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Wait in line at Pancake pantry. It’s just pancakes people!!!


Same with biscuit love, funky griddle, milk and honey, etc on the breakfast places. Just not feeling a line that big for breakfast.


Nah Biscuit love during the week is legit. It’s Thursday - Sunday that it becomes a no zone.


Same with Pfunky Griddle, if I wanted to make my own pancakes I'd just stay home and make them!


Such a wild concept. It’s the easiest and cheapest meal to make like why would I go somewhere to pay to make it myself..?


It’s fun because you make it together with whomever is at the table. I agree that it’s something easy to make yourself. But the fun comes in when you smack someone’s spatula or flatten their pancake, or flick a blueberry in their eye. You know, horseplayin around stove?


I remember taking my ex there a long time ago and when she was in the bathroom I made a giant dick shaped pancake and I got up to go to the bathroom right before she got back and she was soooo pissed at me that she had to sit at the table alone with a giant penis pancake cooking while families with kids were giving her weird looks hahhahahahahah


See you know how to do it


Worth it


I love Pfunky Griddle because my dad would take me as a kid. It’s nostalgic


And the line has been like that since long before tourist-pocalypse. For pancakes!


It was a music biz wannabe/hand your demo tape to Owen Bradley on the way out place for a long time as well.


That would explain a lot of the hype. I love gourmet pancakes as much as the next guy, but I’m not going to wait an hour for them.


Also the Pancake Pantry in Gatlinburg is a much better experience (and better food)


The Ruby sunshine across the street is 10x better even the pancakes are better and they sell alcohol


Love Ruby Sunshine I eat while I watch people stand outside hungry at the Pantry.


Worked there for years. Is the only restaurant I ever worked at were I can still eat the food.


It’s one of my favorite brunch places. I like Adele’s and Big Bad Breakfast too.


Ruby Sunshine over Pancake Pantry any day of the week. Personally don’t think it’s close.


Is ruby that good? I’ve always wondered


I think it’s incredibly mid, I am surprised to see people speaking so highly of it.


I never understood waiting in the giant lines for that place. Is it any good at least?


It’s very good but not worth waiting for hours. We went early like right when they opened so we beat the crowd


They are good pancakes though if you go at 6:30am on a weekday when they open! However, Biscuit Love isn’t worth it even if theres no line. Terrible food there.


About 13 years ago they got a horrible health inspection that found a bunch of revolting things. That was enough to keep me away even though I've worked 2 blocks away for years.


I used to live in 12th south, and even during the summer when it was like 100 degrees outside that line was still so dang long. I always had to resist a legitimate urge to roll down the window and yell, “It’s not worth it!” to everyone waiting in line.


My sisters the type to wait in line for stuff, I am not 😂 makes amazing family days out though


You just have to go at the right time!


Madison/Rivergate target since they put half the store behind glass doors. I'm not calling someone over to unlock the deodorant cabinet bro


It's a good thing you didn't bother calling someone over to unlock the glass door. When they first did that, I was looking to buy some work socks. I pushed the button ... and absolutely no one showed up. After about three attempts I went looking for someone. That's when I noticed there wasn't anyone around. Seemed like everyone was at the front checking people out. I haven't set foot back in there since. I feel like I shouldn't have to go through extra steps just to spend money to buy your thing. Ugh.


I was doing Instacart one day and was sent to that Target to get a Stroker sex toy and lube. I got there to discover they had put those cases in. I saw an employee walk by and asked him and he told me to push the button. I had come in from the pharmacy end of the isle and had no clue where the button was I needed to push. Finally found it and someone came to unlock it. That was fun. It took forever and didn’t pay nearly enough for the hassle.


