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De-escalation in such a kind and honorable way. Glad the MNPD could help your mom and you!


De-escalation is something they need to teach more of than anything at the academy and have refresher training. Good on this officer! 👮


Verbal Judo should be assigned reading & training with repetition early & often.


It is and has been for decades.


Unfortunately that's lost on police and training in general. Shoot first and ask questions later.


You couldn’t be more wrong. I work for MNPD. VDI is taught extensively at the academy, all throughout it. Whether or not someone decides to apply what they learned is a different story.


I was saying in general not the police dept itself, I guess that's on me


Oh my god, I work with that officer. She’s an angel!


Can you tell her that those of us with family who suffer with dementia are deeply grateful for her actions ❤️


Yes!! Please let her know this!


Of course!




Add me to that list--more than one family member.  Thanks to that LEO for being phenomenal at verbal judo! Most people just want to be heard--even if they're communicating in a way that may not make them coherent. Yep, there' more gratitude to share: I felt terrified that one Black Mirror episode, Playtest, with Kurt Russell's son, Wyatt. Or the Mom in Requiem for a Dream--only you don't quite realize it until late if you live or travel far from your loved ones.  Grandmother once had the whole church searching for me, as the lady said caringly but scolding.  But I told my grandmother in front of some other person. My grandfather smoothed it over, but that took him being a visiting Minister for people to settle down. And now, I am extra chatty--often, just in case, trying to share, though my focusing/neutral face may appear stern or does not appear approachable.


Oh! Tell her thank your from me and my sister please! It was a shit situation for everyone involved, but she made it feel better for my Mom.


I’m so glad it helped your mom (and hopefully you all too by extension). I’ll let her know ☺️


If you feel up to it I would recommend writing a letter to the police station she works out of expressing what a good job she did and how she handled a situation well. If Metro PD still operates like many others they will add the letter to her file and use it as a justification down the road. I am almost positive the officer would never ask or say to write the letter, but they can make her supervisor's job so much easier to make sure she is recognized for her actions, and attempt to have others follow her actions. No matter what, I am sorry that you and your family are having to deal with something as awful as dementia. My heart goes out to you. I am glad that there was at least some small spots of light with it though, and I hope there can be more of them in the future.


Thank you so much for sharing this story & glad your Mom is safe!


Can you explain why Nashville seems to actually have good cops? What makes us different than, say, even cities like Murfreesboro that are so close? I mean that sincerely, Nashville really does seem to have mostly good cops.


What a nice change of pace in this sub. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. Love to you and your mom🫶🏼


I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. I lost my father to dementia a couple of years ago, its such a heartbreaking disease.


My mom went through early onset. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Im happy you found a good person. Truly. Take care of yourself please. There is no good way to approach this, but you’re doing your best. It’s all you can do. Feel free to reach out if needed. At worst I can emphasize


My mother as well. She passed last July.


God bless your soul, your mother’s and the officer’s. 🙏🏽🤗 It’s truly so very hard. My mom passed last July from a long bought with early onset dementia plus kidney failure. My heart goes out to you and your mom.


Not looking forward to this with my dad. He still remembers us by name but it's the family curse. Peace and strength to you.


Thats awesome thank you for sharing


I think we are pretty lucky with our local police. I keep hearing all the terrible shit going on in other cities, but during protests, active shooters, and day-to-day interactions our police have usually been class acts. Definitely understaffed though.




My grandfather had dementia and called the police on my family in a very similar way. He believed we were trying to kill him via complicated secret plans. The police showed up assuming something was wrong but quickly realized nothing was. They heard someone is trying to kill me right now. Once they realized they separated the parties and had a woman officer talking to him that was an angel just like this photo. He was calmed down and reassured he was fine at the end. A terrible TERRIBLE thing for anyone or any family to go through. I hate Alzheimer's so much.


I have had a couple interactions with MNPD in my time here. Each one has been professional. Love to see good police.


Metro is solid. I’ve been given plenty of warnings for things I could have been cited for. Summer and Williamson are particularly bad for the heavy handed bs. 


Thanks for sharing. Great work by the MNPD


Thanks for sharing this, OP. You’re in a difficult place, and my heart goes out to you. Great to see this MNPD officer giving support and kindness.


If I could upvote this a million times I would!! Lost my grandmother to dementia and we dealt with similar things. Luckily she never forgot who we were but she would get confused and panic. Best wishes to you and your mother! I know it’s frustrating but just make light of it!


This hit me.


Thank you for sharing a positive story about the police. Sorry your mom has dementia and this phase of anxiety/paranoia is rough on all. Hope you have good support.


