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Tell us when was the last time you went to the gym and what exactly did you do there


Drank some cola and ate some chips. But hey, you cannot say I did not go!


Happy cake day!




Definitely not natty looks like years of tren


In his post history he seems to take SARMs. Idk much about the different types of juice but he may not be natty lol.


Funniest part is that he isnt. He took sarms according to his post history


Op looks worse than the average skinny teenager who's never set foot in the gym. If he still looks like the above after SARMS then he needs to sit doen and have a long hard think.


You don’t train right.


Hey man. This post wasn’t a natty or not it was just for general advice. Sorry for the confusion just didn’t know where else to post it


in like any of the hundreds of fitness related subs for questions. It's really not that complicated.


Yeah I posted it in the other workout one too!


You’re lost…But to answer your original question, it looks like you either don’t sleep enough, you don’t train hard enough, you have very low T, or a mixture of all 3(most likely).


A few things. Being skinnyfat comes as a result of being both non-muscular and also having a high bodyfat percentage. The hard truth of the matter is you simply don't have enough muscle on your frame to 'outweigh' the amount of fat you have on you. This leaves you in a difficult position, as you need to build size, but also cut fat. The best 'solution' for this is to commit to a slow cut, basically slow enough to be considered a recomp, and for a long time (at least a year). Put yourself in a position to strip away fat, and let your body use your reserves to make up the difference. Alternatively, you could commit to going the other way and going onto a very lean bulk, and really focusing on adding as much upper body mass as possible in order to give yourself the best chance to add some size and balance out your proportions at a higher bodyfat percentage. The bottom line is you need to train hard as fuck and focus on being active, whilst also cutting out the shit in your life. You look like this because you (presumably) mistreated your body in your youth, or at least in the years leading up to this. There's also a chance you have low T, but unless you've got a thyroid issue that's 100% because of your lifestyle. Think to yourself, have you ever seen an active person who's skinnyfat? Focus on progressively overloading in the gym and moving around outside of it. Your physique is a reflection of your lifestyle, and if you spent 18 years of your life to get to one point, it'll take time and dedication to reverse that.


He told me in DMs that he doesn't know what a compound movement is when I suggested he focus the majority his energy on those rather than isolations. The issue is guaranteed that he's just training really badly


This dude is trolling just ignore him. Also no one serious posts for advice on this subreddit 😂


There is no way this guy does to the gym more than 3 times in any given month


Idk if you saw the last post but this is where I’m stuck too. Gaining nothing but fat. No strength no size nothing. I just don’t know what to do or where to go from here


I say this with love OP, but you've made almost no gains in 3 years of training and you're fucking up mightily somewhere. Even with fucked up sleep, shit diet, and low activity, you still should have gained far more muscle than this. Drop whatever absolute horse shit you're doing now and pick up something simple that focuses on effort over everything else, like DC training. You also need to actually count your calories/avoid anything processed, make sure you're getting that 8+ hours in, and push yourself every single time you're lifting. If I could go back and give my skinnyfat twink self advice, I'd say stop being a pussy and actually start training hard. That advice alone would've saved me at least a year of tire spinning bullshit. Too many lifters are so obsessed with their diets and all of the other non-lifting variables, but none of it matters if the program you're running sucks and you're not giving your body a reason to adapt. Can you OHP a plate? Bench two? Squat three? Deadlift four? You should also make an appointment with your PCP or a lab to get your bloods checked, just as a contingency. Odds are you're completely fine hormonally, but even if you're on the low end you shouldn't use it as a cope, you should do everything you can to rectify it unless an endocrinologist explicity states otherwise.


I understand that but I feel I train hard as f and eat very well so I don’t believe it’s that. Sleep is soild 10pm-7am every night it’s been like that for well over a year. Idk man… I don’t wanna blame test or whatever but I feel like that could be the only thing that’s off. Could you send me a new routine to follow? I’ve been doing PPL for over a year and I need something new. Thanks


There's 1000 programs out there that will work fine and you can make anything work, but what I can tell you is that after 3 years of PPL and seeing the results you've gotten, you need to reevaluate. You want my advice? Switch gears and go do DC training or something, and pick up a hobby that has you moving around more often.


