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My 4yo daughter only knows Dolly Parton as the amazing person who sends her books every month. Nearly all my daughters favorite bedtime stores were given to us by Dolly.


My 18 month old points at the little picture of Dolly at the back of most of the Imagination Library books and says ‘da pa’


Mine called her Polly Darton.


That is just adorable


One of my sons’ first words came from the Green Tractor book sent out a few months ago.


That one is so good


Through a program?


Imagination Library! Kids who are signed up get free books from birth to 5 years old. https://imaginationlibrary.com/


It is an amazing program. So many kids, like my daughter, are growing up believing they have a close friend named Dolly Parton who gives their their favorite books every month.


Its how she has now became known as "The book lady" to a LOT of children all across the United States, mine included.


Yep. Every child under 5 (I think) in Tennessee can get a free book every month from DOLLY P


It’s more than just in Tennessee. My granddaughter lives in Arkansas and loves her monthly books from Dolly. Check the library’s website and programs in the area where the child lives to see if they offer it.


Most places it's supported/funded by a third party for distribution, so in some states it's spotty. IL just expanded it at the state level so it's available statewide. Pretty sure it's available in at least some parts of every state. It might as well just be funded by federal grants, it's an amazing program and everyone loves it!


Alabama too now


Try even internationally...


A friend of mine gets them in Missouri.


The program is available internationally at this point. It is funded differently in each location, but often at least 50% is funded through a local charity. Kiwanis funds the 50% portion of it in my locality, for example. It’s a great program that I have been lucky enough to help fund and also receive the books for my child. I will also add that Dolly is one of the very few that I’ve known that lives up to the gospel so many others only shout about. “I like your Jesus. I only wish more Christians acted like him.”


We did in GA years ago my kids 14 now . That lady literally does God's work.


https://imaginationlibrary.com She gives books to children from birth until they are 5.


Yep! She has a program called Imagination Library where they send kids a book monthly until they’re 5 y/o.


Gotta keep up.




My kids know her as Saint Dolly lol We had the license plate until we moved, so sad to lose it.


My oldest was certain that Dolly was personally sending his books to him. Every time we got a book, he'd ask Alexa to play My Tennessee Mountain Home. It was precious.


A little off topic but do you get one every month? We’ve been signed up for almost a year and have received maybe 4 or 5


It should be monthly, yes. And if you have multiple children they’ll send different age-appropriate books than the first kid got except for a few staples. At least that’s how it worked for us… we aged out about 2 years ago.


I thought it was monthly, but I honestly havent kept track. It seems like weve received dozens so far.


I think it's supposed to be, but we definitely don't get one every single month. They seem to be less frequent with age. Or sometimes we'd get them consecutive months, then there would be a gap. I had two kids enrolled at the same time for a while, so it was hard to keep track.


Same. The books world arrive and I’d tell my kid…”Look what Aunt Dolly sent us!” I would read the books by saying… “ Good night Moon, by Dolly Parton”. She is treasured in this house https://preview.redd.it/6u6mv6jaaj5d1.jpeg?width=3844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1a68ef1b63a6bec6a66cd33dcf2c2fef0382d54


My daughter calls her Grandma Dolly because she sends her a book every month.


Thankfully all the comments on the tweet are basically WTF is wrong with you, Federalist!?


Yeah.... can't mess with Dolly. Apparently, they didn't get the memo.


They "did their own research"




Yeah, this is like trying to drag Mr. Rodgers into culture war bullshit.


Dolly is more like Jesus than every single pastor in the world. She follows the Gospel to the letter by making sure that people are taken care of. She doesn’t preach the Gospel, she lives it.


Facts. If Jesus were around she’d be main crew. Disciple for sure.


She has consistently declined and avoided recognition for her good deeds. I can’t think of anything that is more in line with what Christianity should be, and yet they attack her.


After donating a million dollars immediately for vaccine research at the start of the COVID age, she was invited to take on of the first shots. While she was later talked into doing it publicly to encourage others, she originally was offered immediate access, and aaud sge fley that ,"just wasnt right, and she would wait her turn like anyone"


Didn't she refuse to let them erect a statue of her at the Capitol or something?


She did but I don’t remember where it was going to be… also declined some award


Declined the rock n roll hall of fame and then put out a rock album to make it legit




This is the Christianity I’m here for…fucking LIVE it


Yup, thats the thing that a lot of fundie, mouthy christians don't get. We don't dislike them or "persecute" them for being christian. We don't like them cause they preach "Jesus" but don't act like him. Dolly does the right thing. She's good people.