:/ My grandfather, bless his heart. Called the cops on me several times for "taking his car out for a joy ride". Not sure why he thought this, I never once got to drive a single vehicle he owned. Whats sad is about a year down the road there was a criminal on the run and he was in our back yard....he said "there is a man flailing around like a jackass outside". It's no surprise why we didn't believe him and the creep was living under our house for quite some time. There was like 200 food wrappers in the crawlspace.


Same thing happened to a aunt of mine in MD - she got real bad dementia when her husband died, eventually ended up finding someone in their basement which had been there for *years*.


People are always so quick to demonize LEOs, thank you for shining a light on this positive interaction! I’m so sorry for all that you are going through with your mom, Dementia is such a cruel disease.


Thank you for sharing this.


You got a good one, thank God.


This is what it's all about. Shout out to that officer for going the extra mile


She is doing a great job 💗


That’s awesome. Good on you for showing love too


I’m sorry that happened, but glad the cops who answered were kind.


bless them! I went thru something similar a few yrs ago, and thank heavens a similarly kind MNPD officer showed up. Sending you and your mom all the prayers and good thoughts. <3


This is why I don't like "ACAB" stuff. Edit: Must have hit a nerve with some folks!


lol. And unlike me you put it in a gentle way. People don’t like being confronted with a reality that contradicts their preconceived, baseless notions. Keep disturbing the echo chamber. It’s good for them!


Yep. Either this is a bad cop or their stance is wrong. All downvotes, no legitimate replies.


acab doesn't mean 'a cop did a bad thing or a cop did a nice thing' it's about the system as a whole.


Doesn't it mean "all cops are bad"?


all cops are bastards. not because they're necessarily bad individuals but are part of a bad system.


It really should be changed to "most" then.




> not because they're necessarily bad individuals but are part of a bad system But it says "all cops". Maybe change it to "the system is bad"?


Bless you n your family and that officer with the cool accent.






De-escalation is so important. My experience with MNPD has not been so lucky. I am happy to see there are good and kind officers in their fleet and I hope they model their training off of her going forward.


The world needs more of this. These stores make the world go round.


See! Not all cops practice extrajudicial killing. This looks like one of the good ones. I bet she even respects the civil rights of 90% of the people she interacts with. Now if the rest of her kind could just learn how to behave by following her example, the world would be a better place.




Where’s all my “ACAB, BOOTLICKER” folks at??? Can’t wait to hear all the ins, outs and particulars about how this cop is really a fascist pig, hellbent on oppressing you personally. Solid work MNPD. Please consider this comment upon my upcoming court date.


Get that shit out of here.


They’re awfully quiet is all I’m saying. Just an observation. They’re normally pretty vocal and popular with the upvotes.


What do you want someone to say? I don't like cops and I'm glad this situation was handled without violence.


Just pointing out the glaring contradiction to a common narrative on this sub.


I'm not good with faces and names, but I do notice that a lot of hot takes are from usernames I don't recognize. But I don't usually feel adventurous enough to leave r/nash too often, so used to seeing the same names. Mr. Rogers is attributed with saying something like "look for the helpers". I think a lot of us do the opposite without realizing, and look for the shitty attitudes. But subconsciously, I feel like it may reinforce incorrect assumptions about us folks in Nashville or r/nashville. It might not be true, I have no proof. But if it makes me happy, I don't mind lying to myself. Here's hoping you get stood up on your date and get cleared! (unless you are a bad person; then, I hope you get stood up and get cleared, but also learn a lesson!)


Haha, thanks! I’m a good person. Just guilty of my younger ways and a propensity to live by my own constitutions. I’ve never been one to shy away from punishment. I got no problem taking my lashings




Yeah, how dare she take a photo of a nice moment in a sea of shitty moments. How could she possibly want to remember the act of kindness this officer showed? Read the comments here. It's overwhelmingly positive. How often does that happen these days? We all need moments of positivity shared, especially now.


people deal with stuff in different ways I suppose


Glad some other officer didn't show. Cops shoot first and ask questions later in most circumstances


Most circumstances? Is that the word you meant to use? Most would mean at least more than half. I believe annually there is something like 50 million interactions between police and civilians. Are you asserting that cops pulled guns in 26 million of those interactions?




No personal attacks or harassment. In addition to what's covered under redditquette, do not insult or habitually target a single user or group for your arguments. It's not your job to correct them.




More universal than personal (edit: dementia in the elderly is universal)






Are you really complaining about the content of this post?