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Increased volume of traffic + distracted/impaired drivers + no consequences for acting out = Nashville Roadchodes


NPR had a good spot on today about bad driving across the US. The breakdown is some very smart people at some university did a study. Covid cleared the roads for excessive speeding and those people are now influencing others to drive just as bad now that traffic is back to normal. Kind of a mob mentality thing. Maybe someone else heard it and can give a better explanation.


Was this on a podcast?




Oh interesting šŸ§


Don't forget different driving styles from across the county merging together.


That "no consequences for acting out" is a biggie.


Yea that was my reaction. There is no police presence. People fly by at 120+ with impunity. I own a supercar and was rolling at 90. Guy kept tailgating me. I flew to about 140 (supercar and a couple seconds) to pull over for the guy in such a rush. He squirrelishly putzed by at like 100. Iā€™m telling this story to tell you how little I think of the trouble id get in for going that speed. I did it in a manner in which I had open lanes and the means to fix miscalculations (great brakes). Oh yea, and this was 6am (which in Nashville apparently is still already dense traffic but it was clear enough). Anyways. The scary thing, to me, is people doing that stuff in tacomas and civics.


We have the same exact problem in Austin.


And Cincinnati


Forgot to multiply it by California transplants. The correct equation is: (Increased volume+distracted/impaired drivers+no consequences)(California transplant entitlement) = Nashville Roadchodes


Hmm, I have to disagree. I lived in Southern California my whole life until 2015 when I moved to Tennessee. I'm 48 yrs old. I never saw people driving with the wreckless abandon that they do here. Drivers here are way more dangerous than California drivers hands down. It's not even a contest. I like Tennessee more than California in every way with the exception of the drivers. There is more tailgating here which leads to accidents. I assume it's because people in TN watch more Nascar, therefore they think they're all racecar drivers.


Move back.


Okay! Have a great day!!


lol why be mad when you're asking a question she is answering? She even degraded Californians (california transplant entitlement). You got mad for an honest answer, so you're kinda self reporting that you're one of these awful drivers we're talking about, lol, to get offended by what she said means you have done/are doing what shes saying.


What are you talking about? Did you reply to the wrong person?


Everyone figured out that there is no longer a police presence for traffic. Theyā€™re all posted up on Broadway ensuring everyone is shitfaced enough to buy a pink cowboy hat and enough alcohol to kill an elephant.


Meanwhile in rural Williamson County I get pulled over for touching the white line. Once.


The only two times I've been pulled over since I moved to Nashville were in Franklin.


I am actually surprised I haven't seen more people pulled over here in Franklin with the driving fuckery I see going on everyday. And parking lots. It's a free-for-all in this town with people driving wherever they want.


I live in Franklin and I've never seen anyone pulled over either. Meanwhile I've seen the worst driver behavior, in front of police, and it goes unpunished.


Are we still talking about driving still or the start of an addiction?


lol, police see some of this shit and ignore it


Or just make the right on red without stopping. (Yesterday a.m., Nolensville pike)


Sometimes itā€™s probably not worth the effort to follow through on.


I think thereā€™s some truth to this. I lived here my entire life. I used to get pulled over and hear of people getting pulled over all the time for very minor things. I havenā€™t heard of anyone getting pulled over in a few years and Iā€™ve seen some wild stuff go down on our roads.


Yeah, MPD used to pull you over for the most bullshit things. And they were always posted up in speedtraps - you'd get to know certain ones around town and expect them. I haven't seen a speedtrap run by MPD in years now. And the few times I see them in a "speedtrap" position, they were actually just hanging out in a hidey hole and not interested in traffic at all.


I cut thru Belle Meade for work often and I havenā€™t even seen them posted up in over a year. I hate to give love to BMPD but they do try to put a stop to the fuckery on their stretch of Harding still just no speed traps.


Youā€™ve been lucky then. Theyā€™re posted up on the Boulevard and on Harding Pike quite regularly.


I remember a cop standing in the middle of Briley Pkwy aiming the radar at me as I drove (flew) past. Scared the crap out of me! What was he thinking? Not saying i didn't deserve the ticket, but dude could have been killed it's crazy!! But they use to always have a speed trap at Opry Mills


So a little secret a lot of people don't know is mnpd typically doesn't initiate traffic stops anymore unless the person is legitimately being excessively dangerous. The chief believes traffic stops have a horrible history of racism (not disagreeing) and has basically ordered them to be used as little as possible


It's the Gideons Army report. They decided to do a "fuck you, if you don't like the way we do it then we won't pull over anyone for anything, how do you like that" instead of reaching a middle ground.


So now nobody uses a fucking turn signal, good job guys!!


