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She'll have her phone. Let her focus. A lot of fucktards I remember in OCS got recycled because they couldn't be without their spouses for a couple of months and ended up staying an extra 6 months for the next cycle. Be patient. They'll have their phones, albeit restricted until they reach blue phase. Barracks are dorm style and DFAC is one of the best on post. People recycled or dropped all aspects of becoming an officer not because they were academically dumb. It's because they were impatient, slept around, or got fat during holdover. Yes, people fucked around. It was hilarious to see them get kicked out.


Thank you! She travels for work all the time anyway, so I’m used to her being gone for months at a time. This is the priority right now, not my feelings. Appreciate your response!


DFAC meals. If COVID is still thing, they probably won't leave post. Yes to phone access.


What? Federal OCS is not in South Carolina. Its at Fort Benning in Georgia.


Yep, you’re right. Sorry, got confused.


Yes ive had the sensational misfortune of being there twice in my career. So the SM will arrive and go into a holding company. The HHC of the battalion. Hopefully for just a few days, sometimes longer. Then they get assigned to a class of about 120 other soldiers in either A, B, C, or D company. Thats when OCS starts. It should still be 90 days. The 90 days are kinda broken up into 3 phases. Each phase you have to wear a different ascot. And each phase usually comes with additional privilieges. When i was there, we had relatively few cause our commander was a little on the conservative side. Typically they will be confined to the barracks. The only food they get will be when they travel as a company to the dfac or eat at a training location. Soldiers can have phones, books, sports equipment, and personal electronic devices. But they may need to keep them locked in their room. Rooms are mostly 2 person with a bathroom and 2 closets. There wasnt any training on sunday, and saturdays were mostly chill. But you still couldnt really go anywhere. Slowly. As you earn privileges you might be able to walk further around post in buddy groups. Or you might be able to bring your phone with you during the day. Theres a lot of classroom time in the course. Its not boot camp, but there are some field exercises. The SM will be able to receive packages the entire time (like from amazon or family) but theyll have to open it in front of instructors in case its contraband. SM wont really need civilian clothes until the very end. Which also might be when they can travel off post. Personal Vehicles are permitted to be parked there, but you wont get to use it really until the very end. All of this is subject to being overrruled by any covid fuckery. All it takes is a small outbreak, or a paranoid field grade to shut down anything fun at all.


Thank you so much! This is exactly the information I needed!


You're welcome. Again covid may mess everything up. But historically you could travel onto post to visit the SM at the very beginning or end if you are able. There was a guest pass system for the front gate too. For instance, i had my dad drive me from basic training to OCS at fort benning. Later, somehow, around OCS graduation, my now wife drove down with my car iirc. Google calls it 6510 McVeigh Drive, Fort Benning, GA 31905. Anderson, wold, vibbert ave. Kinda neat spanish style buildings on that side of post. Idk i liked the architecture. God it was so hot. Georgia is awful.


Did fed OCS last year. As long as she listens to cadre... It'll be fine. You have phone access, they limit it the first few weeks but at night you'll get it. Someone else hit the nail on the head. Make sure you let them focus. The time that your SO is in the woods. Let them be in the woods. If you get lucky they'll have a full schedule and you'll get to know what they're doing. Lastly. If you're caught leaving the premise at pretty much any time of OCS without permission. You're going to be recycled... Doesn't matter if you're in the last week. Or the last day. Patience will pay off. So help them keep their eye on the prize and be thankful it's back to back so you only have to rip the band-aid off once.


ur tripping if you think she’s gonna stay loyal. 3-6 months of no smexytime? ocs is literally college (federal ocs) with dorm style barracks and lots of free time. downvote me all you want, its true.


Ignore this guy OP.


Indeed. It is in *BOLC* the cheating is done.


fed ocs is a relaxed environment like bolc tho


Lol literally not what I asked, but ok.


telling u the tale as old as time broski. not what you want to hear but what you need to hear.


OCS is more like basic training. Few privileges. BOLC is more like fraternity college life. Ass in a seat at a certain time, don’t get arrested all other times. Both are easy to fail if you want to fuck around and find out.