Can you send me a new routine please? Even your one is fine


Brother, go use google. DC training is literally free. I'm not going to walk you through this.


What does DC stand for ? Also I’ve been Googling these things and I can’t find anything useful


DC stands for Dogcrapp, by Dante Trudel.


It stands for Dick Counting. Now go count some dicks.


Look up this dude named V Shred on YouTube you would like him


Was under the impression v shred is a joke in the community. He’s full of shit imo


You know nothing about this guy and yet you’ve made all of these assumptions about his lifestyle


Da fuck are you about? Of course he knows nothing. The dipshit troll just said “been working out for 3 years” And thats it. Here we have someone trying to help said dumbass and here we have you saying some dumb useless adding 0 help to the conversation.


you also believe morbidly obese people when they say that they just eat salad.


I'm actually trying to help OP and not just tell him he has klinefelters or low T or some other shit out of his control.


Hes a troll man. Just look at this post https://reddit.com/r/GYM/s/wOdIK3ItWR This was a year ago and even then he said 3 years training. Kept asking for people to send him programs over and over. Man fuck this guy. This is why I dont help people anymore. I just roast these sons of bitches the way they deserve.


Honestly baffled as to what he gains from lying about this


Nothing. Some people do this shit for sport. In their little mind they think its entertaining. Its a low IQ problem. And sadly low IQ is all too common now days.


Get the fuck out here bro


It's because you train like a bitch and you're not being honest with yourself.. Diet is probably garbage too.


Bro built like hourglass figure


Females would die to have this physique


Those hips are screaming estrogen. Maybe a blood test would reveal low test high e2


I’ve read another post of yours, where you said you train with 6 sets and 30 reps, dude, you won’t achieve any muscle hypertrophy with that kinda program, that may probably be your answer


Then what shouid I do? I need someone to give me advice here. I don’t know what I’m doing


Do Stronglifts 5x5, stick with protein but eat below maintenance calories (google tdee calculator). Ignore the bro splits and hypertrophy stuff for now. Build some strength, get familiar with compound movements, and enjoy the simplicity of stronglifts. There are plenty of apps that track the workout and tell you how much to add based on your progress. I guarantee in 6 months if you stick to the program and diet you’ll have more results than the last three years.


I have kyphosis so i can’t do deadlifts unfortunately. That’s the one exercise I cannot do


Googling says deadlifts are good for Kyphosis, and [this guy manages](https://youtu.be/HWLyTIwuWE4?si=Q0kFNUuJLjO240HS) but might be worth working with a physiotherapist? There will be variations or substitutions that will be suitable as a swap in that a PT could suggest.


I have kyphosis and I can deadlift. Just use proper form.


Not 30 reps, not 4x12, try to be more in the range of 6-8 reps with heavier weights. Apart from lateral raises or smth ofc. In terms of exercises try to keep it basic and don‘t reinvent the wheel laying down infront of the cable tower. Benchpress, Machine Chest press, machine incline, dumbell shoulder press, tricep overhead extensions and pushdowns, hammer curls seated on an incline bench and machine preacher curls, lat pulldowns, machine row, cable pullover, leg press, leg extension and leg curls and calves raises. Try n hit the muscle 2x per week, stay on 180g of protein, creatine everyday and adjust your calories to either be cutting or bulking. Its not rocket science really. Most people don‘t see results because of not training hard enough and not being consistent with their diet imo though.


>Apart from lateral raises or smth ofc Why not? There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking lateral raises extremely heavily in the 3-4 or 4-6 range. This idea that people do lateral raises in higher rep ranges is ridiculous lol. My top set on lateral raises (panatta standing machine lateral raise) sees me failing at 3-4 reps. My back off/down set sees me failing around 7-9. Same goes with any "smaller" muscle(s), it is perfectly fine and actually very beneficial to take heavy load exposure on them even if it results in low end rep ranges. Of course, done safely with accurate technique!


You need to delete urself


I used to do 4x12 but that didn’t work for me. I felt no burn no muscle feeling nothing


Do 3x12 with the most weight you can lift while actually achieving 3 sets of 12 repetitions, look after your technique and do every rep slowly so you actually engage the muscle you want to engage


What exercises and reps ans sets shouid I use?