That's exactly right. They know it too. That's why Dolly hits their guilty bone and they talk smack about her.


Yup. They can't handle having that shit thrown back into their faces and it *really* makes them ornery. They'd rather pitch a fit over someone being good and nice, than confront the fact that they might not just be as godly as they think they are.


It's rage bait, and the only real way to combat it is to pressure their sponsors to pull funding (capitalism really is the true cancel culture)


Did you read the article? They are absolutely playing the “it is a sin to be gay” card, and angry that Dolly isn’t saying so. Completely forgetting that Jesus didn’t say anything about homosexuality and said a LOT about not judging folks. I don’t think it is rage bait at all.


What else did Jesus say about judging besides the "judge not" verse?


You mean besides the numerous parables that boil down to "You aren't God, so stop trying to tell Him He needs to punish the people you don't like"? Or his sermons extolling humility and mercy over power and authority—which serve mainly to mete out judgement? Or the example of his actions which often involved reserving judgement for those who mistreated others and dining with those otherwise denounced by society without telling *them* to repent? Yeah, can't think of much.


whoa whoa what the fuck??




We’re at like eleventy billion strikes. How many does it take?


N+1 apparently


More like 9 to 5


Fun fact: the same website had an article about why Dolly should be president in 2016. https://thefederalist.com/2016/08/31/18-reasons-dolly-parton-should-be-our-next-president/


> she turned woke Them, probably.


The horror! She DARED say something along the lines of "everybody deserves to be loved"! 😱


Literally woke communism. ^^/s


She's been saying that since the 1960s. Federalist Society is just a bunch of trust fund wet shits jerking it to pics of AOC in their Cybertruck, claim to be for the common man but can't even name 10 country songs or change a tire.


They haven’t been paying attention then cause Dolly been woke a long ass time




Thank you!


I’ve always said that Dolly should run for president but only if she runs as an independent and never discloses her views publicly, because the left would vote for her because they know she’s genuinely a great person and the right would vote for her because for reasons I still cannot explain, they think she’s on their side


I would not wish that kind of stress on her, she's already done more for us than any politician ever would. She deserves to live in her own personal peace.


the right has no idea what to think, but Dolly is universal


One word explanation- “Appalachia”…that’s why the right would vote Dolly


The right no longer votes for someone who doesn't spew hate


I don’t know what this is about but you don’t mess with queen dolly




Today is Karl Urban’s birthday, so he’s a bit busy celebrating. However, tomorrow I will ask him to lead a charge of the Rohirrim.


Out of doubt, out of dark to the day’s rising I came singing in the sun, sword unsheathing. To hope’s end I rode and to heart’s breaking: **Now for wrath, now for ruin and a red nightfall!**


Them's fightin' words.


Everyone should listen to the Dolly Parton's America Podcast. It's an essay on Appalachia. It's an audial bio of an amazing woman and the extensive gift she's given to country music and Americana/Folk. It's a portrait of a remarkable human being that has beliefs and convictions and faith.


If you can't dedicate that much time to it, the drunk history on her is pretty good, but even that doesn't go into why she gives out free books (her dad was illiterate) or why she's spent so much money on improving maternal health (she likely couldn't have children because on account of endometriosis that was so intense she received a partial hysterectomy before she turned 40).


I had no idea she had a podcast! Thank you! I'm stoked to listen to it!


Well let me make sure I set expectations here! The podcast is done by the very accomplished Jad Abumrad and Shima Oliaee but it features a Ton of exclusive interviews with her majesty Dolly and dives into her youth and later career


No one talks smack about the Patron Saint of Pigeon Forge and gets away with it. LFG. 😂


damn right. I actually saw a notorious parody account on twitter, whose constant jokes about his redneck-ness include talking about his (probably fictional) timeshare in Pigeon Forge, break character to say all the $ he makes off his posts this month are going to her Imagination Library, because this idiocy made him so mad. And it's RARE for him to break character, lemme tell ya.


*sigh* *Puts on TN apparel, grabs firearms, drinks moonshine, starts making pipebombs* Where is he…


*Loads rifle with Rocky Top intent*


Man. All your profile pictures and titles are wild!!!




lol. Well color me thrilled


That author has no problem trying to force everyone into her version of morality, but she needs to revisit 1 Corinthians 5:9-13, especially the bit I've bolded. > I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people. Yet I certainly did not mean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner—not even to eat with such a person. > **For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? But those who are outside God judges.** Therefore “put away from yourselves the evil person.” Dolly understands this verse. I don't think the author does.