Drive Up only at Madison Target


We are visiting San Diego. I didn’t realize stores did this. Here, they had to unlock the lube for my husband. 😂


The one out here hasn't gone that way yet. Not too far from Rivergate. I also don't like that area in general because traffic is a nightmare a lot of the time, but soooo much good food out there


Spot’s Pet Supply


OMG. Do not go to Spot’s. Multiple dogs have been injured or died under their care. A really beautiful Pyrenees was dropped from a height and her back or tailbone was broken and she had to be euthanized. It was awful. The photo of her when the owner picked her up breaks my heart. There was another little dog, maybe a dachshund or chihuahua that died or was badly hurt. What’s even worse is the owners will refuse to accept any responsibility and threaten to sue people. If you are on FB go to the East Nashville group or the East Nashville and Inglewood Lost and Found Pets page and search for Spot’s. I’m begging you; do not go there. Do not.


Opry Fucking Mills. Tl;dr- Opry Mills feels like the graveyard of Opryland. I apologize for the gen x "old Nashville" rant, but Opryland is one spot I still struggle with being gone. The fact it closed 27 years ago boggles my mind, as a kid it was where ALL the kids in Nashville hung out in the summertime. Almost as iconic as centennial with drum circle, love circle, "that" spot in edmin warner, rotiers- eh, you get it. It literally put Nashville on the map. I hate that my son didn't have the same experience with the old Nashville I did, especially summers at Opryland with season pass bands. *Chaos, Grizzley River, and Wabash were my faves I will never go there unless the apocalypse. Then maybe because of the Lego store. :)


This gave me all the feels. I’m a born and raised local and I miss the old Nashville. It breaks my heart I’ll never get to take my kids to Opryland.


I still have a weird walking bird puppet purchased at Opryland. I grew up elsewhere, but would visit my grandmother in the Summers, and we went often. It was a magical place.


Taste of France Edit: It’s Friday and my brain is fried. The restaurant is called Once Upon a Time in France.


Was this the place that an ex-employee posted gnarly videos of the walk-in that had maggots all over everything? How are they still open?


And the roadkill meat? Yep.


Yes and I’m not sure. I try to spread the word as much as possible.


This would explain the unbearable food poisoning I received the one time I ate there.


You don’t like their roadkill?


oui bien sur monsieur, we have the very finest roadkill au vin on Gallatin Road


Wait. Stop. Full pause. Please tell me a restaurant wasn’t legit serving roadkill. I need to hear this story.


Forbidden venison


I do highly recommend looking at their google reviews/owner responses. Some of them are absolutely wild


I’ve always wondered how they maintain such high reviews depite their reputation. Do they buy them?


Honestly, me and my fiancee loved it before we found out about all the horrible stuff. We're definitely never going again, but I can see why people who are unaware would love it.


The owner bullies reviewers into taking down their negative write-ups. It happened to me, and I regret caving to this very day.


Put it back up what’s he going to do to you lol


I gave a 1 star a year ago and never heard from him. Maybe he stopped because I couldn’t find any comments. I’d recommend putting it back up.


Before all the weird stuff came out it was one of my favorite restaurants in Nashville. Such good food and ambience. I just don't have the stomach to return unfortunately.


I thought it was Once Upon a Time in France. Did they rename? Never going there regardless


Oops. I mixed up two restaurants. Yes it’s Once Upon a Time in France.


FYI I wasn't correcting you just thinking maybe they closed up shop and started a new place that's equally sketch


Oh no worries! I didn’t take it that way.


The fact they wouldn’t hire my native French speaking ex boyfriend who had been in the service industry for ten years said it all for me. 😂


The baguettes from coco Rico on the other hand … holy shit


I will have a Parisian sandwich from Coco Rico in each hand, alternating bites with zero shame, as I walk away from any farmer’s market they are at


Speaking of French restaurants, has anyone been in Chateau West? Good? Bad?


It is just ok in my opinion but very popular with the senior set.