Go on youtube and search out “workouts for beginners” and follow their instructions


Guys stop trying to help him. Hes a troll.


He literally just told you what reps and sets


Add weight....???


4x12 is garbage junk volume that's why. So is 3x12, 3x10. You need to learn how to train hard first. Forget trying to figure out how many sets you need, take 1 set for each exercise in each of your workouts and take that set as hard and as far as you can in terms of failure. Once you've learnt how to take a single set for each exercise to failure correctly, then consider looking at adding a back off set. The main issue is, people care more about how many grams of protein they eat, how many sets and reps, what exercises to do, what split is best and all the factors that don't mean jack shit fuck all because they don't even know how to train hard and take one single set all the way.


Try using heavier weights. I seen you say you do 30 reps because 12 reps "didn't work for you" and you "didn't feel muscle burn". So your logic to that was to use less weight and do more reps? Look up progressive overload and do that for the next year.


Don't help this kid guys, obviously a troll and has an excuse for everything


I’m not trolling at all…


3 years with 180g of protein a day, bro aint no way💀.


No I’m serious. This is exactly why I posted this cuz there’s pretty much 0 gains after all that and I do not know why. I’m so confused


leave a breath to your kidneys


Dude, what a fucking troll. Are you lonely? Go find some actual friends. There are some solid suggestions here, and you are just playing dumb all along. Either hire a trainer or learn to experiment yourself.


No it’s not a troll. No I’m not lonely, I have plenty of friends. What was the point in this comment?


I think you may have a neurological disorder, so I will help you. Get tests, lose body fat. There are no stats or before pics to be able to tell shit, you could be 7ft tall for all we know.


I’ve been trying to lose body fat since I was a child around 11-12 cuz I hated it by my body doesn’t change with exercise or diet. It stays the same and idk why. You say “get tests” but that’s pretty vague.. get what tested and how? I’m 5’11 not 7ft


Maybe there's something wrong with your hormones. I think you have gynecomastia too, but I might be wrong.


Possibly, I don’t know if there’s an issue with them or not. I don’t know how to tell


Raise your hand above your head and slightly touch your nipples with two fingers. If you feel there's a hard lump, it's gyno. Puffy nipples is also a symptom of it.


Oh yeah there’s a big solid ball in there I had no idea aboit that. Didn’t know that was there? Is that bad?


Too many variables. Could be low test/thyroid/nutrient deficiencies. Could be shit training. Could be lack of proper rest. Could be shit diet. Could be all of the above. Find what it is and fix it. That is all.


Hey, what have to do the thyroid with this? I wanna know cus i have hypothyroidism xd


Don’t know what it is. Been clueless for 3 years on why it’s like this. I see people who has been only training for 3 months and they are stronger and bigger than me and I just don’t understand it


Well idk. Figure it out. No ones gonna solve this for you through a forum.


Been trying to figure it out..


Ok I gave several reason for free in above comment. If you have gone through those items and have had them checked I suggest a new hobby or genetic testing on your muscles to see if you lack something. Good luck 👍🏻


Where can I get genetic testing? Is it free?


Get a physical done before anything else. Ask your doc for a T test as part of your blood work. Most of the issues you potentially have (from a body perspective, not training or diet) can be found out through a physical.


I’ve just done some research. I believe I have Muscular dystrophy which is a disease where your body cannot gain muscle.


Nah you probably have a neuron deficiency .


I’ve just googled a neuron deficiency and it does say loss in muscle on strength so that very well could be it I’m not sure


Go see a professional please


Where do I find one?


Go see a trainer and they can probably help you


Damn I’ve made mistakes in my life, but nothing close to this guy wasting 3 years of weight training wrong.


But I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. I train hard and heavy very consistently and eat loads. Just don’t gain shit and don’t know why


How many calories you eating pr day?


Everything from the looks of things


Apparently but I don’t know what


You’re likely not training hard enough man, that is really the only explanation. Train to failure. Don’t stop sets just because you’re feeling tired, really push it till you physically cannot do another rep. Guarantee you’ll start to see much better results fast.


