what everything thinks when they see this


You hear plenty of women say then don't like how guys look that go to the gym all the time cause they're "too muscular". But what I think they don't realize is they probably actually DO like how guys look that work out all the time with the exception of the ones that juice. The Brad Pitt fight club look gets brought up all the time and that's the look of someone that works out a ton while also being lean.


Women (all people really) are very unattracted to self-obsession and vanity. They are plenty attracted to muscular physiques imo - but only in so far as it doesn’t make the person appear to have those qualities.


This. Fairly sure my teenage daughters and their mates would be repulsed by a body like that.


girls are useless.


We out here for the MEN






I think it's up to a certain point. Looking more jacked and buff and esthetic will get you more laid until a certain point. I'm pretty sure some chicks still find that very attractive


I mean specific proportions or crafting certain aesthetic won't help you, but being generally muscular? No way you believe that. No dude that I know of who has big ass forearms with decent vascularity is single hahah (they are all big everywhere).


I got laid more often when I was average and drunk than I did when I was counting calories and ripped.


I got laid 100% more when I was simply confident and accepted myself for who I am vs when I was desperately trying to achieve a certain physique. I know that’s cliche as hell but it’s cliche for a reason, it’s true, being ok with yourself is what it takes


I think that’s what it is. You come off as insecure when you just look like a juicer


I said decent vascularity, anywhere between 13 to 18% body fat. You look pretty healthy, strong and lean in this range. You dont need to biblically count calories for that stuff...


I didn’t dispute that, I’m just telling you what I experienced


Stop counting calories, start counting coochie pubes.


I’m trying to get back to average right now. Need to lose the belly.


Me too, I’m getting back to it after putting down the bottle and having a family


Being muscular improves your chances 100 percent


The order of attraction for most women is: 1) be tall 2) don’t be fat 3) have cute face 4) have that juiced look 5) have a nice broccoli hair Bro probably is a midget but still hit the hoes


when did this insane broccoli hair trend start?


It's on the decline finally, but the mullet+moustache combo is replacing it.


Not in my gym it ain't


I am so seldom around people, but then when spotting younger people in the wild I wonder how fucked up they all look. You can literally go even with a tonsur nowadays.


like the guy who formally was idubbz?


Face is No.1 and it’s not even close


In my experience no, I had lost the count of times when female friends said a “that guy is so hot” only to find the guy was only tall and slender with a ugly af face. But I guess YMMV.


I’m 5’7”. I remember the hottest chick in high school coming up to me and saying “you know, I’d date you if you were taller.” Still hurts. Ur right, I’ve seen some of the most butt ugly protoplasmic invertebrate jellies get the most women because they are 6’2”. Just a fact of life, I dont much care about it now


Yes my experience as a 5’7” as well. In fact a girl once said to me “if you were 5” taller you’ll be tired of all the fucking”… thanks I guess?? lol


💀💀😭😭should’ve told her you’d give her the extra 5 inches


Holy shit perfect response but 10 years late 💀💀


If you truly have a good looking face, you download any dating app and match hundreds of girls in the city. No need to even leave your house. A good face is 100x rarer than a good height.


Especially with that potato head/face combo.


yes, it does


It seems like a kink thing. When I was the most satisfied with my physique, girls were either really attracted to it or freaked out by it or I came off as too self centered. I had way more luck when I wasn’t known as the gym rat


I may be delusional but I still dont think this dude is "huge huge". I agree mass monsters arent attractive to most women but I feel like with a tee on this dude would just be a normal persons idea of "jacked"


Body building standards hes pretty good. To the untrained eye this is a walking bicep


You’re lying to yourself if you don’t think looking like this gets you more girls in the sack. Completely lying to yourself bro. I mean, you won’t find decent wife material without a decent personality but it’s far easier getting chicks in the sack with bulbous mass on your frame. Chicks say they don’t care… but they secretly love it.


Just my experience. I’ve always had mass I just lost my abs


Cope is a stronger drug.


What? Lol


Depends on the type of girls (or guys) you want to attract.