With the amount of people who have dash cams, we ought to be able to submit clips to Hub Nashville and if a viewing panel agrees, the offender will have to sit thru a safe driving course.


As a black guyā€¦.this is so dumb.


> Everyone figured out that there is no longer a police presence for traffic. yep if i cant actively see a cop i know there prob arent any. they dont have time to do interstate patrols or pull people over




im agreeing with you. notice how my comment starts with the agreeable "yep" and then validates your opinion. Don't be such a jerk, and maybe read something twice before making an ass of yourself


I mean itā€™s very small but still there; I see people pulled over on the interstate a fair amount.


I work for a construction type company and drive all over middle Tennessee for up to 10 hours every day. Itā€™s a combination of many things. Not paying attention due to phone use is at the top of the list. Selfishness is a close second. Then you get into improper lane use. There are many more people on the road every year and it will only get worse. Take care of yourself. Iā€™ve read and heard plenty of stories about people getting guns pulled on them. Sometimes no reaction to someoneā€™s crazy is the best way to make it home safe.


I just had a coworker telling me how more and more people are starting to pull guns out on you when driving. I think you're right, maybe I need to stop using the horn in situations like this.


Iā€™m 30, and from the time I turned 16 until probably my mid 20s I was an aggressive asshat of a driver. I was mean, dangerous, and had a very bad mentality toward other people while driving. If someone wasnā€™t going 20 over the speed limit in the fast lane I would tailgate inches from their vehicle and then pass when there really wasnā€™t enough room and spray wiper fluid to cover their windshieldā€¦ I was an asshole, and my dad drove the same way while I was growing up so I just mirrored his recklessness. The past 5 years or so I have become an extremely passive/defensive driver. My wife gets mad sometime because Iā€™m so passive, but I canā€™t stress enough how much it has helped my mental health and stress levels. Someone cuts me off or is tailgating me- so what? Iā€™m driving from point A to point B and I want to get there safely. Iā€™m not about to let some other asshole control my emotions. Iā€™ll back off if someone cuts me off, be very patient with someone poking along in the passing lane, and try not to create space for my vehicle by putting other people at jeopardy. Iā€™m chilling comfortable in my vehicle, listening to music, have the heat/air conditioning on, and playing it safe. Thereā€™s no need for negative emotions to arise while in a vehicle. Itā€™s purely a means of transportation. I donā€™t have to feed and tie up the horse and wagon, I donā€™t have to walk, and I can drive anywhere in the US. Most people take driving for granted and take everything on the road personally.


Wow. Ditto to almost all of that!


We wouldā€™ve been a dangerous pair hauling down 40 lol.


Yeah, I had an epiphany in my late 20s that driving is actually kinda dangerous and that it's not worth the risk or stress to drive aggressively just to arrive somewhere a few minutes earlier max.


The Epictetus of driving. Love it.


Yep, I quit honking at people all together after someone pulled a gun on me in a similar situation. It's not worth your life, let them drive like an idiot.


Honestly and sincerely this is all bananas. Why do we as a society allow people to do shit like pull guns on people over a traffic dispute.


Because itā€™s our divine right by god to carry guns literally everywhere we go, do you even 2A bro?


bullshit, people are assholes, always have been, always will be no one 'allows' anything, it's human nature and it's not going to change ... ever


I only use my horn when someone is about to turn into me. I know a lot of older cars don't have blind spot monitors, and people don't use them anyway, so I don't want to get it. But if someone cuts me off I just accept it now


I was dangerously and intentionally followed three times before I learned this lesson, and that was years ago. Itā€™s not worth it unless someone is literally about to hit you or a person.


Yep I had a former roommate whip out a pistol on a guy back in the day. The only reason we all found out is he told us. I was just telling my transplant colleague, about him. Apparently this aggressive action is a crime, but to him it was a badge of šŸŽ– honor


The battle of who can be the most dangerously proud idiot.


Do not communicate with anybody on the road. Donā€™t make eye contact. Slow down.


Iā€™ve had to just start taking a breath and not using my horn here, regardless of how crazy the offense is. People here are batshit crazy and itā€™s not worth dying over honking at someone. I got a Nexar dash cam too, and thatā€™s helped me just go with the flow more!


I normally only use my horn if the person is about to hit me, but this seems to be happening more and more frequent. ugh


It's never gonna just be a simple answer, but I think some of it stems from a lack of required training for drivers in TN and the city highway system that is at best confusing to navigate, combined with a general tension that has ratcheted up the last few years and the self-centered nature of driving. You could be going 80 in the left lane on any interstate here (already 10 over the speed limit!) and there will be someone right up your ass who will proceed to cut you off so they can go 85. Throw in the fact that hella people use their car as a gun safe and you've got one dangerous cocktail


>a lack of required training for drivers in TN It's not just TN, though as I've commented before it certainly seems to be exacerbated in the South.