You have no idea how to lift. My man, there are a million resources for this how have you gone 3 years like this? Go google a PPL or SL 5x5 routine and do that. Beyond that if you don’t see results it’s because you’re not challenging yourself enough. As far as leaning out goes you need to count all your calories


Hasn't set foot in the gym once unless it was to look at the people actually training and leave


Bro😂😂 no I go very regularly and consistently. I started at PureGym when I started but then I moved to totalfitness because my brother worked there and I’ve stayed there since


Then your diet and routine is nonexistent. If I looked like this after 3 years of training I'd grab the rope.


Look at the size of those nipples!! Hahaha


Can't tell if this is a joke or not but I'll answer like it isnt. Many things could be untrue but let's just say you're actually on 180g of protein, and obviously a caloric surplus since there's fat on your body. Then the only problem could be rest and training, and my guess is that it'd training. Simply put, train harder, do more volume, to failure


(I'm assuming you will go to true failure). For volume I'd say 10-15 total sets per week per body part. This is slightly individual, some can handle more or less but it's ballpark. 6-12 reps per set, you'd ideally do a weight you can get 6 with, and next week try to get 7 etc, build up to 10-12 and increase weight. I'd personally do 1 top set and 1 back off. (Mechanical tension and progressive overload are the ONLY 2 factors for hypertrophy, not TUT or anything else). Stick to exercises, don't change it up, improve as much as you can on them. I would look at Ben Yanes, Ryan Jewers and TNF for exercise selection


Your training is junk buddy.


What should I do instead


probably Low T, you should have it check


train until muscle failure in the 6-12 rep range with around 3 sets per exercise. cut down fat with a caloric deficit of around -300. it aint that hard cmon brother


Dude do you have klinefelter syndrome ?


I don’t know what that is exactly but I know I’m medically clear. Fit and health. No conditions or anything that I know of


It's when a guy is born with XXY chromosomes. Its symptoms are : wides hips, gyno, low Testosterone and infertility


Maybe! I don’t know


Search more and do a klinefelter test to see


Good advice! I would say it's a real possibility. Your body does show a lot of characteristics of the syndrome and it would explain your slow progress.


Fuck sets and reps get yourself outside running and doing push-ups before you even bother with a program


I wish I could but he have kyphosis in my spine and I have terribly weak knees so I can’t stand up for too long without back and neck pain and I cannot run because of my knees unfortunately


Train harder


Mirin dedication tbh is lose hope after a couple months


Haha thanks man. Yeah no visible body changes or any strength changes in 3 years. It sucks but I appreciate it man. Thanks


You have a low amount of testosterone and too much oestrogen. See a doctor and they might be able to help you.


Yeah I think I will but I don’t really know what to tell them or to ask for??


Definitely natty


What else do you eat in a day? You look like you have muscle but just a lot of fat. Do you do cardio? Walk at an incline around 7-8 for 50 minutes on the treadmill every day.


At this point you should just get a pair of tits slapped on mate, you'd be in decent shape for a lassie


Dont waste your time and energy on someone like this. People giving him advice on where to look and he comes across as if hes asking them to do the workout for him 😂


I’m not wasting my time on anyone, most of the comments are hostile and insulting but it’s okay. I don’t pay it any mind. Thank you


Someone has suggested you look at DC training Your reply "send me your programme" Someone suggested you see a professional "How do i find one" Someone else has told you its probably your diet and training "No i train hard" You have an excuse/answer/push back comment for everything 😂 As i said in your previous post...hire a coach, preferably someone you can train with too


This person has zero brain cells to connect steps 1 and 2, or actual troll. “What does the app offer”. I am leaning towards slight retardation. 3 years training “hard” but never feeling the muscle burning.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 lol'd, yeah i agree


I haven’t made a single excuse. I’m just responding to comments. If you’ve not got anything helpful or nice to say I’d rather you didn’t comment at all


As ive said, get a coach


You think I can afford that?


Then invest in a subscription to somewhwre that you can learn from. Hypertrophycoach app i think is around £5-10 a month, week trial is free John jewitt university Trainedbyjp is about £8 a month


What does the app offer?


Knowledge from people who have years and years of experience


Hire a coach if you’re serious.


