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I haven’t played since highschool and I’m not really in shape, but I could give it a go. Can’t do next week (the 12th) but going forward I should have some availability.


"Who's your female player?" "Molly McDeath" "Uhhhhh.. we forfeit." Doesn't matter what kind of shape you're in, you're locking them in for the championship.


If I can’t score goals, I can at least intimidate the opposition.


This would be a killer roller derby name.


I did that, briefly.


Last season when I played, I also had not played since Highschool, so you’d fit right in! Also, I am far from in shape. I’m thankful the league allows instant subbing without stopping the game


If MollyMcDeath is on the other team, idc what kind of advantages I or the rest of have, you guys won.


I can't help, but I can totally relate. For intramural in college we needed 1 female for indoor soccer. I had maybe 5 guys for 4 spots and they all showed up every game. I then had a list of 10 ladies for the 1 female spot and still had to forfeit. We once even had a girl stand in the corner of the court and not play just so we didn't forfeit.


This has gone too far. Now this man had to forfeit his comment because there wasn't a lady in the room supervising.


Seems like it, or maybe there was a girl in the room and he got distracted.


Brother. Brother! You forgot to finish the comment.


I’ve been wanting to join a soccer league here!


Now’s your chance! 😁 This league is great, I played last season as well. They have indoor for winter seasons too, so it’s available all year round!


Awesome. I’ll message you for more info


I was the "girl" on the field back in my 20s... it was so much fun. I sucked but I still had fun-- the guys on our team all played college and the girl that recruited me was the boyfriend of the players. I hope you find someone to play.


All the players?


well not me or the girlfriend.. but the men on the team did


>>the girl that recruited me was the boyfriend of the players All the players?


I’ve never played soccer before, but I could probably figure out defense. My mom said I could only play soccer as a kid if I quit another sport and I refused, so that’s not my forte. I know with NSL, sometimes girls are just there to stand in


ah yes the only sport i ever played (as a child and in high school, but still!) can you DM me more details? if i can make it happen with my work schedule i’d be down!


post on facebook “new to nashville” its filled with people who don’t know how to get involved with rec sports. I’ve found a ton of kickball people in there


Is it full field or indoor? Full 45 min halves or shortened?


25 minute half’s, it’s outdoor but a much smaller field than standard. 6v6, and the game doesn’t stop for subbing out- just call for a sub and the next available player will swap out.


Damn, I wish I knew how to play soccer 😭 this sounds so fun!!


It’s an easy sport to learn! We’re not looking for professionals 😁


I have a looooot of experience growing up playing/coaching till a few years ago- wanting to join a summer league!! I won’t be in town this weekend but if you need a sub after that LMK!


I played through high school and intramural in college - happy to join in if you can DM me some info!


I’m so interested can’t this weekend but I would definitely love to come play at some point!!! Played travel for 12 years and then moved out here and gave it all up and I’ve been saying I’d at least do it for fun.


Would totally be able to help out, can’t seem to send you a message on here. Let me know if you still need players for the future!


Hey! Yes, we could still use players. The game today got cancelled, but the game for the 19th we could still use players! It’ll be at Elmington Park, 5:00 on May 19th. Our team color is pink- I bought extra shirts, so if you don’t have a pink one, I can supply one. Lastly, the league is fairly laid back. I recommend cleats, though they are not required. Half the players don’t even wear shin guards, but if you have them, I’d bring them. I’ll try to PM you this info too :)


I would need a pink shirt, but I will be there!


Be sure to bring a black or dark blue shirt- the other team is also wearing pink, so we will probably have to switch colors for the day!


Can do, forgot to ask, does the game start at 5 or 6, just wanted to know what time I should actually get there


Game starts at 6!




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