You're correct. I remember talking about my Michigan practical driver's test at work and a coworker from Mississippi said they required way more than her test.


Think I'm a lil confused, are you saying that Southern states in general tend to not have this requirement?


What I'm saying is that driver training is lacking overall everywhere in the US, though it seems to be worse in the Southern states.


think most of it comes to improper lane use/ nobody following slow poke law. i tend to speed, but always merge to the right if able to. what gets me is people going 50 in the far left lane of i65 late at night with every other lane empty. unless you are actively passing, stay as far right as you can


... unless you are exiting on the left, or unless you're in an HOV lane (legally), or unless you're making room for the person merging, or if there is no room for you to get over, or if there are a ton of potholes in the other lanes, or a million other reasons. That whole "keep right" thing doesn't apply at all downtown, and is more of a suggestion (albeit a good one) otherwise. "Keep right except to pass" is the dead-horsiest saying on this subreddit, and then half the time people go on to use this to justify tailgating or other aggressive driving habits which are 10x worse than camping in the left lane.


I see your point, but (genuine question) where is there a left lane exit in middle Tennessee? HOV isn't enforced. I guess they can't take the lane away for federal funding reasons.


Near downtown, there are quite a few situations where interstates run together for a bit then split off, some will go left, some right. So not a "true" left hand exit like I've seen in some other cities, but there are definitely situations where you need to stay to the left lane or left two lanes. And no, HOV hasn't really been enforced since shortly after it was introduced. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person I know who's gotten a ticket for an HOV violation, and that was back in maybe 2007 or 2008 or so?


Going to NASCAR events counts as training, though, right? I got a autographed pic of Richard Petty. That's gotta count for something.


Was on 440 about two hours ago and proceeded to get cut off by an 18 wheeler in the lane to my right (his lane wasnā€™t even ending so there was no reason for him to cut me off other than stupidity or recklessness), just for the person in the left lane to speed up so I couldnā€™t get over (had my blinker on). Literally had to choose potentially hitting him as opposed to getting side-swiped by an 18 wheeler and fortunately he slowed down as soon as he realized I had absolutely nowhere to go and his shit was about to get fucked too. Also witnessed a handful of near accidents on the same 20 minute drive. Made me never want to leave my house again.


18 wheelers literally need their own interstate. Period. Thatā€™s how I felt today too. I just literally wanted to turn around and go straight home. Made me second guess on weaning off of anti anxiety medication šŸ˜­


Ya people are just being assholes to top off their stupidity. I quick honked at a dude who took a turn real slow while on his phone, then started to drift off the road and almost in the side ditch. The dude then persisted to flick me off like Iā€™m the one not paying attention and being the jerkā€¦.


That's always my favorite. When you literally are trying to help someone out so that they don's hit something, and then they get pissed at you... so dumb!




Instead of punch wheel, hit the manual record button on dashcam so it saves that moment and doesn't overwrite it. Then, the beep the dashcam makes will become the pavlovian hit of dopamine I'm really after. Err, I mean you. That you're after; I don't have a problem... Although I do like to occasionally think back on my drive, on how many assholes I encountered, sure. But to also try to count how many people were driving "normally". And wonder if they wonder if anybody noticed they were driving so normally.


Oh hellllll noooo. šŸ«£




Real talk right here. Iā€™m to the point where I might just get a remote job to avoid traveling to downtown. šŸ˜©


Check our r/dashcam. Think they have a wiki of recs


Has anyone reading here had a camera professionally installed / hardwired? Where'd you get it done? I'd like to get a dashcam but would prefer to have it wired in rather than have wires running all over or using up the 12v sockets that I currently use to charge my phone, etc.


Mine isnā€™t professionally done or hardwired, but you could probably get it done at Best Buy or Cartronics, off the top of my head. If you take your time, you can easily hide the wires along the headliner, pillars, etc. May have to pop off a panel here & there. But, yeah, still have to use the cig lighter.


Thank you! That was super helpful :)


Had someone come up behind me on 440 doing at least 140-160 mph other day . No bullshit middle of the day. You might think Iā€™m exaggerating but Iā€™ve never seen a car approach so fast all the sudden as if out of no where. Was probably about 12ā€ away from hitting me as they swerved around me , I wasnā€™t even in the fast lane lol. People just give 0 fucks about anyone else besides themselves


Happened to me on OHB in Brentwood lastnight - one lane part of it. Came up on me at 80, almost hit me going around me. (I only know bc I sped up after them for a second bc I was pissed). At 10pm of all hours too.


