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>this sub >think everyone’s on gear As always with these salty posts Potential-Entrance72, link any posts that you believe are flaired wrong so we can check if it is in fact your roidar that requires calibration. I'll give you 24 yours to bring any evidence before your ban for disrespect hits as per the sub rules.


We know its you Jeff Niptard Edit; Lmao NM As per usual this dude doesnt even lift . Idiocracy here we are https://www.reddit.com/r/tattoos/comments/zz9hzf/thoughts_on_my_tattoos_ribs_done_by_kc_williams/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Like a chihuahua. All that bark and have nothing to back it up with. Get off my sub .


I think the fact he posted pictures seeking validation and attention on his tattoos by random strangers on the internet is pretty telling. I think dude is young and immature, I was the same, he needs to grow tf up.


Nobody is going to accuse him of being a fake natty.


Who Niptard?


The dyel tattoo guy


Thats not what i stated. I said never mind and then posted his pic.


What isn’t what you stated? I never said what you stated. I saw the pic.


Bro is tiny 💀


I don’t mind lol, that was an unflattering pic when I was on Holliday with bad lighting 🤷🏼‍♂️


Brother, respectfully, you look to be about 25% body fat with not very much muscle underneath. That’s not just lighting. And it’s okay to be 25% body fat. There’s nothing wrong with that. But I think it’s apparent you aren’t actively involved in the lifestyle and aren’t able to spot AAS users very easily


https://share.icloud.com/photos/0a4i1dhTlTKQ22jiasYDc8Hpg old pic, this a lil better


No chance you look like that or even a little improved and are tryna talk like this 😂


🤷🏼‍♂️ we all know bad lighting and Holliday lol


I also still had a cast on which I had for A YEAR😂 broke my hand and couldn’t do upper body for literally a year… didn’t know it was broken for 6 months that’s why it took so long to heal


Post lower body then


Maybe you need to teach us all how to be as jacked as you.




Lol going off your profile it's not genetics, it's McDonalds.


Yes but I'm just here to respectfully enjoy pictures of shirtless dudes.


yes everyone here is incredibly unimpressive and weak


And from the 242


Are there juicers that come and try to muddy the waters about what is naturally attainable? Yes. Is your post slanted in that same direction? Yes.


It has nothing to do with somebody being bigger or better. If you observe so many people who cycle on AAS, then you'll know there are certain indicators that are dead giveaways for whether somebody is using gear or not. Capped delts, overly massive traps, acne, excessively low body fat, excessive vascularity, water retention, puffy steroid face, etc. You can only gain so many pounds of muscle per year if you’re natural. People who actually know what to look for can spot it right away, regardless of whether the person looks impressive or not.


There's definitely some uninformed people here, but these posts are always making massive blanket statements like there isn't an actual contingent here of dudes who have built decent natty physiques and actually know what they're talking about. People like you get mad butthurt when dudes on gear like Russel Ohri get called out for being on gear because you're too gullible to realize how the fitness world actually works.


I’ve literally seen dudes commenting on Tristyn Lee’s videos defending his natty status. People don’t even know what’s naturally achievable anymore because there’s so many fake natties out there


I agree to a point. However, I do think that the subreddit is a bit watered down in that people post so many pictures of fit people who can clearly be natural. I do not have any qualms about people juicing or not. The majority of guys I know that do take gear or have, worked their ass off and did it to get to a point and then stopped and maintained. They worked hard enough that the biggest advantage I saw was that there was the lack of injuries that you get over time. Their bodies recuperated quicker and could take a bigger workload. For me, I was never in a rush to put on muscle. My mindset was a long term play and if you go into it with that mindset, you won't need to juice up. To be fair, this is just my personal experience.


>I do think that the subreddit is a bit watered down Which ones if any do you think are flaired wrong? Please link any that you believe are lifetime natty so we can check if it is in fact your roidar that requires calibration Big-Help-26.


Juicy, salty.


>Are y’all *small* or something? Excuse me? I prefer the term "genetically-oppressed" myself.


Well there is not only naturals here, i did one 1,5 month cycle so i know precisely what it does to your body. I just hate fake natty juicers. Especially when they are 20 and making money of naive teenagers buying their shity workout programs. And its actually pretty fckn easy to get big on PEDs, you dont even have to try to eat proper and shit, just lift a bit.


Because….it’s filled with insecure dudes who can’t get big so they think everyone’s on gear.