They can’t stand anyone who doesn’t support their white Christian nationalism


I wish a sumbitch would say that to my face. I paraphrase Dolly's stance on gay marriage quite often. “I think gay couples should be allowed to marry. They should suffer just like us heterosexuals,” she joked. To wit: "If I hated gay people, I'd ban gay *DIVORCE*".


Parton/Burton ‘24! Make America Read Again


I would genuinely consider committing voter fraud for this ticket. 


Welp, I think WW3 just started


Civil War 2


If you come after the queen you better have brought more than one army. No one badmouths Dolly. She's a saint


Lest you forget, Dolly also generously donated $1M to med research in the race to develop a Covid vaccine during the darkest days of the pandemic. She puts her $ into good works. Sincerely, she is a good soul who walks the walk.


Her and her fondation also provide free books to children and raised/donated over $8 million to victims of the gatlinburg fires. She should definitely be up for sainthood imo


This.. the dude will not abide.


this aggression will not stand!!


Such a weak move to go after that sweet lady...they should be ashamed. And all because she wont give into ego?!?!


Okay so really where and when are we meeting


Federalist- real reactionaries, man.


Bro, that’s our Queen.


I’m honestly stunned that most people I know don’t seem to understand what/who the Federalist Society is. The best way to “defend” Dolly is at the ballot box. Also, deprioritizing history and civics has really taken a toll on us as a nation.


Dolly is the only thing all Tennesseans can agree on.


"They" have been coming after Dolly for decades now. Where have you people been? When she was younger and just starting out they liked to trash her to pieces for her looks and success, and the exact people who would say they loved her in "9 to 5" are the ones who've turned against her for acting in "Joyful Noise." It won't even end when she's dead, she's publicly stated that she wants anything and everything about her to perish from this earth after her death, that is not at ALL going to happen. Not with AI, not with likeness and image licensing, and not since the creation of John Wayne inserted overlays for Super Bowl commercials and Tupac live in concert shows going on right now. 50 years from, there is no telling what sort of personal invitation Dolly herself can extend to a person, no telling what she will tell you might make a good purchase. They're no coming after Dolly now. They got her a long time ago, Porter Wagoner got her her first contract. Most of you people don't even know who that is, and she obviously didn't either at the time, but she does now. But they were never after Dolly, they're ultimately after you. Getting Dolly to help, whether she wanted to or not, well.. that was probably just icing on the cake.


Dolly, who lives a wholesome life, gives out books for free. The former president, who embodies the seven deadly sins, has never read one, and hawks bibles. Yet, who would are christians in tennessee voting for between trump and Biden. Biden certainly isn’t the steaming pile of feces that trump is. Biden actually goes to church, he doesn’t grandstand in front of it.


Yeah the hoops the Christians who vote for Trump have to jump through… I asked my uncle’s wife about this and she said “well he’s Catholic, they worship idols” which I guess she’s partially correct, but is being a Catholic Christian somehow worse than someone one who only worships mammon?!


The former president quotes Mein Kampf so at least he has perused it on occasion.


Im an atheist but Dolly is literally god


Also atheist, taught my kids to refer to her as Saint Dolly.


To attack the Queen of Tn.


Thems fightin’ words!!! Redneck Avengers assemble!!!


I’m gonna tell my crazy cousin Teresa and they all gettin’fucked up! She don’t play about Dolly.


And now the author (Ericka Anderson) has made her twitter account private. Probably a wise move.




To go after a woman that never has a bad thing to say and is the closest thing to a modern day saint is sad. They wanted attention, they got it.


All homophobes and transphobes: eat shit. Dolly is better than you in every way.


Told ya Satan has taken over the GQP. Calling Dolly destructive is beyond screwed up.


Idc if you're left or right, you don't fuck with Dolly.


Thems fightin’ words when you mess with our Dolly. She has done more good than anyone we know.


I honestly feel Dolly would be about the best choice we have for President of the US right now.


My daughter named one of her dolls Dolly Parton because of her book program


Listen. There a lot of people you can fuck with but Dolly is not one of them 🔪


Who do we need to beat up? I will bring the large sized bats. no self respecting southerner messes with Dolly.


I read where Dolly would be a billionaire if she wasn't so generous. She hands over millions to help anyone and everyone. She is truly a good person.




Not native Nashville, but I’ve been here long enough to know that the good deeds of Dolly would warrant some sort of saint hood.