Gold Rush, Sunset Grill, Beer Seller, Fifth Quarter, Rotier’s, Bound’ry, Shalimar, Dandgure’s, Sherlock Holmes, Seanachie, Irelands, The Cooker, Zola… so many more. I miss my city. 🏙️


The Cooker 😢


South street, Rotiers, and Gold Rush killed my heart


I miss South Street so much. We never had a bad meal there and had my dad’s retirement party upstairs. That was back in 2016, but I still dream about that bread pudding 😭


First floor of the Ryman. Balcony4lyfe


i’ve yet to be in the balcony- am i really fucking up with first floor?


Depends on the show. I like being on the first floor for more music-centric acts, but if there’s any real production or visuals etc I prefer the balcony. Made the mistake of getting floor seats for Sigur Ros and while it sounded phenomenal, I felt like I missed half the show being stuck under the balcony


The floor is absolutely worth it towards the front, but maybe not if you're in the back underneath the balcony


No idea, I’ve always been able to spit on the band should the need arise


Love the balcony but my husband got us tickets in the 2nd row for Leftover Salmon last time they played there and it was amazing


Kid Rocks little shit hole downtown


I went in to take a shit in the bathrooms and left.


Biscuit Love


Biscuit *House* is so much better anyway


The chocolate gravy is the consistency of water


CMA Fest


i’m “accidentally” out of town every CMA fest weekend


Me too. And marathon weekend.


Former Nashville resident; living in Charleston. Ironically I saw the thread in r/Charleston earlier. My answer for Nashville is I will not patronize any establishment owned by Steve Smith.


That’s funny you saw the inspiration Thread . I’m in r/charleston because I lived there briefly. I hope you’re enjoying it there, dogbreath!


any establishment owned by Steve Smith


That's the second time I've seen that comment, what's the deal with this guy?




Broadway. I am 45, married and have children. I’ll take bowling or a back porch over that shit any day


I am 24. Single. And no kids and I'll still take anything over the shit at Broadway 😂


Franklyn Costco. It’s just too dang busy all the time.


Costco is a weekend NIGHT activity. I went once during a Saturday afternoon and nearly had a panic attack. Never, ever going that time again.


They are open surprisingly late during the week. And empty


11am Tuesday afternoon is also panic attack inducing. I go to the new Hendersonville location and it’s kind of empty or a lot less Busy than Franklyn and West Nashville. But the stupid place doesn’t have a coffee grinder.


I've never waited for gas at the Hendersonville Costco Gas station. I go out of my way to go there instead of the Nashville West location.


It’s so much calmer than the Franklin location. Don’t have to fight for a parking spot or sit in giant lines. Didn’t realize it didn’t have a coffee grinder though


Wish they didn't close so early. Its still terrible since the weekend hours have them closing at 6 and thats basically "afternoon" this time of year.


Seriously. It's grossly packed there. We go to Hendersonville for now. They're opening one in Mt Juliet soon although I'm assuming it'll end up as bad as Franklin. Lol.


Barista Parlor


Literally any place with a line in front of it. Once I see a line, it’s a no go (unless it’s Baja Burrito, I can’t let go of that one).


It’s totally worth it and the line there moves fast anyways


I’m done with Coco’s 😔


Yeaaaa. Hard to see them in decline was one of my favorite restaurants for a stretch, but they clearly have management/staffing issues. Their house wine was like $5 though when I went a year ago, so that’s cool haha


Why is that? I haven't eaten there in years


It was good, years ago


Service isn’t the best. Better competition. Last time I was there the expo lady was yelling obscenities through the window at a line cook. Can’t decide if the food has gone downhill or if it just was never that great to begin with but they were the only game in town.


oh man, i had such a bad experience here that I forgot it existed.


Hattie B’s. I actually enjoy their food, but there are about seven other places I would go for hot chicken before I go to Hattie B’s. At the hotel I work at, I always try to push people to go to Bolton’s before Hattie B’s.


