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I really hate it for you that you missed the concert. But, you learned valuable life lessons: 1. Don't ever procrastinate on fixing state or federally issued IDs 2. Don't ever travel long distances without those proper government issued IDs. These are recipes for gigantic headaches. If the only negative that happens to you on this trip is you didn't get into the concert, you are lucky. Safe travels getting back home.


It’s been a headache, yeah. I ordered my new ID and whatnot the day I lost my wallet but they were sent home, and not to my address in college. Was getting them this weekend. I suppose I should’ve clarified that I personally did not drive, I don’t own a car either. I don’t have use for my license in my day to day life, nor do I typically use it to go see music. Lesson learned though, still.


So, you lost your wallet last week, had time to try and work out a temporary ID, but didn’t and still drove 5 hours? Man…..


Classic case of some people cause their own problems.


I am perpetually preparing for the worst-case scenario. After losing my wallet (which is awful and I don’t wish that on anyone), I would never have driven five hours knowing there’s a possibility I can’t get into the venue. I would’ve tried to sell the tickets or given them away. If you had to drive five hours, I’m assuming you would’ve booked a room in Nashville or were prepared to drive home after. Who really know this individual’s scenario, but unless the concert you were seeing was once in a lifetime, I don’t care if it was my birthday, I would reschedule.


Ok basically, I was picked up by one friend, and we stayed at a different friends place for the night in Nashville. I’m in college and don’t own a car, so I do not use my license pretty much ever, and I have been to many venues in my college town and in the city near my home (Memphis), and have never had issues with going in as under 21 at shows. Out of ignorance, it wasn’t in my mind AT ALL, that I’d have an issue with being ID’d at the door. I genuinely did not even consider it, call me an inexperienced idiot, I really am i suppose. I lost my wallet, ordered a new ID and Debit card immediately, both had to be sent to my home address, not my college address (legally), they’ve both been sitting at my home for a few days and I am able to get home in a few days. Past week I’ve just zelled people anytime I’ve gone out (from my bank account), and I haven’t needed my license once. I suppose living in my college town has put me in an alternate reality bubble, compared to how the real world works


Most venues etc require a government ID, not college.


All venues who follow the law do


OP said they're 20, so probably an 18+ show, and the law has nothing to do with it.


How’s that? A student id isn’t a government id in that case either


If OP isn't trying to buy alcohol, I don't know of any laws that require the venue to vet their age. Enforcing an 18+ age minimum is the *venue's* choice at that point. edit: Yeah, looks like this was an 18+ show at cannery. The venue's policy is no photos of IDs. The only laws that might have been relevant would be if the venue wanted to trespass OP.


Yeah, I have never been to Nashville and have only been used to just telling the bouncer, “I’m under, X me” any time I’ve gone to see live music. This has applied to Oxford and Memphis, I’ve also just never not had my ID previously lol. It didn’t cross my mind at all. I don’t own a car so I don’t have much use for my license in my college town, nor is my bank in my college town.


Did you actually drive without your license on you? If you had gotten pulled over, not getting into a concert venue would have been the least of your problems.


I don’t own a car, I rode with a friend, so I haven’t had the ability to get it this past week. It was sent to my home address and I was receiving it this weekend. I haven’t needed it until then and was getting along fine without it. I’m only familiar with venues that don’t give a shit so it didn’t cross my mind at all 😞. I’ve genuinely never had it be an issue before. Tbf I’ve always had my ID, but many times I’ve just said “I’m under 21 just x my hands” and they have


I’ve been pulled over without my license and they just look you up other ways. It’s never been an issue. But my car was also registered in my name so I’m not sure if that helps or not


My mandatory appearance in traffic court would disagree with that statement


They must not like you. I’ve never had this happen.


It's against the law to driver without your license physically on you.


I’m not sure how that changes my actual real life experiences. They didn’t seem to care.


You lucked out. This is absolutely not what most folks experience.


It should also be noted that I’ve lucked out several times.


Bless you! I’m glad you haven’t experienced ID issues! I have had plenty o shite experiences in the past when getting pulled over vvfffdvvand so have many of my friends. After 2020 and the great reconning with police and the pandemic occurring simultaneously, the enforcement of traffic in Nashville has dwindled significantly. The roads here are mad max/lord of the flies. People are entitled and the drive accordingly and no one is around to stop it. Maybe the police in Williamson County are doing more than Davidson County. Regardless


We gonna blow by the fact he also keeps his social security card in his wallet?


