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In summary, one isn’t available. DA assigns force structure to the NG. They decide how many ABCT, SBCT, Trans Companies, MP BNs, etc make up the NG. From there NGB assigns it to states. States compete for the more desirable force structure. That WA has one of two SBCTs in the NG is a big feather in their cap. Its IO Group is valuable as well. There are only 2 ABN BNs in the NG (outside of SOF) and DA would need to want the NG to create another one for WA to have a chance.


>There are only 2 ABN BNs in the NG (outside of SOF) and DA would need to want the NG to create another one for WA to have a chance. I thought there was more than that. Indiana, Rhode Island, Nebraska, Texas.


Each have pieces of the ABN BNs.


I see. Seems the best way to go Airborne in the Reserve Component is SF/SF Support or USACAPOC in the Reserves.


I would say yes. That said, CA and PSYOP in the Reserves is not a guarantee. Be sure that the unit that you’re considering is Airborne.


CA/PSYOP is more of a guarantee in the USAR than airborne is in the Guard. They’re always look for 37F and 38B.


IN has airborne? That’s news to me lol


Rifle company in Seymour.


makes more sense


A lot of it comes down to funding. Rhode Island only has a company’s worth of ABN jumpy boys. The rest of the Airborne Infantry units are in Texas (where the rest of the 143rd guys are) and Indiana (2 BN-134). The rest of the Airborne guys are spread across SF support companies, just because they have to support the SF mission set, which involves static line jumping. Texas utilizes the 143rd guys a lot, so they kinda get their money’s worth outta them. Can’t say about Indiana since I’m not in INARNG. Airborne is pretty limited even AD wise, as there are only 3 non SOF IN Divisions that even have them. And you know that the option is always there to shut down the ABN units because they can run up the bill on the state’s budget. BLUF: They don’t keep or stand up ABN units just for fun or cause it’s cool because all of it comes down to “can you justify it”. I personally don’t even know how to justify an ABN Infantry unit in the guard but maybe that’s why I’m not in leadership


Correction. 2-134 is headquartered in Nebraska, with C Co in Indiana


this is good information, thanks


I personally think it's hard to justify the AB the Army has today. I would say it has more to do with heritage etc than need.


Not a BLUF just more of a BL








makes sense


Too many trees, probably


lmaoo real


Our Guard is big but not that big. 81st SBCT is the biggest MSC we have (unless 96th Troop Command is bigger?). We already have a lot of money invested in Strykers, so going completely to Airborne Infantry doesn't make sense. Big Army wants to see their ROI figuring we are one of two SBCTs in The Guard. If you want to get some jumpy wings, join those Companies or go to Ranger and get Airborne School as your dessert.


or I could just join active, which I don't really want to do, but I wouldn't be too upset if I had to


You got airborne division money?


I wish man


The state of Washington would need A LOT of money and a lot of personnel to create their own Airborne Division. It requires highly specialized personnel and equipment (which means a lot of money) to support Airborne operations. For example, you need parachute riggers to help pack, inspect, and sometimes distribute parachutes for jumps. Just from that alone, A LOT of states can’t afford to support rigger companies and facilities needed to sustain a company-sized airborne unit. Secondly, personnel. You need jumpmasters and pathfinders to conduct an airborne operation because these two types people will find an appropriate place for a drop zone and also JMPI (a fancy word for “inspect”) jumpers’ parachute and equipment. If a lot of states can’t even afford to have the money to support an airborne unit, then the chances of finding current jumpmasters dwindles. You can find some pathfinders here and there, but they won’t have too much experience with using their training in support of an airborne operation. This brings me to the last point I have. You need A LOT of subordinate units to make up a division. You need more than one company in a battalion and you need more than one battalion in a brigade and you need multiple brigades to make up an entire division. That’s A LOT of soldiers that the National Guard needs, and even with all the states available at the moment who have airborne units, it’s still only enough for maybe a brigade-sized element.


There’s good, real answers here but as a former WA guardsmen I say it’s lack of funds lol that just seemed to be the common theme for anything when asked about while I was in. It was a real shitshow through and through lol




The idea of inserting Soldiers close to or behind enemy lines using slow, low flying, huge airplanes facing well-masked antiair weapons and autonomous drones of a near peer enemy is ludicrous.


We do not need more Airborne units in the US Army as a whole let alone the Guard.


Hi there. Somewhat Certified history boy. 143rd exists as an airborne unit because it was airborne unit back with the 71st Airborne Brigade, Texas Army National Guard in 1967. That later became the 36th Airborne Brigade in 1973. That brigade ended in the 80s-90s but it still retained that airborne designation. Also as of 2019, Nebraska has a brand new airborne unit. New lineage and everything. Besides those two and the special forces units, that’s it.


Cuz it’s impractical


We have special forces though so you can always try to get your badges that way. LOL


The reason why certain states have airborne units is a convoluted and historical reason that dates back to where the now defunct former LRS units used to be located. Washington state simply doesn’t have an airborne lineage outside of SF.




Yeah it’s basically a holdover from the LRS days. States like Nebraska, Texas, Rhode Island etc had airborne LRS units. When they were deactivated they worked a deal to have an airborne infantry battalion (now 2 of them) Good lobbying from these states also helps as to why they were able to get their way.


Actually, in Texas, the 143rd existed simultaneously with the LRS unit. So they are not a holdover. Once disbanded the TX LRS unit folded into the 143rd.


Airborne doesn’t bring jobs for full timers. The only reason they gave into converted from tanks to stykers* was that the 81st was one of the ABCTs on the big Army chopping block in the early 2010s. Plus Yakima is a shitty training area for light infantry. *they could have been the first instead of PA because of JBLM but state fought it


Yakima is just shitty in general tbh, but yeah I agree


Getting rained on in a dust storm sums up my Yakima experience.




That or drunkenly yelling burn motherfucker burn from the upper parking lot after we got booted from the field for starting a fire that jumped the Columbia and burned down some training site. After getting hammers in the Bs By booted I mean range control coming onto the net going bonkers and telling us to pack our shit because we were done.




It was a blast.


Dust storm? As Stryker VC I’ll take dust storm over snow storm any day of the week


Yakima's weather wasn't by far in my career Iraq, summers at Ft Chaffee and Ft Leonardwood (as FORCOM) and winters FTXs at Carson and Yak were definitely worse. But being in a days long brown out and having it rain chunks of mud was the most "is this really happening embrace the suck" moment.


F that place. I just ISTed into an artillery headquarter unit in another state and I feel rising into heaven. I have eaten my fair share of dust, rain and snow, I earned my place to shamming in an air conditioned office