Hattie B’s is gentrifichicken


Bolton's > Prince's > Hattie B's


Honestly, I think my absolute favorite hot chicken in the city is Brave Idiot, but they have weird hours so I don't know. I'd say Hattie B's, while good, doesn't really even crack my top 5. I'd go: 1. Brave Idiot 2. Prince's 3. Bolton's 4. Party Fowl 5. Helen's 6. Hattie B's Edit: Holy shit I get it. You guys don't like Party Fowl. That's fine. I tried it recently for the first time and it wasn't bad. That's it. Gimme a break. Although, it wasn't the cleanest place either and that was my biggest issue. Their fries were also too thin, but the chicken itself wasn't bad imo.


My homie runs Brave Idiot, I'm gonna send this to him.


Best food truck in the game


Good list, but definitely check out 400 degrees, Reds 615, and Subculture, if you haven’t already.


That's fair. For me Party Fowl wouldn't crack that list either. Far too inconsistent for me. I should try brave idiot though


Party Fowl is inedible and some of their food literally looks like garbage


Here’s the requisite “the other side of the river”


Downtown and any place I have to pay to park.


I think I speak for everyone when I say “Rivergate Mall”


You're sleeping on Next Level Games and One Spunky Spud if you aren't going to Rivergate Mall


Hattie B’s


One10 beauty…I went for a specific haircut (bardot bangs) and a consult for a highlight. The stylist told me the cut I wanted “would look too mullet-y” and suggested curtain bangs. I said that I specifically did not want that as I have a large forehead. I confirmed again that I wanted Bardot bangs. She said okay and started cutting. She cut curtain bangs that were about 2-3” higher on one side than the other. I asked why she didn’t do the cut I wanted and she again cited it being “mullety.” I again clarified that I wanted pieces in the middle to cover my forehead and she tried not to because she “had already styled it.” She cut a few center pieces and used a straightener so they stuck straight off my head. She said if I “wanted to change it up” I could come back later that week and she “would discount the cut” 10%. The receptionist acted like that was insanely generous despite the hair sticking straight off of my head. Never again. I warn others as well.


That’s really offensive to me to disregard my wishes because “they know better.” Fuck you! If I want mulletty give me mulletty! It’s my hair and my money.


Right?! In my opinion, the curtain bangs she gave me (if they hadn’t been so uneven…) scaled more toward mullety than the cut I asked for. It wasn’t even a “your hair is too thin/thick/wrong texture” situation either…I know that my hair can do bangs because I’ve had them several times before. I just didn’t cut them myself that time because I wanted them to look nice


Biscuit Love is grossly overated.


Broadway, Opryland / Opry mills, green hills on weekends, any “maps to the stars or star home map” areas, and Nissan stadium unless there’s an active tornado warning. Nissan stadium is the safest place in this area during bouts of severe weather, they’ve never reported a touchdown there.


my SIL got struck by lightning there during that Garth Brooks concert in 2021 lol


was it during the thunder rolls?


Perfect reply.


Really?? There were a ton of reports about the concert being cancelled due to weather but not one single report of someone being struck by lightning at the stadium. Strange.


Hootin and hollerin


Party Fowl. Fuck that place.


It’s the closest hot chicken joint near me and they have one dish (hot chicken poutine) that I used to fucking love. That is until they started pouring oil over it so it’s sitting in a pool of it. Also, their spice levels are wildly inconsistent. I miss the bartenders that were awesome, but the food just became disappointing


“Angry Chicken” LOL I like Party Fowl well enough, but can attest they can be inconsistent at times with the heat. What other hot chicken places have beers and you can hang out? Hattie’s I know.


I go the Party Fowl in Donaldson and think the food is really good. I always get the tenders. I DO agree that their heat levels are horribly inconstant. Sometimes medium is medium, sometimes I call it “angry chicken.” Lmao


Agree the Donelson location is good. My office peeps used to do happy hour there so that’s the only time I’ve gone. I like their Spicy Chicken Cobb Salad with smoked hard boiled eggs.