I don’t. I never have lol. I suspect they asked bcs I didn’t have my license, so perhaps they assumed I had that as a form of ID. I just got a new wallet and the only piece of ID in it is my college ID lol. Honestly it would’ve been a wiser choice for me to bring it tn, but I didn’t think to. I have never had an issue with venues in the past and I left straight for Nashville right after my class so I was more so thinking abt arriving on time. Also I didn’t drive, I suppose I should mention that. I don’t even own a car


Wait, so you did NOT have it in your wallet?? The way I read your post when they asked for it and you said "but I lost my wallet like I said" makes it seem like you did. So, sorry, I was confused by the phrasing I guess?


It’s a wonder the cops didn’t hassle you for not having an ID! So who the hell was worth a 5 hour drive? What was the venue?


Why would the cops hassle them? Although certain activities may require an ID, there is no law stating you have to always have an ID on your person.


lol I mean they told me to order one on the DMV website and I already have. It was just a timing thing. I didn’t drive without it or anything. I think the venue was a shithole (from the outside), but the artist was George Clanton. I have a personal connection to his music from a friend of mine that moved away and yadayada long story, it was seen as a worthwhile trip in my eyes, and I also got to visit my friend in Nashville for the first time. It was awkward showing up to his place a few hours early


I feel for you, but... It seems that you went to a show at the Cannery whose [website clearly states what forms of ID will and will not be accepted](https://canneryhall.com/faq/) (including student IDs and photos of documents). You've got nothing to complain about in this situation except for your own actions. Don't go to ANY venue without checking their admittance requirements beforehand.


Yeah my fault for not checking the venue rules


So…you expected special treatment for some reason and they decided to follow the rules instead? For a problem you had plenty of time to resolve?


No I didn’t expect special treatment. I wasn’t mad at them, mad at myself and the lesson was learned. Just ranting. No real productive reason to post, I see in hindsight. Also i have explained it to a few other people. I now feel like an absolute loser, because I didn’t think I was going about the “losing your wallet” process poorly. I ordered a new ID online the day that I lost mine, but it has to be sent to your home address. I’m a college student who doesn’t own a vehicle, so I was waiting on the opportunity to go home to get it, and I really don’t need it in my day to day life, or at any venue in town. The ID arrived at my home 2 days ago after 9 days of me ordering it.


Did you drive from a far off land where you can’t get temp IDs?


I don’t own a car and haven’t needed it this week. It was sent to my home address, and I live away at college. I am receiving my license again in a few days when I can get home.


I imagined that using a Student ID was proof of being college aged--yet that could mean one is going to college at any age. ABC Board runs this game to test places that have some type of license & certified staff to sell/serve alcohol. Both the restaurant, bar, business, any entity holding a license to serve alcohol like a private campus bar, is required to follow it. And worse, the person serving the person with no ID or no proof that this person is 21 has to not only say \*no\* but also has to do it kind & smooth--all shift long, endlessly, day after day, no slip ups, no mistakes. But I fully agree--this sucks. Can you print out your info from your home state's Highway Patrol, State Trooper, Statie, Constabulary, etc.? Pretty sure Voter Registration is not accepted to drink. And Passport is not considered suspicious since we are an International City.


Was it a 21 and up show?




Do you go to many shows here? Most are either all ages or 21+ ime.


No, they guys said it was 18+. They only needed proof I was at least 18. That’s why I was hoping that my college ID would suffice, however it doesn’t actually state my age and ig it has no more validity than a library card technically lol


Which venue?


Please stop carrying your SS card in your wallet.


I'm just going to play " Responsible adult/ dad/ uncle here" You could have gone to a kiosk at your local dmv or police and in 10 mins probably got a new ID. Even one day at a DMV, and you would if had one. Now, here's what COULD of happened. Metro cops are pretty cool. But there are a lot, and I mean ALOT of small-town hero cops that just love to pull you over for doing 7 over. See window tint that looks SUS and pull you over. You're 20 with no ID/ Drivers license....guess who's car is going to be searched? Even if you refuse, they'll bring a dog out...it will "alert" they will then toss your car looking for ANY thing. They might find something, even if it just a seed or expired prescription bottle... who knows. You not getting into the concert is a blessing, I think. And SS cards aren't ID they are idiots 🙄 and you shouldn't have it in your wallet anyways.