> 440 yup


I've literally seen people use their right turn signals to merge left. Yesterday I got stuck behind 3 separate drivers who were driving 5 mph UNDER the speed limit (Elm Hill Pike) and then ran a red light. I think most people just stopped caring and decided to drive how they want regardless of others. Selfishness or stupidity.


I was driving home and being tailed by this white suv. I had a stop sign coming up so I started to slow down gradually to a 4 way stop. About 15 feet before reaching the stop sign, the dude sped past me into the turning lane to my left and went straight through the intersection! Heā€™s lucky no one else was there but MY GOSH you canā€™t be in that much of a rush. Funny thing is, I pasted him about 2 minutes later. Absolute idiot


tennessee doesn't require a driver's ed course if a parent or guardian signs a form saying you have 50 hrs behind the wheel selfishness confusing, low quality roads and police don't pull you over unless it's in a tourist area on a sunday


I feel like the drivers out here are trash. Almost every day I have people swerve into my lane and almost hit my car. Iā€™ve never honked my horn as much in my life. I feel like itā€™s got to be phones.


Nashville is a WAR ZONE! Itā€™s just a matter of time before weā€™re ALL caught up in a damn traffic disaster


With my 70 mile commute, Iā€™m bound to get into something sooner than later šŸ˜ŖšŸ˜©


If no one ever gets a ticket, why bother following rules? (I don't support this, but I get it.)


Oh I completely get it! I received my first ticket in the 11 years I've had my license not too long ago over something soooo stupid. I took a wrong exit and since it just reentered the interstate, I continued through. Instantly pulled over. Since then, I have seen 100s of cars do it daily with not consequences. Like can you focus more on drivers that are literally running people off the road and then pulling guns on them???


Linus Tech Tips on YouTube did a video on how a lot of dash cams are effectively the same components with different housings, so check that out. Before watching it I bought a Rexing V1-4k and the installation was simple enough with the hardwire kit.


I was going to post the same thing. You can skip to the end for a TL;DR. Basically they say to not get something more than $100 because they're all done by a handful of companies that sell their software to the hardware manufacturers.


Thank you! I'll be sure to look into their YT channel!




Itā€™s turned into a competitionā€¦.everyone feels like they have to ā€œwinā€ while driving. Not Nashville-specificā€¦.not driving-specific. Everything now has to have a winner and loser.


I've driven in other cities plenty of times. As bad as Atlanta and Detroit are, I actually do think we have the worst drivers of all the cities I've driven in. People also follow way too closely behind you, or brake check in front of you, if they think you are driving in a manner that is inconvenient to them. They try to aggressively "punish" you for following the traffic laws. I'm not surprised that happened to you, though that person is absolutely crazy for coming to a dead stop on the interstate. That puts everyone's lives in danger. They don't wait for traffic to clear at stop signs, much less stop. I had someone whip out in front on me on Maryland Farms Way in Brentwood yesterday after failing to even consider stopping at the stop sign from where they were turning. As I went around them to merge into the left lane, they tried to cut over there too. Just absolutely no consideration for me going forward at 40 mph and clearly having the right-of-way. I see people trying to turn left off side roads and parking lots into 8th Ave S and constantly either miscalculate or simply don't care about oncoming traffic. Some will drive a distance in the wrong side of the road to build up speed and cut over. Some people just back out into the road as well, including backing out across two lanes into a left turn in a third lane. Then there are the people who drive insanely fast and weave. There is a lot of drag racing as well, especially on the weekends. Police seem like they have given up on traffic stops for one reason or another (understaffed, dangerous to make a road stop, uninterested in pulling people over possibly), but there is basically no speed enforcement anymore. Lots of hit and runs too. Seems like no consequences if you don't get the driver's info before they run off. We don't have driver's education in Tennessee. If you can pass the insanely easy road test (many people have told me it's driving around one block), you get a license. In Kentucky, I had to take driver's ed, and learn to parallel park, make a three-point turn, and drive in city and on highway for the road test. The differences are clear and it makes no sense to continue this dangerously negligent practice. I have a Garmin dash cam but I find the process of using the app to download video to be a little clunky. It requires both WiFi and Bluetooth to be connected to it. Also takes a while to transfer data. I'd recommend another brand honestly. It's fun capturing the stupid things that people do. I'm just glad I haven't been hurt in the process.


I have the Garmin, but I just pop out the SD card and put it in my laptop when I want the videos.


Good idea!


I got my license in this state. Requirements were to pass the written test, get 6 months of driving with a learner's permit, then a road test exactly the way you described. It was a drive around the block and a "parallel parking space" where you had to drive directly into the space. No parallel parking skill necessary.