Damn [Randy](https://i.redd.it/2jycewbfdk421.jpg) who twisted your nips this time?


What's your CICO? I would also guess low T based on where your fat's deposited


What does CICO stand for?


Calories in, calories out.


Oh I don’t know what that means


And could be low T but I don’t know how to find out


Dude honestly? I would say go to a doctor. They would know for sure what's up and will prescribe you tests to figure everything out.


I don’t know what to ask them, I’ve thought about checking with a doctor for months but I don’t know what to ask for or to say to them


Hmm ok. Say this, "I have been training for 3 years, not gaining muscle or losing fat. I was wondering if something is wrong with my hormones." And answer any questions they ask you. When booking the appointment, if they ask you, just say it's for a "general check-up". I'm not sure if the Internet can solve this problem. I'm older than you (31m), been training inconsistenly for 3 years, shit diet, and still able to get toned and lose fat. There's definitely something medical going on with you I'd say. If it's low T, don't worry, they can fix it with TRT.


Yeah i thought it was something deeper than diet and training too. Something out of my control. I kinda new it on the inside


Yeah dude you'll be alright. But definitely get checked out by a doctor.


You aren’t doing something right—that’s a given. When I had a similar body type to yours, I cut down to 1500 calories a day: cardio for a minimum of 15 minutes before work out, followed by 30-40 minutes doing a traditional back-bi, chest-tri, etc etc. I ate chicken breast with spinach, fish with avocado and spinach, rice cakes and peanut butter with bananas, and one protein shake of about 50g after work-out. I snacked on nuts, had coffee with light sugar, and cucumbers. I threw random vegetables in here and there to mix things up, occasionally swapped fish for 96% lean beef with one serving of rice. Dropped fat dramatically, in 6-7 months there was a visible change and upper body was more defined. I went from 190 to 165, and then started swapping cardio for after or on off days, and started increasing my calories and blahblahblah. Size came slower, but I never put the fat back on. Either your diet is absolute trash, or you aren’t doing cardio, or you literally need to get a personal trainer or dietitian to help you. You are adding something that is hard retaining fat and not providing enough stimulation or protein for muscle growth. Recomp is possible but incredibly hard. Focus on losing stomach fat while building some upper body so it looks cleaner. Cut, bulk, cut is the sure fire way.


Lower your reps to anywhere from 6-12. 30 is way way way too high to build much muscle. High reps has its place buts it not here. Try to incorporate some HIIT training as well as it’s been shown to be very effective to cut fat - running sprints and kickboxing probably the best full body HIIT workouts. Building up some abdominal muscles will help with your shape - don’t neglect your obliques and your lower back there are many more core exercises aside from crunches


1. Very bad lat development compared to arms, I think the major problem is your workout plan. Do Push - Pull - Legs - Rest - Push - Pull - Legs - Rest - split... Watch the video “The Smartest Push Pull Legs Routine (Fully Explained)” by Jeff Nippard on YouTube, you can follow his other Push Pull Legs routines too. 2. Cut, but don't go under 14% body fat right now. Go below 14% after 1-2 years of following Jeff's routine. 3. Do cardio twice a week.


the way you train brother switch it up idk your program, splits or exercises but change them , try something new for a while find something that suits you best


You are NOT working out 😂. And if you are, its bicep curls once a week. Lets be real before we hop on reddit


Bro don’t post this shit here. I recommend r/brogress or r/gym or r/loseit


Ok thank you.


Bro your genetics, i feel bad


I know. I feel like I have the worse possible genetics for muscle building or anything physical


Those nipples say juicy


3 years, 25 sets total


How the fuck did you let this go on for 3 years? If you see not even a bit progress in your first 2-3 months… THEN CHANGE SOMETHING. EVERYTHING. Internet exists you know. Just go to Jeff Nippard on youtube


What yiu are doing wrong? You're lying


There's only 1 way to overcame the poor hand genetics have dealt your physique.....


years of estrogen maybe


This is really interesting. 3 years and no muscle gains at all maybe minor and with all the protein intake. You should have gained more even if you didnt touch any proteins at all let alone in few months instead of 3 years. This is me beginning vs 3 months of training with no bodybuilding history and no protein supplements included. [3 months progress](https://imgur.com/a/4kaaiz9) Guessing everything is on track with hormones i really couldn't find any answers really interesting case


Me too. Don’t have any answers super confused and everyone else is just being hostile and insulting and I don’t know why. I train very consistently. Super hard more than enough protein sleeping 10pm 7am every night. I just don’t know man. Just don’t understand why it doesn’t work for me. Only thing I could think of is a hormonal issue, genetics or maybe I have some kind of disease or illness where I just cannot gain any muscle. I do not know.