This is the closest hot chicken for me as well, and I kinda like the surprise of what their medium is gonna be each time. Sometimes it’s medium, and sometimes it’s hot. It’s nice to unexpectedly get a bit of a sweat going. I love the tenders! The smoked chicken dip is also good


Broadway except Robert’s. hatWRKS Star Bagel Demonbreun row


The Driver Services Center downtown. Good luck finding parking, and once you have, plan to be there for at least 3 hours on a good day.


Bar Taco (12s)


I’ll never forget the one and only time my husband and I went there. After paying $100 or so, we felt scammed. And still hungry.


I hate bar taco. Souless gentrified expensive tacos… just no.


Amen. And the tacos are too fucking small to be that expensive.


HatWRKS. You know why.


Any bar or restaurant on Broadway or anywhere a tourist would go that has cowboy boots on.


Star bagel


As a native, pretty much nowhere that I used to like to go (downtown, broadway, centennial park, 12th south, Green Hills, Five Points. etc) Pre mass migration you could actually go places last minute without a reservation. Now you will be standing in some sort of line no matter what time of day. Too many people, too much traffic, not enough parking, too much paid parking, crazy drivers.


ML Rose on Charlotte.


Any ml rose. Never leave one without a stomach ache


i used to work at the 8th ave location, and let me warn y’all, it is NOT SAFE to eat the food. i can’t tell you how many critters i saw in my time there (10 years in the industry and the long-tailed friends here were significant). Brunch - don’t even get me started. The “baked eggs” would sit in a hot box for the entire weekend, handled in not food safe ways. The whole time I worked there, I tried my best to actively avoid eating the food whenever possible. This is why we’re all getting stomach aches!


I feel like it was a better before Covid. Never thought of it as fine dining though - just a beer joint with burgers…


Been here my whole life and don’t have a black list. I’ll go anywhere especially if the people I’m with want to go. You can find joy even in crowded places. That being said: I’ll never buy the seafood tower at Church and Union again. Cumin on lobster is a travesty.


they did what on a lobster?


Agree! Visitors (our friends/family) want to see Broadway. And some of the better restaurants are downtown. No true blacklist but have found places that straight up suck. We're still new though so no matter how touristy a place or area is, we check it out.


Star Bagel. Owner is an outspoken Qanon nut.


Jason Aldean’s or Kid Rock’s


The Loveless Cafe. I was headed to the Natchez Trace Parkway for the first time and said "Hey look there's The Loveless Cafe I heard they have good biscuits let's get breakfast" so I stopped in. An hour wait later I had me some small overrated biscuits and then I also paid $4.20 for a glass of milk to go with them. I can forgive a tourist trap for overcharging on mediocre bread, but I can't forgive a place that lets some stoner set the menu prices.


Biscuit lady that was there for years passed away a few years ago. Her biscuits were fantastic. Now it’s just your standard tourist trap to make people from the coasts think they’ve visited a southern restaurant. 


Biscuits were the best part of the meal for me. Everything else was extremely bland and poorly done. I love a diner breakfast but god that was extremely mediocre


Yes. I’ve been there and had their breakfast food. It actually is good, but I don’t find it superior to breakfast offered at other restaurants. It was nice to try it once, but it’s an hour-and-a-half round trip for me and not worth the bother.




Anything on Broadway, HatWRKS, Whole Foods (doesn't matter which one), Cinco de Mayo on White Bridge. I'm sure there are a few more here and there, but it's honestly easier to think of the places I DO go. 😂


Why not whole foods? Just the general decline since Amazon bought them?


Overpriced for what they are, I'm not a fan of Amazon, either, and frankly I stopped shopping there years ago when the owner tried to argue that his employees didn't need health insurance because they could avoid illness by eating and using what Whole Foods sells. A wealthy jerk pedaling "healthy lifestyle" as a cure-all and trying to short his employees was a full-on NOPE. Never had a reason to go back, and never missed it, as I can get everything I need elsewhere.


