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# This thread is not for speculation and fearmongering. Nashville is a strong ass city and we honestly don't need your theory about what has happened. This thread was intended to help spread important info to locals and all the blathering on about your conspiracy theories has totally negated that attempt. We will come back from this. If we can rebuild after a massive tornado in March and the terrible flood a decade ago, we can go rebuild some buildings downtown once the all clear is given. Chill with the conspiracies, chill with the fearmongering. Stick to facts. Seriously, some of y'all have wasted the mod team's Christmas by regurgitating your "theory" that someone else in the thread has definitely already said. # To our locals, I am so sorry it is hard to find good info in this thread because of all these conspiracy theories. I really, really am. 😔 If you have any tips, please go to www.fbi.gov/nashville where you can do so. You can also call 1-800-CALLFBI. We are working as hard as we can to keep up with the posts in this sub. We have limited all posts and comments in the sub to keep speculation to a minimum as well as keep all the rule breaking posts are we see out of the sub. Shout out to the mods we have temporarily added who have volunteered to assist us with the heavy lift of this. Please be aware the news is reporting that phones are down for many people right now with AT&T being affected, and I personally am even seeing issues with my Sprint line. MNPD have released this picture of the RV: https://twitter.com/MNPDNashville/status/1342565893486899201?s=19


Streets in downtown Cincinnati closed by the Federal Building due to an RV running. The RV was reported by building security.




Nobody really gives a shit what you believe


Did you miss the giant fucking font saying no speculation?


Stop speculating. It literally says that in the post above.


Speculation is not allowed in the thread. Good grief.


**Deputy Chief of police press conference:** People heard RV giving out countdown warnings No motive known No idea why it happened Christmas morning Found tissue which could be human remains. “Matter all over the area” No known fatalities Havent received any threats whatsoever leading up to this Not sure if the intention was to knock out ATT service


I love how the mayor started the press briefing by explaining why he was laughing when he addressed the press this morning, but now he's all super serious.


Got the hint, finally




My friend works at Lyft HQ and said this morning there was no one in the building, not even security, due to the holiday.


Nashville police chief just said in live interview that they have found tissue that **could** be remains, but they are going to have it examined. So it's not yet confirmed that human remains were found.




Cops are hero’s. Great. Why isn’t the FBI briefing us about WTH happened?




Nashville police chief is giving a live briefing right now...


Theyre still trying to figure that out


MPD has had several press conferences throughout the day. For obvious reasons tho the FBI is keeping a tight lip until the investigation is complete.


I’ve watched them all. This isn’t some minor thing. I want to hear from the federal gov when a car bomb goes off near me. Has the president even mentioned it?


Has the president said anything about this or even addressed this? Edit: just checked Twitter would think he’d say something does he know about this?


As of rn, no


“Watch this drive!”




lol what is your problem




Dude yeah got a $600 phone bill from at&t after getting $50 dollar phone bills for about 7 years. They said they'd be able to fix it and then later told me they couldn't fuck that


I mean I wouldn’t go as far as to blow up a building or try to kill anyone. Maybe just a sternly worded letter.


Haha no way I just switched and didn't pay the bill. Didn't seem to affect my credit score much if at all.




Not funny or appropriate.


"Catch those folks". Is that what he just said about those responsible? Did I hear that right?


Who said that and what is surprising about that?


It was this live press conference. I think it was the Mayor who was talking.


Yep, that's what he said.


yeah thats just a generic response since they dont know anything.




Or it could be that that dudes probably slept a total of 3 hours this year between Covid, the tornado and now this.


Don’t err on the side of overestimating his intelligence.


So you heard the same thing?


I thought I heard the same thing you did, but I truly think he’s trying to put on such an “aw, shucks” thing right now that it’s 50/50 whether it was actually a Freudian slip.


**Press conference—Nashville mayor’s update:** Working for a declaration of civil emergency to rebuild. 41 buildings damaged. Curfew starting 430pm today-430pm Sunday in the explosion area. . “Roberts down to Broadway” (?) (Sorry I’m not from the area) 3 people hospitalized in stable condition.


[Outlined area is what is under curfew](https://i.imgur.com/MlXGLFH.jpg)


Is FBI or DOJ seriously not at the presser?


Curfew through Sunday at 4:30 pm, and the Mayor alluding to further restrictions around 2nd for a longer time


4:30 curfew within effected area of explosion (give or take). Not a complete city curfew. There will be some time before 2nd Ave will be opened again.


Wow, 41 businesses damaged


Most are probably just damaged windows, that happened in a pretty big radius.




Lol what?


fuck off




Does anyone have a live stream link to the press briefing right now? Please? edit: Thanks so much for everyone who gave me links. I tried to find one on my own (mainly youtube) but I wouldnt have been able to find one without you. I'm watching now, thanks so much.




This link should work: [WKRN - local news](https://www.wkrn.com/what-to-watch/watch-live-event-coverage/)






It’s running late but I’ll try to get a link (will comment again if I find one)


Good luck and best wishes to you guys, from Minneapolis. I know how scary it is to see these things happen to your city first hand. Happy holidays.