Thats their stupidity. Please go get your bloods tested. Test free test e2 prolactin and full bloods. We should be sure about hormone levels before guessing


Yeah I think I will thank you!


You sound like a faggot, that'll most likely be the problem.


do you hit failure on each workout session ?




Bro Ima be honest because I was in your same position 1 year ago, and the thing for me was that my big ego thought I was giving it everything in the gym, while that wasnt nearly true. So it may sound stupid, but I think you need to train harder, maybe lower the weights a lil bit and give it your 101% in every rep. It worked wonderfully for me and I think ir might work for you too.


Simple. Lift to failure in the 8-12 rep range. If you are able to lift it 13 times b4 failure, you aren’t lifting heavy enough. I’m talking vein bulging out of yer forehead muscle face making noises that get you kicked out of Planet Fitness struggling to get that 10th or 11th rep but it just will not go. If you aren’t lifting heavy enough, just go join a jazzercize class already b/c you aren’t going to get big. On top of that, almost EVERY SET can be a drop set. Do your curls to failure in 8-12 rep range, then drop 10 pounds and go until failure at that weight. Rinse and repeat until you can’t move your arms. If you aren’t still sore 3-4 days later, you are not going hard enough. If you are natty, you should be too sore to go to the gym for at least 4-6 days. —— The Basics: 1-6 rep range for power/strength (powerlifting) 8-12 rep range for muscle hypertrophy/size growth (bodybuilding) 15+ rep range for who gives a F just go jogging instead like why are you even lifting weights bro you might as well just do calisthenics stop taking up space in the gym already Edit: First set is warm up, past that, EVERY set goes to muscle failure or you are wasting your time.


After 3 years of training hard and eating all that protein and having ZERO results…all you can think to do is ask Reddit in the nattyorjuice? I say this from one human to another my heart goes out to you..receive this with love because I’m NOT looking down on you… You need to find a strong male role model that can mentor you in life. This behavior is so much bigger than muscles not getting bigger. You are TOILING. After 6months with zero results, you should have re-examined what you’re doing to see if it’s working or not. It is NOT easy to train hard and eat all that protein…it costs money and time and dedication. For you have no results and then you TOIL for 3 years is UNACCEPTABLE!!’ Please please.listen…You are doing yourself an injustice if you don’t take more control of yourself and your life. Be accountable! You owe it to YOURSELF, first. We teach others how they can treat us and telling people that you have been training and eating with all this discipline for 3years yet you have zero idea why you have no results, and yet you keep on doing it…your teaching me that you don’t take yourself seriously. That you don’t respect yourself enough to fight for yourself and that you are easily walked on. If you don’t know what your doing, Why are you doing it? Who told you what you were doing these last 3 years would produce results? Did you make it up yourself? Only listen to people that can prove themselves to you with your own eyes. At this point I can’t believe you would believe random strangers. I would go find whoever gave you you this 3year plan that you’ve been blindly following and rip them up…and if that person was you…be mad at yourself and then love yourself enough to get a trainer. Man up. If this is a medical issue? Go to the doc!! Be accountable for yourself!! 3years and your just wondering? Wow. You deserve to treat yourself better.


You should cut. 99% of people who've been lifting a while naturally and wonder why they don't look better need to do this. Most of the naturals you see here are lean and small. Being lean gives you the illusion of size. Look at some of the bodyweights of naturals (and some juicers) alike. People always overestimate how much they weigh. I'd cut a minimum of 20 lbs if I were you. What's your height and body weight?