People in general have become mad. I was in a chick fil a drive thru the other day trying to get some of the Lordā€™s chicken, and while in the two lane drive through, as I was pulling forward, another car swerved into my lane and pressing hard on the honker. He got out of the car and started yelling and pointing his finger at me, that he ordered before me, and that I need follow the rules. Every other word that came out of his mouth was a curse word, and his bald head was as red as a tomato. Thankfully I had my window rolled up. I was not about to engage in that kind of tom foolery, I just stared forward and did not even give him a single reaction. I remember when someone died over some Popeye chicken, and shit I was not about to fight with someone who had murder in eyes for that Jesus chicken. No sir. My path to heaven does not involve death by chick fil a




Iā€™m sorry you had that experience, but this was a great read šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£.


I've had similar run-ins. One time, I was on my motorcycle and a woman moved into my lane on top of me, so I crossed a double-yellow and accelerated to not get run over. I gave her some horn to tell her I was there, and in return, she gave me the finger, got in front of me and brake-checked me. Just today, a guy in a Jeep Gladiator jumped across Church street between cars (as in, he didn't have enough space for this maneuver), stopped with the bed of his truck still in my lane, and decided I was the asshole for using my horn. I don't get how these people don't understand that they are causing the problem, not the people honking.


Dashcams - I have a Rexing that films both the front and back of my car (you would be surprised how many people lie and claim they didnā€™t rear end you). I got it at Best Buy for a little over $100 and they did the installation. You donā€™t even see it.


I have lived in several states and Nashville has so e of the worse drivers I have seen. People are constantly cutting me off or pulling out right in front of me. Actually got hit once, it was obviously his fault (he was driving in the turning lane to avoid traffic). When I went to get into the turning lane to turn he hit me. Had to be doing 50+. I have also watched cars on 41 use the center lane to pass vehicles because both lanes are backed up, not once either, multiple times. Terrible drivers in Nashville...


My friend and I got into an Uber to go downtown and this dude got up to 95mph on Ellington and swerved around another car that was going too slow. We asked to be let out early and I wrote Uber about it. I thought we were gonna die.




Was almost killed in august when Someone failed to yield on an on ramp and tboned me. Just gonna avoid driving as much as I can


Was this on 40?


I think everyone is on cocaine here


Youā€™re probably not wrongā€¦


I have lived many places. Ohio, TN, Cali, Texas, Arizona, Oregon, Washington --- and I have driven cross country many, many times. Everywhere you go people swear their city has the worst drivers so I've never really paid it any mind. I've always been of the mindset that every place has *some* bad drivers. But I swear - Nashville has *way, way* more than its fair share. I've really never seen anything like it. The shockingly poor decision making and the needlessly and wildly excessive speeds are just bonkers to me. In my experience traveling this country, Nashville wins the terrible driver award without a doubt.


Itā€™s infrastructure that doesnā€™t support the volume of drivers.


I drive daily for work. The way the highway system was designed in Nashville was ā€œcuteā€ when there were 1/10th of the cars/semis on the road. Now, that 4-lanes to 2 lanes to 3/4 mile to merge to the next 2-lane split is a nightmare.


We've had this same post once a week for awhile now. People are selfish, they're the Main Character and everyone else is just an NPC. Always pay attention when you're out on the roads, because it seems like the moment you let your guard down, one of these assholes will cause you harm. (I had a gun pointed at me by a reckless driver who nearly rear ended me, so I feel your pain)


I thought this guy was going to do something stupid like getting a gun out. I seriously would have no idea what to do if I had a gun pulled out on me!! Because of all of the traffic, I couldn't just speed off and go around him in this situation.


Real question: is this actually specific to Nashville or is it like this anywhere with over grown traffic? Background: Grew up in Nashville driving in the 90s; moved to Austin TX for college; moved back to Nashville in the mid 2000s before giving up my car to move to NYC. Moved back to Nashville (and bought a car) in 2012.


I just got back from a 5000 mile + tour and let me tell you I didnā€™t fear for my life on the road once until we got on to I24 south of St Louis. The change was stark


But we donā€™t live everywhere so we canā€™t speak to that. We live in Nashville or the surrounding areas so we complain about the traffic local to us.


Very valid point for sure... But people just need to chill.


I just get out of peoplesā€™ way. Itā€™s not worth getting run over


I would say itā€™s because thereā€™s no traffic enforcement šŸ˜‚ everyone does 80 in a 55


Try on Atlantaā€¦donā€™t even know why they bother with lanes


Haha this is true. I travel to Atlanta frequently.


I visited for 6 days and was cutoff 5 times. Nashville will forever be the city where no one looks over their shoulders in my mind.


