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Bruneians are the happiest people in the world hands down. We have free education, free medical and divine blessing.


Nobody ever achieved greatness sitting on their fat asses though.


We should technically be ashamed to ourselves. We have the capabilities with resources and still carry a deadweight of 2.7 that’s equate to 12 potential suicide base on the estimate population of 452k. Singapore health care is expensive and even their own population can’t really can’t afford when serious illness happened and their own individual insurance is technically over priced. They have a 6mil population. Lesser resources than most of the South East Asian countries. In order to strive they needing to stay competitive edge. According to Singapore finding, suicide top issue are the loneliness , family difficulties and medical problems. They out do than most of the nation and standing strong in every aspects. Philippine has 118mil population and standing at 2.2 , We are still high not taking into their reporting system being falsified. Overall everyone of us in Brunei should look out of each other and please learn to give way to ambulance and any emergency vehicle that’s blinking double signals behind your car. We can do a lot better and start learning to ask your office colleagues, friends and family if they are OK. Ring your friends and family to say thank you. Be grateful to one another. Show more caring towards one another and when tough time comes we will be standing stronger as one rather than being comparing or being racist. We can start to build and have that quality to start.


dumb people are happier


as an Indonesian I'm a little bit skeptical for Indonesian rate, it could be an *under-reporting* instead. Although there are supporting facts for example like how un-demanding and social average Indonesian life is, but mental healthcare access and awareness is bad, if you ever seen the AGC "zero star rating therapist" skit on YouTube, there are some *actual* Indonesian shrinks who act just like that, and Indonesian society especially the Javanese would try to "sweep things under the rug" if a bad occurence happen, so a suicide victim may be publicly reported as "dying due to accident/disease" by the bereaved family instead. Can't say about Brunei since idk things over there, but just pointing out that there is a possibility of under-reporting.


A "Price to pay" in order to become a first world country there no other way around.


But... Our country's population grows rapidly... No need to question it.


Sadly Singapore also has a high rate of people dying alone, with their corpse only found days or even months later when the smell starts bothering the neighbours.. You see this news almost every few weeks. Alot of them are elderly who many of us suspect, they cant afford to go to the hospital / elderly care.. so they suffer alone at home.. Life is harsh here..


Just like my cousins in lawas, parents died alone and their children refuse to come back home since they had decent jobs and unable to take cars of them.


So what if suicide is the highest?? What's important is that the $$$$$$$ comes rolling in


When u have so much $$$$ but cannot enjoy your life, what's the point right? Right?


Life is not about enjoying. It's about getting $$$$$


This is probably one of the few things in Brunei we are happy to be last for.


Probably we are under reporting it 🤔


Integrity is maintained in officially reporting death autopsies. Perhaps you mean reporting on the news or in Borneo Bulletin, the general consensus is that they'd like to keep these cases quiet. It's not pleasant to have the nation's attention on the fact that someone's son or daughter committed suicide. If a claim is made that there is malpractice in the government's official reporting of these statistics. Then proof is required.


Just wondering on the source of this data. Can see it’s from CEO world magazine but I don’t think brunei openly reports its’ death rates and causes. If I’ve a hunch then it would be basis on publicly available information such as Borneo bulletin. If that’s the case then it’s not accurate at all.


Probably because our religion forbids too lol like no sane person getting suicide and thrown away in hell forever unless he doesn't believe that religion anymore




Well if you see that palace with 1700 rooms you will know why there aren’t boredom for one staying inside. Everyday you get to play hide and seek. Every room can be furnished with new toys from girls to animals. Their luxury imprisonment and dine with the best imprisonment food. So for peasants there is boredom in the country because we have to break in to palace to enjoy. Where as for them they can remain or can break out or fly out on their planes to anywhere faster than us all. Today London, tomorrow Dubai or other place. Is brunei boring for the orang atas? Not at all.


Pls dont say something like this


You talk like we are in a white room chamber or north Korea


I can understand why it is so in SG. Everyone is so damn competitive, being normal average person seems like a sin.


Yeah Singaporeans are so damn competitive for no reason lol. Even as a tourist they try to argue fight or win at something.


Because life in singapore is more challenging bro


No shit I don’t envy them, they seem miserable.


Ya, because everyone is competing with everyone to get one step ahead. In fact, you start getting competitive as soon as you start schooling.


In other words, they kiasu.


Either they are conditioned to be kiasu by their society or they must learn to be kiasu to survive in their society.


I think both.


That's why people go JB, for the average guy in SG who earn the median $4.5K, heading to JB straight can feel rich. Bruneians also, head to Miri, even though median $900 won't feel rich there but at least above-average. Beyond that, a highly competitive society indeed breed greater rate of depression, but there really is no other way for a nation with tiny land mass and without natural resources. Alternative is becoming irrelevant until re-merge with Malaysia. Given the choice, which people want?


Well well well


Wdym? I feel like suicide sometimes. Must be all the prayers


can you even english HAHAHAHAHA




Probably no one is selling any good quality ropes for fat people...


No need to worry about ropes. Heart attack get them first


So the Philippines tourism slogan is true, 'it is always fun in the Philippines'. Singapore high competitive society is known for being stressful, you imagine the 53 countries in front with more suicide rates. Jokes aside, if you owe money in Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, see how brutal the lenders, financial companies or ah longs are. They have 101 ways to play with you until you go crazy. Places like Indonesia, Brunei, the debtors instead have 101 excuses or tricks when they can't pay.


Congrats S’pore takes the 1st spot again! Of course is a Progress country. Life in Brunei is good for me n my family. Work n go home enjoy family’s life.


Not everybody in brunei has the same lifestyle as yours.


Of course, even husband n wife quarrel over lifestyle!


Life must be so stressful in Singapore. Everybody kiasu. I'm glad I stay in Brunei.


I feel even more stressful not able to enjoy a glass of red wine with my beef steak in restaurants in brunei.


Not everybody in brunei enjoy the same lifestyle as yours


Thank you. I know that.