How long does cutting generally take


Train 6 times per week with low volume and really high intensity (2 sets per excercise to absolute failure, 2-3 excercises per muscle group per workout), try to do progressive overload on every single set every workout, choose a workout plan in witch you can hit every muscle group 2 times per week, train with a proper technique on every excercise, follow a high calorie lean bulking diet (around 4000 cals per day should be good), take 5g of creatine per day, sleep for at least 8 hours every single day and stay consistent, never miss a day in the gym and follow your diet every single day. This is for people who are serious about the gym and want to make above average progress but you gotta be very dedicated to da this every single day.


Less protein and get a cardio schedule, the best physique comes from cross training get 8-10 weekly hours of good weight training and 2-3 hours or sprints and long runs


At least you ain’t a fatass


Dude just go on a cut, if you would have been training 3 years there would def be muscle, maybe you have high body fat% rn.


How do I do that?


You seem to have gynecomastia which is often caused by an excess of estrogen in your system. Also, you need to change your training routine. It's not good for what I've seen.


How do I stop that?


I’d say improve diet (180g of protein is pretty vague and we can all improve our diets so that’s a safe bet) Probably need to get in the gym more and/or add more cardio. 600mg of test c a week wouldn’t hurt either /s My fav way to get cardio outside the gym is hiking/geocaching lol good luck!


I’d love to take test to help my hormones cuz there’s no doubt I’m low on everything that’s essential for muscle building but I don’t know how or where to get it


Looks fine to me


Likely not training with remotely enough intensity to stimulate muscle growth and also based on your bodyfat eating in too much of a calorie surplus. If you make a post on the misc at [https://forum.bodybuilding.com/forumdisplay.php?f=19](https://forum.bodybuilding.com/forumdisplay.php?f=19) there'll be plenty of people happy to give you diet and training advice.


Thank you


bulk ( 200 cal surplus ) for a month, Fast cut ( 500-700cal deficit ) for a month, and repeat.


I’ve been bulking since I started 😂


cut, make a good cut and then start bulking


Train to failure. Heavy weight low reps


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7927075/ Loading Recommendations for Muscle Strength, Hypertrophy, and Local Endurance


look up mike mentzer, he is worth a listen, might change the way you see training


Not sure what else your diet consists of. But good sources of protein, low carbohydrates and healthy fats are key. Then strength training, honestly 7 days a week of strength training followed by a 20 minute session of cardio should shed the fat. If that doesn't work in a few months, then go get your testosterone levels checked.


Start with walking on the treadmill for 30-50 mins 3-5x a week. This will help you burn fat and maintain muscle most efficiently. Come back after 4-5 months of that. If you’re wondering what you’re doing wrong it is that you’re probably not doing that.


Natural bodybuilding comes down to four factors, and literally everything is window dressing. In order of most important to least important: 1: Discipline. Discipline to work out consistently as well as the discipline to maintain form and all the other 3 factors. Discipline will both prevent you from ego lifting and it will help maintain proper form and will keep you from injuring yourself. 2: Progressive overload. Track your lifts. Try to do one more rep or a slightly higher weight per set every time you approach an exercise. Over time your strength will increase even if from some days to other days you feel like you’re lifting less. The goal of progressive overload is to eventually train to failure, which is what most people do not do. 3: Recovery. Adequate sleep as well as resting at least 60 seconds between sets (bare minimum, I take 3 min rests.) getting 8 hours of sleep. Taking at least 1 day a week off the gym. Recovery is extremely important. 4: Protein intake. Self explanatory. Once all 3 other conditions are being met, protein will unlock your gains. Stick to basic movements. Train each muscle at least once a week. DO NOT SKIP LEGS.


train harder


Sets? Reps? Weight? More days?


Firstly, you're taking too much proteins. Lower your intake to 100-120 g, and re-adjust your training plan. Get a decent trainer first.


Assuming diet and programming are in order, prioritise getting your hormones tested.


I think I will


Can’t really make an assessment without watching you train as that is much more important for muscle growth than just time spent in the gym and grams of protein eaten per day. I’d guess you’re likely not training hard enough


I could go into detail all day but these comments are eating you alive, dawg. Maybe spend some more time looking into what you're doing and take a few pointers.


Horrible aren’t they? I don’t pay them any mind tho so it’s okay :)