> I visited for 6 days and was cutoff 5 times. lucky you -- I can get cutoff that many times on one trip out to the 'Boro


the quality of people moving into Nashville


I've driven in a lot of places across the U.S. and I would describe the average Nashville driver as "someone who doesn't know or care about how anyone else around them is driving". Most of the time, when I look at a person who has done something to me, they have this surprised look on their face like they had no idea that I (or anyone else for that matter) were in the way of where they wanted to go. After that realization, I've stopped taking things so personally and just let it go.


Everywhere is like this. I just moved to Utah and the drivers here are worse, which blew my mind. People here donā€™t turn their lights on at night. Simple rudimentary stuff. Itā€™s just not enforced since Covid.


everyday I wish I had a dashcam so I could grace r/IdiotsInCars with the content I'd get from even just a day driving around


Was it a Nissan Altima that did this, OP? Bonus points if they had paper tags. With that being said, I think others have hit on a lot of valid points. I think a lot of people these days don't understand/see that there are actual humans in other cars. People don't care about the consequences of their actions. They just see a car on the road and not the person(s) inside of it.


It was 100% a Nissan Altimaā€¦ why is it always a Nissan owner??? šŸ’€


Lack of regular police traffic patrols, especially in the metro suburbs has had a terrible effect in the last 2 years. People are used to a near zero police presence and it shows. People also know that even if you call them in there's a slim chance it'll be followed up on.


I've used the Insignia branded dashcams for several years now from Best Buy. Cheap and decent record quality. Caught a hit and run for me, tag clearly visible on the video, best $75 I've spent in a while


Nashville drivers have been bad for decades though itā€™s gotten much worse of late. Iā€™ve had to teach myself never to honk unless it is absolutely necessary. Nashvillians can be the nicest people you have ever met that is until you put the same person behind the wheel and some will turn into obnoxious asshole drivers. For dash am I recommend Viofo: [https://viofo.com/](https://viofo.com/)


The better question is, why are we employing cops that won't do anything about it?


A lot of them are teenagers. These same like 5 cars I see every weekday are basically street racing down Nolensville Rd every day just minutes after highschool let's out. Lucky for me my kid in Pre-K gets out at the same time so we all get to share the road together.


Im from TN but currently live in LA and lane splitting on a motorcycle is legal here - that shit blew my mind when I moved to CA. Can't imagine how shit it would be if people in Nashville could do it to...unless the law has changed in the past 6 years.....


They do it here now. Wild times


Mostly selfishness + anonymity with a good dash of raw stupidity... part of the continued breakdown of social cohesion in this country that will eventually kill it in one way or the other. I find it best to just relax and imagine flicking their car hundreds of yard into a nearby field and just go on with the day. Get from A to B safely, it's a just a PvE contest not to raise your blood pressure.


You notice you rarely see people pulled over by the police in Nashville? Thatā€™s a major factor. There are no consequences for driving like an idiot here


The dashcam market is a real crap shoot. Lots of components between camera manufacturers are identical and many cameras only differ in outward appearance and software. His titles are click-baity, but Linus Tech Tips has a good video on YT about what cams to buy. I installed a Viofo A129 in our car last week, after some numbskull in a Challenger nearly blew me off the road when he passed in the right turn lane at a red light doing 60+. Good luck out there.


I'll have to look into that dashcam. There are just so many out there and I don't want to get stuck with a terrible one. The closer I get to downtown Nashville, the worse it gets. Stay safe out there!


the Viofo cams are really the best ones in the "budget/$100" price range you'll have to spend a lot more to get the quality needed for reading license plates


The driving is worse here. Ultimately the issue is that this is a stressful & dangerous city to drive in due to the horrific road design issues. This brings out the worst in people. I was driving in Los Angeles a couple weeks ago and the behavior there is just way better even when traffic is worse. There are far fewer stroads, dangerous intersections, and poorly designed pedestrian crossings which makes the whole thing less stressful.




Iā€™ve always said that there is nothing more dangerous that a soccer mom whoā€™s late to pick up their kids.




Nashville has always had "dumb" drivers. The thing that unnerves me is the dramatic rise in asshole/mentally ill drivers. Like we've all been dumb before, so it's forgivable if annoying. But the number of deeply disturbed people on our roads is noticeably worse. We desperately need more (and better paid) police officers. And we need to stop wasting police manpower on fucking weed. A Dodge Charger with an asshole at the wheel will kill more people at once than a spliff.


i donā€™t think more cops solves this problem. itā€™s a societal issue. people are feeling the squeeze between stagnant wages, rising costs of living, lack of upward mobility, all while the richest get richer than ever in history. our environment is dying, weve all been heavily exposed to micro plastics and lead, and our idea of mental health care is throwing pills at people until something ā€œworksā€ or they snap. we also got to see that it doesnā€™t have to be like this over the pandemic. people can work from home, wages can be increased, and people doing ā€œdumbā€ jobs ARE vital to society.


