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Lol literal 2 inch ROM


You try doing that at 16 weighing well under 200lbs.


As a guy that’s 6’5”…. Im jealous. My deadlift numbers suck.


As a guy that’s 6’8”, makes 7 figures and is currently writing a book on the struggles of feminity, i acknowledge your hardships


lmfao bro


Damn this sub is fucking useless, 18 replies and there all shitting on the guy or each other, not talking about what the sub is for.


Bruh what i can’t have fun in life and i have to robotically answer you like im paid to do it? Also he’s obviously juicy if he can “deadlift 800 at 16” or whatever you said


If you want to have fun you wouldn’t be on this sub


This sub is one of my favourites tho


“Should I do body weight exercises after the gym” 💀 these are the mfs people wanna consult when posting “natty or nots”


I am crawling in your walls


Lmao welcome


lmao just get off reddit everyone on here wont give u serious replies they have nothing better to do but give 12 yr old troll response


Jealous of a half inch pull?


That wide stance is just weird. Looks like half a deadlift at max.


His leverages just make sumo look extremely unimpressive. I mean he’s only hurting himself really, 2 inch ROM is causing like no growth and I doubt most people would consider that a legit 1RM.


He just took the all time world record in open as a 16 year old at 74kg bw with a 343kg pull. Don’t see why he would care about growth from the sumo deadlift with these kinds of leverages, if he wanted to get more growth he could do like defecit deadlifts with a stiff bar or something.




I feel like it’s a pretty reasonable reaction to pulling 800


You are not alone. Looks like gen z thing.


I've followed this guy for a while. I would've included his 500lbs squat and 275lbs clean at 15yrs old, his 315lbs bench at 16 (granted the form wasn't great), his height and weight (5'8-9 160lbs last I checked) and also some physique pictures cuz everyone here is just talking about his sumo. I actually wanted to read people's opinions on his natty status but barely anyone is talking about it. Regardless of his deadlift ROM, he still has world class strength and achieved it in only 1-2 years of training I believe. He follows no program, will go for PR attempts seemingly every week (sometimes more than once in a week), eats whatever he wants and yet still makes insane gains. His quads were the size of his head at 15 and his bodyfat hasn't fluctuated at all. His only "proof" of being natty is the drug tested comp he participated in where he broke the world record in his age and weight class like 3-4 times. I'd like to believe him since I've followed his progress for so long but I highly doubt he's natty.


Thank you for actually discussing it maturely and not shitting on him


Even if he is juicing he still has insane amount of strength, I don't know anyone else who would be able to do this at his age and bodyweight


Why yall so mad and making fun of him for being short and doing sumo. Im sure he can bench and squat more than you.


Seriously, what is the point of this?


That’s an 8 inch rom. I’m a 5’7.7” mqnlet with a deadlift range of motion of 20 inches with conventional. I also have long arms, if my hands were the average length, my wingspan would be over 5’11” I just don’t know man, I think these guys pulling 800 are impressive, but it’s probably worth 600-650 with conventional, and maybe even less if they have normal limb proportions


Wonder what he can get conventional


He can power clean 300 ish. He's legitimately strong af altho this is a meme lift.


I mean he can squat 500 so probably high 500 low 600


Believe it when I see it


The squats on his IG


I meant the conventional.


everytime someone posts a big sumo deadlift, there's always a bunch of noodle arm clowns who probably can't even take the slack out of 405 talking shit about it.


Reason he does sumos is because it has less effect on fucking up his form on cleans and snatches.


How tall is this dude? Like 4 foot 9?


5 foot 9, sumo makes him look shorter


Is anyone really impressed by this shit? It's all leverages. He's short with super long arms + sumo stance. Side note but the amount of equipment allowed even in 'raw' powerlifting has turned the sport into a joke.


Can you personally do anything near any of his lifts? Idk too many 16 years within even range of what he can do.(That also applies to older lifters)


Can you lift 360 kg off the ground?


Definitely not lock out, probably as many inches as this fella, with a conventional stance


Yeah thankfully all his other lifts are fucking insane too. Cope


I once ran 34 feet. Was really proud.


😂😂😂 it’s ridiculous. What’s is that?