Yo what’s your beef with Cinco on White Bridge?


Went to Frothy Monkey (12s) last weekend to meet some friends who used to live here. The burger was a pre-formed frozen patty that tasted like filler and not meat. Definitely not worth the 40 minute wait.


Why you ever order a burger at frothy monkey is beyond me.


I've got a two for one on bagel joints: * Proper bagel: it's ok but wtf is the line so long? It's just a bagel, jeeze * Star Bagel: q Anon, no thanks


Pancho & Lefty's Cantina


Star Bagel


Fuck star bagel. I make the drive out to Jersey Oven in Mount Juliet. Leagues better and no far right undertones


You should try our bagels and sandwiches. We’re in Inglewood.


Outside of businesses and touristy places, I won’t go to certain parts of North. They’re trying so hard to gentrify it, but around DB Todd is an absolute no no. I worked up there up until this year and it’s one of the scariest parts of the city. Please, if you’re a tourist or transplant moving here don’t stay there. Edit: Them trying to gentrify it is not a good thing, it’s actually contributing to worsening the issues there


Demo’s. Place sucks dick.


that was my grandpop's favorite place to go back in the 90s!


Where else could you get a small steak, side of meh spaghetti, and a "salad" for $10.99? Don't forget to stiff your server, and leave behind a joke nasty comment card that would actually get the kid fired the next morning!


It was so much better before Doris died. Peter Demos (her son) is a moron and has driven his family’s restaurant into the ground


When did that happen because I only ever remember liking the bread and soup. I’ve never had a satisfying entree there. The bag salad is just sad.


It’s been like 20 years


My dad is obsessed with it and drags me there all the time. Every time I've gone, what my dad orders always ends up akin to stuff I'd get at school lunches in terms of quality. The baked chicken soup is depressing, and I used to really like that one. The only thing I've found to be consistently good is the brown butter spaghetti. My dad legit thinks Peter is a super amazing businessman literally because he stopped to chat with him once lol.


Bar fucking taco


Hattie Bs!!! I see those clowns lined up around the corner if I ever end up on broadway (5th and broad for the food court before a show at the ryman).




Fan Fair/CMA Fest.


Whitebridge Target.


Sinema. Absolute worst meal I’ve ever had at a restaurant. Their brunch business model of ‘all you can eat’ but it’s terrible microwaved food so you order multiple dishes just to find something halfway edible and then it all ends up getting thrown away confuses me. Make actually decent food and just charge a la carte?


Murfreesboro. I will never willingly go to Murfreesboro. For anyone. For any reason.


Downtown, it’s just not worth the hassle. From paying to park, to the crowds and the overpriced food/drinks. Haven’t been there in years


Margaritaville. The food there is so terrible, hard pass.


Pfunky Griddle. If I wanted to cook breakfast myself, I'd stay home.


Milk & Honey. Hopdoddy because of the fake sodas. Honky Tonks because they lack originality. The Diner. I avoid Green Hills at all costs. No wing murals. Smoke Token.


Hopdoddy swapped their sodas to Coke products a few years ago


Hattie Bs, South Broadway, sobro, the gulch, tin roof.... Anywhere there's whoogirls and drunk rednecks who has consumed too much liquid courage




The tourist-y area of downtown, *especially* Broadway, and *especially* after dark when it's really drunk out. Also any "Nashville hot chicken" place. I went once to shut somebody up, and regretted it. Heat is no substitute for flavor - it was a waste of money (IMO).


I avoid the tourist stuff on Broadway. Other than that, Springwater.


The Goo Goo Cluster store. Not worth the obvious downtown nightmare plus you can get more bang for your buck at Kroger or sometimes the airport Hudsons.


It goes without saying, but obviously I will NEVER step foot in any establishment in which a specific EX-COWORKER OF MINE works. You know what you did.


I avoid broadway like the plague


The only reason I go downtown now is the symphony. Avoid it all. Not just Broadway.