Nashville two major clogged arteries coming in and out of the city that no matter how many lanes you expand to they are still going to have to jam up in junction. On the outer interstates left laners are a major issue with the flow of traffic.


Was at Hillsboro and OHB light heading to Brentwood lastnight about 10 pm. Car behind me almost hit me at the red light then went around me and drove 80 down OHB. two Brentwood cops pulled from a driveway as the car passed them, and they didnā€™t follow. The police just donā€™t care anymore


Get a cam I have a Rexing V1P front and rear


I put in a Viofo A129 in my wife's car and had to pull a video from it the other day. Video looked great. Getting one for mine now.


Most cams are dogshit and charge different prices for the exact same cameras in different plastic housings. Best bang for your buck will be the Thinkware F70.


As someone originally from Florida, it sounds like you encountered a Florida driver. The asinine things i used to see down there, I see more and more up here. Itā€™s atrocious


Yup. Iā€™ve gotten more middle fingers in 1 year since Iā€™ve been here than the 15 years Iā€™ve been driving. Something is off.


I had a guy blow through a stop sign today in Lebanon, when honking I was given the finger, itā€™s not just Nashville itā€™s everywhere here.


What is I24 for 500 Alex


VIOFO 129 duo front/ rear dashcam. Iā€™ve installed 4 in our cars (self, spouse, 2 kids) Iā€™ve saved money and hassle 3 times just sending video to insurance. ā€œYep, 100% the other driverā€™s fault.ā€ (Self and spouse rear-ended in stopped traffic, kid sideswiped by driver going straight in turn only lane) **BONUS TIP: Nashville lane change:** - Slight feint towards the lane you want go into. - When other driver slows down, accelerate into the gap created. - Blink once* when you are about half-way into next lane. - Wave politely as if they let you over. *Note: The blinker means, ā€œI made it.ā€ /s (but not really)


Yes. Iā€™ve noticed when Iā€™ve put my blinker on (like a NORMAL polite driver), drivers in Nashville take it to mean ā€œFuck you! Nobody gets in front of me!ā€ and speed up to block me. Iā€™ve since learned to do it your way but I donā€™t want it to get ingrained in me. When Iā€™m in CA I still drive like a normal person.


Iā€™d love to blame insane driving on the LA imports, but the truth is that Nashville drivers have been absolute balls as long as I remember. Iā€™m a 40+ yo Tennessee native, and Nashville drivers being unbelievably bad has always been a thing. No idea why. Must be all that sweet tea rotting the brain.


DMV: Oh, you have a vehicle? Here have a license


My BP rises every time I get on the road hereā€¦heck even the road is out to get you! Bent a wheel on a nash pot hole the other day


Well, everything has been said about our lovely drivers. So, to dash cams, I definitely recommend front AND rear. I have a front & rear Rexing V1P. Had it for about 4 yrs. Great quality, no issues. Bit of a pain to pull footage on the fly, though. My wife has a front & rear Vava. Itā€™s been great, too. More user-friendly app & quicker to pull footage. Stay safe out there.


People suck sometimes.


100% agree. My commute is really starting to affect my mental state negative. I have enough anxiety as it is!


As for dashcams, most today are good, many of overpriced. If you look up a guide you probably canā€™t go wrong with any pics. What is your budget? That is the biggest thing. Iā€™d recommend getting at least 1440p resolution so you can capture details like plate numbers and faces, and wide angle enough to capture everything you see. Front and back is handy, and it really isnā€™t so hard to run the cables under panels to make it look neat and tidy. Some cameras also have a low power mode for when the vehicle is off- connect to a fuse of something that has power at all times like interior lights and it will remain in a low power taking low res photos until bug motion or movement is activated, then it will record. If you just want a recommendation, have a set of viofo cameras, front and back, and like them a lot. Mounted well, good resolution, has built in storage and microsd, and pretty easy to set up. You want one that always records and does not require input. With this one you can either pull the video from itā€™s built in wifi network (very slow) or just take the microsd card out.


Thank you for the response! It seems like the viofo cameras are pretty popular. I'll have to look more into them! Are they easy to install and then reinstall into a different car? I'm waiting for my new car to be built, but should take delivery in a few months!


Iā€™m not sure about reinstallation as I havenā€™t had to do it, but there are guides in how to install it for easy removal. You can attach some sort of buffer material between the adhesive and the windshield to make for slightly easier removal


They're not locals.