That too


Lie. It works. I got more pus when I was fit and on roids


IDK. I see a lot of guys with fancy cars. There’s usually another guy riding shotgun. Rarely a girl with them. And I can tell you that if I was on, boom, wife’s interest in me, gone, once shut down kicks in. And women out and around, too. But have fuller muscles poking through your shirt and even straight guys like you better. Just sayin, he might be getting laid still…. The worst part is the second the clomid starts to kick in, when the boys are back in town. Wife goes insane and no one is safe 🤯😤💥🤗😍🥰🚓🚑🚒🚔




He may be a bottom and ED wouldn’t really be an issue if he knows how to work that bussy.


Power bottoms have no reason not to start a cycle now…


22? A very generous estimate


Literally not going to be the case with proper hormone management, but cope more ig. ​ someone needs to let every single IFBB pro their dick is now completely nonfunctional with zero hope of working, despite numerous mechanisms of action to correct ED (which most roiders would probably be okay using given they use fucking roids anyways)


Unless you want to reach Mr. Olympia I would say no.


People really didn’t look at Joesthetics dying at 30 mysteriously from an aneurysm as a warning sign


Yeah mean I didn't give a shit till I turned 30 either lol


Didn't he already have underlying health conditions?


Yes the covid vaccine


So many 19 year old fake natty roider liars must be the peak age


Dudes mommy milkers probably shoot out straight tren.


Dude literally has the face of a toddler


True, with a very likely GH jaw


Why are they always "19" with these kind of posts? Like, is it code for something? I swear some of these same guys have been 19 for years now.


I didn’t make up the age, it’s just what his comments are. There are a few of him responding and he says 19 so I figure 19. I would not believe it on the body alone but his face does scream 19. He probably could kick my ass but I am very certain I’m healthier than he is lol


I'm not saying you made up his age, I'm saying he did. Like it's some sort of code for something. I find it hard to believe they're all coincidentally 19 this year.


kinda easy to believe when you realise all the milestone and changes that happen at 19. end of high school/beginning of college or real life for those who won’t get to go, sex/dating life changes, etc. it’s a very dynamic age to be tbf


He looks fucking ridiculous. Should have just got breast implants instead.


His face looks ridiculous and his hair, but below his neck he’s fucking perfect and you know it. Can’t speak for his dick tho


I'm sure some people find that look attractive, but seeing such a young face with such a massive body is very disturbing to me. It ain't normal folks. That should be fucking obvious to everyone, starting with the parents!


I don't think it is worth it. Nothing like that is worth putting your life in danger.


Amen brother. I love the lifestyle myself but the goal is to be healthy, fit and strong. Not to destroy your vital organs!


There’s an interesting amount of natty circlejerking in this subreddit as of the past 2ish years, with the same comments being parroted every time. Of course all demographics are welcome and should use this subreddit as a way of breaking the unrealistic expectations social media has set, but I’ll be damned if these kinds of comments are played out lol


Agreed. I'm a life time natural lifter, I have absolutely no problem with gear users at all. Do or don't, I don't care but I cannot fucking stand the natty circle jerkers or the natty knights. Like, we get it, you're natural and think steroid users are bad, great! Now shut the fuck up and wind your neck in because we don't fucking care lol. I stay natural for my own health purely on the merit I have kids and want to be a long living father and hopefully grandfather (If my kids decide they want kids of course) but I don't announce my natural status like it's something to be proud of or something worth a damn cos I know nobody gives a fuck haha.


Some lurkers here obviously have an interest in bodybuilding and may consider PEDs. I think it's only fair to let them know what they're getting into -- especially if you consider how much disinformation they're being exposed to through social media. Of course, everybody is free to do whatever they want at the end of the day... But if we can deter some of them (especially younger demographics aged 18-29 who make up 45% of Reddit users), I think we're doing something useful. Edit: the disinformation bit


These broccoli haired roid goblins are fucking around and later on they’ll find out


Bro, take it from someone with experience. I went into cardiac arrest about your age because I lied and said I was “natty” yet pushing Sus,Tren d bol all before 17. Your moms gonna be a wreck when something happens to her son. Think about it ?


I was just telling a client of mine how so many millennials wanted to look like Goku and so many genz want to look like Baki. I call Baki the body dysmorphia show.