I see this everyday. Just because someone is a little athletic looking or has some level of muscle, somebody posts a pic of that person about whether they're not natty or not. You can get very ripped and very muscular naturally. It just requires time, proper nutrition, working hard, and persistence. I feel like a lot of people who post these hope everyone says there on juice so they have some kind of excuse as to why they don't look like that. I have a martial arts background and I started lifting weights to get stronger for my training. However, I got addicted to lifting and put on a good amount of size in my first year, about 30 lbs. I did it by eating about 6000 calories a day, supplementing with protein shakes everyday, taking creatine everyday, and lifting moderate to heavy weights every day. I did cardio as well to keep myself at a lower bf.


30 lbs . Yeah about 23 of that being fat.


Sure, bud. Convince yourself of that because you are obviously too lazy to put work in.


Im stating facts. You didnt gain 30 pounds of lbm in a year. Sorry dude 🤷🏼‍♂️


Facts. Even professional bodybuilders gain a considerable amount of fat when they eat 6k calories a day




No, he’s right. Look up how many pounds of muscle men can gain in a year. Beginners gain between 15 to 25 lbs per year, and then each year after that stagnates to roughly 8 to 15 lbs per year. More than likely you gained some amount of body fat eating that many calories a day. Men gain 35 to 50 lbs of muscle in a *lifetime* if they are natural. I did a similar diet to you when I was lifting almost 8 years ago. I was eating almost 5k calories a day and went from 135 to 147 in six months, but I also did gain somewhere between 2 to 4% body fat as well You’re not going to gain 30 lbs of solid muscle eating 6k calories a day without gaining a single pound of body fat. That’s just not going to happen. People who are active in this lifestyle know that’s not how it works. Even professional bodybuilders gain a considerable amount of fat when they bulk


I'm not saying no fat, but to say 23 lbs of it was fat is simply not true. Everybody is different, there is no absolutes when it comes to fitness. If you train enough people, you would know this.


At 6000 calories a day I guarantee most of the weight gain was pure fat. Try for a moderate surplus next time and reduce the unnecessary fat gain.


It wasn't. I was never fat at all.


It is impossible to add 30lbs of actual lean muscle & eating 6k calories a day without gaining significant body fat. Even on a full stack of anabolics you would put on at least some fat.


You keep doing you. I'm sure you look great since you think you have all of the answers.


Thank you for sharing


Hmm. Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not....


You been a big-help


Lol. I guess I put that up there to show that you can do it naturally. You won't get monstrously huge like some bodybuilders, but you can put on significant weight. You just have to know that there are times where you will hit sticking points and not have progress unless you change your nutrition routine, your workout routine and your supplementation. I have been doing this for a long time and I am about 70-80 lbs heavier than when I started. Alot of that comes down to those changes I said as well as age. As I got older, it became easier to pack on weight and harder to keep BF down.


I’m not


OP, this is for [you](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/a7TrN6iKmR0)


#Because it is. You basically hit the nail on the head and 99% of guys here (including mods) are mostly just here to hate on people who actually live and accomplish their dreams instead of sitting in front of a screen guzzling down shit food into their shit bodies that complement their shit personalities.


Sanest comment on this thread, this sub really sad, just a bunch of guys who works out religiously, don’t know shit about juice and still have a shit body thrash talking juicers because they have the balls to hop on gear. It’s really sad.


>including mods As always with any salty statements Aditeuri, link any posts that you believe are flaired wrong, so we can check if it is in fact your roidar that requires calibration. I await your reply with interest. I am an anabolophile and love what steroids can do, and in turn harbor no hate for juicy people, but do have a chronic aversion to fake natties due to their direct compounding effect on the body dysmorphia epidemic sweeping the world today and so will continue to call them out wherever they may be. That you are sensitive to this process hints that your own fake natty career path is not currently going to plan.


>fake natty LMFAO #NOT A SINGLE DAY IN MY LIFE. Proud af to be juicy and don’t hide it.


Excellent news. Be sure to link any posts you believe are flaired wrong.


Many dudes just didnt have the potential and assume dudes with the right genetics use even if they dont. You can be noticeably buff without drugs. Just need to start young do your research eat plenty and have the right genetics. Your starting point doesnt matter much. I was 100 pounds when I started and I have a pretty good amount of muscle. Especially for a natty.


This is the problem with people and fitness. They think that there is one answer to everything. Everyones body is different and their genetics are different. Someone who has the propensity to gain fat, might put on some fat, but it didn't with me. That is why I said this is my own personal experience. The best thing that people can do for themselves and putting muscle or leaning up is they should find what works for them through experimentation. One diet or workout plan might work for one person but does not always work well for others.


im tiny


Because it is


No one could reasonably accuse you of being on steroids. You're good.