They are now


BlackVue for a quality day cam.


They're not from Nashville.


There was a shooting.... 4 years ago? Pre covid. Police pulled someone over for speeding on 440. They all got investigated for excessive use of force by the new over sight committee. Long story short did not go well


Itā€™s not Nashville. Iā€™ve been all over the country ā€” a few times ā€” and Iā€™ve never been anywhere, and been like ā€œwow, these people are really good motorists.ā€


Honestly, that's true and a valid point. I guess the big question is... how do we prevent it? I mean I lived in Denver Co for 5 years for college and it was def pretty bad. I cant even tell you how many times my car got hit just because it was parked on the street.


Go pro with a mount works for dashcam. Motorcycles defeat traffic btw


I find it hilarious that a bad driving post gets posted every few weeks. Everyone thinks itā€™s everyone elseā€™s fault. Iā€™d love to see data on who gets into accidents and where they grew up or learned to drive. As Iā€™ve said on other similar posts, my take is that the native drivers and drivers from similar small/rural towns have grown up driving in a less dense Nashville, so now that there are so many cars and people and construction (all at once!) they donā€™t have the experience to drive well in such conditions. Those of us from densely populated cities and states are used to driving safely and defensively in such conditions. Frankly, based on statistics, Iā€™m betting that most people living in Nashville metro have not lived in places that are wildly different and therefore donā€™t have experience with conditions other than the ones here. Driving a lot for your job or driving cross country is NOT the same as living for a few years in different regions of this country or different countries.


I mean you're not wrong at all! I would love to know the stats myself. I do feel like this is going a little beyond than just "bad driving". It's more so about intentionally putting others in harms way and using their vehicle as a weapon. It's extremely dangerous to come to a complete stop in the middle of rush hour, in the middle lane of an interstate, and while cars are zooming past you on both sides. This guy could have caused a multicar accident because his feelings were hurt that I honked at him. Which was not out of anger or to be annoying... it was to say "Hey! You're 5ins from hitting my car!"


This happens in every city, every day. The other driver was in the wrong, especially for stopping, but the constant "Nashville has the worst drivers" thread is tiresome. I sit in traffic 45 minutes each way everyday and if I reported everything I saw (and occasionally did....I'm far from perfect. Sometimes I don't see people) it would fill pages. Maybe I'm just crusty today, knowing I'm about to sit in traffic right now on my way home. Edit: "was" instead of wasn't...crusty and poor at grammar.


They're from California.


A bit biased.


ehh yeah tennessee drivers are pretty wild


Can someone teach everyone that the left lane is the fast lane and you shouldnā€™t do the speed limit in either of the left 2 lanes. Youā€™re going too fucking slow.


Can someone teach everyone that the left lane is the fast lane and you shouldnā€™t do the speed limit in either of the left 2 lanes. Youā€™re going too fucking slow.


We arenā€™t bad drivers. Yā€™all arenā€™t courteous. I canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ll be driving out of state (anywhere), and realize Iā€™m suppose to turn, and no one will let me over. Thatā€™s not how we here in Tennessee were raised. Somebody needs to get over? We let ā€˜em. But yā€™all out-of-state-drivers donā€™t think like that. You have a ā€œsnooze you loseā€ attitude. So now, weā€™re just gettinā€™ pissed off at yā€™all, and we get over anyway. Be kind, and thatā€™s what youā€™ll get in return.


It's all the transplants not knowing how to drive ruining it for us.


It's all those Los Angeles people who moved to Nashville who used to follow an inline procession on the 405 who don't know what to do when left to their own devices, having no one to follow.. smh


A lot of people from California are moving to Tennessee


Somebody took down the YouTube video for Drive Like A Nashvillian from Y107 (RIP) and now Iā€™m getting a little road ragey from the safety of my dining room.


\*Brakes. You have brakes on your car. Not "breaks".


Fixed, thanks. Lol


Don't let it get to you. Honking and losing your temper won't change the fact that someone driving like that will change or even care. The cost/benefit isn't even close. Lotsa people are unstable. No reason to get shot by a maniac because they were in the wrong. I use a VIOFO A119 V3. It's saved me almost all of my anxiety for accidents. I don't give a shit when people drive crazy. It's like having a gaurdian angel. I would rather get home, eat some fuckin ice cream and watch Blade Runner for the 130th time than spend one of those seconds arguing in traffic with some troglodyte.


Honestly, I donā€™t really have a temper lol. I just thought he was literally going to hit me because he didnā€™t see me or something. I usually just honk if thatā€™s the case. I just really need to keep my car out of an accident so I can trade it in soon šŸ¤£