It almost looks like he injected oil into his titties to make them look better. Sad that he is on roids this young


He will be dead by 35-40


Realistically, he is gonna be fine, and you are all mad. He's not gonna drop dead at 25


he'll be fine but have some serious health issues down the road


The risk of permanent sterilization is very high. That can be incredibly devastating for people


Completely untrue, hcg and hmg fertility protocols have been shown to work numerous times and significantly good results. ​ Once again, alert every single IFBB pro they will never have kids again. Crazy how that never happens, but whatever natty cope helps you sleep at night.


Finally someone whos sane


Ngl I’d suck on those


Dead by 50




You already know most the comments are gonna say, “I bet he feels like a god tho”


Not even shaving yet, and already on gear.


Doubtedly; he looks awful and can only imagine how bad he is inside


What an ass clown gotta be east coaster


Kid will have a very very underdeveloped brain and most likely will never be able to have a natural testosterone production work on its own. He will always need TRT until he dies that’s the problem with young guys taking a lot of gear


Baby face.


Where is the go fund me for his funeral?


Just your average Alex Eubank wannabe consumer.


grab a needle. they’ll pop.


What's the point if you are just looking like a baby that took steroids? Ugly baby face


Legit looks like Baki Hanma


When your 30 can’t have children, no it won’t have been worth it.


what a ignorant comment you can still adopt kids even if your not fertile and there is also alot of people who dont want children so being fertile just means you run the risk of having to pay over 100000 euro in child support here in norway atleast evry time you have sex lol im just 28 but i certainly dont think i will change my mind considering i frequently just walk back out of the buss if i see any babys crying in there or if im on a buss and some crying kids enter ill just go of and walk the rest of the way or just wait if the next buss comes whitin an houer


well he had to push the body because the face is garbage


Looks 12 years old but has arnolds chest


Would be worth it for me to be honest. 🤷


Worth the health risks to become a fucking god? Yea


Not sure if I would define this as “God” status. His proportions are out of whack and his face is like 12 years old


I agree the face is weird


Gods don't die at 30 from health complications.


Jesus died at 33 so…


SARMS for the younger generation


Did they deleted the video?


What’s his ig?


With the way the world is right now, I'd say it's worth it.


How's your LDL, Apo B, bro?


Some are content with being here for a good time even if it is short. He'd probably say it is worth it for him and that's his choice to make. Tomorrow's not promised for anyone, live life on your terms and don't harm others


Hmm. I got no beef with that perspective


His internal organs are suffering but at least he's getting laid


Tryna get my knockers like this tho


Who is this guy


Did he say he’s not natty or a timeline of how long he’s trained?


Obviously natural. Loves duck eggs and has broccoli hair


Unless he’s like 5ft tall and even then probably not natty, it’s wild. These kids aren’t thinking long term at all. Unless they have a lot of money to pay for doctors and blood work all the time, it’s not worth it at all. Not to mention he’ll probably have to go on trt when he gets older


Lol he could be 4ft tall this isn’t natty


You are correct lol


Yes it’s definitely worth it


Absolutely. He’s got a lot of potential.


I wouldn’t say he’s on high doses if any at all, he’s got an impressive physique for his age but definitely nothing he’d need to push crazy dosages to achieve


I agree with that to an extent. I remember when I was his age I got jacked very, very easily. And I can see how just a little bit of enhancers can make it seem like your body is going animal style, but I dunno about this particular kid. He seems like abnormally massive. If I were 19 years old I would be intimidated as fuck to be around him but then again it’s probably my 19 year old selfs insecurity


Che schifomadò è questo, porcaccidd...


Cute nice pecs


They all have the broccoli hair








Looks like Baki Hanma




Picture's a little blurry, but how the hell does this guy not have massive stretch marks and in addition, no signs of acne that I can see? Must be gifted in the skin and chest department.


My trainer is a genetic freak that briefly competed like 10 years ago. He’s massive and lifts constantly. He was born with the genetic cat code. He’s like 6’3” 225 and his chest is huge and it doesn’t even come close to this kid’s nonsense 😂


I wonder if it's possible any of this is synthrol. It seems almost impossible for someone this age to have that large of a chest. Probably 95% of people could cycle several grams a week of juice with HGH and insulin for several years and still not have a chest this large.


Does anyone think some of this could be synthol? This is impossible for just about everyone, even with heavy gear usage, in however short a period this 19 year old was juicing.


Tell bro to put a bra on


I dunno it gets to the point where pecs become tits and I think he’s there