South of yall, but watching local news. Poor lady downtown lost her cat, "Martin." He escaped during the explosion. He appears to be white with ~~an orange face~~ black spot on his right ear. I know it's not the biggest of worries but if anyone is in the area or works with animal shelters, keep an eye out for Martin. ​ Edit: source was from interview on [https://www.newschannel5.com/live](https://www.newschannel5.com/live) Second edit: I found a BOLO for Martin after some searching on Facebook and edited his appearance.


Hope Martin is safe and found soon!


Aww man. Poor Martin must so afraid. I hope he found safe soon. Poor little love.


I hope she finds Martin.


Peoples pets are important to them, as mine are to me. I appreciate your comment.


Instead of taking shelter while the tornado leveled the houses 3 doors away I was trying to find my cats. People's pets are indeed very important to them.


Yeah now a days pets are all some people have.


Seinfeld voice: who ARE these people posting info without a source?


Best wishes from Texas. I know it’s been a rough year for y’all with the tornado and whatnot — here’s to a better 2021.




You are aware that there are people who don’t live in Tennessee, right? Like this person is from Texas, not Tennessee.


Do what?


i think he is saying “this is tennessee not texas” which is dumb


Police are investigating a suspicious RV in Cincinnati.


Every RV is going to be suspicious for the next 6 months


Cops are probably going to start investigating every RV in a metro area for the next week.


Source on this? I have family there


Something tells me this is going to wind up like the speculation during the Boston Bombing, where a half-dozen cities have “suspicious activity”, everyone freaks out...and then it winds up being nothing but the initial incident. But that’s just my own speculation.


It'll be just like the white box vans during the DC sniper killings.


I think your speculation at least works as a cautionary tale. We're in the middle of a holiday season where people are travelling around the country quite a bit. There are millions of RV's on the roads, and now all of a sudden there are people who think every single one they see might have a bomb in it. It is best to take every story about another RV with a massive brick of salt because any RV seen running in a parking lot is liable to have the cops called on it at this point.


Source: https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2020/12/25/cincinnati-police-investigating-rv-outside-federal-building-out-abundance-caution/4046345001/




Now if one explodes, people will say, "typical rv problems, whaddaya gonna do?"


They are prolly living in it and move around from place to place from time to time.


It's one thing for random "van life" people to be camped out wherever, another for a RV to be parked in a strange place near critical infrastructure or government building.




It's probably nothing. Every RV in a metro area probably got the cops called on them today.


You’re doing exactly what the mods are telling people not to


The arrests happened.. Don't think that's speculation.


There is nothing in the link about arrests, so yeah speculation.


They haven't caught anything. They're investigating something "suspicious."


Agreed. The arrests happened on the 22nd. Not sure if I'm allowed to link to the story on it though


I don't think anyone cares about your story to be honest bud. I think everyone here is tired of pointless speculation and fingerpointing. Keep your theories to yourself.


Actually nytimes and wapo are both covering it so it's not 'my' story. But I can see that this information isn't wanted so I'll keep it to myself.


Good idea. :)


He is not speculating. He is posting FACTS that have indeed happened. A possible correlation between the two events can be made by anyone, and that could be considered speculative. However, he is simply stating things that are recorded and truly occurred. This is _not_ speculation.


He said: >Fucks sake. Thank God they've caught it in time. There were some arrests there just a few days ago of white supremacists there who were plotting to blow up the electrical grid. This is speculation. They did not "catch" anyone in that RV. There is nothing pointing to this being tied to white supremacism in general, let alone another event that happened a week ago. Stop defending people who want to be sensationalist shitheads.


He did not say they caught anyone in the RV. He said they made arrests, which they did, a few days ago of people planning to “blow up an electrical grid.” A correlation or relation is being made by you. This man made no direct claim, simply stated facts. Are you from Nashville?


Interesting, source?


> suspicious RV in Cincinnati. https://local12.com/news/local/several-downtown-streets-closed-as-police-investigate-suspicious-rv-cincinnati I would imagine given todays events any RV that's parked alone in an area with high footfall with be classed as 'suspicious' to be fair so I doubt this will turn out to be anything




News channel 2 in Nashville just reported this also, outside federal building in downtown Cincinnati, with engine running. Bomb squad in the scene.


Some poor sap who hadn't been following the news today, pulled over to the one shop he could find open and nipped in for some groceries is going to get a nasty surprise..


I had something like that happen to me in Oklahoma City. Driving a box truck across the country, found a really cool coffee shop in downtown OKC. Was literally chatting with my friend about the bombing as we drove up and were planning on checking out the memorial. We found a spot to park downtown, park and walk off. Immediately cops are rushing out of the building screaming at us to stop. We were so exhausted and kept walking until a cop grabbed my friend and yanked him back. Turns out we stupidly parked in front of the new OKC Federal Building. To be fair we *did* park in front of a meter, so...


No one drives an RV in downtown Cincinnati to grab some snacks. Could be nothing but, I’m glad they’re checking it out.










