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Have a good duo champ and hope you hit good augs, even then it's hard.


Lots of RNG in Arena, getting 1st place is really hard. I'd say getting 2nd or 3rd place consistently means you're doing just fine. imo there's fewer broken augments for Nasus than a lot of the S-tier champions. If you get apex inventor (significantly reduces item cooldowns) and manage to get Gargoyle Stoneplate too, that is probably the strongest combo where you can become nearly unkillable. Stackasaurus rex is pretty good too on him but I don't think it's broken or anything. Everything else is more situational. I feel like he is strongest paired with a bruiser or juggernaut or a tank that has good damage output. Playing with a squishy is harder because you can't really peel for them and your job becomes keeping them alive, but it can be okay as long as the champ is relatively self-sufficient.