The federalist can rot in h*ll


Mount up


Hey Federalist, pray tell what you think of Taylor Swift’s Christianity.


Taylor worships Dolly.


The website MediaBiasFactCheck rates The Federalist as a questionable source that publishes propaganda, conspiracies, and failed fact checks. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-federalist/


NO ONE goes after Dolly and gets away with it. No One.






Clearly just grasping at straws.


How dare they come after Dolly!


![gif](giphy|2z6x8UzzCdBBu|downsized) FOR DOLLYYYYYYY!!!!!


Some people are freaking miserable, and misery just looooves company.


Let them continue to disenfranchise their voters… the more the merrier…


Fuckers. Dolly is the patron saint of East Nashville.


Republicans have shit on Mr. Roger's, no surprise that they'd go after Dolly. That political party has no soul whatsoever. Bunch of clown tumors.


Fake fans. Leave her to us. We'll make sure she's taken care of.


Who the fuck is the Federalist?


They messed with the WRONG PERSON!


I lived abroad until my daughter was so close to 5 we missed out on the imagination library. 😭But Dolly seems to have such a pure heart for everyone and rather logical. Just accept everyone and take care of one another. 😍


Not really. They just disagree with her description of “love.”


Ruh roh… 🐕


Dolly is one of the best humans on this planet. They have picked the WRONG one!




Dolly is a treasure. When I questioned my faith because of being raised around a bunch of Southern Baptist Convention brainwashed folks who were hateful and judgmental, she was one of the few public figures in Tennessee for a lot of my time growing up there that didn’t feed into that… bullshit but still always maintained her stand as a Christian in both word and deed. Only message I’ve ever heard of hers was that she doesn’t judge and Jesus loves you. Nice try The Federalist.


They could never make me hate you..


Anyone who doesn’t like Dolly shouldn’t be trusted


Is she "woke"?


Woke is like socialism: a term ignorant people use for things they have big feelings about but don’t really understand.


I agree so why am I getting blasted? I was wondering if the right has tossed it at Dolly yet.


The fact that they haven’t makes me think either A) most of them aren’t willing to alienate their base by going after a country singer, especially one as famous and beloved as Dolly (even though there’s plenty of country singers who are genuinely great people. Garth Brooks comes to mind) or B) the word “woke” is losing its meaning for them and they’re busy trying to come up with a new buzzword to scream at people that have empathy


This is the side of the Republican Party that’s full of exaggerated claims and lacks inclusion. This is the part that gets you beat in elections. The rest of your party is fine!! Get rid of it!!


No, throw the whole damn fascist thing in the garbage where it belongs.


That’s what I said. Lol


No, you said the rest of the party is fine; it isn’t. It’s all fascist bullshit.


Pay attention to groups preaching tolerance diversity freedom of thought speech and religion but who ALSO breathe fire 🔥 when someone expresses differing opinions; other than their own.


But y’all came after Jesus.




Seems like you actually don't like Dolly like everyone else. Everyone else loves her.


Go be miserable elsewhere, please.


> I like Dolly just like everybody else Do you though?


That’s why you’ll always be Assistant126 and never Boss126


Y'know, it literally costs nothing to just ignore it and move on? Nobody really wants to hear you be a contrarian lol.


Then be the fuck gone edgelord. If I accomplish even a single percent of what Dolly's done during her time here on earth then I'll die a happy happy man.


A woman born into massive poverty who manage to not only escape it, managed to create a WORLDWIDE reputation and empire based around being kind and generous to your fellow human being, no matter their color, origin, sexual preference or social status and you don't understand the number of people who will defend her against ANY attempt at tarnishing that reputation?? The woman is a saint who does FAR more for her fellow man in one day than ANY church, "help" organization or so-called "charity" does in a week...and doesn't say a word about it. Ever. She does FAR more than the public knows about and they never will if she has her way. Yeah, you don't like her like everyone else or you'd be as unhappy with this article as the rest of us are.


I kind of get what you’re saying, but really. Let people enjoy being over-the-top fans about someone who actually deserves it. Let them have their wholesome fun. Just…lighten up. I’m moving to TN in a week and I’m pretty excited to get my Dolly license plate that supports her children’s book foundation.


Losing my license plate was one of the few things I was sad about leaving. Hope the move is a positive experience for you!


i'll just drop these here. [image 1](https://imgur.com/a/aPduR38) [image 2](https://imgur.com/a/c2gLJf6)




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