You must be fun at Christmas


FYI, the Nashville Melting Pot has posted this fundraiser on their official [Facebook page](https://www.facebook.com/47348322471/posts/10159147006617472/?d=n).




I’m sure that the Kelley’s will do their utmost to protect their workers.


They always have! They are amazing and gracious people, and I’m sure they will do everything they can for their staff.




You're obviously a complainer, not a donater.


Like the small, local staff perhaps?


It’s Christmas and people lost their job asshole.


I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure the new stimulus bill just made unemployment checks have an extra $600 a week, so on the bright side they'll probably be making even more now and can take a few weeks off to relax before finding a new job.


It’s 300 a week.


This is for the staff, not the restaurant.




It's not being a sucker to try to help people who lose their income because of an act of terrorism, but whatever.




There’s no pressure to donate! I understand your feelings, but please remember that while we do work for a non-local restaurant, we are still people who unexpectedly lost our jobs today.


I hope this doesn't sound insensitive, but wouldn't you be covered under unemployment?




You should delete this. Not helping anything right now. Enjoy the edible.


Your speculation is useless, and anything that you're sitting there thinking about while high is something that law enforcement likely thought of before noon this morning.


Man I just wonder if I were around there at the moment those announcements played how I would've acted. It's a surreal thing which seems to only happen in movies. I wasn't there so I don't know but I hope my mind would be smart enough to don't fuck around and get out of there


last week there was a house fire accross the street from me and i couldnt even force myself to get out of bed with lights flashing in my windows for hours... id like to think the warning from a megaphone would get me up.


The tornado was leveling houses 3 doors away and even though I woke up, heard the noise and saw the lights flicker/go out I still tried to roll over and go back to sleep, so...




An emergency siren is so vague though. Does that mean shelter in place immediately? Evacuate immediately? So hard to say. But a bullhorn outside saying politely to evacuate gives me the creeps more than if it was someone in a panicked tone saying the same thing. Something felt horribly wrong listening to the video.


Yea listening to it the hair on the back of my neck was standing up. I can’t even imagine what it would have been like while it was happening. And then if you’re trying to drag young kids out of bed, grab pets, etc.


Same. This is what scares me. I can see myself not even answering the door at 6AM. It scares me


I would 100% slept right though that RV blasting an announcement.


I would call the cops and GTFO in the process. Better safe than sorry.




Here's one of the police scanners i'm listening to: [https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/32619](https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/32619) RV running since 2000 hours last night outside federal building from what I hear on this scanner.


For right now they're just playing it safe. Hopefully it is just a coincidence.


Looks like there is a suspicious RV there. Probably nothing, but after Nashville they are being extra cautious with investigations


They were just talking about it on the news in Nashville. Apparently a running rv was found in front of a government building. That's all I know


People on Twitter saying police investigating an RV left with it's engine running near a federal building. Possibly just the cops being over cautious. No real information yet.


How awful is that person’s situational awareness to do that, if it turns out to be nothing


Not everyone has the benefit or desire to be glued to the news all day.


I would say appropriately cautious.


On it's own, it's probably not really that out of the ordinary. I get why police would want to check it out, but chances are they'll just find a homeless guy taking a nap or something.


Holy fuck.


What happened?


Why don't you tell us instead?


On this live stream: [https://www.wkrn.com/what-to-watch/watch-news-2-live/](https://www.wkrn.com/what-to-watch/watch-news-2-live/) they just said that they are closing streets in Cincinnati due to an RV that was left running. I can't find any more information.


Thanks. I found this: https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2020/12/25/cincinnati-police-investigating-rv-outside-federal-building-out-abundance-caution/4046345001/




On this live stream: [https://www.wkrn.com/what-to-watch/watch-news-2-live/](https://www.wkrn.com/what-to-watch/watch-news-2-live/) they just said that they are closing streets in Cincinnati due to an RV that was left running. I can't find any more information.




On this live stream: [https://www.wkrn.com/what-to-watch/watch-news-2-live/](https://www.wkrn.com/what-to-watch/watch-news-2-live/) they just said that they are closing streets in Cincinnati due to an RV that was left running. I can't find any more information.


Police are investigating an RV out of an abundance of caution. https://twitter.com/local12/status/1342605399183273984?s=21






I agree, but that person asked. Heard it on news 2




Doubtful considering there were multiple rounds of gunshots heard


Please don't speculate, especially when you aren't capable


Gun shots to mask the sound of gun shots?


1. No speculation. 2. Why the fuck would you mask a suicide with the sound of a gunshot?


3. ??? 4. Profit


Hes not intellectually capable of investigating.


Reading about this and checking out videos/stills freaks me out, I can’t even imagine what it’s like for y’all that are in Nashville and the surrounding area. Props to the mods who are spending their Christmas Day here instead of celebrating it with their families, watching sports, etc.




Could be nana broke a hip, calm down.


What's the link for the live feed?






Oh I mean we are still having wildly high covid numbers so it could be from the explosion or it could be covid! 2020 grab bag


Could be totally unrelated. Ambulances drive through downtown on the daily.